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孤独的美食家 第二季

孤独のグルメ Season2 (2012)

电视 日本 日语 剧情 喜剧
前方注意,一大波美食跟随着名为井之头五郎(松重丰 饰)的吃货大叔正在逼近!个体户五郎的足迹因为工作的关系正在逐步扩大。去四处拜访顾客,为顾客找寻满意的物件,五郎在和不同的人和事的接触过程中,也邂逅了各类美食。每当工作完成,肚子就会开始指使五郎跟随自己的心意追寻理想的美食。好吃的食物并不只存在于高档酒店,精致布局,它可能就是一份便宜的天妇罗定食、引得人人欢呼的鸡汁土豆泥、商店街的小吃、海边小镇随意的.. 查看全部
前方注意,一大波美食跟随着名为井之头五郎(松重丰 饰)的吃货大叔正在逼近!个体户五郎的足迹因为工作的关系正在逐步扩大。去四处拜访顾客,为顾客找寻满意的物件,五郎在和不同的人和事的接触过程中,也邂逅了各类美食。每当工作完成,肚子就会开始指使五郎跟随自己的心意追寻理想的美食。好吃的食物并不只存在于高档酒店,精致布局,它可能就是一份便宜的天妇罗定食、引得人人欢呼的鸡汁土豆泥、商店街的小吃、海边小镇随意的鱼料理……但它们就是有魔力消除一天的疲惫和心中的不快,然后在饱腹和暖意中让人怀着笑意继续前行。 本片是根据由久住昌之创作,谷口二郎绘画的同名漫画改编的电视剧第二季。新的一季延续了第一季的风格和脉络,在此基础上,加入了甜品的部分,可谓美食加倍。原作者还会在正片后亲自带领大家前往片中出现的真实小店参观和了解。

导演:溝口憲司 / 宝来忠昭

编剧:田口佳宏 / 児玉頼子

主演:松重丰 / 齐藤晓 / おぼんこぼん / 佐藤蓝子 / 柳乐健一





A solitary businessman travels across Japan, eating at its various establishments and experiencing the various delicacies of Japanese cuisine.
宝来忠昭 Tadaaki Hôrai
松重丰 Yutaka Matsushige
齐藤晓 Satoru Saitô
佐藤蓝子 Aiko Satô
柳乐健一 Ken'ichi Nagira
山崎大辅 Daisuke Yamazaki
渡边杉枝 Sugie Watanabe
饰 森田さん
岛田久作 Kyûsaku Shimada
饰 菅沼
上野夏妃 Natsuhi Ueno
饰 女性店员B
久本雅美 Masami Hisamoto
佐津川爱美 Aimi Satsukawa
森下能幸 Yoshiyuki Morishita
第 2 季 共 12 集

第 1 集 Leek and Meat Stir-Fry of Shin-Maruko, Kawasaki City, Kanagawa Prefecture
On a hot day, Inogashira travels to Shin-Maruko. While waiting for his female client (a passionate owner of a dance studio) he decides to kill time in a dessert shop called "Showa-do" and orders a refreshingly sweet creamy concoction. Later on, after his appointment, Inogashira finds himself thinking about a certain busy eatery he had seen earlier in the day. It was a casual diner called "San-chan Shokudo." It was full of lively customers, all eating and drinking alcohol in the middle of the day. It could be a good place to eat and yet he does not drink. He wonders if it's worth a try....

第 2 集 Black Tempura on Rice of Ningyo-cho, Nihon-Bashi, Chuo Ward
Inogashira goes around the old cultural town of Ningyo-cho, looking for Japanese gifts to send to his European female friend. Since his friend is expecting a child, Inogashira wants to get her something for her pregnancy as well as an item that denotes Japanese culture. While looking for shops, he stops by a tea shop called "Mori no En" and tries out their sweets made with green tea. Later on, as he was browsing in a shamisen shop, he feels the need to eat something that's classically Japanese... and so, tempura comes to mind. He goes around the area searching for a tempura-ya until he smells the aroma of frying foods. It was coming from a shop called "Tempura Nakayama"...

第 3 集 Wasabi Kalbi & Egg on Rice of Numabukuro, Nakano Ward
Inogashira meets with a client at a cafe called "Alcolic Cafe Roje" in front of Numabukuro station. His meeting ends on a positive note, so he decides to remain in the shop and celebrate by ordering a slice of tart and some tea. However, his second business meeting does not seem to bode well. It is with a young female entrepreneur who is described as too flighty by her own loquacious mother. Afterwards, he wanders in the residential neighborhood in search of a place to eat, and much to his surprise and relief, he stumbles upon a yakiniku shop called "Heiwa-En"...

第 4 集 Brazilian Cuisine of Oizumi-machi, Oora District, Gunma Prefecture
Inogashira travels outside of Tokyo, this time, to Brazil, that is, a Japanese-Brazilian community in Oizumi, Gunma Prefecture. He meets with an old senpai of his who wants to set up an aesthetic salon. He marvels at how different his senpai, who was once conservatively uptight, had become. However, Inogashira is unceremoniously set aside as an unexpected meeting arises for his friend. His friend's teen-aged daughter gets asked to show Inogashira around town, a task which doesn't seem too pleasing for the young girl. Still, she obliges and takes him to a kiosk that sells Brazilian confectioneries. Later, before going back home, he decides to have a late lunch, and since he's in "Brazil"... he tries out a shop called "Restaurant Brazil..."

第 5 集 Pork and Onion-Garlic Stir-Fry of Hakuraku, Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture
Inogashira visits Kanagawa University in Yokohama City to meet with a client, an eccentric professor and horse enthusiast. He later tries the soft ice cream of the campus' sweets shop, "Chiffon." Afterwards, he checks out the nearby old shopping district in Rokkakubashi wherein he experiences an odd reverie while taking a break inside a quaint coffee shop called "Cafe Bunmei." Strolling through the narrow passageways lined with small stores, he decides to have a meal at "Kitchen Tomo," a shop serving Western-style cuisine...

第 6 集 Szechuan Cuisine of Keisei Koiwa, Edogawa Ward
Arriving early at Koiwa, Inogashira kills some time by strolling through the area's shopping district. He also had a sweet time-out at the confectionery shop, "L'Atelier De Sucre." The town's warmth and sense of community makes him feel at ease so much that he almost forgets his appointment with an owner of a photo studio. Later on, he decides to partake of a spicy dinner at "Zenzen" a restaurant that offers Szechuan home-style cuisine.

第 7 集 Pacific Saury and Sake-Steamed Clams of Iioka, Asahi City, Chiba Prefecture
Inogashira's sleepiness caused him to make a mistake during his out-of-town meeting with a client. He was already on his way home at a stop-over in Choshi, Chiba when he realized he had taken the wrong product item with him. Since he could not go back to his client until the afternoon of the next day, he decides to stay overnight in the coastal town of Iioka. Before he checks into a guest house, he strolls around, checking out a sweets cafe called "Light House." The next day, the relaxing view of the Pacific Ocean inspires Inogashira to have a seafood feast at a surfers' favorite hang-out called "Tsuchiya"...

第 8 集 Chanko for One of Ryogoku, Sumida Ward, Tokyo
Inogashira's next appointment is in the "Sumo Town" of Ryogoku. A fan of sumo, our solitary gourmand is eager to go sight-seeing around the area but gets sidetracked by "Ryogoku Kokugido" a shop that sells sweetened beans crackers and other sweet delights. Later, he goes to his "small sale" meeting but is surprised to see that there is nothing "small" about his client, an owner of a barber shop. Of course, after his meeting, he starts to crave for a Sumo style feast, and out of all the chanko shops in the area, he chooses "Oouchi" a restaurant that also offers single servings of traditional chanko....

第 9 集 Eating At the Office After Visiting Sunamachi-Ginza Shopping District, Koto Ward
On a particularly busy day, Inogashira is in Sunamachi, Koto Ward, meeting up with one client after another. Despite his heavy schedule, he still finds time to help out a lovely client with a sprained ankle in setting up things in her coffee shop. He also takes a break inside a Samurai-themed cafe called "Coffee Dojyo Samurai," where he encounters a fascinatingly somewhat bumbling kind of customer. After his meetings were done, he still has more work to do and decides to buy some take-out food to eat at his office. He goes back to a shopping district which he spotted earlier in the day, the Sunamachi-Ginza Shopping District. There, he drifts from one store to the next, basking in the sights and aroma of their hot and ready-to-eat street food delights...

第 10 集 Smoke-Cured Mackerel and Sweet Egg Omelet of Jūjō, Kita Ward
On a cold day, Inogashira is in Jūjō, looking for a certain shop that sells lanterns. Despite the weather, he orders an icy concoction from a sweets shop called "Darumaya." Then, later on, a sudden hunger strikes Inogashira, abruptly cutting off his meeting with a lantern store owner and goes off in search of a place to eat. As he scours the shops along Jūjō's shopping districts, he finally stops in front of a tavern... The eye-catching red lantern hanging in front of it says "Taya..."

第 11 集 Thai Curry and Soupless Chicken Noodles of Kita Senju, Adachi Ward
Inogashira heads for a certain destination in Adachi Ward. However, hunger strikes as soon as he arrives in Senju, so he goes in search of a place to eat. He stops in front of a Thai restaurant called "Laikanok." He is reminded of a recent conversation he had with a lady friend of his regarding a potential business deal involving Thai products. "This could be field research," he surmises. "It's like killing two birds with one stone." He decides to have Thai cuisine for lunch. He steps inside but feels hesitant. The restaurant is full of female customers only. No, wait... there is one male customer - another lone wolf like himself...

第 12 集 Mom's Croquette and Buri-daikon of Mitaka City, Tokyo
It is almost the end of the year and Inogashira is in Mitaka City to visit a client in the area, an owner of a bar. He stops by a tea and sweets area called "Kanmidokoro Takane" for some relaxing tea and taiyaki. Later on, after his meeting, he plans to eat soba at Jindai-ji (Temple) in the nearby city. However, his urgent feelings of hunger tell him he won't be able to make it. So he scours the immediate vicinity for a diner that could appease his appetite. He finds it in a shop called "Itsuki," an eatery that offers home-cooked set meals...

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