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リーガルハイ2 (2013)

电视 日本 日语 喜剧 悬疑 犯罪
“世纪恶女”安藤贵和(小雪 饰)毒杀情夫一案震惊全国,从而也揭开《Legal High 2》的序幕。依然不改本性的古美门研介(堺雅人 饰)冒天下之大不韪出任贵和的律师,为其进行无罪辩护,谁知却遭到曾在其门下实习的新人检察官羽生晴树(冈田将生 饰)的阻截,更史无前例首尝败绩。在此之后,梦想为所有人带去幸福的羽生辞去公职,转而开起律师事务所。而古美门和黛真知子(新垣结衣 饰)致力于游说贵和上诉的同时,.. 查看全部
“世纪恶女”安藤贵和(小雪 饰)毒杀情夫一案震惊全国,从而也揭开《Legal High 2》的序幕。依然不改本性的古美门研介(堺雅人 饰)冒天下之大不韪出任贵和的律师,为其进行无罪辩护,谁知却遭到曾在其门下实习的新人检察官羽生晴树(冈田将生 饰)的阻截,更史无前例首尝败绩。在此之后,梦想为所有人带去幸福的羽生辞去公职,转而开起律师事务所。而古美门和黛真知子(新垣结衣 饰)致力于游说贵和上诉的同时,为了弥补事务所的开支而不得不接手各类奇怪棘手的小案子。在这一过程中,羽生亦敌亦友,成为了古美门继三木律师(生濑胜久 饰)之后另一个难缠的对手。 一个是视法庭如战场、将胜利和金钱看作比正义还重的“恶德讼棍”,一个是拥有阳光般温暖笑容渴望圆满解决所有争端的Mr Win-Win。唇枪舌战的好戏再度上演……

导演:石川淳一 / 城宝秀则 / 西坂瑞城


主演:堺雅人 / 新垣结衣 / 冈田将生 / 小雪 / 田口淳之介 / 黑木华 / 古馆宽治 / 广末凉子 / 生濑胜久 / 小池荣子 / 矢野圣人 / 里见浩太朗 / 铃木保奈美 / 松平健 / 小岛藤子 / 佐藤隆太 / 谷村美月 / 远野凪子 / 内田爱





A never-lose lawyer, Kensuke Komikado, uses his way and understanding of the spirit of the law to win every case on the court of law.
石川淳一 Jun'ichi Ishikawa
城宝秀则 Hidenori Jôhô
堺雅人 Masato Sakai
饰 古美门研介
新垣结衣 Yui Aragaki
饰 黛真知子
冈田将生 Masaki Okada
饰 羽生晴树
小雪 Koyuki
饰 安藤贵和
黑木华 Haru Kuroki
饰 本田珍
古馆宽治 Kanji Furutachi
饰 矶贝邦光
广末凉子 Ryoko Hirosue
饰 别府敏子(Ep. 4, 8)
生濑胜久 Katsuhisa Namase
饰 三木长一郎(Ep. 1, 10)
小池荣子 Eiko Koike
饰 泽地君江(Ep. 1, 10)
矢野圣人 Masato Yano
饰 井手孝雄(Ep. 1, 10)
第 2 季 共 10 集

第 1 集 Complete Revival - Komikado Kensuke! The Undefeated Lawyer Confronts Unjust Villains for all his Clients' Sakes!
Komikado Kensuke is back! This time around he faces his biggest challenge yet: defending a woman who most certainly is a murderer and keeping her from getting the death penalty. But the circumstances keep changing so fast even Kensuke might have trouble keeping up. Meanwhile Hanyu, an up-and-coming attorney who had been apprenticing under Kensuke returns to his home with the Prosecutor's office, and is promptly given a case that will pit him again Kensuke. But he also can't quite keep his eyes off the lovely Mayuzumi…

第 2 集 The Genius Entreprenuer with Misplaced Anger 〜 is 'Muttering' Libel?
Kensuke finds his next challenge in the form of Ayukawa Hikari, a genius who nevertheless ended up behind bars for awhile. Now released, Ayukawa has picked up a new hobby for himself: suing anyone and everyone who in anyway seemed to defame him. Hanyu, having suffered a loss at Ayukawa’s hands, asks for Kensuke’s help in defending a manga artist who’s latest work is all to similar to Ayukawa’s life. But whether Kensuke will jump in or not remains in the air..

第 3 集 Looks? The Heart? Which to Choose? The Unprecedented Cosmetic Surgery Case
With his firm still struggling along, Kensuke agrees to represent a client Mayuzumi has brought in. A man who wants to divorce his wife after finding out she had cosmetic surgery years before without telling him. Turns out though that the wife in question is being represented by Hanyu and his staff and they are determined to bring a happy ending for the couple. But not if Kensuke has anything to say about it...

第 4 集 The Neighbor Relationship with a Taste of Honey?! The Neighbor Trial of Swirling Jealousy
Kensuke gets dragged into a case of two neighbors who were once close but now are at each other’s throats. But it seems the Defendant’s lawyer, Hanyu, may have the upper hand in this one since the Presiding Judge is none other than Beppu again, and she seems to have an even larger chip on her shoulder than ever.

第 5 集 Whose Rights? The Useless Employee's Character Design Trial!
Kensuke manages to get a long-time employee of a stationery company to file a lawsuit against his company over a character design that had hit big time. He'll have his hands full though; not because of the case but because Machiko's father stops by to pay a visit and he doesn't like what he sees one bit.

第 6 集 Bigamy or a New Form of Love? Wife Accused of Having Three Husbands
Mayuzumi gets the firm involved in a case she’d rather not deal with: a woman who has 3 husbands and 5 children. The mother of one of the woman’s husbands wants to have her grandson taken out of it, but now that Kensuke’s in charge, she might find that difficult. Meanwhile, while Mayuzumi can’t quite make her decision, Kensuke will end up making it for her.

第 7 集 Tyrant or Genius?! Global Anime Director's Power Harassment Trial
Now that Mayuzumi has left Kensuke's law firm and joined Hanyu's, she'll soon find herself facing off against her old boss not once, not twice but on three different cases all at the same time! Although Mayuzumi has grown quite a bit, she might find she still has a ways to go if she truly wants to defeat Kensuke.

第 8 集 Protect the World-class Natural Heritage!! The Surprising Truth of the Inhabitant's Lawsuit
Hanyu convinces the reluctant Kensuke to join him in a trip out to the backwoods of Japan where they will try to protect a village that has a forest whose status as a World Property site is being threatened. But things quickly go astray when Kensuke decides to help out the opposing side instead and things get even more bizarre when none other than Judge Beppu appears to mediate between the two groups.

第 9 集 The Supreme Court at Last! The Entire Nation is the Enemy, but Save Her Life No Matter What!
Kensuke and Mayuzumi go to the Supreme Court in order to try and free Ando Kiwa at last. But there they find Prosecutor Daigo, the only one who has defeated Kensuke so far, waiting for them and now he's backed by the popular will of the people. His return triggers strong emotions in Kensuke which put him at risk and may lead Machiko to take some dangerous risks of her own.

第 10 集 The Seesaw Final Courtroom! Tenaciously Save the Client! Is Truth a Tragedy or Comedy!?
Hanyu has managed to outmaneuver Kensuke and forced him out of the trial for Ando Kiwa. Kensuke, of course, isn't about to take that lying down; especially not when his perfect record of wins is at stake. But he'll find the way back into the ring difficult, what with Hanyu's ever-growing stature blocking the way. Still, if there's one thing Kensuke is good at, it's finding a backdoor method to what he wants.
王牌大律师2(台) / 律政狂人2(港) / 法律至上2 / Legal High 2

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