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红白黑黄 第四季

RWBY (2016)

电视 美国 英语 动作 动画 冒险
在剩余的世界上的六个月,我们重新加入RWBY团队在RWBY第4卷的首映式中。塞勒姆指派她的委员会并策划下一步行动。红宝石、黄玉、Nora和任恩在森林中与危险的新格斗作斗争。距离上次的劫难已经过数月,有人离去、有人归来。变得更加成熟有担当的的Ruby小组成员们将各自展开怎 样的冒险? .. 查看全部
在剩余的世界上的六个月,我们重新加入RWBY团队在RWBY第4卷的首映式中。塞勒姆指派她的委员会并策划下一步行动。红宝石、黄玉、Nora和任恩在森林中与危险的新格斗作斗争。距离上次的劫难已经过数月,有人离去、有人归来。变得更加成熟有担当的的Ruby小组成员们将各自展开怎 样的冒险? 《RWBY》是一部原创网络动画。R、W、B、Y 分别是英语红白黑黄的首字母,代表的分别是四位女主角的主题色。由美国Rooster Teeth Productions动画工作室RWBY团队制作,作者兼导演为动画家Monty Oum。本作的背景设定在类现代但是充满着超自然力量的世界。主要人物为四个拥有各自的特殊能力及武器的女孩,她们因各种原因聚在一起组成团队并接受训练,以对抗怪物、恶棍或其他类似的团体。在这系列之前,人类为了生存,发起了对黑暗戮兽的战争,直到他们发现"尘晶"(Dust)可以被用作魔力来源,这让人类得以对抗它们,并建立了文明世界。这部新连载的《RWBY》漫画是作为《Ultra Jump》20周年企划的一部分,在原作中还写明了已经在2015年2月3日英年早逝的《RWBY》创造者Monty Oum的名字。《RWBY》是Monty Oum为Rooster Teeth Productions工作室量身打造的一部全新原创动画,这部动画一开始公布人物设定时就吸引了大批欧美观众和亚洲观众的关注,这部动画实际是将欧美动画的超能力打斗要素与亚洲动画的背景设定人物形象相结合的产物。当前《RWBY》已经播出了三卷动画,第一季第三卷动画已在15年的10月播出。由于这是一个杂志20周年纪念连载漫画作品,所以并不一定会长期连载下去,更多的是为《RWBY》在日本的推广。

导演:Kerry Shawcross

编剧:Miles Luna / Kerry Shawcross

主演:林赛·琼斯 / 卡拉·埃伯利 / 巴尔巴拉·邓克尔尔曼 / 艾伦·泽克 / 萨曼莎·艾尔兰 / 尤里·洛文塔尔 / 迈尔斯·卢纳





Four teenage girls form Team RWBY and train to fight crime and monsters known as the Grimm, while the world of Remnant remains on the brink of an all-out war.
维克·米格诺纳 Vic Mignogna
配 Qrow Branwen
第 4 季 共 12 集

第 1 集 The Next Step
We are introduced to Salem, her subordinates, and the eerie landscape in which she lives - a landscape that spawns new Grimm from pools of black ooze.<br /> <br /> Meanwhile, Ruby, Nora, Jaune and Ren are travelling through Anima by foot, fighting monsters and debating their team name as they go.

第 2 集 Remembrance
Team RNJR find the aftermath of a massacre. Weiss is cornered by her father, and Ruby discovers a sad truth.

第 3 集 Of Runaways and Stowaways
Blake travels to Menagerie on a ship, which falls under the attack of a Grimm. She defeats it with the help of Sun, who secretly followed her after Beacon was destroyed. He offers her assistance in investigating the White Fang, but Blake, however, wants to return home to rest. In Patch, Yang is given a bionic arm from Ironwood, but she is hesitant to try it on, still suffering from her memories of Adam.

第 4 集 Family
Ozpin's soul merges with a young farmboy, Oscar Pine, whom he tries to communicate to. In Patch, Yang confides her reluctance in confronting her fears in Taiyang, as well as Port and Oobleck, who are visiting. Gaining resolve to fight, Yang attaches her arm and begins to train with Taiyang. At the nearby tavern, Qrow meets his twin sister, Raven, now the leader of the bandit tribe that raised her and Qrow. The two end up criticizing each other for abandoning their families, and Raven leaves.

第 5 集 Menagerie
Blake and Sun arrive in Kuo Kuana, the main city of Menagerie. Two representatives of the White Fang, Corsac and Fennec Albain, visit the Belladonnas, and when confronted about the White Fang's role in the Fall of Beacon, the Albains state that a splinter group under Adam's lead is responsible. After their visit, Corsac and Fennec agree to inform Adam of Blake's homecoming.

第 6 集 Tipping Point
Weiss performs at the charity concert but remains critical of all the attendees and guests for their shallow and dismissive behavior towards Beacon. At the after party, she is enraged upon hearing a woman mock the Fall of Beacon and inadvertently summons a Boarbatusk. In Mistral, Team RNJR comes across an abandoned town called Oniyuri. Before they can leave, Tyrian ambushes them and is revealed to be a scorpion Faunus. He easily defeats them but is stopped in time by Qrow.

第 7 集 Punished
Ozpin informs Oscar that their souls and Aura have merged and they can access each other's memories. While Oscar is reluctant to accept this, Ozpin urges him to go to Mistral to carry out an important task. In Atlas, Weiss is blamed for hurting the Schnees' reputation and, as a result, is confined her to her room and disinherited. In Oniyuri, despite Qrow's warnings to stay back, Ruby joins him in battle. Tyrian grazes him with his stinger. Ruby cuts off the stinger, forcing Tyrian to retreat.

第 8 集 A Much Needed Talk
At nightfall, Qrow explains to Team RNJR that they, as Hunstmen, have the duty to protect the four relics guarded by the Huntsmen academies. By the next morning, the poison from Tyrian's stinger has gotten worse, rendering Qrow immobile. Blake mends her relationship with Ghira, who comforts her about lashing out at him and staying in the White Fang. Sun accidentally interrupts them to warn Blake about a masked White Fang member in the market. The two notice a spy outside and give chase.

第 9 集 Two Steps Forward, Two Steps Back
Yang and Weiss complete their training and prepare to leave for Mistral. Meanwhile, Blake and Sun discover that Blake's old acquaintance Ilia Amitola, is now a white Fang member. At the same time, Team RNJR are forced to choose between taking two paths. Ren and Nora decide to take the mountain path while Ruby and Jaune carry Qrow through Kuroyuri.

第 10 集 Kuroyuri
Ren and Nora's past is revealed through a flashback: years ago, Kuroyuri is attacked by Grimm, led by a Nuckelavee, and Ren's parents are killed. Ren's Semblance activates when he sees Nora in danger, which calms him down and hides their presence from the Grimm. In the present, Ren and Nora realize that the Nuckelavee is headed towards Ruby, Jaune, and Qrow.

第 11 集 Taking Control
Cinder trains and Tyrian loses control. Weiss attempts an escape, Blake resolves to reclaim what is hers, and Ren sees a nightmare from the past.

第 12 集 No Safe Haven
While Jaune moves Qrow to safety, Ren begins fighting the Nuckelavee recklessly until Nora calms him down. Team RNJR then comes up with a coordinated strategy and Ren successfully executes the Grimm. Two patrolling military airships from Mistral arrive and they take Team RNJR to Mistral. Ruby and her group plan to visit Professor Lionheart at Haven Academy once Qrow's injuries are fully healed. Unbeknownst to them, he is working for Watts.<br /> <br /> In a post-credits scene, Oscar approaches Qrow in a bar and identifies himself as Ozpin. Qrow returns his cane.

YouTube / Crunchyroll / Rooster Teeth
7.5 5.5
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