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The MindFulness Movie

The MindFulness Movie (2013)

电影 美国 英语 纪录片
A fun and educational journey showcasing the worldwide brain research proving the benefits of mindfulness and the public's increasing awareness and acceptance of the practice. The movie celebrates tho.. 查看全部
A fun and educational journey showcasing the worldwide brain research proving the benefits of mindfulness and the public's increasing awareness and acceptance of the practice. The movie celebrates those who have reshaped mindfulness into everyday, practical skills. Neuroscientists now tell us that the practice of mindfulness literally changes the brain in positive ways. And it's as simple as paying attention! Throughout the film, we encounter inspiring people and ideas on how changing the way we see can change our lives. First, the movie explores answers to the two basic questions: what is mindlessness? And what is mindfulness? Then, the viewer is guided through the neuroscience of why the brain defaults to a mindless mode 90% of the time. Leading world experts discuss eight essential aspects of mindfulness, including easy to understand studies showing why we function at a more highly effective level when we change our default mindless mode to a mindful mode. Finally, The Mindfulness Movie tells the heartfelt stories of military personnel and teenagers using mindfulness to overcome stress, anxiety, depression, and PTSD. These real life examples of personal initiative and success truly inspire the viewer to engage the world in a new way.

导演:Paul Harrison

编剧:Paul Harrison

主演:Paul Harrison / Corey Thompson / Lucy Treadway





An entertaining, secular, and educational look at the benefits of mindful practice, 'The Mindfulness Movie' brings together an unprecedented group of the world's leading neuroscientists, psychiatrists, authors, and others to decode mindfulness. First, they help to define what mindfulness is and how the concept of neuroplasticity plays into the practice. Then, they walk you through eight practical, foundational mindful lessons--like managing stress and mindful eating. Finally, meet some heartwarming veterans and teens who are using mindfulness to overcome issues like PTSD, depression, bi-polar disorder, anxiety, and everyday life stresses. Everyone, regardless of belief system or background, has something to gain from watching ' The Mindfulness Movie.'
Paul Harrison
9.1 8.1
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