Following up her acclaimed 2019 documentary Romantic Comedy, filmmaker Elizabeth Sankey turns her attention to another genre of cinematic depiction of particular interest to women: the witch. How have..
Following up her acclaimed 2019 documentary Romantic Comedy, filmmaker Elizabeth Sankey turns her attention to another genre of cinematic depiction of particular interest to women: the witch. How have witches been characterized and shown across the history of film, television, and culture? How has this representation changed and evolved? And most importantly, what is going on just beneath the surface?
导演:Elizabeth Sankey
编剧:Elizabeth Sankey
主演:索菲娅·迪·马蒂诺 / 曹楚枫 / David Emson / Dr. Trudi Seneviratne / Professor Marion Gibson / Shema Tariq
Examines the relationship between cinematic portrayals of witches and postpartum depression, utilizing film history footage alongside personal testimony.