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The Civil War (1990)

电视 美国 英语 纪录片
汉语简介 19世纪工业革命传到美国,美国经济迅速发展,同时美国获得了西部的大片领土,急需劳动力,南方奴隶制成为经济发展的障碍。 1860年主张废除奴隶制的林肯当选总统,南方奴隶主发动叛乱,南方蓄奴州纷纷独立,1861年2月组成邦联政府,戴维斯当选总统。同年4月南.. 查看全部
汉语简介 19世纪工业革命传到美国,美国经济迅速发展,同时美国获得了西部的大片领土,急需劳动力,南方奴隶制成为经济发展的障碍。 1860年主张废除奴隶制的林肯当选总统,南方奴隶主发动叛乱,南方蓄奴州纷纷独立,1861年2月组成邦联政府,戴维斯当选总统。同年4月南方邦联军先发制人攻占萨姆特要塞,内战爆发。 南军准备充分,势如破竹,很快占领了海军基地诺福克,5月6日占领铁路枢纽马纳萨斯,进逼华盛顿,北军仓促应战,24日进入福吉尼亚。7月21日,北军被击溃,逃回华盛顿,林肯紧急动员50万志愿军。1862年,北军发动进攻,西线由格兰特指挥,进展顺利,2月攻克亨利堡和多纳尔森堡,4月在夏洛战役中击败南军,5月攻克科林斯和孟菲斯,解放了肯塔基和田那西。东线北军则进展迟缓,7月被罗伯特.李指挥的南军击溃,李乘胜北进,8月在布尔河再次击败北军,兵临华盛顿,9月两军进行安提塔姆会战,李被击退。12月北军在弗雷德里斯克堡战役中再次被李击败。 1863 年元旦林肯颁布「解放宣言」宣布解放黑奴,允许黑人参加北方军队,之后又颁布「宅地法」,允许所有美国人得到西部的土地。同年5月,北军再次进攻里士满,在切斯罗维尔被李击退。6月李再次北进,7月1日两军在葛底斯堡展开决战,3日南军被击败。在李北进的同时,格兰特在西线包围了南军防守密西西比河的要塞维克斯堡,5月22日北军发动总攻,进行了长达47天的炮击,7月4日南军投降。7月8日北军占领哈得逊港,南军被分割成东西两部分。9月北军攻克查塔努加,11月击退南军的反击。 1864年北方发动全面进攻,5~6月格兰特率军同李进行一系列会战,李虽然每次都能取胜,但北军的援军不断到达,李军团陷于绝望。6月15日,北军进攻彼得斯堡,双方相持不下,拖住了南军主力达9个月。7月厄尔利率南军一部再次奔袭华盛顿,被北军谢里登部击退,谢里登在进军途中实施焦土战略,厄尔利军瓦解。5月谢尔曼在西线发起进攻,9月2日攻占亚特兰大,并破坏了该城。之后谢尔曼以宽正面向佐治亚海岸进军,沿途实施焦土战略破坏了一切南方可资利用的资源,12月21日谢尔曼攻占萨凡纳,将南方邦联东部分割成南北两半。1865年1月,谢尔曼北上,2月相继攻克哥伦比亚和查尔斯顿,3月和格兰特会师,4月3日攻占彼得斯堡,9日李率残部投降。4月14日,南方派人刺杀了林肯。26日南方投降,内战结束。 南北战争摧毁了奴隶制,为美国资本主义经济的发展扫清了道路。这次战争中工业革命带来了军事上的巨大进步,双方使用了金属弹壳和后装填步枪作战,使用铁路和蒸汽船实现快速的兵力机动和集结,使用蒸汽铁甲战舰进行海战,机械连发枪第一次投入实战,特别是北方发展了制造标准化零件组装武器的生产方式,大大提高了工业生产效率。


编剧:杰弗里·沃德 / 里克·伯恩斯

主演:萨姆·沃特森 / 杰森·罗巴兹 / 朱丽·哈里斯 / 摩根·弗里曼 / 加里森·凯勒尔 / 阿瑟·米勒 / 乔治·普林普顿 / 大卫·麦卡洛





A comprehensive survey of the American Civil War.
肯·伯恩斯 Ken Burns
萨姆·沃特森 Sam Waterston
杰森·罗巴兹 Jason Robards
朱丽·哈里斯 Julie Harris
摩根·弗里曼 Morgan Freeman
阿瑟·米勒 Arthur Miller
乔治·普林普顿 George Plimpton
大卫·麦卡洛 David McCullough
克里斯托弗·莫尼 Christopher Murney
Paul Roebling
菲利普·博斯科 Philip Bosco
霍顿·福特 Horton Foote
第 1 季 共 9 集

第 1 集 The Cause: 1861
Beginning with a searing indictment of slavery, this first episode dramatically evokes the causes of the war, from the Cotton Kingdom of the South to the northern abolitionists who opposed it. Here are the burning questions of Union and States' rights, John Brown at Harper's Ferry, the election of Abraham Lincoln in 1860, the firing on Fort Sumter and the jubilant rush to arms on both sides. Along the way the series' major figures are introduced: Abraham Lincoln, Frederick Douglass, Robert E. Lee, Ulysses S. Grant and a host of lesser-known but equally vivid characters. The episode comes to a climax with the disastrous Union defeat at Manassas, Virginia, where both sides now learn it is to be a very long war.

第 2 集 A Very Bloody Affair: 1862
1862 saw the birth of modern warfare and the transformation of Lincoln's war to preserve the Union into a war to emancipate the slaves. Episode Two begins with the political infighting that threatened to swamp Lincoln's administration and then follows Union General George McClellan's ill-fated campaign on the Virginia Peninsula, where his huge army meets a smaller but infinitely more resourceful Confederate force. During this episode we witness the battle of ironclad ships, partake of camp life, and watch slavery begin to crumble. We meet Ulysses S. Grant, whose exploits come to a bloody climax at the Battle of Shiloh in Tennessee. The episode ends with rumors of Europe's readiness to recognize the Confederacy.

第 3 集 Forever Free: 1862
This episode charts the dramatic events that led to Lincoln's decision to set the slaves free. Convinced by July 1862 that emancipation was now morally and militarily crucial to the future of the Union, Lincoln must wait for a victory to issue his proclamation. But as the year wears on there are no Union victories to be had, thanks to the brilliance of Stonewall Jackson and Robert E. Lee. The episode comes to a climax in September 1862 with Lee's invasion of Maryland. On the banks of Antietam Creek, the bloodiest day of the war takes place, followed shortly by the brightest: the emancipation of the slaves.

第 4 集 Simply Murder: 1863
The nightmarish Union disaster at Fredericksburg comes to two climaxes that spring: at Chancellorsville in May, where Lee wins his most brilliant victory but loses Stonewall Jackson; and at Vicksburg, where Grant's attempts to take the city by siege are stopped. During the episode we learn of fierce Northern opposition to Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation, the miseries of regimental life and the increasing desperation of the Confederate homefront. As the episode ends, Lee decides to invade the North again to draw Grant's forces away from Vicksburg.

第 5 集 The Universe of Battle: 1863
This episode opens with a dramatic account of the turning point of war: the Battle of Gettysburg, the greatest ever fought in the Western Hemisphere. For three days 150,000 men will fight to the death in the Pennsylvania countryside, culminating in Pickett's legendary charge. This extended episode then goes on to chronicle the fall of Vicksburg, the New York draft riots, the first use of black troops, and the western battles at Chickamauga, Georgia and Chattanooga, Tennessee. The episode closes with the dedication of a new Union cemetery at Gettysburg in November, where Abraham Lincoln struggles to put into words what is happening to his people.

第 6 集 Valley of the Shadow of Death: 1864
Episode six begins with a biographical comparison of Ulysses S. Grant and Robert E. Lee and then chronicles the extraordinary series of battles that pitted the two generals against each other from the wilderness to Petersburg in Virginia. In 30 days, the two armies lose more men than both sides have lost in three years of war. With Grant and Lee finally deadlocked at Petersburg, we visit the ghastly hospitals north and south and follow General Sherman's Atlanta campaign through the mountains of north Georgia. As the horrendous casualty lists increase, Lincoln's chances for re-election begin to dim, and with them the possibility of Union victory.

第 7 集 Most Hallowed Ground: 1864
The episode begins with the presidential election of 1864 that sets Abraham Lincoln against his old commanding general, George McClellan. The stakes are nothing less than the survival of the Union itself: with Grant and Sherman stalled at Petersburg and Atlanta, opinion in the North has turned strongly against the war. But 11th-hour victories at Mobile Bay, Atlanta, and the Shenandoah Valley tilt the election to Lincoln and the Confederacy's last hope for independence dies. In an ironic twist, poignantly typical of the Civil War, Lee's Arlington mansion is turned into a Union military hospital and the estate becomes Arlington National Cemetery, the Union's most hallowed ground.

第 8 集 War is All Hell: 1865
The episode begins with William Tecumseh Sherman's brilliant march to the sea, which brings the war to the heart of Georgia and the Carolinas and spells the end of the Confederacy. In March, following Lincoln's second inauguration, first Petersburg and then Richmond finally fall to Grant's army. Lee's tattered Army of Northern Virginia flees westward towards a tiny crossroads town called Appomattox Court House. There the dramatic and deeply moving surrender of Lee to Grant takes place. The episode ends in Washington where John Wilkes Booth begins to dream of vengeance for the South.

第 9 集 The Better Angels of Our Nature: 1865
This extraordinary final episode of The Civil War begins in the bittersweet aftermath of Lee's surrender and then goes on to narrate the horrendous events of five days later when, on April 14, Lincoln is assassinated. After chronicling Lincoln's poignant funeral, the series recounts the final days of the war, the capture of John Wilkes Booth and the fates of the Civil War's major protagonists.<br /> <br /> The episode then considers the consequences and meaning of a war that transformed the country from a collection of states to the nation we are today.

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