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翠星のガルガンティア (2013)

电视 日本 日语 科幻 动画
遥远的未来,地球一度变成冰冻星球。幸存的人类移民外太空,建立了繁荣的殖民星球阿瓦隆,并与外星人成立人类银河联盟。与此同时,名为希迪尔斯的异形肆虐繁殖,与联盟展开旷日持久的战争。在一次针对希迪尔斯母星的战役中,年仅16岁的少尉雷德(石川界人 配音)所在部队遭遇猛烈抵抗。撤退途中,雷德不慎被卷入时空裂缝,与他所驾驶的歼灭兵器钱伯坠落在地球的汪洋中。钱伯被人类打捞到加尔刚蒂亚舰团之上,面对这个与印象中完.. 查看全部
遥远的未来,地球一度变成冰冻星球。幸存的人类移民外太空,建立了繁荣的殖民星球阿瓦隆,并与外星人成立人类银河联盟。与此同时,名为希迪尔斯的异形肆虐繁殖,与联盟展开旷日持久的战争。在一次针对希迪尔斯母星的战役中,年仅16岁的少尉雷德(石川界人 配音)所在部队遭遇猛烈抵抗。撤退途中,雷德不慎被卷入时空裂缝,与他所驾驶的歼灭兵器钱伯坠落在地球的汪洋中。钱伯被人类打捞到加尔刚蒂亚舰团之上,面对这个与印象中完全不同的人类发源之星,雷德不知所措。在此期间,他和可爱的少女艾米(金元寿子 配音)沟通交流,并成功帮助他们挫败海盗的进攻,赢得地球人的信任。 由于无法联系到友军,雷德只能暂时留在地球。自幼只知道战斗和服从命令的他,面对这群全无纪律和效率可言的人类,心中最深层的情感慢慢苏醒……

导演:村田和也 / 山内重保 / 木村延景 / 平田智浩 / 井端义秀 / 新留俊哉 / 小林敦 / 小村方宏治 / 镰仓由实 / 石川真理子 / 石井久志 / 米林拓

编剧:虚渊玄 / 谷村大四郎 / 砂阿久雁 / 七篠トリコ / 海法纪光

主演:石川界人 / 金元寿子 / 茅野爱衣 / 阿澄佳奈 / 伊藤静 / 寺崎裕香 / 大原沙耶香 / 小西克幸 / 手冢秀彰 / 早志勇纪 / 德井青空 / 津田英三 / 星野充昭 / 保村真 / 梅津秀行 / 日高里菜 / 恒松步 / 种田梨沙 / 山崎遥 / 小野友树 / 堀江由衣 / 茅原实里





While fighting an intense inter-galactic war, a mecha pilot was accidentally warped into a space-time neither he nor the computer of his mecha could recognize. After waking up from a long-time hibernation, he found himself trapped on a planet, with human residents talking in an unknown form of language, using inferior technologies, and - most shocking to him - naturally breathable air.
村田和也 Kazuya Murata
山内重保 Shigeyasu Yamauchi
木村延景 Nobukage Kimura
平田智浩 Hirata Tomohiro
井端义秀 Ibata Yoshihide
镰仓由实 Kamakura Yumi
石川界人 Kaito Ishikawa
配 雷德
金元寿子 Hisako Kanemoto
茅野爱衣 Ai Kayano
阿澄佳奈 Kana Asumi
伊藤静 Shizuka Ito
寺崎裕香 Yuka Terasaki
第 1 季 共 13 集

第 1 集 Castaway
Humans have left Earth and have made a paradise in space, Avalon, as humanity's new home and created the Galactic Alliance of Humanity to expand their journey through it. A threat known as Hideauze appeared before the Alliance and a war rages between them. Second Lieutenant Ledo and his A.I. Robot Partner Chamber joins the latest attack against the Hideauze. The attack ultimately ends in failure and a retreat order is issued, but Ledo is unable to return and is cast out into space. 6 months later, the salvage ship Gargantia retrieves Chamber, but are unable to take it apart. After everyone leaves, Ledo decides to take a look around and gather intel on where he is, but is soon chased and kidnaps one of the crew, Amy. He is chased outside to find out he is on a habitable planet, which shocks him enough to release Amy. The crew pins him on a pylon, and he calls Chamber, which the entire crew is surprised to see moving and floating.

第 2 集 The Planet of Origin
Deciding to try and open a dialogue with these people, Ledo stays pinned to the pylon. They ask to talk to the Alliance in charge, but the crew have no idea what he is talking about and they believe that Chamber, who is translating, has another person inside. As Ridget, the commander, and the crew try to decide what to do, Amy gives Red food and begins talking. She explains that this is Earth, and when it was frozen over, some humans escaped to the stars while others stayed. Eventually, the ice melted and became a vast ocean, in which many people form fleets to salvage old technology from below. Looking for other items advanced technology, Ridget sends Bellows to the point where Chamber and Ledo Were found, and her ship is attacked by pirates. Amy asks Ledo to help them, and he agrees with the intention of earning their trust. Ledo boards Chamber and efficiently eliminate all enemies with no harm to Bellows' ship and crew, as Amy and the others watch in awe at its destructive power.

第 3 集 The Villainous Empress
After Chamber wiped out all of the pirates that were threatening Bellows and her people, Ledo is perceived as a menace and kept under guard by the crew of the Gargantia. And perhaps rightfully so, as the pirate armada that is Empress Lukkage's fleet is racing towards the Gargantia Fleet with bloody revenge in mind...

第 4 集 The Flute of Recollection
In order to compensate for the damage to the hangar they caused, Chamber is put to work hauling around heavy cargo, but that leaves Ledo on the sidelines with nothing to do. Amy takes him around the fleet and introduces Ledo to the knowledgeable Dr. Oldham as well as her sickly but wise younger brother, Bebel.

第 5 集 Calm Day
Amy tries to help Ledo find a job and introduces him to a number of different industries aboard Gargantia, but he's just not able to land one. Then the wind dies down and the waves cease, making it a "Calm Day", during which time the fleet shuts down so a lot of repair work can be done. But for non-repair-related personnel, it's time to take a breather. Pinion invites Ledo, Amy and her friends to a BBQ party. Everything seems to be going smoothly...

第 6 集 Festival
Ledo decides to work as a fisherman, but he finds himself unable to pilot a regular Yunboro and sends Chamber to assist the other fishermen instead. Pinion then invites Ledo for lunch and offers him a position at his crew, but Bellows appears and also offers him a job at her salvage team. In the occasion, Amy and her friends dance to the crowd and Ledo mistakes a cooked octopus for a Hideauze and is about to shoot it until the others assure him that it is not an enemy, but food instead. Chamber, who finds himself causing a mess among the fishermen asks for Ledo's help and he uses his mecha to properly help the workers have a nice catch. Later in the night, Amy spends some time alone with Ledo, and a lighting puts him in state of alert and he arms himself to defend her, until she calms him down and dances to him upon his request.

第 7 集 A Soldier's Fate
When Ledo has an encounter with a whalesquid undersea, he attacks and kills it because of its similar appearance to the Hideauze. Little did he know that whalesquid are considered sacred, so murdering one is taboo, and soon the whole ship is in an uproar over it. Ledo, however, believes that whalesquid are Hideauze and he's determined to carry out his mission by slaughtering more of them before they decide to target humans on Earth. Just as Amy tries to stop Ledo, a huge pod of whalesquid approaches the fleet...

第 8 集 Separation
On his deathbed, Fleet Commander Fairlock entrusts Ridget with Gargantia. Meanwhile, Chamber finally gets a fix on the location of the Galactic Alliance, but they're so far away that Ledo will never be able to get home. As preparations are underway for Fairlock's funeral, Shipmaster Flange announces that he's leaving Gargantia. Ridget struggles to keep other Shipmasters from following suit. Pinion has plans of pillaging the ocean floor, so he joins the like-minded Flange. Amy is sad when two people she cares about are leaving as well, Melty and Ledo...

第 9 集 Deep Sea Secret
Ledo and Chamber go deep sea-diving to exterminate Earth's Hideauze.

第 10 集 Island of Ambition
With all the Hideauze in the area killed, Pinion and his crew manage to salvage ancient technology not seen anywhere, but instead of sharing it with the rest of mankind as originally planned, Pinion claims that they have the right to keep it to themselves, and sends a message to the other fleets warning them to keep out of their territory. As the message reaches the Gargantia, the fleet had just reorganized itself and there is the concern that other ships may leave to join Pinion's side as well. With the technology salvaged by them, Pinion's fleet defeats a hostile pirate crew who in return asks for a place among them, and he agrees. Ledo, still in shock upon learning the truth about the Hideauze hears from Chamber that the lightbugs that mankind use as power source were also created by the Hideauze as well which further proves their discovery.

第 11 集 Supreme Ruler of Terror
Kugel contacts Ledo and instructs him to return to his side. Upon reuniting with him, Ledo learns that Kugel is struck with some disease that does not allow him to leave his cockpit. When Ledo tells him what he learned about the Hideauze, Kugel reveals that he always knew about it, just like the high command of the Gallactic Alliance, and despite that, he insists to fight them, and was all this time organizing a powerful fleet with a militaristic society with that purpose, whose intention is to rally all the humans on Earth under them. Pinion is summoned to Kugel's fleet, and much to his surprise, he is taken there by Lukkage, who is now working under him, and is approached by Kugel's Machine Caliber Striker, who offers him a post as an engineer to develop weapons for the fleet. The rest of his companions is also forced to join Kugel's fleet as well.

第 12 集 Moment of Decision
Kugel's fleet prepares itself to attack the Gargantia. Ledo tries to dissuade Kugel with no success while Pinion is approached by Lukkage who plans a rebellion at the fleet. Confused about what he should do, Ledo witness the people of the fleet throwing their sick and weak on the water and fearing that the same will be done to Bebel, he decides to confront Kugel by himself. Agreeing with Ledo's decision, Pinion equips Chamber with some extra weapons, while Lukkage and Flange make preparations for the impending uprising. Melty is instructed by Ledo to deliver a message to the Gargantia, but she almost faints by traveling so far by herself and is rescued in the nick of time by Amy. Informed about Kugel's attack, the crew of the Gargantia consider to abandon the fleet as Ledo suggested, but Amy insists that they should do something to help Ledo as well, and Oldham instructs Ridget to make use of the special key Fairlock entrusted her.

第 13 集 Legend of the Verdurous Planet
Striker claims that it was following Kugel's instructions after his death and eventually reached the conclusion that to ensure stability to the fleet, it was necessary for the humans to view it as their god. Both Ledo and Chamber reject Striker's offer to join its side and decide to destroy it. Unable to defeat Striker in their current condition, Ledo decides to merge his nerve system with Chamber's interface to increase its capabilites at the cost of his life, but Amy appears soon after to tell him that he does not need to fight alone. Meanwhile at the Gargantia, Ridget uses the key to activate the mass driver stored inside the main ship and uses it to bombard the enemy fleet while Pinion evacuates his crew and intends to take the enemies assaulting his ship with them, but is saved in the last moment by Lukkage. Striker then decides to attack the Gargantia but Ledo and Chamber pursue it.
翠星的伽鲁冈缇亚 / Gargantia on the Verdurous Planet / Suisei no Gargantia / 翠星上的加尔冈缇亚(港)

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