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私がモテないのはどう考えてもお前らが悪い! (2013)

电视 日本 日语 剧情 喜剧 动画
原本还算有着可爱的脸蛋,可是不知为何总给人一种阴冷诡异不好接近的感觉。这便是刚刚升入高中不久的黑木智子(橘田いずみ 配音),她蓬头垢面,少言寡语,脸上是极度痴迷游戏后留下的黑眼圈。原本以为自己会成为乙女游戏中众星捧月的校花,谁知却注定要成为没有朋友、无人关注的丧女。更无法忍受的,是初中与之同类型的死党成濑优(花澤香菜 配音)都有了翻天覆地的变化。当然,拥有强大内心的智子绝不会因此自甘沉沦,她暗自嘲.. 查看全部
原本还算有着可爱的脸蛋,可是不知为何总给人一种阴冷诡异不好接近的感觉。这便是刚刚升入高中不久的黑木智子(橘田いずみ 配音),她蓬头垢面,少言寡语,脸上是极度痴迷游戏后留下的黑眼圈。原本以为自己会成为乙女游戏中众星捧月的校花,谁知却注定要成为没有朋友、无人关注的丧女。更无法忍受的,是初中与之同类型的死党成濑优(花澤香菜 配音)都有了翻天覆地的变化。当然,拥有强大内心的智子绝不会因此自甘沉沦,她暗自嘲笑同学的肤浅与轻浮,在妄想世界里体会着前所未有的快乐。只不过依旧耐不住寂寞,这又化作了自卑、嫉妒和各种恶毒的心语。实在逼到极点,便朝向弟弟智贵(中村悠一 配音)。总之,她之所以变成这样,都怪这个世界和周围人而已…… 本片根据谷川ニコ的同名漫画改编。

导演:大沼心 / 永冈智佳 / 神保昌登 / 德本善信 / 岩本保雄 / 玉村仁

编剧:吉冈孝夫 / 伊神贵世

主演:橘田泉 / 中村悠一 / 花泽香菜 / 钉宫理惠 / 野中蓝 / 早水理沙 / 杉田智和





Kuroki Tomoko is a super popular female schoolgirl, with 50 years experience in dating and more than 100 boys - but just in the dating video games. In real life is a closed and shy person who comes within the definition of mojyo (a repulsive woman). However, when school is not doing as she expected and is not as popular as she thought it, she decides to look herself in the mirror after a few years of not doing it and realizes something disturbing.
大沼心 Shin Onuma
永冈智佳 Tomoka Nagaoka
神保昌登 Masato Jinbo
德本善信 Tokumoto Yoshinobu
岩本保雄 Iwamoto Yasuo
玉村仁 Tamamura Jin
橘田泉 Izumi Kitta
中村悠一 Yuuichi Nakamura
花泽香菜 Kana Hanazawa
钉宫理惠 Rie Kugimiya
野中蓝 Ai Nonaka
早水理沙 Risa Hayamizu
第 1 季 共 13 集

第 1 集 Since I'm Not Popular, I'll Change My Image a Bit
Kuroki Tomoko thought she would instantly become popular once she entered high school... but the reality is that, two months after starting school, she still hasn't spoken with any of her classmates. As other kids in her class laugh over photos from their recent karaoke outing, Tomoko sits alone reading a book while she eats her lunch. That's when she decides it's time to take action so she can learn to converse with others - especially boys.

第 2 集 Since I'm Not Popular, I'll See My Old Friend
Tomoko is enjoying her "Yandere Boys' Verbal Abuse" CD in her room when her phone rings. The caller is her friend from middle school, Yuu-chan. Yuu-chan was plain and geeky in middle school, but Tomoko hasn't seen her since they graduated. Realizing that Yuu-chan will probably ask her how high school life is going, Tomoko sets out to live a fulfilling high school life that she can tell her old friend all about...

第 3 集 Since I'm Not Popular, The Weather is Bad
It's a very rainy, windy day. Tomoko forgets her textbook, but she can't bring herself to ask the boy next to her to let her see his, and she doesn't have friends in other classes to borrow one from. She tries to erase her presence and go unnoticed, but the teacher spots her easily. Ruing her luck, Tomoko starts home in the rain, but another tragedy awaits as she stands over a flooded channel, watching the water lapping at the bottom of the bridge...

第 4 集 Since I'm Not Popular, I'll Have a Good Dream
Tomoko reads on the internet that sleeping on one's stomach can lead to sexual dreams, so she immediately tries it, but has nothing but nightmares. The next day in class, a sleep-deprived Tomoko overhears some girls talking about being molested on a train. Tomoko begins to wonder why she never gets molested and calls her friend Yuu-chan to ask if it's ever happened to her...

第 5 集 Since I'm Not Popular, I'll Boost My Skills
Tomoko, still not popular after being in high school for three months, is starting to feel pressure. Then she sees an anime whose heroine is a silent, expressionless girl. Tomoko decides that the thing she's lacked all this time is a character setting, and endeavors to become a silent, expressionless character. For one day, she's determined to be a silent, cool, cute girl...

第 6 集 Since I'm Not Popular, I'll Go See the Fireworks
Just before summer break starts, Tomoko asks herself if it's really okay to let the first semester end before finding someone to go see a fireworks show with. When she looks in the mirror, the bags under her eyes are gone and she sees a new Tomoko looking back at her!

第 7 集 Since I'm Not Popular, I'll Enjoy My Summer Break
Tomoko was excited to think that she could spend all day playing games and watching movies and still have plenty of summer break left, but before she knew it, she'd used up six days doing nothing. Realizing with fear how quickly a day goes by, Tomoko searches the web for ways to enjoy summer break alone, but before she knows it, another day is gone...

第 8 集 Since I'm Not Popular, I'll Put On Airs
Tomoko's mother tells her that her middle-school-aged cousin Kii-chan is coming to visit. Since Tomoko always acted the role of a smart, popular girl in front of Kii-chan in the past, she starts to think up ways to keep her cousin from finding out that her stories about her boyfriend were all lies.

第 9 集 Since I'm Not Popular, Summer Is Ending
As summer break nears its end, Tomoko is looking forward to seeing a movie with Yuu-chan, but gets a phone call informing her that the date has been canceled. Tomoko is shocked, convinced that Yuu-chan has finally grown sick of her... But when Yuu-chan treats her to cake as an apology at the café where she works, Tomoko decides that she wants to be part of a trendy work environment, too...

第 10 集 Since I'm Not Popular, Second Term is Starting
As the new school term begins, a seating change moves Tomoko to the second row directly in front of the teacher's desk, surrounded by classmates who have a ball talking to one another. The thought of sitting there for the whole term quickly makes Tomoko's stomach hurt. After returning from the restroom during the lunch break to find her chair in use by another student, Tomoko sets out to search the school for a place to eat her lunch in peace...

第 11 集 Since I'm Not Popular, I'll Participate in the Culture Festival
Tomoko's class is bustling with preparations for the upcoming culture festival. Having contributed nothing whatsoever with two days left before the event, Tomoko decides she'd better help today, or who knows what her classmates will say? So she musters up her courage and speaks up, but a tragedy occurs in the middle of her task... That night, Tomoko tells Yuu-chan about the upcoming festival, and Yuu-chan says she'll come on the second day. Tomoko is determined to do the best she can to enjoy the festival...

第 12 集 Since I'm Not Popular, I'll Think About the Future
The culture festival is over, and it's back to life as usual. As fall sets in, Tomoko asks herself what exactly she's been doing all this time, and begins to feel like her life is flashing before her eyes... Making the decision to focus on the future instead of regretting the past, Tomoko finds a future plans questionnaire in her school bag. She decides to call Yuu-chan to see what she thinks, but is reminded of a past she'd have just as soon forgotten...

第 13 集 Delete
Tomoko discusses with Yuu and Kii on how to make Watamote's second season a success, only to be informed that it's highly unlikely. During middle school, a boy named Aomatsu had an encounter with a mysterious girl on the school rooftop. However, this is revealed to simply be Tomoko playing around.
我不受欢迎,怎么想都是你们的错! / 丧女 / WataMote

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