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马尔科姆的一家 第三季

Malcolm in the Middle (2001)

电视 美国 英语 喜剧
你好,我叫马尔柯姆。我只是个普通人,直到有一天被发现智商165。他们说:“就算爱因斯坦也要上学。”于是我被转到了克瑞博尼天才班,这里除了怪人就只剩小丑了,老师卡洛琳还让我们排成方队跳舞,引来许多孩子朝我们扔东西,太丢人了。 .. 查看全部
你好,我叫马尔柯姆。我只是个普通人,直到有一天被发现智商165。他们说:“就算爱因斯坦也要上学。”于是我被转到了克瑞博尼天才班,这里除了怪人就只剩小丑了,老师卡洛琳还让我们排成方队跳舞,引来许多孩子朝我们扔东西,太丢人了。 自从我成为天才以后,人们对待我的态度变得不一样了,我的家人也是这样。有人说爸爸哈尔是个长不大的孩子,惹出的麻烦比儿子们都多。妈妈露易丝则是家里的女王,她善于用精神力量折磨拷打我们,一旦她露出“那种”眼神,我的天才智商就完全拍不上用处,乖乖地把做过的坏事全招了。大哥弗朗西斯是我的头儿,他非常信任我,所以才会让我替他给女朋友送信,难道不是么?但是爸妈居然不欣赏他的酷劲,把弗朗西斯送去了军事学校,这让我很伤心。二哥里斯是个恶棍,他最喜爱的体育运动是拳击,当我被宣布为天才以后,他把我当成了练习的靶子。难道天才适合当沙袋么?弟弟杜维是一种奇怪的生物,他觉得自己能和狗说话,鼻子也有狗那么灵敏,其实惊人的破坏力才是他的特异功能,凡是他能够到的东西,不是吃下肚子就是砸得粉碎。我觉得他卡在从仓鼠到婴儿的进化途中了,有这么个弟弟真让我很为难。 新班级里的麻烦也不少,我认识了一个坐轮椅的怪人斯蒂维,不过看在他收藏了那么多漫画书的份上,我们成为了好朋友。随着年龄的增长,我渐渐地遇到了很多新麻烦,比如女孩……我也许永远搞不懂她们在想些什么,大哥弗朗西斯教我的办法也从不管用。家里变得更热闹了,妈妈生下了小弟弟杰米,有新来的替罪羊让我非常高兴。里斯长得更高,拳头也更硬了,唯一不变的就是他迟钝的头脑。弗朗西斯从阿尔巴马搬到阿拉斯加,现在又打算去新墨西哥,只要能避免回家,他也许乐意住到南极去。 天才的生活很麻烦,特别当你生活在这些人中间。不是么? 《左右做人难》是讲述一个生于中产阶级家庭的小男孩马金和他的家人的故事。为家庭喜剧类 。该剧主要是通过马金的眼睛来看待家里各人的关系,以及校园生活。在他的世界里, 他突然发现自己的与众不同,而周围的人根本无法和他交流。但是他爱他的家人们,只好周旋在自己的世界与其他人的世界之间,时不时做出惊人之举。马金有一种让人亲近又愤世 疾俗的性格。他用自己特别的方式为人处世,度过了自己的童年。本剧在有线电视MZ台每周日黄 金时段播出

导演:詹米·巴比特 Jamie Babbit


主演:弗朗基·穆尼兹 / 克里斯托弗·马斯特森 / 贾斯汀·贝菲尔德 / 简·卡兹玛拉克 / 布莱恩·科兰斯顿





A gifted young teen tries to survive life with his dimwitted, dysfunctional family.
弗朗基·穆尼兹 Frankie Muniz
贾斯汀·贝菲尔德 Justin Berfield
简·卡兹玛拉克 Jane Kaczmarek
布莱恩·科兰斯顿 Bryan Cranston
饰 Hal
博妮塔·弗里德里西 Bonita Friedericy
饰 Susan
阿伦·J·希金斯 Alan J. Higgins
迈克尔·韦弗 Michael Weaver
第 3 季 共 22 集

第 1 集 Houseboat
The family takes a vacation with the Kenarbans, sharing a houseboat. And while Steve's parents are caught in a fight, Reese and Steve socialize with some cheerleader from a nearby spirit camp, Malcolm is stuck with Hal fishing. At the military academy, Eric turns eighteen and leaves for Alaska, inspiring Francis to do something about his situation too.

第 2 集 Emancipation
Being fed up with military school, Francis gets himself legally emancipated so he can go north to Alaska with his friend Eric and become a logger. This does not sit well at all with the family.

第 3 集 Book Club
Lois, in an attempt to get a break from the family, joins a book club that turns out to be a night off for frustrated housewives, but it all goes a little bit haywire. Meanwhile Francis tries to get to Alaska, learning something important about himself and about truck drivers. Hal, who tries to keep the boys out of troubles for the evening, is caught in an inner conflict about how to treat them.

第 4 集 Malcolm's Girlfriend
Francis has to stay a couple of days in a small county jail and enjoys it more then he expected. Malcolm finds himself with a girlfriend, which add to his usual social anxiety. Dewey makes friend with a new kid in the area, helping the kid's mother to compose Dewey's dream birthday party for his new friend.

第 5 集 Charity
In an effort to contribute to society and to make her boys useful at the same time, Lois "volunteers" Malcolm, Reese and Dewey for charity work at a local church. The boys are assigned to sort giant piles of donated clothing, game, appliances etc. Initially irritated at their new task, they realize the donated stuff is a lot nicer than their own possessions, and they begin swapping out their old stuff with the second-hand items. The boys soon make a enterprise out of their charity assistance, going as far as to sell things to the neighborhood kids - that is until Hal finds out. Meanwhile, Francis must come to grips with the fact his fabulous job in Alaska is not quite what he expected.

第 6 集 Health Scare
When Hal's doctor discovers something suspicious during his routine check-up, Lois and Hal become frantic, nervous wrecks as they wait for the test results. As a result of her anticipation, Lois becomes even stricter with the boys, leaving them to misinterpret the new house rules. Meanwhile, in Alaska, Francis comes to blows with his boss.

第 7 集 Christmas
When Malcolm and his brothers destroy their Christmas tree ornaments, Lois punishes them by canceling Christmas and moves all the presents into the garage. The only way she will reinstate the holiday is if the boys behave impeccably up to Christmas morning. Her plan works better than expected, and Lois is touched that her family responded so well to her challenge. Meanwhile, the boys decide that Lois could use this tactic for future holidays and retaliate by breaking into the garage and opening up all the presents. Elsewhere, Francis is forced to visit his Grandma Ida for Christmas.

第 8 集 Poker
Poker showdowns with Abe give Hal a flush; dance lessons turn Lois awhirl; an Alaskan blizzard entraps and rattles Francis. (TV Guide)

第 9 集 Reese's Job
Trouble finds Reese at his new fast-food job; a new Krelboyne tutors Malcolm; Hal and Lois sabotage Dewey's plan to get a dog.

第 10 集 Lois's Makeover
A negative job-performance review riles Lois; hoops play with the boys energizes Hal; a vermin infestation busies rat-killer Francis.

第 11 集 Company Picnic (1)
Juicy guest casting and ingenious plotting enliven an hourlong episode that airs in the plum post-Super Bowl slot. One storyline unfolds at Hal's company picnic, where Lois clashes with a blabby wife (Susan Sarandon) and her beleaguered spouse (Kaczmarek's real-life husband, Bradley Whitford); and Hal runs afoul of his new boss (Stephen Root) and the big cheese (Patrick Warburton). In Alaska, Francis's scheme to win a bet involves rigging a hockey game that pits loggers vs. a fearsome women's squad led by a blowhard coach (Terry Bradshaw).

第 12 集 Company Picnic (2)
After Hal is mistaken by his new boss, as that guy's boss, Hal plays along. Malcolm is in a three-legged scavenger hunt with the girl he likes, but becomes upset after he confesses he likes her, and she says she likes another boy. Reese is also the the scavenger hunt, and at first doesn't like the big dumb bully he is with, but they grow to like each other when they bond over beating up the other contestants and stealing their items. Lois continues to balance keeping Dewey intact and dealing with the crazy woman, but now must talk to the husband as well. Francis continues to sabotage his own team, this time on the ice.

第 13 集 Reese Drives
Highway horror: Reese gets a learner's permit, which he promptly proceeds to abuse by commandeering a driving-school vehicle.

第 14 集 Cynthia's Back
The return of the smart and sassy Cynthia rattles Malcolm, who's astonished by her physical maturation. And so is drooling Reese.

第 15 集 Hal's Birthday
The arrival of Francis's new bride on Hal's birthday sparks a fray that drives the younger siblings out---and into a posh hotel.

第 16 集 Hal Coaches
Clever Hal invigorates Dewey's soccer team; sly Reese blackmails a philandering neighbor; obsessed Malcolm battles a computer program.

第 17 集 Dewey's Dog
Dewey rules, thanks to his new dog that intimidates Malcolm and Reese; Hal and Lois hit the town with big plans---and flu symptoms.

第 18 集 Poker 2
Girls in the house spell trouble for the boys, who are on their own while Dad's hosting a poker game that's more about one-upmanship than cards.

第 19 集 Clip Show
An embattled psychiatrist probes the boys' naughty behavior patterns in a session framed by flashbacks to past episodes.

第 20 集 Jury Duty
Lois gets jury duty and Hal tries to figure out what case she's working on. Meanwhile, Malcolm and Reese saw Stevie's mom naked and brag about it, they also take Dewey to the sewers and get lost.

第 21 集 Cliques
Back in the general school population, the Krelboyne whiz kids wind up in cliques with jocks, skateboarders and brooding "Goths."

第 22 集 Monkey
New monkey business occupies Reese, now a self-appointed law enforcer; a capuchin monkey has it in for Lois's co-worker, Craig.

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