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夜班医生 第三季

The Night Shift (2016)

电视 美国 英语 剧情 喜剧 动作
欢迎来医院值夜班,但必须警告你:你每天都要同时面对拯救生命的考验和运营一家医院的黑暗真相。如果把这两件事情加在一起,你大概就不会认为这是一份可以展现「英勇之举」的好差事了。在圣安东尼奥纪念医院,值午夜班和凌晨班的人通常是一群「特殊品种」——特别是容易兴奋的T.C. Callahan(Eoin Macken)。他曾是个军医,去过残酷的中东战场。但是他很快就会发现一个事实:最艰难的战斗并非发生在战场上.. 查看全部
欢迎来医院值夜班,但必须警告你:你每天都要同时面对拯救生命的考验和运营一家医院的黑暗真相。如果把这两件事情加在一起,你大概就不会认为这是一份可以展现「英勇之举」的好差事了。在圣安东尼奥纪念医院,值午夜班和凌晨班的人通常是一群「特殊品种」——特别是容易兴奋的T.C. Callahan(Eoin Macken)。他曾是个军医,去过残酷的中东战场。但是他很快就会发现一个事实:最艰难的战斗并非发生在战场上,而是在一所真正的医院里,在自己的家中。 复员转业来到这家医院工作后,T.C.和一群形形色色的夜班医生组成了搭档——其中包括喜欢用玩笑和恶作剧来释放压力的Topher(Ken Leung)和Drew(Brendan Fehr)。不过一到治病救人的时间,所有人都会极度认真。糟糕的是,新来的老板Michael Ragosa(Freddy Rodriguez)并不看好夜诊部门,他对「节约成本减少开支」的兴趣远大于治病救人的兴趣。 T.C.从来就不是一个守规矩的人,这世界上还没有他不敢打破的规矩,也没有一个他不敢反抗的人。即便是T.C.过去的女友Jordan Santos医生(Jill Flint)——Ragosa的在医院里的副手——也无法确保他循规蹈矩。 如果Ragosa想要一场战争,那么就开战吧。T.C.是打过仗的人,他还有什么好怕的呢? Freddy Rodriguez扮演医院管理员Michael Ragosa,一个典型的官僚主义者,喜欢对一切事务「设立底线」。 Ken Leung扮演不修边幅的急诊医生Topher,曾经是军队里的外科医生,战地经历导致他冷漠而厌世。 Jeananne Goossen扮演一名打扮入时的住院医生。 Brigid Brannagh扮演Atthea Martin医生,丈夫被一个醉酒驾驶的司机开车撞死,她决定将所有精力投入创伤急救工作,希望能减轻心中的痛苦。 Robert Bailey Jr.扮演年轻的住院医生Paul,渴望成功但是为人过于拘谨。 Jill Flint扮演女主角Jordan Santos医生,T.C.的前女友,现在已经和别人订婚。Jordan最近刚刚被提拔为主管夜间工作的主任,她一方面要证明自己的价值,一方面要取悦上司Michael,同时还要确保T.C.不捅娄子,忙得不可开交。

导演:蒂莫西·布斯菲尔德 / 奥兹·斯科特

编剧:加布·萨克斯 / 杰夫·犹大

主演:欧文·马肯 / 吉尔·弗林特 / 梁振邦 / 小罗伯特·拜利 / 迈克尔·卡西迪 / 詹妮弗·比尔斯 / 马特·巴特格里亚 / 罗伯托·桑切斯 / 斯科特·武田 / 迈克·沃特福德 / 诺尔·亚瑟 / JR·莱蒙 / 吉莉安·埃斯特尔 / 比利·洛克伍德





A group of doctors from the Army return to work the night shift at a hospital in San Antonio.
蒂莫西·布斯菲尔德 Timothy Busfield
奥兹·斯科特 Oz Scott
达内尔·马丁 Darnell Martin
欧文·马肯 Eoin Macken
饰 TC
吉尔·弗林特 Jill Flint
肯·梁 Ken Leung
小罗伯特·拜利 Robert Bailey Jr.
迈克尔·卡西迪 Michael Cassidy
詹妮弗·比尔斯 Jennifer Beals
马特·巴特格里亚 Matt Battaglia
罗伯托·桑切斯 Roberto 'Sanz' Sanchez
斯科特·武田 Scott Takeda
第 3 季 共 13 集

第 1 集 The Times They Are A-Changin'
The overnight crew becomes immersed in a bizarre car-accident rescue. Drew serves overseas in Afghanistan and teams with a colleague to treat an Afghani woman, A spunky grad joins the shift.

第 2 集 The Thing with Feathers
TC and Scott fight to save a boy and his mother who were injured in a car accident, yet it becomes clear there's more to the family dynamic than meets the eye. Deployed in Afghanistan, Drew and Syd face the aftermath of an OR shooting.

第 3 集 The Way Back
Drew stressfully adjusts after returning from deployment in Afghanistan. A bride and her wedding party are treated for injuries sustained during the festivities, and Topher's demanding mother pays a visit.

第 4 集 Three-Two-One
As the city erupts in violence over an impending jury verdict, the night shift becomes ground zero when they have to take in the man suspected of the racially-motivated shooting at the source of the unrest. His presence in the emergency room sparks sharp conversation and disagreements among the staff over the highly-charged topic and even close friends Kenny and Paul find themselves at odds. Topher does his best to control the mounting chaos in the ER while out in the field, TC makes a decision as to which of two patients to bring in, leaving Paul and Scott to question TC's motives.

第 5 集 Get Busy Livin'
A college co-ed falls from a balcony and once she is in the ER, TC and Paul find that her situation is even more complex. Jordan bonds with a terminal patient who teaches her some important lessons about living. TC's errant sister-in-law Annie returns and hopes to make amends. Meanwhile, Jessica - a pharmaceutical rep with cutting-edge equipment that Scott is so close to getting for the hospital - if her tension with TC doesn't kill the deal.

第 6 集 Hot In the City
Shannon and Jordan venture out for some fun at a local wrestling event only to find themselves treating people on site when a fight breaks out amongst the audience. Back at the hospital, Sam attends to a marathon runner who has collapsed from the heat and things start to heat up even more when the air conditioning breaks. Meanwhile, tensions between TC, Jordan, Sam, and Annie start to boil.

第 7 集 By Dawn's Early Light
A fireworks explosion creates chaos at a concert, sending patients streaming into the hospital as TC and Topher race to the scene. Syd returns from Afghanistan and faces her unique family dynamic. Jordan and Scott address simmering differences.

第 8 集 All In
The doctors race to save Topher's mom when she comes to the ER with life-threatening symptoms. The team discovers a gravely injured foster mom is harboring a secret. Jordan asks T.C.'s girlfriend for help with a patient.

第 9 集 Unexpected
When a bomb explodes outside the hospital, TC, Topher and Drew are forced to make the tough decision to stay and treat the injured or evacuate and begin transfers to nearby hospitals. Everything changes when TC suddenly realizes he may know the person responsible for the explosion. While the team works feverishly to tend to the wounded, the nurses go on strike just when the hospital needs them the most. Meanwhile, throughout the intense night shift, Shannon and Paul attempt to confront each other about something personal.

第 10 集 Between a Rock and a Hard Place
TC and Paul pull out all the stops when a crane collapses on a worker at a busy construction site. As Paul works tirelessness to save the crush victim, an observer falls into a deadly gravel pit. TC throws himself into the pit and races to save the patient before he's swallowed by the shifting gravel. Back at the ER, Scott is shaken as the teenage boy he paralyzed returns to the hospital with new complications. Jordan lends support as the emotional case exposes complicated feelings from the past. Meanwhile when a life-saving donor matches with cystic fibrosis patient, Brianna, Drew determines the depth of his feelings for her.

第 11 集 Trust Issues
TC initiates a bar brawl, landing him and Drew in jail for the night. While behind bars, Drew and TC's relationship reaches a breaking point. Jordan rushes her date to the ER, where she's shocked to learn he's not who she thought he was. Topher fights for a patient who many doctors have dismissed. Scott and Annie struggle to save their relationship while Jessica works to win back TC's trust. Meanwhile, Syd meets Brianna, and Rick visits the hospital.

第 12 集 Emergent
In part one of this two-part season finale, Scott and Jordan face grave danger during a rescue mission at a rapidly spreading wildfire outside San Antonio. Tensions are high between Syd and TC as they find themselves in the middle of a humanitarian crisis on the Syria-Turkey border. Paul and Shannon argue over treatment for a patient. Meanwhile a major setback threatens Drew's adoption plans for Brianna, Topher struggles to find a buyer for the hospital and medication goes missing.

第 13 集 Burned
Scott and Jordan must perform surgery in the field as the burning wildfire gains intensity around them. Syd has caught Typhus along with hundreds of other patients on the Syria-Turkey border, and TC goes to great lengths to get the medication. Meanwhile, Drew and Rick fight to keep Brianna, while San Antonio Memorial finds an unlikely buyer, though saving the hospital comes at a cost.

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