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ゾンビランドサガ (2018)

电视 日本 日语 动画 恐怖
巽幸太郎(宫野真守 配音)表面看上去是一个平凡无奇的男子,实际上,他正在策划一个名为“僵尸乐园偶像”的诡异计划,他疯狂的复活了7个可爱的女孩子,让她们成为僵尸偶像,展开了一系列的活动。 有些天然呆,失去了前世记忆的源樱(本渡枫 配音)、个性火爆非常讲义气的二阶堂.. 查看全部
巽幸太郎(宫野真守 配音)表面看上去是一个平凡无奇的男子,实际上,他正在策划一个名为“僵尸乐园偶像”的诡异计划,他疯狂的复活了7个可爱的女孩子,让她们成为僵尸偶像,展开了一系列的活动。 有些天然呆,失去了前世记忆的源樱(本渡枫 配音)、个性火爆非常讲义气的二阶堂咲(田野麻美 配音)、性格坦率而又要强的水野爱(种田梨沙 配音)、在80年代就已经成为当红偶像的绀野纯子(河濑茉希 配音)、明治时期活跃的花魁夕雾(衣川里佳 配音)、天才童星星川莉莉(田中美海 配音)和依然没有恢复意识还处在僵尸形态的山田多惠(三石琴乃 配音),这7名曾经活跃在各自时代的明星们集结在一起,能否重新找回过去的辉煌?

导演:境宗久 / 宇田钢之助 / 清水久敏 / 后藤康德

编剧:村越繁 / 增本拓也

主演:宫野真守 / 本渡枫 / 田野麻美 / 种田梨沙 / 河濑茉希 / 衣川里佳 / 田中美海 / 吉野裕行 / 高户靖广 / 三石琴乃





A young singer dies and becomes a zombie. She is put in a musical group with other zombie singer girls as part of a campaign to save the world.
境宗久 Munehisa Sakai
宇田钢之助 Kônosuke Uda
清水久敏 Shimizu Hisatoshi
后藤康德 Gotou Yasunori
宫野真守 Mamoru Miyano
配 巽幸太郎
本渡枫 Kaede Hondo
配 源樱
田野麻美 Asami Tano
配 二阶堂咲
种田梨沙 Risa Taneda
配 水野爱
河濑茉希 Maki Kawase
配 绀野纯子
衣川里佳 Rika Kinugawa
配 夕雾
田中美海 Minami Tanaka
配 星川莉莉
吉野裕行 Hiroyuki Yoshino
配 警察A
第 1 季 共 12 集

第 1 集 Good Morning SAGA
A typical morning. The usual music. Their normal lives. The peace these seven girls experience will suddenly be destroyed. By the living dead... zombies. A reality that they never wanted a part of, an amazing and terrifying zombie world. They all share one wish: "We want to live." These girls will struggle through this saga, in order to achieve a miracle.

第 2 集 I <3 HIP HOP SAGA
Displeased with their situation, the zombies Ai Mizuno and Junko Konno attempt to leave the mansion, prompting a worried Sakura to follow after them. The girls try to evade a group of rappers trying to hit on them, only to encounter the same policeman from before and run back to the mansion after being shot at again. The next day, the girls put on a show at Saga Castle, in which they nearly break their masquerade as regular humans when Tae Yamada – the only zombie yet to regain her senses – is accidentally decapitated on stage. Sakura gets into an argument with her rebellious bandmate Saki Nikaido over Tae's head, which escalates into a rap battle that convinces the audience that the fiasco is another part of their act.

As Kotaro makes plans for a live flash mob performance in front of Karatsu Station, the girls try to decide on a name for their group, ultimately settling on the name Franchouchou after the sound of Tae's sneezing. While the others motivate themselves to practice their routine overnight, Ai and Junko remain skeptical, leading the others to begin the performance without them. The performance runs into trouble after Sakura forgets her lyrics, but Ai and Junko step in to save the show, managing to attract at least one fan.

第 4 集 Warming Dead SAGA
With their budget running out, Kotaro sends the girls to perform at a hot spring resort in Ureshino to earn a sponsorship deal with a pharmaceutical company. After taking a sightseeing tour and discussing their goals as idols, the girls discover that the skin patches they are promoting are effective at loosening their stiffened muscles, which they use to good effect during their performance. Later that night, Sakura, Saki, and Junko sneak into the hot springs against Kotaro's instructions, only to be spotted out of their human disguises by the pharmaceutical company's president, terrifying her and resulting in the girls losing the sponsorship deal.

第 5 集 The Nice Bird SAGA in Your Heart
To raise their profile, the girls perform in a commercial for the fried chicken restaurant Drive-In Tori in Imari, which is edited with footage of Tae attempting to devour the company's mascot. Later, the girls participate in the Kashima Gatalympics while wearing promotional Franchouchou T-shirts as a publicity stunt. When the girls get covered in mud in the first round, they are forced to keep themselves dirty to avoid washing their human makeup off, which ruins their self-advertisement. After Tae wins first prize, Sakura remembers giving her a spare shirt and tells her to remove her muddy clothes, only to discover that the clean shirt underneath is actually for Drive-In Tori. Meanwhile, a journalist in attendance named Shinta Okoba recognizes #4's resemblance to Junko Konno after viewing the Drive-In Tori commercial and decides to investigate her.

第 6 集 Because It's Sentimental SAGA
As Franchouchou hold a photo-op session with a small group of fans, Ai and Junko clash with each other over their different opinions on how idols should interact with their fans. Sakura hears from Junko about how hard she tried to become an idol in life, only to die in a plane crash before her first tour in Kyushu; feeling her outdated mindset on idols is hindering the other girls, Junko contemplates leaving Franchouchou. Meanwhile, Saki learns from Ai about how her death from a lightning strike during an outdoor concert at Tosu Stadium left her with a fear of lightning and a determination not to be overshadowed by her own death. The next day, Kotaro announces that Franchouchou will be a part of the Saga Rock Festival, where Ai and Junko are to perform a duet, causing the group to feel uneasy.

第 7 集 But It's Zombiemental SAGA
Junko refuses to practice for Franchouchou's Saga Rock performance and locks herself away, forcing Ai to cover her portion of their duet. On the day before the show, Kotaro assures Junko that she does not need to follow the modern standards of the idol industry, convincing her to rejoin the group. When a thunderstorm strikes during their performance, Ai breaks down on stage and struggles to sing, but Junko lends her support and Ai recovers. In the middle of their song, the zombies are struck by lightning, which illuminates their bodies and electrically filters their voices. The audience and media are impressed by these effects, and Franchouchou are reported as Saga Rock's breakout idol group.

第 8 集 Go Go Neverland SAGA
As Franchouchou enjoys a string of new gigs and events, a large man named Takeo Go comes to one of their events after recognizing child star Lily Hoshikawa. Lily reveals that the man is her father and former manager and that she is a transgender girl formerly known as Masao Go, who died from the shock of growing facial hair during her stressful television career. Realizing how much Takeo cared for Lily, Franchouchou invites him to a special concert where Lily performs a special song to give him a proper goodbye.

第 9 集 Though My Life May Have Ended Once by Some Twist of Fate I Have Risen, and If Song and Dance Are to Be My Fate, Then Carrying the Memories of My Comrades in My Heart as I Sally Forth Shall Be My SAGA
Saki stops a public altercation between Franchouchou and the remnants of her former biker gang, Dorami, whose current leader, Maria Amabuki, is challenged by the rival gang Korosuke to a chicken race towards a cliff at Mt. Kagami. Maria accepts the challenge in defiance of her mother, Saki's friend and former Dorami boss Reiko Kirishima, who retired from the gang for a normal married life following Saki's death during an identical race in 1997. Learning of the challenge, Saki takes Maria's place using Reiko's motorcycle, which she destroys in an explosion after jumping over the cliff a second time. After Saki returns unscathed, Reiko punches and scolds her for her recklessness, regaining Maria's respect. Saki and the rest of Franchouchou celebrate Reiko and Maria's reconciliation by performing an idol concert for both gangs.

Franchouchou is scheduled to hold a concert at local performance venue Arpino, which Sakura feels may be a clue to regaining her memories. When the girls are sent to the mountains as part of their training, Sakura becomes annoyed that everyone is more focused on wilderness survival than practicing for the show. As things start to become more awkward between Sakura and the others, she observes the others' teamwork and realizes she was acting selfishly. A week before the concert, Sakura gets hit by a truck again, causing her memories to revert to when she was still alive.

第 11 集 A One-of-a-Kind SAGA
Losing her memories of being a zombie on top of regaining her old ones, Sakura is left with a pessimistic belief that she can't make it as an idol. After the others fail to reason with her, Sakura leaves the house, recalling how every attempt at trying hard at something in life led to something going wrong, including her death. Despite Sakura's negativity, Kotaro remains determined not to give up on her.

第 12 集 Good Morning Again SAGA
With Sakura remaining defiant as the show draws closer, Tae grows particularly frustrated and attempts to scold Sakura out of inaction. Tae is unable to adequately convey her message but her actions move Yugiri and Ai out of their passive treatment of Sakura and together succeed in convincing Sakura to rejoin the group's rehearsal, regardless of their chances of success. On the day of the concert, heavy snowfall causes the venue to collapse and wreck the stage, but the girls continue their performance regardless, encouraging Sakura to do the same. Together, they manage to give a successful performance, with Sakura regaining her full memories in the process. In a cliffhanger at the end, Okoba begins to notice a connection between Franchouchou's members and the people they were in life.
僵尸乐园萨加 / 丧尸之地传奇 / ZombieLand SAGA

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