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Persons Unknown (2010)

电视 美国 墨西哥 英语 剧情 悬疑 惊悚
这部NBC悬疑新剧还是很有看点的。故事讲述一群彼此陌生的人在偏远的沙漠小镇中醒来,对自己为什么会去那里毫不知情。他们只知道,那是一个无路可逃的地方。小镇上到处都是监控摄像机,这群人的一举一动都受到严格监视。当他们试图跨越小镇的边境逃跑时,却被一股神秘的力量驱赶了回来。某些房间里的远程遥控电视机是他们获得信息的唯一途径。不信任感在人群中逐渐蔓延,人们开始相互猜忌。与此同时,新的「陌生人」仍源源不断从.. 查看全部
这部NBC悬疑新剧还是很有看点的。故事讲述一群彼此陌生的人在偏远的沙漠小镇中醒来,对自己为什么会去那里毫不知情。他们只知道,那是一个无路可逃的地方。小镇上到处都是监控摄像机,这群人的一举一动都受到严格监视。当他们试图跨越小镇的边境逃跑时,却被一股神秘的力量驱赶了回来。某些房间里的远程遥控电视机是他们获得信息的唯一途径。不信任感在人群中逐渐蔓延,人们开始相互猜忌。与此同时,新的「陌生人」仍源源不断从外界被送进来。6月7日起播出。 Janet Cooper(Daisy Betts扮演)从昏迷中转醒,发现自己被锁在一间旅馆房间中。自己是怎么到这里来的?她竟毫无印象。她只依稀记得,不久前自己带着五岁的小女儿在游乐场玩耍,女儿突然不见了,两个穿蓝色制服的男人向她走过去,在光天化日之下将她绑架了。 Janet显然并不孤独--一架监控摄像机冷冰冰地监视着她的一举一动。叫喊、撞击、敲打……她使尽了一切手段,就是无法打开房门。突然之间,一个叫Joe Tucker(Jason Wiles扮演)的男人砸开房门冲了进来。Joe自称「和Janet一样被绑架到这里」,「几分钟前刚刚醒来」,「就住在Janet隔壁的房间」,「不知道发生了什么事」。 随后,他们又找到了另外四个「陌生人」--Charlie Morse(Alan Ruck扮演),一个极度恐慌的投资银行家;Graham McNair(Chadwick Boseman扮演),一个头脑冷静、身手不凡的海军陆战队士官;Moira Doherty(Tina Holmes扮演),一个老师,身上还穿着睡衣;Tori Fairchild(Kate Lang Johnson扮演),一个交际花,来此之前正在彻夜狂欢,身上还带着酒气。这四个人与Joe、Janet困在同一楼层,每个人的房间里都安装着令人不安的监控摄像机。 六位「陌客」简单交流后发现,他们根本没有任何共同点,也没有任何值得绑架的理由(除Charlie外,因为他有钱)。「陌客」们冲出旅馆,发现他们正置身于一座已遭遗弃的小镇。小镇四周是茫茫荒野,而小镇本身就像一座监狱--他们根本无路可逃。 众人决定到警长办公室去碰碰运气。然而他们发现,所有的电话线都已被切断。更糟的是,一个男人「霸占」了小镇上唯一一支枪。这个叫Bill Blackham(Sean O'Bryan扮演)的家伙是个汽车推销商,油嘴滑舌,老于世故--但他并不是这一切的主谋,他和其他人一样是个「受害者」。Bill是最早在旅馆中醒过来的人,但他只顾自己,没有理会Janet的求救。 Janet和Joe认为有人在恶作剧,决定设法逃跑。他们承诺第二天带人回来营救其他「陌客」。然而他们并没有跑远--他们刚刚跨过小镇的边境线,竟一齐神秘晕倒。Graham试图去救他们,也跟着晕倒了,剩下的几个人变得更加恐慌。 夜晚降临,几个神秘人开着一辆车将晕倒的三人送了回来。神秘人向他们提供了食物,但是拒绝回答任何问题。与此同时,留在旅馆里的其他人发现旅馆来了一位「夜班经理」。他告诉大家不必惊慌,但同样不肯提供任何解释。这些是什么人?他们来此作甚?唯一的线索可能存在于……他们所吃的「幸运饼干」。 远离小镇的现实社会里,一个叫Mark Renbe(Gerald Kyd扮演)的记者和他的编辑Kat Damatto(Lola Glaudini扮演)开始调查Janet的神秘失踪。

导演:Michael Rymer

编剧:克里斯托弗·麦奎里 / Vim Shanmugam

主演:詹森·威尔斯 / 黛茜·贝茨 / 查德维克·博斯曼 / 劳拉·格劳蒂尼 / 蒂娜·霍尔姆斯 / 凯特·迈纳 / 杰拉尔德·基德 / 肖恩·奥布赖恩 / 阿兰·卢克 / Andy Greenfield / 坎迪斯·麦克卢尔 / 迈克尔·哈尔尼 / 雷吉·李 / Joanna Lipari / Alan Smyth / 李·珀塞尔 / 卡洛斯·拉卡马拉 / 维克多·埃菲尔 / Susanna Harter / 伊斯梅尔·伊斯特·卡尔罗 / Marius Biegai / 马绍尔·曼尼什 / 迈克尔·杜雷尔 / 泰德·巴勃考克 / Luis Gatica / 保罗·拉西 / 玛尔·卡雷拉 / 罗伯特·皮卡多 / 莉萨·欧文 / 亚当·列贝曼 / 米格尔·安赫尔·富恩特斯 / Felipe de Lara / Eduardo Victoria / 卡拉·索萨





Several strangers awaken and find themselves imprisoned inside a small ghost town. They quickly search for answers and along the way start to question each other's motives.
史蒂夫·希尔 Steve Shill
提姆·麦锡森 Tim Matheson
迈克尔·奥佛尔 Michael Offer
迈克尔·瑞迈尔 Michael Rymer
比尔·艾格斯 Bill Eagles
坎迪斯·麦克卢尔 Kandyse McClure
雷吉·李 Reggie Lee
詹森·威尔斯 Jason Wiles
黛茜·贝茨 Daisy Betts
肖恩·奥布赖恩 Sean O'Bryan
卡拉·索萨 Karla Souza
凯特·迈纳 Kate Miner
第 1 季 共 13 集

第 1 集 Pilot
When seven strangers are abducted and wake up in an abandoned town, confusion sets in. They soon discover cameras are watching their every move and whoever took them has taken extreme measures to keep them from leaving. The mystery thickens after dinner at a mysterious Chinese restaurant, where Janet Cooper's fortune reads, "Kill your neighbor and you'll go free."

第 2 集 The Edge
While the group attempts to understand why they were kidnapped, Moira painfully removes the implant device that has been embedded in each person's thigh. Elsewhere, trying to escape back to their normal lives, Joe and McNair carefully test the limits of the invisible fence. Meanwhile, back in San Francisco, curious reporter Renbe's search for information on missing mom Janet hits a dead end.

第 3 集 The Way Through
After a week of escape attempts end in failure, tension begins to grow within the group. When a helicopter appears above the hostages, they are hopeful that help has arrived, but the craft only hovers long enough to drop a mysterious box. Meanwhile, San Francisco reporter Renbe puts himself back on the case of Janet's disappearance, despite warnings to stop his investigation.

第 4 集 Exit One
The Night Manager informs the group that one of them will be allowed to check out. Meanwhile, Joe has a secret meeting with someone in the town, and Tori receives a visit of her own.

第 5 集 Incoming
After discovering that Tori is missing, the group's search for her turns up a mysterious newcomer with the name "Erika" tattooed on her arm. Erika reacts violently to her new surroundings and physically attacks Joe, Janet, Blackham, and Moira. Meanwhile, a suspicious Renbe believes he's found a link between Tori's fate and Janet's disappearance.

第 6 集 The Truth
When Joe suddenly falls violently ill, the group becomes alarmed. Meanwhile Erika discovers an antidote, but refuses to give it to Joe unless he comes clean about his secret. Elsewhere, reporter Renbe and Kat attend Tori's funeral in Rome and discover that her father, the U.S. ambassador to Italy, is also investigating her disappearance.

第 7 集 Smoke and Steel
When Joe confesses everything he knows about the kidnappers and their organization to Janet, he puts himself in a vulnerable position with all involved. Angry and mistrustful of Joe's involvement in "the program," Blackham and Erika devise a plan to use him as a possible way to escape. Meanwhile, Kat, Renbe and Stefano believe that Joe is the key to finding both Tori and Janet.

第 8 集 Saved
When Joe wakes up strapped to a table, he is told he must be "reeducated" in order to return to the program, or he will die. He then endures a dizzying array of dreams, hallucinations and flashbacks designed to steer him back to the program and away from Janet. Back in town, both Blackham and McNair are forced to come to terms with their troubled pasts. Elsewhere, continuing their journey in South America, Kat and Renbe try to track down the only person who has ever escaped "the program."

第 9 集 Static
After returning to town, Joe's troubles worsen as he suffers from frightening side effects caused by his "reeducation." The rest of the group is left wondering whether they would simply be better off without him. Concerned by the chaotic mess the town has become, the Director of "The Program" sends a surprising new night manager and second-in-command, Liam Ulrich to restore order. Meanwhile, Renbe and Kat get raided by local South American police, which ends in Renbe's arrest.

第 10 集 Identity
When new night manager Mr. Ulrich informs the group that all "guests" are restricted to the hotel they feel even more trapped. The level of uneasiness heightens when they return to their rooms and find very personal items that remind them of their pasts. Meanwhile, Kat and Renbe explore a duplicate abandoned town and find out a whole lot more than they bargained for.

第 11 集 Seven Sacrifices
Unable to trust Joe, Janet sets her sights on Ulrich as her ticket out of town. Morse and Blackam begin to take ease with Ulrich due to his nice personality and helpfulness, but soon realize his true intentions. Meanwhile, Kat and Renbe have returned to San Francisco, only to find out that their lives in America have been severely changed by "The Program."

第 12 集 And Then There Was One
When the group goes searching for Janet and Ulrich, they discover all their supplies have disappeared. After finding the pair, they turn to Ulrich for help, but soon realize they are left on their own to survive. Meanwhile, Kat and Renbe receive crucial information from a medical examiner that leads them dangerously close to "The Program."

第 13 集 Shadows in the Cave
After surviving an unexpected van crash, the abductees finally escape and decide to go their separate ways. Everyone attempts to return to their normal lives, however, "The Program" has no intention of letting them go. Meanwhile, Renbe and Kat race to help Janet, only to end up reunited with the rest of the group in eerily familiar territory.
美国 墨西哥

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