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危机边缘 第二季

Fringe (2009)

电视 美国 加拿大 英语 剧情 科幻 悬疑 惊悚 恐怖
几位制片人透露,编剧组目前已经制定出完整的「第二季剧情线索蓝图」。第一季结尾留下了很多疑问,其中最大的一个是:究竟存在多少个平行世界?Olivia已经亲身经历了其中的一个,她还会经历另一个吗?大多数DC漫画中所描述的「无限地球」概念(Infinite Earths),会出现在《危机边缘》中吗? .. 查看全部
几位制片人透露,编剧组目前已经制定出完整的「第二季剧情线索蓝图」。第一季结尾留下了很多疑问,其中最大的一个是:究竟存在多少个平行世界?Olivia已经亲身经历了其中的一个,她还会经历另一个吗?大多数DC漫画中所描述的「无限地球」概念(Infinite Earths),会出现在《危机边缘》中吗? 显然不会。Jeff Pinkner明确否认本剧存在「主地球」、「地球2」、「地球3」这样的概念。《危机边缘》的故事空间仅仅限定于「我们的世界」和「另一个世界(平行世界)」。换句话说,本剧只存在两个世界,不会有来自1000个不同世界的Peter组成「Peter大军」。Alex Kurtzman说,他没料到编剧组会那么早引入平行世界这个概念,这完全出乎他当初的设想。 当有人问「本剧是否有抄袭《X档案》的嫌疑」时,Robert Orci笑称,当他们制作《双面女间谍》(Alias)时,别人说他们抄袭《谍中谍》(Mission Impossible);当他们制作《谍中谍3》时,别人又说他们抄袭《双面女间谍》,让人哭笑不得。别人要怎么说,也只能由他们去说了。 当有人询问Olivia与各种边缘案件有何联系时,Anna Torv说:「我不清楚,因为他们(编剧组)也不清楚。」至于Olivia为什么从当初的「意志坚定」变成「处处怀疑自己」,Anna Torv说,那是因为Olivia在梦中见到自己杀人后产生了恐惧感。 Joshua Jackson则介绍说,第二季将部分揭示Peter的过去。第一季的主要人物关系是「Peter和Walter的关系」,第二季也差不多。有人立刻问了一个让全场观众尖叫的问题:Peter和Olivia会产生爱情吗?那会给他们的调查工作带来麻烦吗?John Noble立刻接过话筒给Joshua Jackson下台。他说,Peter第二季会和Walter讨论这个问题,而Walter会劝导Peter:放宽心,不会有影响的。 John Noble还畅谈了他对Walter这个人物的看法。他说,他不认为这个角色「与众不同」,但是他也不清楚这个角色的底线究竟在哪里。Walter的一些行为是「自然而然」的,他甚至不知道自己「有幽默感」。 Jasika Nicole则谈到,她的角色一天到晚和Walter待在一起,是因为她喜欢他。而她作为一个「万事通」,对Walter的研究工作也很有帮助。 关于新季,Roberto Orci拐弯抹角说了一大堆废话,Alex Kurtzman则很干脆地说了一句话:「战争即将来临。」 有观众问,为什么将William Bell的办公室设在世贸大厦双子座?两位制片人回答:这年头要让人相信「平行世界」的存在,还有什么比世贸双子座更有说服力的呢?除此之外,平行世界里的世贸双子座还有强烈的隐喻义:它们代表一个人不同的「两面」。由于世贸大厦双子座是比较敏感的话题,制片公司和剧组反复协商了多轮才最终敲定。 有观众问,我们已经知道Peter来自另一个世界,那个世界的Walter是否会设法把他弄回去?「那个Walter」就是Walter在精神病院里看见的「幻影」吗?狡猾的制片人连说三个单词:「Yes, No, Maybe.」 有观众问,平行世界里的人物会出现吗?Anna Torv开玩笑地说,Olivia和平行世界里的Olivia保持着电子邮件和电话联系,正迫不及待地要见上一面。Roberto Orci一反常态,用很严肃的口气说:「那是相当有可能的~」没法判断他是在开玩笑还是说真的。 有观众问,William Bell(Leonard Nimoy)第二季会是常规角色吗?Jeff Pinkner回答,Leonard Nimoy想出现多少次都可以,全凭他自己决定。我们可能会再见到他,可能不会立即发生,但他的存在将影响一切后续剧情。 有观众问,第一季结尾时,William Bell办公室的一张报纸显示,奥巴马搬进了「新白宫」。那是否意味着平行世界里世贸大厦被保留下来,而白宫被撞毁了?答案是……没错,「这就是阴和阳的关系」。 有观众问,你们的灵感是哪儿来的?Roberto Orci哈哈大笑:「报纸上,新闻里,科学版(或者与科学有关的部分)。」 制片人还证实,他们将逐渐「放弃」被称作「The Pattern」的东西。你可能也注意到了,在第一季的后半段,「The Pattern」这个名词提得很少。本剧将向「角色驱动」的方向发展,而不会过多地纠缠于「The Pattern是什么东西」,「The Pattern该怎么解决」。 该剧剧组已整体搬迁到加拿大的温哥华,不会再回到纽约。 第二季将于9月17日播出,固定档期已由原来的星期二改为星期四。

导演:阿齐瓦·高斯曼 / 塞斯·曼恩 / 布拉德·安德森 / 布莱恩·斯派克 / 乔·施佩尔 / 保罗·A·爱德华兹 / 强·卡萨 / 丹尼斯·史密斯 / 保罗·豪拉汉 / 吉诺特·兹瓦克 / 弗雷德·托耶 / 德兰·萨拉菲安 / 亚当·戴维森 / 查尔斯·比森 / 戴维·斯特雷顿 / 托马斯·亚茨科 / 杰弗里·G.亨特

编剧:J.J. Abrams / Alex Kurtzman

主演:安娜·托芙 / 乔舒亚·杰克逊 / 约翰·诺贝尔





An F.B.I. agent is forced to work with an institutionalized scientist and his son in order to rationalize a brewing storm of unexplained phenomena.
阿齐瓦·高斯曼 Akiva Goldsman
塞斯·曼恩 Seith Mann
布拉德·安德森 Brad Anderson
布莱恩·斯派克 Bryan Spicer
乔·施佩尔 Joe Chappelle
保罗·A·爱德华兹 Paul A. Edwards
强·卡萨 Jon Cassar
丹尼斯·史密斯 Dennis Smith
保罗·豪拉汉 Paul Holahan
让诺·什瓦茨 Jeannot Szwarc
弗雷德·托耶 Fred Toye
德兰·萨拉菲安 Deran Sarafian
第 2 季 共 23 集

第 1 集 A New Day in the Old Town
An amnesiac Olivia makes her return from the parallel universe, while Walter, Pete, and Junior Agent Amy Jessup investigate the mysterious death of a man found with puncture holes in his palate. Meanwhile, Broyles defends the Fringe Division from a Senate subcommittee threatening to shut the organization down.

第 2 集 Night of Desirable Objects
A highway construction worker is the seventh in a series of mysterious disappearances in Lansdale, PA. The team come to investigate and finds traces of a mysterious paralytic. Meanwhile, Walter tries to send frogs to an alternate reality and Olivia realizes her recent trip has altered her in ways she can barely understand.

第 3 集 Fracture
When an American officer who served in Iraq blows up in a Philadelphia train station, the Fringe Division investigates and determines that something turned the man into a living bomb. Peter and Olivia travel to Iraq to determine if Peter's contacts can shed some light on the situation.

第 4 集 Momentum Deferred
Olivia begins to regain her memories of her encounter with William Bell. Meanwhile, the "First Wave" tries to collect the head of their leader, and the traitor makes his move.

第 5 集 Dream Logic
A man in Seattle goes berserk, attacking his boss and claiming his victim is a demon. After the killer dies of what appears to be exhaustion, the Fringe Division discover it's only the first in a series of killings where the persons initiating the attacks were in a dreaming state while awake

第 6 集 Earthling
Human beings are reduced to ash statues and Broyles realizes that the same person responsible murdered five other persons four years ago... a case that he never solved.

第 7 集 Of Human Action
Two men kidnap a teenage boy using mind control abilities. The boy's father works for Massive Dynamic but Nina insists that the company hasn't been developing mind control, and has no idea who the two kidnappers are. The truth or falsehood of her statements are soon confirmed when Peter encounters the person responsible for the boy's abduction.

第 8 集 August
The Observer chooses to do something other than observe, abducting a college student. However, when the Fringe team investigates, they discover that there is more than one Observer.. in both time and space.

第 9 集 Snakehead
A Chinese Triad is using illegal aliens to breed parasitic worms that eventually kill their hosts. When a ship runs aground, Fringe Division learns of the operation and tries to locate a second ship before the passengers on it suffer a slow, agonizing death.

第 10 集 Grey Matters
The First Wave breaks into a mental hospital and cures a long-term patient suffering from schizophrenia. When the Fringe team investigates, Olivia discovers that the group's leader has one of the heads stolen from cryogenic storage months earlier. Meanwhile, two other mental patients are cured of their schizophrenia and the team soon realize that something was taken from each patients' brain... and Walter holds the key to realizing what First Wave is after.

第 11 集 Unearthed
A teenage girl pronounced brain dead wakes up in the middle of the operation to remove her organs... speaking numbers in Russian. When the Navy confirms that the numbers are nuclear launch codes and a missing officer named Rusk knows them, the search is on for the missing man.

第 12 集 Johari Window
A state trooper picks up a runaway boy, but when he undergoes a strange transformation, three murders result. The Fringe team is called in to investigate and discover that a small town harbors a horrible secret.

第 13 集 What Lies Below
A Dutch industrial consultant arrives for an appointment and dies in a painful explosion of blood. Olivia and Peter arrive on the scene first and discover that the blood contains a pathogen and everyone in the building may be contaminated. While Walter and Astrid work outside the quarantined building to create a cure, the virus develops unique characteristics that pose a danger to the entire world.

第 14 集 The Bishop Revival
When all of the groom's relatives asphyxiate at a wedding, the Fringe division investigates and quickly ascertain that a human agency is responsible. Walter realizes that the formula for the toxin was based on research conducted by his father, Robert Bischoff, and that the killer isn't stopping with a single test of his lethal concoction.

第 15 集 Jacksonville
The arrival of a building from the alternate Earth causes massive death and destruction to those occupying the site at its arrival. Walter soon realizes that to equalize the balance between universes, another building will have to disappear... along with everyone inside it. The team's only chance is for Walter to activate Olivia's long-buried ability to distinguish objects from the other universe.

第 16 集 Peter
Walter explains to Olivia how Peter came from the alternate universe, and how he was willing to risk everything to save his son.

第 17 集 Olivia. In the Lab. With the Revolver.
A healthy woman dies of rapid-onset cancer in a matter of minutes, and the Fringe team is called in to investigate. The killer has connections to Jacksonville... and Olivia is a potential victim. Meanwhile, Olivia tries to come to terms with her knowledge of Peter's origins.

第 18 集 White Tulip
When the passengers on a commuter train all die instantly of massive power loss, the team realizes that a time traveler is responsible... and that it may be impossible to apprehend him. Meanwhile, Walter writes a letter to Peter explaining his origins.

第 19 集 The Man From The Other Side
Two teenagers turn up dead and evidence indicates that shapeshifters have borrowed their forms for some special mission. While the Fringe team tries to track them down, Peter grows increasingly suspicious of Walter's secretive behavior.

第 20 集 Brown Betty
When Peter disappears, Walter seeks solace in marijuana. In that state of mind, he and Astrid babysit Olivia's niece Ella, and Walter tells her a fairy tale of a gentle inventor, a stolen glass heart, a detective looking for true love, and a mysterious group of bald men known as the Watchers.

第 21 集 Northwest Passage
In Noyo County, Washington, Peter stumbles across a grisly murder with ties to Newton and First Wave. He is forced to team up with a suspicious sheriff to get to the heart of the case. Meanwhile, Walter has trouble functioning without Peter, and worries he will be sent back to the mental institute.

第 22 集 Over There (1)
When Walter discovers that Peter has traveled to the alternate universe, he and Olivia gather three cortexiphan children with the ability to transition safely between the two Earths.

第 23 集 Over There (2)
Walternate asks Peter to help complete the device, while the fugitives Walter and Olivia are reunited with William Bell. Meanwhile, the alternate world's Fringe Division closes in on the invaders, and Peter must make a life-shattering decision.
美国 加拿大
F档案 : 第2辑(港) / 迷离档案 第二季

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