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海军罪案调查处 第四季

NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service (2006)

电视 美国 英语 剧情 喜剧 动作 悬疑 惊悚
NCIS (海军犯罪调查机构)是一部关于一支特工小组的动作剧集,这支小组隶属五角大楼的特别部门,肩负着调查任何有一丝证据证明与海军及海军陆战队人员有关的犯罪,且不论其级别或职位的高低。领导这支小组并独立于海军指挥系统的是NCIS特工Leroy Jethro Gibbs (Mark Harmon饰),这名经验丰富的调查员与审问员是个机智、强硬并且为了完成任务愿意打破常规的人。直接受Gibbs领导的是.. 查看全部
NCIS (海军犯罪调查机构)是一部关于一支特工小组的动作剧集,这支小组隶属五角大楼的特别部门,肩负着调查任何有一丝证据证明与海军及海军陆战队人员有关的犯罪,且不论其级别或职位的高低。领导这支小组并独立于海军指挥系统的是NCIS特工Leroy Jethro Gibbs (Mark Harmon饰),这名经验丰富的调查员与审问员是个机智、强硬并且为了完成任务愿意打破常规的人。直接受Gibbs领导的是Anthony DiNozzo特工 (Michael Weatherly饰),作为一名前重案组探员,其出色的本能来自于大量的调查经验。之后加入他们俩的是Kate Todd (Sasha Alexander饰),一个美丽而又坚强的前特勤处特工,曾与Gibbs短兵相接(见NCIS第一季第一集)。还有从事技术分析工作的Abby Sciuto (Pauley Perrette饰),是一名天才科学家,她那黑色幽默与哥特风格的装扮相得益彰。新加入小队的是Timothy McGee (Sean Murray饰),麻省理工学院(MIT,剧中经常会提到)的毕业生,他对电脑的精通使他在Gibbs率领的小组中成为一名见习特工。在小组背后默默支持的是法医Donald "Ducky" Mallard (David McCallum饰),他见多识广。从谋杀、间谍活动到恐怖活动、盗窃潜艇,这些特工们为了调查所有与海军及海军陆战队相关的犯罪活动,足迹遍布全世界。 虽然同样由CBS电视网制作,NCIS却和CBS的另一王牌剧《犯罪现场》(CSI)有着极大差别,NCIS每集只专心讲述一个案子。CIS重点在于犯罪证据的收集和调查,NCIS侧重于案情的悬疑曲折以及主要角色的鲜明个性。第二季开头的一个案子就非常有代表性,一家军用直升飞机停在麦田中央,直升飞机周围的麦田全部伏倒形成了一个圆圈。而驾驶飞机的海军陆战队员则已经不知去向,这样的开头不禁一下让观众想到了外星人。不过NCIS毕竟不是《X档案》,事情的真相还是要回归到真实的生活中来。个性鲜明的几位长线角色也是NCIS吸引观众的另外一大卖点,上到调查处头头吉不斯,小到一个验尸官的助手,每一位 NCIS成员都有着与人不同的特殊性格。这样一来,每位观众都能在剧中找到自己喜欢的角色。

导演:William Webb

编剧:Don McGill

主演:大卫·麦考姆 / 马克·哈蒙 / 迈克尔·韦瑟利 / 宝蕾·佩雷特 / 萨莎·亚历山大 / 尚恩·穆雷





Follows the Major Case Response Team (MCRT) from the Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS), as they get to the bottom of criminal cases connected to Navy and Marine Corps personnel.
William Webb
托马斯·J.怀特 Thomas J. Wright
丹尼斯·史密斯 Dennis Smith
科林·巴克西 Colin Bucksey
大卫·麦考姆 David McCallum
马克·哈蒙 Mark Harmon
饰 Gibbs
迈克尔·韦瑟利 Michael Weatherly
宝蕾·佩雷特 Pauley Perrette
萨莎·亚历山大 Sasha Alexander
尚恩·穆雷 Sean Murray
亚历山德拉·卡尼亚克 Aleksandra Kaniak
饰 俄罗斯护士
玛丽·茅泽 Mary Matilyn Mouser
第 4 季 共 24 集

第 1 集 Shalom
When Ziva accidentally witnesses a political assassination, she must surrender to the FBI and deal with the consenquences without Gibbs's help, who is now enjoying his retirement. She learns that the FBI is looking for her and escapes, while the NCIS team, leaded by Tony, must prove that Ziva is innocent. However, when things get more complicated, Ziva seeks help from the one person that always trusted her, Gibbs.

第 2 集 Escaped
Gibbs is forced to come back out of his retirement to help Fornell, who is being threatened by a convict that escaped from prison. The convict threatens both Fornell and his daughter Emily. Gibbs and the NCIS team re-open the convict's old robbery case, and question a retired sailor who is the only one who contacted the convict after he was sent to prison. The investigation will lead the NCIS team to a surprising discovery.

第 3 集 Singled Out
An abandoned car is found full of blood, registered to a missing Navy lieutenant. The NCIS team learns that the missing lieutenant was profiling men, trying to find a perfect man for herself. When they find out that the woman intended to go to a seminar at a local hotel, Ziva goes undercover to find more information. Ducky is busy going through the profiles of the men. Jenny makes a secret offer to Tony.

第 4 集 Faking It
After police pull over a driver and arrest him for a concealed weapon, a car crashes into their patrol car with a dead man behind the wheel. The arrested man turns out to be Russian and Homeland Security claim he was working for them. The Russian is linked to an old case that Mike Franks worked on. Mike comes out of retirement to put the Russian behind bars.

第 5 集 Dead and Unburied
When a missing Lance Corporal is found dead in a vacant house, the NCIS team discovers that he was buried in the backyard and then exhumed. They learn about his identity and that he was to be deployed to Iraq, but he never showed up for duty. The investigation leads them to a new clue---he had two fiancées. Abby runs the DNA samples from the two women to find out if the DNA is a match to the soil found on the dead man's body.

第 6 集 Witch Hunt
It's Halloween and the NCIS team is busy investigating a ransom case. A Marine's daughter has been kidnapped after the kidnapper attacked a Marine in his home. The investigation leads them to a fact that the couple has been separated. They decide to focus on the wife's ex-boyfriend, after learning that the woman is the one who destroyed their marriage. Meanwhile, McGee and Tony are stunned by Abby's Halloween costume.

第 7 集 Sandblast
When a Marine Colonel dies in an explosion at a military golf course, the NCIS team must investigate a suspected terrorist attack with the help from the Army Criminal Investigative Division (CID). The CIA gives them a lead to an abandoned warehouse, but it turns out to be a trap---the warehouse is set to explode. McGee uses his computer skills to break into the secret government files to uncover the terrorist cell.

第 8 集 Once a Hero
When an honored Marine veteran is found dead in a hotel, the NCIS team must find out what happened to him. Soon they realize that the Marine didn't commit suicide and that he was a homeless man. After going through his stuff, they find compromising evidence against him, and Gibbs is determined to prove the man's innocence.

第 9 集 Twisted Sister
McGee breaks the rules, risking his NCIS job, to help his sister Sara, who shows up disoriented and bloodied. While he works on figuring out what happened to his sister, the NCIS team is investigating a case of a Navy sailor, who is somehow connected to McGee's sister. Both Tony and Abby are busy with love problems, while McGee turns out to have another secret.

第 10 集 Smoked
When a burnt and mummified body of a missing and wanted person is found on a Marine base, in a furnace, NCIS must work with FBI. The burnt man turns out to be a serial killer. The both teams visit the man's family and discover something shocking. Also, the NCIS team must deal with the book McGee wrote about them, using "fictional" characters.

第 11 集 Driven
When a robotic vehicle named "Otto," a part of a high level project of the Department of Defense, causes a death of a Navy Lieutenant, and then later almost kills Abby, the NCIS team must find out who sabotaged the vehicle and murdered the Navy Lieutenant. Meanwhile, Ziva realizes that Tony keeps on visiting the hospital. What is he doing there?

第 12 集 Suspicion
When a high-level Marine intelligence officer is found murdered in a small motel room, the NCIS team must find the person who murdered him. After discovering that the person was dead for already three days, and that the town authorities already "investigated" the crime, Gibbs is determined to solve the case, which could be related to a terrorist cell, and not let the town authorities get in his way.

第 13 集 Sharif Returns
When the NCIS team learns that the missing 10 kilograms of highly toxic chemical weapons are now in the hands of Mamoun Sharif, a wanted terrorist, they will have to find a way to find the man and stop him before it's too late with the aid from Army Lt. Col. Hollis Mann and constant phone calls from Sharif himself.

第 14 集 Blowback
After catching an international arms dealer, the NCIS team learns that Navy's highly classified weapons system will be sold to "La Grenouille," an important arms dealer. To stop the transaction, the team will send Ducky undercover. Meanwhile, another government agency appears to be working on the same case, with different plans.

第 15 集 Friends and Lovers
When a dead body of a sailor is found in an abandoned part of the town, all the evidence seem to point that the person died from unintentional drug overdose, but when the team uncovers more evidence, it turns out to be a murder. Meanwhile, Tony bonds with a local detective while working on the case.

第 16 集 Dead Man Walking
When a Navy Lieutenant becomes the victim of radiation poisoning, the NCIS team must find the person who's behind the crime. The Lieutenant, who is working for the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency), claims that only his two colleagues knew about his assignment, and whoever it was, the person tried to stop the Lieutenant's next investigation.

第 17 集 Skeletons
When an explosion at a military cemetery mausoleum reveals a crypt full of a mixture of body parts, the NCIS team must inform the families of the victims, hoping to find a connection between the dismembered victims, and narrow down the suspects to find out who is behind the hideous crime. Meanwhile, Abby is dealing with a personal problem, and the only person she can talk to about it is Gibbs.

第 18 集 Iceman
When a supposedly frozen to death Marine turns out alive on Ducky's autopsy table, the NCIS team has to find out about the victim's movements last few days to uncover what happened to him and who left him for dead. As the investigation progresses, the team learns about the victim's trip to Baghdad via a private cargo plane and discovers a link to Gibbs' past.

第 19 集 Grace Period
When a weekend call to the NCIS tip line from an unknown source about possible terrorist activity results in the death of two agents sent into a trap, the NCIS team will have to find out who were the people responsible with the help from Agent Paula Cassidy, who holds herself responsible for the tragedy.

第 20 集 Cover Story
McGee is under high pressure during the murder investigation of a Petty Officer based on the character for his latest book, with very little information to go on.

第 21 集 Brothers in Arms
Director Shepard makes a huge mistake by meeting a man alone to inform her about Le Grenouille, as their meeting turns into a murder of the informant. Now the NCIS team must gather all the existing info and try to finally hunt down their enemy.

第 22 集 In the Dark
When a blind photographer shoots the body of a Petty Officer on film, the NCIS team uses his special insight to investigate the crime. Meanwhile, both Gibbs and Tony are having commitment issues in their relationships.

第 23 集 Trojan Horse
When Jenny has to attend an overseas conference, Gibbs is made acting director, but he prefers to ignore his duties and lead the investigation of the murder of a man, who was found dead in a taxi headed to the NCIS headquarters.

第 24 集 Angel of Death
When Jenny returns from her European trip, the entire NCIS team will be forced to take a Homeland Security polygraph test, and the deepest secrets of each agent are about to be revealed. Plus, an unarmed Tony and Jeanne are held hostage by a ruthless drug dealer.

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