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辛普森一家 第十三季

The Simpsons (2001)

电视 美国 英语 喜剧 动画
辛普森是美国最普通的一个五口之家:爸爸荷马·辛普森是一个简单到不能再简单的男人,在斯普林菲尔德的核能工厂勉强算是有一份工作,只是在同一个职位上被解雇和再次聘用了无数次……荷马在酒馆中花掉的时间远比在家里多得多,因为只有在那里,他才能受到别人的欢迎--前提是他消费了。酒馆是一个完全能够让荷马放松的地方,他可以用自己钥匙发出难听的声音,可以把鼻涕擦在衬衫上,可以一杯接一杯地品尝散发着诱人香味的啤酒。荷.. 查看全部
辛普森是美国最普通的一个五口之家:爸爸荷马·辛普森是一个简单到不能再简单的男人,在斯普林菲尔德的核能工厂勉强算是有一份工作,只是在同一个职位上被解雇和再次聘用了无数次……荷马在酒馆中花掉的时间远比在家里多得多,因为只有在那里,他才能受到别人的欢迎--前提是他消费了。酒馆是一个完全能够让荷马放松的地方,他可以用自己钥匙发出难听的声音,可以把鼻涕擦在衬衫上,可以一杯接一杯地品尝散发着诱人香味的啤酒。荷马将那里当成一个只要喝掉几杯啤酒、吃掉一两个卤蛋就能让一切看起来都变成可能的地方:毕竟生命太短暂了,不可能慢慢攒钱,所以他的愿望就是:天上掉馅饼,一夜暴富。 妈妈马芝·辛普森属于那种成功男人背后的完美女人,是辛普森家成员之间最可爱的“黏着剂”,用一种不可思议的乐观态度支持着每一位家人。她拥有着一种非凡的家务技能,总可以创造奇迹,能够将鸡骨变成时髦的项链、将剩菜剩饭变成人间美味,就连火蚁的入侵,也被变成了一场教育意义和娱乐性并存的昆虫马戏。尽管荷马自私自利,经常忘了家人的生日、纪念日甚至是假日;尽管他喜欢张着嘴嚼东西、嗜赌,还经常和一群与他一样处在底层社会的人跑到酒馆喝酒……但马芝从没有想过有一天离开荷马,她相信这一定是爱情的力量。面对荷马制造的无数次混乱,马芝从没有放弃过希望。 大儿子巴特·辛普森是个喜欢恶作剧的小鬼头,对于别人说他过于依赖电视的指责充耳不闻,他有许多“爱好”,例如在减肥中心吃冰淇淋、升级了吐痰的“艺术”、站在房顶手拿棒球棍保卫自己的家不受UFO的袭击……作为一名执着不悔的捣蛋鬼,巴特受到了很多人的排斥,但是他不在乎,他只在乎,并恐惧着--有一天会良心发现,变成好人。 大女儿丽莎·辛普森是智慧与理性的典范,可是她却是这个家里最容易被忽视的人--除非荷马或巴特为了实现自己那荒唐的计划需要借助她的头脑。丽莎只好将希望转移到了学校,企盼自己独特的能力可以在这里受到重视。情况表面上看确实如此,因为她的老师总是用最好的成绩“A”来奖励她的机灵与天分,可是在态度上却仍然是全权的冷淡。至于她的同学,却对她过分“注意”了,总是给她起各式各样的外号。丽莎只好将悲伤和失望全部化为力量,她喜欢吹萨克斯来疏导自己的情绪,还是曲棍球队的明星守门员。虽然模范学生丽莎远没有淘气的巴特受到的关注多,但两人却是最坚实的同盟,因为在巴特一连串恶魔似的计划中,丽莎是他永远的帮手。 刚刚出生没多久的小女儿麦琪·辛普森总是用平静来抵抗家里的所有混乱,但一切都在她学会说话后有了改变。当荷马照顾麦琪时,她就可以自由自在地做任何她想做的事了,包括从狗盆里喝水,完成她的“探险”任务……麦琪只和最理解她的人做朋友,所以她的朋友就只有一只被称做“圣诞老人的小助手”的狗和一只叫 “雪球二世”的猫。

导演:吉姆·里尔顿 / 马克·柯克兰 / 兰斯·克雷默 / 斯蒂文·迪恩·摩尔 / 马修·纳斯奇克 / 南茜·克鲁斯 / 劳伦·麦克穆伦 / 迈克尔·玻尔奇诺 / 鲍勃·安德森 / 迈克·B·安德森 / 查克·希茨 / 皮特·米歇尔斯

编剧:马特·格罗宁 / 詹姆斯·L·布鲁克斯 / 萨姆·西蒙 / 乔尔·H·科恩 / 约翰·弗林克 / 唐·佩恩 / 乔治·梅耶 / 迈克·斯库利 / 达纳·古尔德 / 约翰·斯瓦兹韦德 / 伊安·马克斯通-格雷厄姆 / 比尔·弗雷里伯格 / 马特·塞尔曼 / 蒂姆·朗 / 约翰·维蒂 / 安德鲁·克雷斯伯格 / 鲍勃·本德特森 / 丹·卡斯泰兰尼塔

主演:丹·卡斯泰兰尼塔 / 朱莉·卡夫娜 / 南茜·卡特莱特 / 雅德丽·史密斯 / 汉克·阿扎利亚 / 哈里·谢尔 / 潘蜜拉·海登 / 露西·泰勒 / 特蕾丝·麦克尼尔 / 卡尔·维耶德戈特 / 麦琪·罗丝威尔 / 玛西娅·华莱士 / 皮尔斯·布鲁斯南 / 马修·派瑞 / 杰斯·哈梅尔 / 简·卡兹玛拉克 / 彼得·巴克 / 迈克·米欧斯 / 迈克尔·史帝普 / 茱莉亚·路易斯-德瑞弗斯 / 武井乔治 / 保罗·纽曼 / 理查·基尔 / 德尔罗伊·林多 / 本·斯蒂勒 / 达纳·古尔德 / 约翰·卡西尔 / 乔恩·拉威茨 / 瑞茜·威瑟斯彭 / 沃尔夫冈·帕克 / 丹尼斯·韦弗 / 奥林匹娅·杜卡基斯 / 特雷·安纳斯塔索 / 爱德华·阿斯纳 / 亚历克·鲍德温 / 金·贝辛格 / 史蒂芬·霍金 / 朗·霍华德 / 埃尔顿·约翰 / 露西·劳莱丝 / 乔·纳马斯 / 兰斯·巴斯 / 乔舒亚·斯科特·查兹 / 乔伊·费通 / 克里斯·柯克帕特里克 / 贾斯汀·汀布莱克 / 伊丽莎白·泰勒 / 博诺 / 亚当·克莱顿 / 边缘 / 小拉里·穆伦 / 斯坦·李 / 詹姆斯·里普顿 / 卡门·伊莱克特拉 / 弗朗西斯·斯特恩哈根 / 乔·曼特纳





The satiric adventures of a working-class family in the misfit city of Springfield.
吉姆·里尔顿 Jim Reardon
马克·柯克兰 Mark Kirkland
兰斯·克雷默 Lance Kramer
斯蒂文·迪恩·摩尔 Steven Dean Moore
马修·纳斯奇克 Matthew Nastuk
南茜·克鲁斯 Nancy Kruse
劳伦·麦克穆伦 Lauren MacMullan
迈克尔·玻尔奇诺 Michael Polcino
鲍勃·安德森 Bob Anderson
迈克·B·安德森 Mike B. Anderson
查克·希茨 Chunk Sheetz
皮特·米歇尔斯 Pete Michels
第 13 季 共 22 集

第 1 集 Treehouse of Horror XII
In the twelfth Treehouse of Horror episode:<br /> <br /> Hex and the City – While on a day trip through Ethnictown, Homer's bumbling catches the ire of a gypsy, who curses Homer's family and friends into receiving nothing but bad luck.<br /> <br /> House of Whacks – in this mixed parody of Demon Seed and 2001: A Space Odyssey, Marge buys an automated house and customizes it with the Pierce Brosnan personality, who falls for Marge and attempts to murder Homer.<br /> <br /> Wiz Kids – In this Harry Potter parody, Bart and Lisa go to a school for wizards, and Lord Montemort (Mr. Burns) uses Bart to capture Lisa's magic.<br /> <br /> Guest star: Pierce Brosnan and Matthew Perry.[20]

第 2 集 The Parent Rap
Bart gets in trouble for joyriding in a police car, but feels confident he will be let off by Judge Snyder. However, Snyder goes on vacation before ruling his verdict and is replaced with a coldhearted judge named Constance Harm. She accuses Homer of being a negligent father and sentences him to be tethered to Bart. The two are against it at first but later start to bond. Marge however is unable to take anymore of it and slices the tether off of them both. Homer and Marge then go after Judge Harm only to end up sinking her houseboat. Eventually Bart decides to take punishment and is about to be sentenced to 5 year in juvenile hall, only though Judge Snyder returns and dismisses Harm.<br /> <br /> Guest star: Jane Kaczmarek and Jess Harnell.[21]

第 3 集 Homer the Moe
Moe becomes depressed and decides to return to bartending school so he can re-evaluate himself. He meets an old teacher, who suggests that Moe try improving his bar, which might make him happier. Moe takes the advice, and turns his bar into a trendy nightclub, which does not sit well with his regular customers Homer, Lenny, Carl, and Barney.

第 4 集 A Hunka Hunka Burns in Love
Homer becomes a fortune cookie writer for a Chinatown restaurant. Mr. Burns reads one of Homer's fortunes, which says that the reader will find love before Flag Day is over. Burns goes searching for love and meets Gloria, a meter maid, and asks her out. Gloria reluctantly agrees, and Burns recruits Homer to help him look young and hip to his new girlfriend.

第 5 集 The Blunder Years
After tricking Marge into thinking an advertising spokesman is coming to visit her, Homer takes Marge and the rest of the family to a restaurant. A hypnotist uses his powers on Homer, and makes him remember a horrific childhood incident where Homer found a dead body in a ravine. The Simpson family decides to investigate this and find out where the body came from.

第 6 集 She of Little Faith
After Homer and Bart's model rocket damages the church, Mr. Burns makes a deal to commercialize the church in return for paying for the damages. Lisa becomes disgusted at what the church has become, so she decides to find a new religion suitable for her. She eventually converts to Buddhism, causing Marge to fear for Lisa's soul.

第 7 集 Brawl in the Family
A social worker is assigned to make the Simpson family functional after they get arrested for fighting while playing Monopoly. He helps them learn how to work together and function as a family. The moment is ruined when, Ginger and Amber, the barmaids who married Homer and Flanders while they were drunk in "Viva Ned Flanders", arrive at the Simpsons' home, which outrages Marge.

第 8 集 Sweets and Sour Marge
Springfield is officially declared the World's Fattest Town after an attempt to break a world record lands everyone on top of a truck scale. Out of embarrassment and disgust, Marge goes on a crusade against the local sugar corporation. However, when sugar is banned, Homer, Bart, Mr. Burns and Apu start bootlegging sugar.

第 9 集 Jaws Wired Shut
A jaw injury from colliding with a new town statue turns Homer into a better listener while recuperating with his jaws wired shut, but once the wires come off, Homer does not go back to being loud and obnoxious and Marge becomes starved for thrills.

第 10 集 Half-Decent Proposal
Homer develops a snoring problem, so Marge decides to spend a night with her sisters Patty and Selma. After a night of drinking, Marge sees a news report about her ex-prom date Artie Ziff, who is now very wealthy, and decides to send him an e-mail. Artie is still obsessed with Marge, so he offers the Simpsons $1 million in exchange for Marge spending a weekend with him.

第 11 集 The Bart Wants What It Wants
Bart befriends Rainer Wolfcastle's daughter Greta. She has a crush on Bart, but he does not seem to realize it and eventually stops seeing her. Seeking revenge, Greta begins dating Bart's best friend Milhouse, which causes Bart to start missing her. She leaves for Toronto with her father, and Bart convinces his family to follow them there.

第 12 集 The Lastest Gun in the West
While running away from a vicious dog, Bart meets Buck McCoy, a former Western film star. Bart begins hanging out with him and starts to idolize him. Bart wants to help McCoy stage a comeback, so he convinces all of the kids in town to become interested in the Wild West. McCoy appears on the Krusty the Clown Show, but the comeback flops when Buck begins drinking again and injures Krusty the Clown.

第 13 集 The Old Man and the Key
Grampa falls in love with Zelda, a woman who has an interest in men who can drive. He decides to get his driver's license back, but is ignorant to Homer and Marge's concerns that she is only using him for his car.

第 14 集 Tales from the Public Domain
When Homer gets a notice from the library that he has a book of classic tales that is years overdue, he finds it on the shelf and reads three stories: The Odyssey (where Homer and his bar buddies try to get home after fighting the Trojans), Joan of Arc (where Lisa leads the French against the English with the help of God), and Hamlet (where Bart tries to kill Moe after Moe kills Homer in order to marry Marge).

第 15 集 Blame It on Lisa
When Homer gets the family's telephone service cut off for refusing to pay for calls made to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Lisa confesses that she was the one who called Rio after sponsoring an orphan who goes missing. She convinces the family to travel to Brazil to look for him. However, once there, they have no luck finding him, and Homer is kidnapped.

第 16 集 Weekend at Burnsie's
Homer is prescribed medicinal marijuana after getting pecked in the eyes by a murder of crows. While his family and friends worry about the drug altering his personality, Homer becomes Mr. Burns's vice president after cracking up at Burns's antiquated jokes.

第 17 集 Gump Roast
In this clip show episode, Homer is honored at a Friars' Club Roast. A number of characters show up to roast him, but the celebrating is interrupted by Kang and Kodos, who say that humanity will be judged based on Homer's experiences.

第 18 集 I Am Furious (Yellow)
Inspired by a cartoonist who speaks at the school as part of a career day assembly, Bart creates a comic book series based on Homer and his anger problems, which turns into a popular Internet cartoon series called Angry Dad. Homer finds out about this and is at first outraged, but after talking to his family, he decides to try to become a less angry person.

第 19 集 The Sweetest Apu
Homer and Marge discover that Apu is having an affair with the Squishee delivery lady at the Kwik-E-Mart. They decide to keep Apu's wife Manjula from finding out about it. However, she eventually learns of Apu's affair by watching store security tapes. She throws Apu out of the house and decides to file for divorce, but soon realizes that she misses him.

第 20 集 Little Girl in the Big Ten
Lisa tries to fit in with two college students by lying about her age. She finds that the college atmosphere is perfect for her, but her lie is soon discovered and she is shunned by her fellow elementary school students. Meanwhile, Bart is diagnosed with a weakened immune system after getting bitten by a Chinese mosquito and must live in a plastic, germ-free bubble.

第 21 集 The Frying Game
While faced with community service for abusing an endangered insect, Homer begins assisting an elderly woman named Mrs. Bellamy. One night, Mrs. Bellamy is murdered, and Homer and Marge are accused of committing the crime.

第 22 集 Papa's Got a Brand New Badge
Homer starts a security company with Lenny and Carl after the police are ineffective during a blackout, and eventually Mayor Quimby decides to have them replace the police. Homer finds that he excels at the job, but then he runs afoul of mob boss Fat Tony, who threatens Homer with death unless he leaves town.
辛普森一家 第十三季

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