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リトルバスターズ! (2012)

电视 日本 日语 动画
由于童年的悲惨遭遇,直枝理树(堀江由衣 配音)的个性变得十分孤僻。长着一张娃娃脸,沉默寡言,没有朋友,这样的理树成为了大家眼里的怪胎。某一日,性格傲娇爱猫如命的枣铃(民安智惠 配音),正直开朗稳重可靠的枣恭介(绿川光 配音),四肢发达头脑简单的井之原真人(神奈延年 配音),成熟勇敢剑术一流的宫泽谦吾(织田优成 配音)四人出现在了绝望的理树面前。他们自称“Little Busters”,想要利用理树.. 查看全部
由于童年的悲惨遭遇,直枝理树(堀江由衣 配音)的个性变得十分孤僻。长着一张娃娃脸,沉默寡言,没有朋友,这样的理树成为了大家眼里的怪胎。某一日,性格傲娇爱猫如命的枣铃(民安智惠 配音),正直开朗稳重可靠的枣恭介(绿川光 配音),四肢发达头脑简单的井之原真人(神奈延年 配音),成熟勇敢剑术一流的宫泽谦吾(织田优成 配音)四人出现在了绝望的理树面前。他们自称“Little Busters”,想要利用理树的力量来完成拯救世界的重任。 就这样,理树成为了LB中的一份子,整日奔波解决一些说来宏大但其实十分平凡的委托。在相处的过程中,本来行为举止十分怪异的同伴们渐渐的变得可爱起来,理树也逐渐敞开了紧闭的心门,找回了久违的快乐。他开始明白,只要有一颗开朗向上的心,这样的生活一定能够继续下去直到永远。

导演:山川吉树 / 樱井亲良 / 岩崎良明 / 铃木洋平 / 八谷贤一 / 松泽建一 / 铃木健太郎 / 上田茂 / 桥本敏一 / 高岛大辅 / 小野田雄亮 / 大岛博之 / 冈村正弘

编剧:岛田满 / 绫奈由仁子 / 麻枝准 / 都乃河勇人

主演:堀江由衣 / 民安智惠 / 绿川光 / 神奈延年 / 织田优成 / 柳濑夏美 / 铃木惠子 / 若林直美 / 田中凉子 / 巽悠衣子 / 德井青空 / 神田朱未 / 野中蓝 / 广桥凉 / 花泽香菜 / 本多阳子 / 平井理子 / 鸭之宫优 / 大川透 / 滨田贤二 / 小形满 / 松本忍 / 水岛大宙 / 岸尾大辅 / 田中敦子 / 村田太志 / 岛崎信长 / 杉田智和





The adventures of five inseparable childhood friends living in a boarding high school.
山川吉树 Yoshiki Yamakawa
樱井亲良 Chikara Sakurai
岩崎良明 Yoshiaki Iwasaki
铃木洋平 Suzuki Youhei
八谷贤一 Yatagai Ken`ichi
松泽建一 Matsuzawa Ken`ichi
铃木健太郎 Suzuki Kentarou
上田茂 Ueda Shigeru
桥本敏一 Hashimoto Toshikazu
高岛大辅 Takashima Daisuke
小野田雄亮 Onoda Yuusuke
大岛博之 Ooshima Hiroyuki
第 1 季 共 26 集

第 1 集 The Team Name Will Be... the Little Busters
Awakened early in the morning by someone announcing the return of Kyousuke Natsume, Riki Naoe goes to stop his roommate Masato Inohara from fighting their friend and Masato's rival Kengo Miyazawa. Riki asks Kyousuke to intercede, who tells them to fight only with objects thrown from the crowd of onlookers. Kyousuke's younger sister Rin objects when Masato tries to use a white cat as his weapon, causing Kengo to lose interest. Riki reminisces how he has been friends with Kyousuke, Masato, Kengo and Rin since childhood when they brought him into their group called the Little Busters. Riki later suggests that the five of them do something together like they used to, and Kyousuke proposes that they play baseball under the team name Little Busters. Kengo immediately excuses himself from this, as he has to prepare for a kendo tournament. Later that night, Kyousuke gets Rin to go to the girl's dormitory to try to recruit team members.

第 2 集 If You're Happy, I'm Happy
On the school's roof, Riki finds Komari Kamikita, a clumsy girl from his class who loves sweets. Riki tells her he wants to recruit her for the baseball team, but he soon realizes that she may not be well suited for baseball. Later, Riki goes to find Rin after she shirks her classroom duties to play with several cats. One of the cats has two notes tied to it, the first of which says that there is a secret to the world and if they want to find out what it is, they have to complete several tasks first. The second note lists their first task: Fix the sanitation problem in the boys' dorm storage shack. Riki doubts the sincerity of the notes, but Rin is excited to take on the first task. She later gathers up Kyousuke, Riki and Masato to go clean the storage shack. Komari finds them there and agrees to be join their baseball team, but first she and the others go to work cleaning up the shack.

第 3 集 I Like Cute Things, You See
The members of the Little Busters baseball team have morning practice, though Rin is less than enthusiastic. Masato gives Riki back his idiom dictionary, albeit damaged and smelly, in a plastic bag. Haruka Saigusa, a girl from a different class, wantonly borrows the dictionary before Riki can stop her, and upon chasing after her accidentally runs into the desk of Yuiko Kurugaya, a genius girl who is often absent from class. While during a class break when Riki is trying to buy a drink from a vending machine, Yuiko drags him away to a spot with a few chairs and a wooden box she set up among some hedges. They spend time talking, and ultimately Riki loses track of time, later dashing back to class when he hears the bell. Haruka gives Riki back the dictionary and berates him over its disgusting state under the cover. When Masato and Kengo are about to have another fight, Yuiko intervenes, causing Kengo to lose interest.

第 4 集 We'll Make a Happy, Sunny Place
Riki helps his classmate Kudryavka Noumi move her boxes into her new dorm room one afternoon. The next day, Riki goes to the roof looking for Komari to thank her in place of Rin for taking care of one her cats that was injured. He finds her asleep and hears her sleep-talk about her brother, but when Riki asks Komari about him, she says she is an only child and that her brother only appears in her dreams to read her a picture book with eggs and chicks. The next day, Riki and Rin go to the roof and find Komari a little sad. She had found the picture book from her dreams with the name Takuya Kamikita on the back, but her mother will not tell her anything about having a brother, and Komari cannot remember anything about him. Komari asks Riki and Rin to accompany her to a retirement home, and the other members of the Little Busters decide to join in as well. They spend time with the retirees, talking with them and cleaning their rooms.

第 5 集 To Find What I’ve Lost
Komari continues to dream about her brother, and Riki goes to see Kojirō to learn more about Takuya. Kojirō merely tells him that he should not pry further into the matter if he cares about Komari. Unable to sleep, Riki goes out to buy a drink and encounters Komari at the school gate, who had gone out to buy snacks. She invites him up to the roof to watch a meteor shower, where the spend the rest of the night. Komari asks Riki to go on a date with her so she can search for her lost memories. They take a train to go to where Komari used to live and they end up taking a boat out on a lake. Riki suggests to her that she does not necessarily have to look for her brother, and Komari jokingly asks him if he will be her brother. It starts raining on their way back towards school, and while running to find shelter, Riki spots a dead kitten. Komari starts sobbing uncontrollably as she recalls memories of her brother.

第 6 集 Let's Find Wonderful Things
Komari is in shock from remembering her dead brother Takuya, recalling the time they spent together in the hospital. In Komari's recollection, Takuya writes a picture book for her, and tells her that he might be gone when she wakes, but tells her not to be sad because it will all be a dream. When Komari awakens, her brother has died, but she remembers what he said, and does not despair. As a defense mechanism, Komari begins to believe that Riki is her brother. Kyousuke tells Riki that if anybody can save Komari, Riki can. Riki speaks with Kojirō, who tells him that this happens every time Komari witnesses death, and that she will return to normal in a few weeks. However, Riki is determined to save Komari, and adds to Takuya's story book. Riki forces Komari to accept her brother's death, but through his extension of Takuya's book, shows Komari that she has friends to support her.

第 7 集 Now Then, Guess Who!
The Little Busters are still short a few members, so Riki decides to invite a girl from a neighboring class, Saigusa Haruka, to the team. But the energetic, playful Haruka has a reputation for being the school's biggest troublemaker, and is under constant pursuit by the school's Disciplinary Committee.

第 8 集 Let's Look for Roommate!
When Riki sees Kud playing Frisbee with her dogs, he knows that her quick, agile movements would make her a good candidate for the Little Busters and extends the invitation. But Kud hasn't had an easy time making friends since she came to Japan, and she could use the help of her new teammates to find a willing dorm roommate.

第 9 集 Save the Cafeteria!
Rin finds another message on Lennon. This time, the mission is to save the cafeteria. Later, Riki wonders how the message's author knew there would be a crisis in the cafeteria, just before he is hit by another narcolepsy attack...

第 10 集 The Blue of the Sky, the Blue of the Sea
Riki is tasked with finding the last member of the Little Busters to have a full baseball team of nine. Riki hits a foul ball that hits Mio and he brings her a compress the next day. He notices that Mio always has a parasol and that he always sees her reading under the same tree in the courtyard. Their other classmates call Mio "shadowless" because of the parasol and the fact that she does not have much presence. Riki wants to help her like Kyousuke and the others helped him, so he asks Mio if she would like to join the Little Busters, but she declines. Later, Yuiko enlists the help of Riki to help find Mio's book. They go back to the classroom, but are unable to find it, thinking that someone may have hidden it as a joke. However, Yuiko arrives to explain that there was no wrongdoing, and the girl who had picked up the book before gives it back to Mio. Some of the Little Busters members come to get Riki for practice and Mio goes to watch them play.

第 11 集 See, There Ain't No Ghosts
Kyousuke gathers the Little Busters together for a little test of courage. Their mission takes them on a search through the school building while avoiding traps set by Kyousuke, but eventually they sense that an eerie black shadow has been watching their progress...

第 12 集 A Blue World, Stretching on to Eternity
Riki wants Mio to be included among his friends, so he asks her to be the team's manager, which she ultimately accepts after initially thinking they were starting an all-male idol group. After practice, Mio brings everyone hot drinks and they exchanges phone numbers with her. The next day, the Little Busters get together to write tanka poems, but Mio leaves part of the way through. Riki finds her sitting under her usual tree, and after talking for a bit, Riki feels as if Mio wants to disappear. Riki tells Mio that he saw someone who looked like her in town, but she was no carrying he usual parasol. Before leaving, Mio tells him that she plans on submitting a tanka in a competition held at school. The next day, Mio does not show up at school, and Riki overhears his classmates saying they also saw a girl in town who looked similar to Mio. After school, Riki sees the girl standing below in the courtyard.

第 13 集 Where the End Begins
Riki sees the girl who looks like Mio in the courtyard, but she disappears soon after. Mio remains absent from school for several days, and people around Riki start slowing forgetting about her. The next day, Riki finds Mio in the courtyard, who gives him her treasured book of poems and invites him to go with her to the beach. Midori, the girl who looks like Mio, shows up at the beach and reveals that the reason why Mio always carries a parasol is to hide the fact that she has no shadow. Upon learning this, Riki suffers an attack of narcolepsy, and when he wakes up, he is already back in his dorm room, but cannot remember what happened at the beach. Life returns to normal, until Riki rediscovers Mio's book of poems and goes to look for her in the classroom. However, Midori comes in and everyone except for Riki know her as Mio. While mulling over Mio's disappearance, Midori confronts Riki and wants him to call her Mio like everyone else, which Riki refuses.

第 14 集 That’s Why I’ll Hold My Hand Out to You
Riki is resolute that he will not forget about Mio, but Midori plays around with his memories of her, leaving him unsure about how much of his memories of her are real. Riki seeks help from Kyousuke, but all he can offer is to tell Riki to not trust anyone but himself for the sake of Mio. Riki suddenly remembers Mio saying she was going to submit a tanka in the school's competition, and discovers that the poem is about the conversation they previously had about the paper airplane. After talking with Midori, Riki realizes Mio is at the beach, where the two reunite. Mio tells Riki how she first "met" Midori as a child, who is in fact an imaginary little sister she created. Mio's mother eventually gets her medical treatment until she finally forgets all about Midori. However, she remembered her after reading the tanka by Bokusui Wakayama about the bird and the ocean, which caused her to black out. After she came to, she realized her shadow was gone.

第 15 集 Hell Yeah, This Totally Rocks!
After an initial failed attempt by Komari and Kudryavka to get Riki to follow them because of something 'serious', Rin texts Riki to come to her room in the girl's dorm. Narrowly escaping detection by Kanata and the other disciplinary committee members, Riki makes it to her room to find the rest of the female Little Busters members together for a sleepover. Kyousuke calls Riki and surmises that he has been kidnapped by the girls, so he, Masato and Kengo play games to figure out which one of them will go to rescue Riki. After eating some pastries, the girls take turns bathing until Riki is last. However, he later finds his clothes have been replaced by a girl's uniform, which he reluctantly puts on. The resident assistant of the girl's dormitory drops by to tell them to keep the noise down if they do not want a visit from the disciplinary committee.

第 16 集 Don't Look at Me Like That
Masato battles Haruka after she eats some of his katsudon, but he loses quickly. Later, Riki, Rin and Komari watch as Haruka starts to repair a bench which she has fond memories of, but Kanata arrives and points out that the bench was already going to be destroyed so there was no point in trying to repair it. Haruka and the others watch as two other disciplinary committee members destroy the bench and take away the remains to be incinerated. Haruka is taken away to the disciplinary committee to answer for her numerous infractions, but she loses her composure from the committee members laying countless blame on her, including accusing her of wrongdoing she did not commit. Before she can make things worse for herself, Yuiko intervenes and calms the situation, though Haruka is still ultimately punished. Another day, the whole school is in an uproar after flyers are posted all around school saying that Haruka's father is a criminal.

第 17 集 I Wanted Someone to Stay by My Side
Haruka tells her friends how she and Kanata were born from two separate fathers, one of whom, Shō Saigusa, was the one previously arrested. Due to this, the Futaki family took control of the Saigusa family, and Haruka and Kanata were compared from early on to decide which one of them would be the heir to the family. After Kanata was chosen to be the heir, Haruka was blamed and tormented by the family, so Haruka chose to make trouble for Kanata so that she would get scolded for not keeping her in line. Haruka initially believes her friends will abandon her after knowing the truth, but they resolutely reassure her that they would never abandon her. Later, the Little Busters play baseball until Haruka is able to smile again, though afterwards Kanata warns her not to drag her friends into any trouble. Another day, Haruka bakes chiffon cake, but it turns out dry. Haruka goes see Shō to find out if he is in fact her father, but he does not tell her.

第 18 集 The Answer Is Within Your Heart
As it begins to rain, Haruka confronts Kanata and discovers that Kanata had lied to her when they were younger about being allergic to eggs. After Kanata leaves, Kudryavka tells Riki that she is a nice person when inside their room, and merely pretends to usually be cold. Riki finds Kanata in a classroom and she tells him how she told Haruka she was allergic to eggs to protect her from getting beaten by their family, but Haruka finds it difficult not to shoulder all of her hate onto Kanata. Later, Riki convinces Haruka to go talk to Kanata, and she tells her she wants to know the truth about their family. Though initially reluctant, Kanata tells Haruka that their family was nice to her as long as she was better than her, and that the Futaki family often beat Kanata whenever she went easy on Haruka. Kanata had to secure the succession of the Saigusa family and be hard on Haruka, or else they would have killed Haruka.

第 19 集 Keep Working Hard
Kudryavka decides to take a national proficiency test in school, and the other Little Busters members help her study, especially in her weakest field English. Komari coaches Kudryavka in English, followed by Mio covering both math and physics. While Kudryavka is eating with Riki and Masato, some girls make fun of her, but are quickly scared away by Yuiko. Kudryavka continues to study in the library with Riki, Masato and Yuiko. Kudryavka tells them about her grandfather who raised her and how she used to travel around with him, including a small island nation called Tevua in Southeast Asia where she was born. Kanata comes by to give Kudryavka back her book on the many-worlds interpretation, one of many books she reads for international exams as a hobby. On the day of the test, Kudryavka accidentally fills in the wrong bubbles on her test, and has to take a remedial class as a result.

第 20 集 Cure the Lovesick
Another mysterious letter arrives for Rin and Riki, telling them to ease the lovesickness of a second-year boy named Aikawa who likes Sasami. They start by asking Sasami what her hobbies are and the type of guys she likes, only to find out that she likes Kengo, though he has no interest in her. Aikawa is shocked to hear Sasami likes Kengo, but Rin urges him to sing a hip-hop song to Sasami with some original lyrics to imply his love for her. Aikawa accidentally messes up the last line in the song, leading Rin to suggest a three-way attack on Kengo to get Sasami to fall for Aikawa. However, this backfires and Kengo ends up taking down Aikawa. Sasami arrives on the scene, impressed by Kengo's athleticism. Aikawa decides to give up, and Riki later realizes that they merely have to ease the pain of his unrequited love to fulfill the request. Rin goes to apologize to Sasami, who ultimately agrees to hand over her email address after sympathizing with what Aikawa is going through.

第 21 集 Fifty Nautical Miles into the Sky
After another training session, the Little Busters join up to clean their clubroom. Later in the night, Riki comes across Kudryavka and assists her with a traditional ritual of her country, Tevua, which was once part of the Soviet Union. During the ritual, Kudryavka tells Riki about her mother and how she spent little time with her as she was preparing herself to become an astronaut. Kudryavka also tells him that her name comes Laika, a Soviet space dog who became the first animal to orbit the Earth. When the day finally comes for her mother to launch into space, Riki goes to look for Kudryavka to watch it on TV with her. When he finds her outside, she feels that it is better not to watch it as her own manner of wishing good luck. However, Riki and Kudryavka later learn that the rocket exploded on launch, and that mission control has lost contact with Kudryavka's mother.

第 22 集 I Promise I’ll Come Back
No news comes whether Kudryavka's mother is still alive, and travel is restricted to and from Tebwa to reduce risk of contamination from the exploded rocket engine. However, the Tebwan embassy sends Kudryavka a plane ticket so she can go to see if her mother is safe. Kudryavka is conflicted about going back to Tebwa because she had come to Japan to escape having dropped out of Tebwa's aviation school after half a year. Initially, Kudryavka decides to stay and throws away everything she had related to space, but Riki recovers the items and brings them back to her. Riki tells her that she can just be herself in chasing her dream of space, even if she cannot become an astronaut. Kudryavka admits that she wanted to see her mother and decides to go back to Tebwa. Before leaving, Kudryavka says goodbye to her friends.

第 23 集 For Those You Love
As her friends in Japan learn that an uprising started in Tebwa following the failed rocket launch, Kudryavka meets her grandfather where he is in hiding and learns that her mother survived the explosion. As her grandfather leaves to pick up her mother, Kudryavka is captured by the rebels and imprisoned in a cave. As her friends keep wishing for her safe return, Riki holds on to the gear she left behind, a memento of her mother's, and it mysteriously appears in Kudryavka's hands, which she uses to break free. Some time later, the uprising is quelled and Kudryavka reunites with her mother for a while before she returns to Japan and rejoins her friends.

第 24 集 If Rin-chan Is Happy, I’m Happy, Too
Riki and Rin are by the side of the river when they receive another mysterious letter telling them to do a puppet show, and soon spy some kids having an argument. A girl was going to put on a puppet show for her friend, but the panda doll she was going to use got damaged. Wanting to clear the task, Rin tells the kids she will put on a puppet show the next day. Rin initially gets help from the rest of the Little Busters, but after Kanata calls curfew and sends them back to their rooms, Komari secretly comes over to Rin's room to finish the preparations until the following morning. Rin takes everything back to the spot by the river where she tells Riki that she should try hard to do the show by herself because Komari helped her so much. The five kids from the previous day show up and Rin puts on the show for them which they all enjoy. Rin goes to see Komari, but initially has trouble finding her until she finds her up on the school roof.

第 25 集 The Final Member
Kyousuke tells the Little Busters that their first baseball game will be against a team composed of captains from other sports clubs. Most of the team is ultimately excited about the match, save for Riki and Rin. In addition, Masato points out that they still only have eight members, but Kyousuke reassures them that they will eventually have the final member. Later, Riki, Rin and Masato spot Kengo talking with Miyuki Koshiki, a former member of the archery club who was forced to quit after she lost an eye during an accident. Masato brings this up during lunch, brewing speculation from others about their relationship, but Miyuki points out that she was just asking him for advice. Later that day, Riki and the others learn Miyuki went up to the edge of the roof, prompting him, Rin and Masato to rush there against orders to stay inside the classroom.

第 26 集 The Greatest of Friends
After being left in charge of the Little Busters, Riki is struggling about what he should do since he no longer has Kyousuke to lead him, Kyousuke himself explains Riki he is now stronger than ever and all the things he's done, wether he realised it or not, proved that he was stronger than he believed he would be, Kyousuke leaves, telling Riki to become stronger. In the club room, still struggling, Riki gets encouragement words from Haruka and Mio who explain how Riki saved their lives. On the rooftop Kurugaya, Komari and Kudryavka also explain how Riki helped them overcome their problems and saved their lives. With all this in mind Riki comes up with a strategy to defeat the oponents' team. During the game the team is being watched by all their friends (even Sasami and her minions) and successfully defeats the other team, leaving them victorious as the Little Busters.
Little Busters! / 校园克星

Tokyo MX / AT-X
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