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梅林传奇 第五季

Merlin (2012)

电视 英国 英语 剧情 爱情 家庭 奇幻 冒险
英剧《梅林传奇》(Merlin)获得BBC电视台第五季预定,而该剧第四季,将于今年秋季回归,美国Syfy频道第四季播出时间定在2012年初。据报道,《梅林传奇》第四季目前正在威尔士和法国两地热拍,在2011圣迭戈动漫展上,该剧两位执行制片人约翰尼・卡普斯(Johnny Capps)和朱利安・墨菲(Julian Murphy)共同宣布《梅林传奇》获得了BBC第五季预定。约翰尼・卡普斯透露,新季的《梅.. 查看全部
英剧《梅林传奇》(Merlin)获得BBC电视台第五季预定,而该剧第四季,将于今年秋季回归,美国Syfy频道第四季播出时间定在2012年初。据报道,《梅林传奇》第四季目前正在威尔士和法国两地热拍,在2011圣迭戈动漫展上,该剧两位执行制片人约翰尼・卡普斯(Johnny Capps)和朱利安・墨菲(Julian Murphy)共同宣布《梅林传奇》获得了BBC第五季预定。约翰尼・卡普斯透露,新季的《梅林传奇》将给该剧编剧更多的创作空间,而第四季《梅林传奇》,将由两个冒险故事组成,梅林要确保亚瑟能够履行历史赋予他的伟大使命,成为传说中的永恒之王。《梅林传奇》第四季,原班人马悉数回归,此外,还加入了内森奈尔・帕克(Nathaniel Parker)、菲尔・戴维斯(Phil Davis)和盖玛・琼斯(Gemma Jones)三位新演员,其中,内森奈尔・帕克将饰演布莱德利・詹姆斯(Bradley James)饰演的“Arthur”的叔叔“Agravaine”,后两人则为客串。《梅林传奇》根据亚瑟王与魔法师梅林的故事改编,本剧中的梅林不再是白发老者,而是一位初出茅庐的少年,故事将着重讲述年轻的梅林如何认识自己的使命,与亚瑟王子化敌为友拯救魔法世界。该剧播出后,深受英国人喜爱,其中,第三季收视率比第二季上升了将近12%。[在线观看:]


编剧:朱利安 琼斯

主演:科林·摩根 / 布莱德利·詹姆斯 / 凯蒂·麦克格雷斯 / 安琪儿·库碧 / 理查德·威尔逊 / 亚历山大·维拉赫斯 / 约翰·赫特 / 鲁伯特·杨 / 欧文·马肯 / 汤姆·霍珀 / 托米瓦·埃敦 / 詹妮特·蒙哥马利





These are the brand new adventures of Merlin, the legendary sorcerer as a young man, when he was just a servant to young Prince Arthur on the royal court of Camelot, who has soon become his best friend, and turned Arthur into a great king and a legend.
贾斯汀·莫洛尼科夫 Justin Molotnikov
爱丽丝·特劳顿 Alice Troughton
科林·摩根 Colin Morgan
饰 Merlin
布莱德利·詹姆斯 Bradley James
饰 Arthur
凯蒂·麦克格雷斯 Katie McGrath
饰 Morgana
安琪儿·库碧 Angel Coulby
饰 Gwen
理查德·威尔逊 Richard Wilson
亚历山大·维拉赫斯 Alexander Vlahos
约翰·赫特 John Hurt
鲁伯特·杨 rupert young
欧文·马肯 Eoin Macken
汤姆·霍珀 Tom Hopper
第 5 季 共 13 集

第 1 集 Arthur's Bane (1)
Camelot faces a new golden age, but even as the city flowers, the dark seeds of destruction are being sown. In the frozen wastelands of the north, men are disappearing without a trace. King Arthur and his knights undertake a dangerous mission into the unknown in search of answers - but once there, Merlin finds himself locked in a battle unlike any he has fought before.

第 2 集 Arthur's Bane (2)
As dawn breaks across the icy tundra, Merlin and Arthur are close to exhaustion. With each tortured step, the fortress of Ismere looms ever nearer and Merlin's fear intensifies. What game is Mordred playing? And what powerful secrets are Morgana and the druid Ruadan (Liam Cunningham) searching for amongst its twisted catacombs? It seems like this time, not even Merlin can stop Arthur from walking right into the lion's den… For in this bleak and transient wilderness, only one thing is certain: the great trial for Albion has finally begun.

第 3 集 The Death Song of Uther Pendragon
When a stranger gives Arthur the power to summon the dead, the king finds himself torn between head and heart.<br /> <br /> Unable to resist temptation, he seizes the chance to speak to the person he misses most – his father, Uther Pendragon. But the spirit world is a dark and dangerous place, for little does Arthur realize that his decision comes at a terrible price. Against all odds, Merlin must put right Arthur's mistake before Camelot, and everything they have built, is destroyed forever.

第 4 集 Another's Sorrow
With Princess Mithian as the perfect bait, Morgana conjures a deception so powerful that the whole of Camelot is taken in - even Merlin himself. But as the storm clouds gather, will the young warlock see through the lies? Or will Morgana at long last fulfil her dreams of revenge?

第 5 集 The Disir
In the inky depths of an ancient pool, three soothsayers cast a dark judgment upon the King of Camelot.<br /> <br /> But despite Merlin’s warnings, headstrong Arthur refuses to take the words of the Disir seriously and their fury rains down on Camelot. Only the greatest sacrifice can appease them, and with the kingdom in jeopardy, is it one that Arthur is prepared to make?<br /> <br /> Faced with the King’s uncertainty, Merlin has just one chance to save him from his destiny, but this decision comes at the highest price.

第 6 集 The Dark Tower
When Gwen is snatched from Camelot without warning, Merlin knows there can be only one person responsible: Morgana. Arthur is determined to rescue his Queen – but it's not going to be easy, for she is locked in the Dark Tower, a place that haunts the dreams of men.<br /> <br /> Arthur and his Knights must embark on a quest like no other, battling through a landscape riddled with hidden dangers, perilous obstacles and magical beings. As they near their goal, Merlin's sense of dread reaches breaking point. What twisted game is Morgana playing? And more importantly, just what is the final test that awaits them in the tower?

第 7 集 A Lesson in Vengeance
Darkness steals into the very heart of Camelot, as Morgana and her puppet Queen hatch a sinister plan to murder the King.<br /> <br /> But when stable hand Tyr Seward becomes caught in the crossfire, he threatens to ruin everything… As the plot thickens and reaches its deadly climax, can a suspicious Merlin unravel the truth before it’s too late?

第 8 集 The Hollow Queen
When Merlin agrees to help a young Druid boy, he has no choice but to leave Camelot on a dangerous mission.<br /> <br /> And with the citadel distracted by the visit of the fearsome Sarrum of Amata, it seems that no one will notice his absence.<br /> <br /> But as the sky darkens, so do Merlin's suspicions - is there more to Daegal than meets the eye? And can a man as ruthless as the Sarrum ever really be trusted? Too late, the young warlock realises he's made a terrible mistake.

第 9 集 With All My Heart
Merlin knows he must act fast before Morgana’s twisted control over Gwen gets further out of hand.<br /> <br /> But only the most powerful magic can save the Queen and this will not be easy, even for Merlin. As the High Priestess tightens her grip on Camelot, one thing is clear - she will not give up her puppet without a fight.

第 10 集 The Kindness of Strangers
Morgana leads a terrifying manhunt in pursuit of her old foe Alator of the Catha, for she knows without doubt that he can tell her exactly where to find Emrys. Merlin's life is in severe danger, so when the mysterious Finna offers to help him, is he right to trust her?

第 11 集 The Drawing of the Dark
Mordred finds himself torn between loyalty and love, but little does he realise that the path he chooses will shape Camelot's destiny.<br /> <br /> As the drums of war beat ever louder, a desperate Merlin feels trapped by the cruel circle of fate - is he powerless to stop his dreams of Albion from crumbling to dust?

第 12 集 The Diamond of the Day (1)
High in the mountains, a great horde gathers; Morgana prepares for war with a vengeful Mordred at her side.<br /> <br /> Merlin feels the weight of his destiny like never before as the ancient prophecies play out with terrifying accuracy. But before he can save his beloved Camelot, he must save himself. For it is not just the kingdom Morgana wishes to destroy – it is also Emrys.

第 13 集 The Diamond of the Day (2)
And so it seems the Prophets did not lie. As the great battle rages on Camlann's mighty plain, Merlin faces his moment of destiny. Can he find the strength to save the man he made a King; the Camelot they fought to build; and the brotherhood they shared?

5.2 5.5
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