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丁丁历险记 第二季

The Adventures of Tintin (1992)

电视 法国 加拿大 比利时 美国 英语 / 法语 动画 冒险
《丁丁》的漫画故事以冒险为主,辅以科学幻想的内容,内容幽默,同时倡导反战、和平和人道主义思想,在西方国家非常著名。但是由于作者所处时代的限制,在他的早期作品中有一些涉及种族主义和猎杀动物的场面,在今天引起了争议。《黑岛》在1960年代曾经重新绘制。根据艾尔热的授权,法国在60年代曾经拍摄过两部独立于漫画之外的电影《丁丁和金羊毛》及《丁丁和蓝橘》,并结集出版。艾尔热工作室在70年代曾经创作过《丁丁在.. 查看全部
《丁丁》的漫画故事以冒险为主,辅以科学幻想的内容,内容幽默,同时倡导反战、和平和人道主义思想,在西方国家非常著名。但是由于作者所处时代的限制,在他的早期作品中有一些涉及种族主义和猎杀动物的场面,在今天引起了争议。《黑岛》在1960年代曾经重新绘制。根据艾尔热的授权,法国在60年代曾经拍摄过两部独立于漫画之外的电影《丁丁和金羊毛》及《丁丁和蓝橘》,并结集出版。艾尔热工作室在70年代曾经创作过《丁丁在鲨鱼湖》。艾尔热去世后,根据他的遗愿,《丁丁》系列不再创作后续漫画。 《丁丁》的故事虽然已成为百年历史,但时到今天仍然拥有相当的爱好者和纪念者,在欧洲,其系列漫画仍在不断重版之中。 丁丁系列以法语为基础,被翻译为几十国语言,但各个语言版本并不保证全部引进了系列中的所有故事。比如在中国大陆,由于政治因素,《丁丁在苏联》就至今没有被正式翻译过。另外在台湾,时报版《丁丁历险记》因为成本问题只译了八册。 动画版在1991年播放,由法国公司Ellipse Programmé及加拿大公司Nelvana Limited联合制作。

导演:Stéphane Bernasconi


主演:Colin O'Meara / David Fox / 韦恩·罗布森 / John Stocker / Dan Hennessey / 苏珊·罗曼





The adventures of the young reporter, his faithful dog and friends as they travel around the world on adventures.
David Fox
韦恩·罗布森 Wayne Robson
John Stocker
苏珊·罗曼 Susan Roman
埃尔热 Hergé
第 2 季 共 13 集

第 1 集 The Shooting Star
The Shooting Star is a story of an adventure to investigate a meteorite which falls toward earth. Tintin and a group of scientists sail out to the Arctic Ocean, where the meteorite falls, in the ship called Aurora with Captain Haddock. A separate expedition called Peary, financed by San Rico bank, also takes the same voyage, but their intention is to stop Aurora at any cost to get to the meteorite first. In this Adventure Tintin helps the scientists of Aurora by stopping the sabotages planned by Peary; get to the meteorite first to fly the flag and get a piece of the meteorite to the scientists.

第 2 集 The Broken Ear (1)
In this adventure, Tintin goes to a jungle in San Theodoros, South America to find an Arumbaya Fetish which has been stolen from a Museum. Two other people, Ramon and Alonso are also after the Fetish because they know that a diamond is hidden in it. Tintin gets stuck in a revolution in San Theodoros but manages to escape from there.

第 3 集 The Broken Ear (2)
Eventually, he arrives at the village of the Arumbayas and finds the long-lost explorer Ridgewell, who is believed to be dead for many years. Ridgewell tells him the story of the fetish, which is how Tintin gets to know about the diamond. On his way out of the jungle, Tintin runs into Alonso and Ramon who try to kill him. They get into a fight; the fetish breaks and the diamond falls in the water. Tintin retrieves the fetish from his current owner and takes it back to the museum.

第 4 集 King Ottokar's Sceptre (1)
Tintin finds a briefcase at the Park and goes to return it to its owner, professor Alembick, who is a sigillographer. The professor is invited to Syldavia to study the royal seals. On Tintin's way out Tintin overhears his name in a conversation. Tintin follows one of the men and goes to a Syldavian restaurant where he overhears some more conversation concerning Professor Alembick's invitation to the Syldavia. <br /> <br /> That night Tintin gets a strange phone call from a man who wants to meet him about some important issue. However, when Tintin opens the door, the man drops senseless to the ground. When he comes around, Tintin finds that he is sufferring from amnesia. Intrigued by these incidents, Tintin decides to become the Professor's secretary and accompanies him to Syldavia. On the plane, Tintin suspects that the Professor he is traveling with is an imposter but is unable to prove it. They have to change planes and the pilot of the second plane tries to kill Tintin by ejecting his seat from the plane, but Tintin is saved by falling into a cart filled with hay.

第 5 集 King Ottokar's Sceptre (2)
Tintin and Snowy must recover the lost scepter of King Ottokar before the rightful King is forced to abdicate by greedy forces.

第 6 集 Tintin in Tibet (1)
Tintin, Snowy, Captain Haddock and Professor Calculus are taking it easy on a vacation. Tintin receives a letter from Chang saying that he will be going to Kathmandu to visit his foster-uncle, and the next day, Tintin reads about a 'plane crash; the 'plane he is sure Chang boarded. He and Captain Haddock immediately leave for Tibet via India, for the crash site. The sherpas escorting them abandon the party out of fear for the Abominable Snowman, the Yeti, all except Tharkey.

第 7 集 Tintin in Tibet (2)
Tintin, Snowy, Captain Haddock and Professor Calculus are taking it easy on a vacation. Tintin receives a letter from Chang saying that he will be going to Kathmandu to visit his foster-uncle, and the next day, Tintin reads about a 'plane crash; the 'plane he is sure Chang boarded. He and Captain Haddock immediately leave for Tibet via India, for the crash site. The sherpas escorting them abandon the party out of fear for the Abominable Snowman, the Yeti, all except Tharkey. The search takes them to a monastery and to the cave of the Yeti from where they finally rescue Chang.

第 8 集 Tintin and the Picaros (1)
Tintin walks into a dangerous trap after three of his friends are falsely arrested in South America.

第 9 集 Tintin and the Picaros (2)
Tintin gets caught up in a South America trying to rescue his friends.

第 10 集 Land of Black Gold (1)
Tintin goes undercover to the Middle East to solve a mysterious oil crisis.

第 11 集 Land of Black Gold (2)
While trying to solve a mysterious oil crisis, Tintin uncovers a diabolical plot to start a world war.

第 12 集 Flight 714 (1)
Tintin becomes caught up in the kidnapping of a millionaire.

第 13 集 Flight 714 (2)
While trying to rescue a kidnapped millionaire, Tintin receives help from an unlikely source.
法国 加拿大 比利时 美国
英语 / 法语
Les Aventures de Tintin

France 3
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