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X档案 第一季

The X-Files (1993)

电视 美国 加拿大 英语 剧情 科幻 悬疑 惊悚
美国FBI探员福克斯·穆德(大卫·杜楚尼 David Duchovny 饰)童年时曾经历一起离奇神秘的绑架案,他的妹妹萨曼莎在睡梦中被外星人劫持,至今下落不明。从此穆德便专注于神秘事件的研究,并专门负责FBI总部的X档案部门。因穆德行事乖张,难以驾驭。FBI高层从联邦调查局学院调来女性探员黛娜·斯科莉(吉莲·安德森 Gillian Anderson 饰),表面上是协助穆德工作,实际上是希望这名崇尚.. 查看全部
美国FBI探员福克斯·穆德(大卫·杜楚尼 David Duchovny 饰)童年时曾经历一起离奇神秘的绑架案,他的妹妹萨曼莎在睡梦中被外星人劫持,至今下落不明。从此穆德便专注于神秘事件的研究,并专门负责FBI总部的X档案部门。因穆德行事乖张,难以驾驭。FBI高层从联邦调查局学院调来女性探员黛娜·斯科莉(吉莲·安德森 Gillian Anderson 饰),表面上是协助穆德工作,实际上是希望这名崇尚科学的理性探员能够制约穆德的行为。两人最初的合作并不理想,完全不同的思维模式时刻导致争论的爆发。但随着各种离奇案件的出现以及两人交往的加深,穆德和斯科莉最终变成可以为对方出生入死的可靠伙伴…… 本片荣获1996~1999年度美国作曲家、作家及出版商协会影视音乐奖电视剧集第一名以及其他电影节近70个奖项。

导演:金·曼纳斯 / 罗伯·鲍曼 / 大卫·努特尔 / 克里斯·卡特

编剧:克里斯·卡特 / 弗兰克·斯伯特尼 / 文斯·吉里根 / 约翰·施班 / 霍华德·戈登

主演:大卫·杜楚尼 / 吉莲·安德森 / 米彻·佩勒吉 / 汤姆·布莱德伍德 / 威廉·B·戴维斯 / 布鲁斯·哈伍德 / 迪恩·哈格鲁德 / 尼古拉斯·李 / 杰里·哈德因





Two F.B.I. Agents, Fox Mulder the believer and Dana Scully the skeptic, investigate the strange and unexplained, while hidden forces work to impede their efforts.
金·曼纳斯 Kim Manners
罗伯·鲍曼 Rob Bowman
大卫·纳特 David Nutter
克里斯·卡特 Chris Carter
克里斯·卡特 Chris Carter
丹尼尔·沙克海姆 Daniel Sackheim
德怀特·H·里特 Dwight H. Little
迈克尔·兰格 Michael Lange
小詹姆斯·惠特摩 James Whitmore Jr.
迈克尔·维加尔 Michael Vejar
哈里·朗斯特里特 Harry Longstreet
弗兰克·斯伯特尼 Frank Spotnitz
第 1 季 共 24 集

第 1 集 Pilot
Special Agent Dana Scully is partnered with Special Agent Fox Mulder to validate his work on a special project called the X-Files. While he is a believer in the paranormal fueled by a lost memory of his sister's abduction, she is a scientist and prefers to look for rational, logical explanations. Their first case takes them to Oregon to investigate the unsolved murders of several High School classmates who "Spooky" Mulder believes have been experimented on by aliens.

第 2 集 Deep Throat
Mulder and Scully head to Ellens Air Force Base to investigate the mysterious case of a military test pilot who disappeared after experiencing strange psychotic behavior. While on the case, Mulder meets a mysterious man dubbed "Deep Throat" who claims to have classified information about his investigations into the paranormal.

第 3 集 Squeeze
One of Scully's friends from the FBI academy, now working in the Violent Crimes Unit, asks her to assist him on a homicide investigation involving no clear point of entry. Mulder realizes that this is similar to a series of X-Files cases that have occurred every thirty years and joins in the investigation to stop the latest cycle.

第 4 集 Conduit
As Section Chief Blevins expresses his concern with the direction of the X-Files, Mulder becomes obsessed with solving a case that closely parallels an encounter he experienced as a child - the abduction of his kid sister, Samantha.

第 5 集 The Jersey Devil
The murder of a homeless man that is very similar in detail to a murder committed in 1947 leads Mulder and Scully to a legendary man-beast roaming in the forest near Atlantic City.

第 6 集 Shadows
When an unseen force commits several murders where a young woman is present, Mulder suspects that it is the spirit of the woman's former boss protecting her, while Scully believes the boss merely faked his own death.

第 7 集 Ghost in the Machine
A computer with highly advanced Artificial Intelligence begins to kill in order to preserve its existence when it is deemed inefficient to continue controlling the workings of an office building.

第 8 集 Ice
When members of an Arctic research team mysteriously kill each other and themselves only days after drilling deeper into the ice than ever before, Mulder and Scully accompany a team of doctors and scientists to investigate. They discover an organism that infects living creatures and accelerates the hosts' feelings of anger and paranoia, and the agents' colleagues on the expedition begin to question their government knowledge.

第 9 集 Space
A mysterious force is sabotaging a space launch program, which leads directly back to the commander of the team who once led a mission to Mars and claimed to have seen an alien in space.

第 10 集 Fallen Angel
Mulder puts the future of the X-Files in jeopardy when he heads to a UFO crash site being rapidly covered up by the military. He is arrested, and while in jail he meets Max Fenig, a UFO nut whose NICAP group has followed Mulder's work on the X-Files. When Mulder is released, Scully urges him to return to Washington to face his superiors and try to save his job, but Mulder finds out that Max is more than meets the eye and ignores Scully to try and save him instead.

第 11 集 Eve
When two fathers on opposite sides of the country are inexplicably murdered at the exact same time in the exact same way, Mulder and Scully are called in to investigate. When they discover that the two fathers' eight-year-old daughters are identical twins, they realize that something even stranger is going on.

第 12 集 Fire
An old Oxford girlfriend of Mulder's asks for his help on an international case concerning the unexplainable execution of several British dignitaries, and they encounter an assassin who can produce fire from his bare hands.

第 13 集 Beyond the Sea
When death row inmate Luther Lee Boggs claims to be psychic and can lead Mulder to a serial killer in return for a lesser sentence of life in prison, Scully becomes an unwilling believer when Boggs tells her that she can communicate through him with her recently deceased father.

第 14 集 Gender Bender
A series of sexually-oriented murders, which are identical except that the killer appears to be both male and female, draws Scully and Mulder to an Amish-type community of people called the Kindred.

第 15 集 Lazarus
When FBI Agent Jack Willis and bank robber Warren Dupre are both shot at the same time during a robbery attempt, Dupre dies when Willis is brought back to life. When Willis rushes out of the hospital and begins acting strangely, Mulder concludes that Dupre has come back to life in Willis' body.

第 16 集 Young at Heart
Mulder becomes the target of someone from his past named John Barnett. He was a jewelry store robber with an itchy trigger finger that Mulder sent to prison when he first joined the Bureau. The only problem is that Barnett died four years ago.

第 17 集 E.B.E.
Mulder and Scully receive information from Deep Throat about a UFO that was shot down over Iraq and has been secretly transported to the US. However, Deep Throat then intentionally misleads the agents to prevent them from discovering the truth.

第 18 集 Miracle Man
A young man who has the power to heal people with his touch begins to question his gift when people start dying after he has supposedly healed them.

第 19 集 Shapes
Mulder and Scully travel to a Native American reservation to investigate the death of a man who was mistaken for a wild animal and may have been the legendary Manitou, a man who can shape-shift into a beast.

第 20 集 Darkness Falls
When a group of loggers in the Washington State National Forest disappear in the same way that another group disappeared 50 years ago, Mulder and Scully go along to investigate and find themselves trapped in a cabin surrounded by flesh eating insects that only attack at night.

第 21 集 Tooms
Eugene Tooms is released from the sanitarium, and Mulder becomes personally involved to ensure that he is caught in the act of getting the last human liver he needs to go into hibernation for another 30 years.

第 22 集 Born Again
After a detective and his former partner die in unexplained circumstances, the accidents are linked to a little girl who witnessed both deaths. Mulder believes that she may be the reincarnation of a policeman murdered by his colleagues.

第 23 集 Roland
Mulder and Scully investigate the death of a scientist working on advanced propulsion technology. The mentally challenged janitor Roland, who has secretly been completely the scientist's work, is the prime suspect.

第 24 集 The Erlenmeyer Flask
When Deep Throat points out a news story about a fugitive who apparently drowned, Mulder and Scully cannot see what makes the case special but follow it up anyway. With Deep Throat's insistence, they discover evidence of a secret government project code-named Purity Control, which uses human test subjects and infects them with extraterrestrial DNA. However, the evidence and everyone who has seen it is quickly being eliminated.
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