影片根據John Kennedy Tooler的小說改編,由曾執導過《遠方的聲音》(Distant Voices, Still Lives)和《長日將盡》(The Long Day Closes)的導演泰倫斯戴維斯(Terence Davies)執導,影片還曾經參加當年康城影展金棕櫚大獎的角逐。影片通過一個不速之客的闖入,展現了生活中的一個感人的成長故事。或許很多人都曾有過類似的經歷,一個貌不驚人的小變動卻能給人生帶來突破性的轉捩,影片中那種淡淡的味道極富生活氣息,同時又能在平淡中打動觀眾的心。
While on a train, a teenage boy thinks about his life and the flamboyant aunt whose friendship acted as an emotional shield from his troubled family. This film evokes the haunting quality of memory while creating a heartfelt portrait of a boy's life in a rural 1940s Southern town.