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新超人 第一季

Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman (1993)

电视 美国 英语 剧情 喜剧 爱情 科幻 冒险
作为“美国式英雄”的代表,“超人”其实从未离我们远去。至少在电视上如此。这部连续剧是在1993年由美国华纳兄弟影视集团推出的,到1997年为止一共拍了四部,和中国广大观众见面的只是其中的两部。1993年,ABC电视台播出了电视版本的新超人,现在红透荧屏的“绝望的主妇” 泰瑞海切尔是该剧的女一号。该剧叙述了克拉克进入大城市工作以及和露易斯的感情故事,并以此为故事主线,更多的强调了“新超人”作为人的真.. 查看全部
作为“美国式英雄”的代表,“超人”其实从未离我们远去。至少在电视上如此。这部连续剧是在1993年由美国华纳兄弟影视集团推出的,到1997年为止一共拍了四部,和中国广大观众见面的只是其中的两部。1993年,ABC电视台播出了电视版本的新超人,现在红透荧屏的“绝望的主妇” 泰瑞海切尔是该剧的女一号。该剧叙述了克拉克进入大城市工作以及和露易斯的感情故事,并以此为故事主线,更多的强调了“新超人”作为人的真实感情与谈吐举止,再加上新的拍摄手法和科幻成分,它的播出影响了很大一批年轻的观众。在第四季中,Lois和Clark最终走进了幸福的婚姻殿堂。当然在结婚的前后还是有一些波折,他们的生活总是这么充满惊心动魄的刺激。当他们终于历经重重磨难走到一起的时候,又有新的状况发生了。超人的生物性与地球人不同,因此即便他们夫妇两个都非常想要个小孩子...------木小北


编剧:乔·舒斯特 / 杰里·西格尔

主演:迪恩·凯恩 / 特丽·哈彻 / 莱恩·史密斯 / K·卡兰 K Callan / 贾斯廷·威林 Justin Whalin / Eddie Jones





In addition to fighting evil, Superman has a burning romance with Lois Lane in both of his identities.
迈克尔·维加尔 Michael Vejar
迪恩·凯恩 Dean Cain
特丽·哈彻 Teri Hatcher
饰 Lois
莱恩·史密斯 Lane Smith
迈克尔·兰德斯 Michael Landes
饰 Jimmy Olsen
克里斯·邓梅特拉尔 Chris Demetral
饰 Jack
特蕾希·斯科金斯 Tracy Scoggins
K·卡兰 K Callan
索菲亚·桑蒂 Sophia Santi
饰 Rehalia
乔·舒斯特 Joe Shuster
杰里·西格尔 Jerry Siegel
迪恩·凯恩 Dean Cain
第 1 季 共 21 集

第 1 集 Pilot
Clark Kent arrives in Metropolis and tries to get a job at the Daily Planet. He is teamed up with with world-class journalist Lois Lane to investigate a possible sabotage of the space program's Space Station Prometheus project.

第 2 集 Strange Visitor (From Another Planet)
Jason Trask, who works for the government, is obsessed with Superman and wants to study and kill him. He kidnaps Lois and Clark because he's sure that Superman has a connection with them. Clark begins to learn about Krypton when he finds the spaceship that brought him to earth.

第 3 集 Neverending Battle
Lex Luthor develops several tests to see how strong Superman is. In the Daily Planet, Lois steals Clark's story about Superman. Clark moves into a new apartment.

第 4 集 I'm Looking Through You
Lois and Clark are investigating burglaries being made by invisible men. A scientist developed a suit that could make a person invisible, but his suits were stolen by a man wanting to commit crimes. Lois and Clark have to uncover who is behind these burglaries before it is too late. Clark also feels that he is losing his identity to Superman.

第 5 集 Requiem for a Superhero
Dr. Sam Lane, Lois' father, is involved with the fabrication of really strong bionic boxers. Lois becomes involved after a beloved family friend is murdered for knowing too much. Lois and Clark are able to stop the boxers after revealing their findings to the boxing commission. Lois and Clark are also ""officially"" made partners.

第 6 集 I've Got a Crush on You
Lois and Clark go undercover at a nightclub to find out about a connection between the owners of the club and a group of arsonists called the "Toasters". Superman is able to put out the "Toasters" permanently.

第 7 集 Smart Kids
A group of children who are drugging themselves by an experimental drug to increase the intelligence begins to bring problems to Metropolis. Clark is worried because the children told him that they know he is Superman.

第 8 集 The Green, Green Glow of Home
A friend of Jonathan and Martha has found a strange meteorite. Jason Trask is back and now he is in Smallville, looking for this meteorite that can destroy Superman. Lois and Clark go to Smallville to investigate the story and Clark introduces her to his parents.

第 9 集 The Man of Steel Bars
Metropolis is hit with a strong heat wave in the middle of winter, and people believe that Superman is the cause. Lex Luthor is ultimately behind the heat and wants to see Superman gone. Clark decides to leave Metropolis, but Lois finds out that the Luthor nuclear plant is to blame.

第 10 集 Pheromone, My Lovely
An ex-lover of Lex Luthor spreads a perfume in the Daily Planet and everybody begins to fall in love with each other. Lois falls for Clark, the only one who isn't affected by the perfume and he tries not to take advantage of her. Without the perfume effects, Lex tells Nigel that he is in love with Lois.

第 11 集 Honeymoon in Metropolis
Lois and Clark go undercover as honeymooners to a Metropolis hotel in an attempt to find out about a possible conspiracy which seems to involve a powerful congressman. They also need to learn how to share their lives with someone.

第 12 集 All Shook Up
Superman needs to stop a giant asteroid from colliding with Earth, but when Superman collides with the asteroid, he gets amnesia. Clark goes at the Daily Planet with Lois, who is helping him with his ""new job"" and ""new friends"" that he can't remember. And Martha and Jonathan need to make Clark remember that he is Superman, otherwise, the ""still-alive"" asteroid will colide with the Earth.

第 13 集 Witness
Lois' life is in danger when she witnesses the murderer of a scientist who was claiming to know the secret to increased male potency. Now, Clark and Perry need to protect her from the murderer Mr. Make-up and from the scientist's affair from the past : Barbara Trevino.

第 14 集 Illusions of Grandeur
Lois and Clark need to find out the truth about the kidnapping of rich children who are disappearing in a magic box. A magician hypnotizes Superman and Lois, who is now in risk of life.

第 15 集 The Ides of Metropolis
Lois helps a convicted murderer (but he is innocent) allowing him to stay at her house. He is the only one with the cure for a destructive new computer virus that is a menace for Metropolis. Jonathan worries that Martha might be having an affair and comes to Clark's apartment.

第 16 集 Foundling
The globe from Clark's spaceship begins to give him some information regarding his past, but the globe is stolen for two kids before he can learn much. Lex Luthor buys the globe from Jack and begins to learn something about Superman, but not too much.

第 17 集 The Rival
A Lois' ex-colleague is working for another newspaper who is strangely getting the major news before the Daily Planet and Lois gets jealous when she shows interest on Clark.

第 18 集 Vatman
Lex Luthor builds a clone of Superman, and teaches him to do what he wants, and what Lex wants is to destroy the real Superman.

第 19 集 Fly Hard
A group of terrorists take Clark, Lois, Perry, Jimmy, Jack and Lex hostage in the Daily Planet and Clark is not able do anything with his Superman powers or the others will figure out his secret identity.

第 20 集 Barbarians at the Planet
The Daily Planet is financially troubled and Lex buys the newspaper to get closer to Lois. After saving everyone's jobs, he makes some changes : Jack and Jimmy are now working downstairs in the printing of the newspaper, and hires a young just graduated man named Chip to be Perry's boss. Perry gets really mad and leaves the Planet. Lex puts a bomb in the Planet and the it explodes. He blames Jack, who gets arrested. Lex proposes to Lois, and Clark tells her he loves her, but she says that loves him too but only as a friend. When Lois ask if she and Superman have a chance to stay together, he says to Lois they can't stay together because she only loves him because he's Superman. Then, Lois accepts Lex's proposal.

第 21 集 The House of Luthor
Clark, Perry, Jack and Jimmy begin to search for the truth about the downfall of the Daily Planet. They are sure that Lex is guilty. Lex gets some Kryptonite, captures Superman, and locks him in a cage with Kryptonite bars. The wedding is about to start, but Lois has doubts about what she really wants to do. Lois realizes that Clark is the man she loves. When the Archbishop asks if she takes Lex as her husband, she says she can't, and at that moment Perry interrupts the wedding with Inspector Henderson and they tell Lex they know he is a criminal. Lex escapes, and goes to the room where Superman is trapped, but Superman has escaped. Lois walks out of the building crying, and hugs Clark (he just escaped from the cage). Lex throws himself off the top of his building, but Clark can't save him because he is weak from Kryptonite exposure. The Daily Planet is bought a by a rich man, who promises to make it better than ever. Before Lois can tell Clark she loves him, Clark says that he was lyi
超人新冒险 / 露易斯和克拉克:超人新冒险 / 新超人

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