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NARUTO -ナルト- (2002)

电视 日本 日语 / 英语 喜剧 动画 冒险
十多年前一只拥有巨大威力的妖兽“九尾妖狐”袭击了木叶忍者村,当时的第四代火影拼尽全力,以自己的生命为代价将“九尾妖狐”封印在了刚出生的鸣人身上。木叶村终于恢复了平静,但村民们却把鸣人当成像“九尾妖狐”那样的怪物看待,所有人都疏远他。鸣人自小就孤苦无依,一晃十多年过去了,少年鸣人考入了木叶村的忍者学校,结识了好朋友佐助和小樱。佐助是宇智波家族的传人之一,当他还是小孩的时候他的哥哥——一个已经拥有高超.. 查看全部

导演:伊达勇登 / 村田雅彦 / 都留稔幸 / 若林厚史 / 小坂春女 / 川口敬一郎 / 松本佳久 / 佐藤真二 / 影山楙伦 / 御厨恭辅 / 横田和善 / 新留俊哉 / 久城理音 / 浦田保则 / 浅见松雄 / 宫原秀二 / 饭村正之 / 西村大树 / 小高义规 / 冈崎幸男 / 木下勇喜 / 菅井嘉浩 / 浊川敦 / 福田皖 / 木村宽 / 榎本守 / 佐土原武之 / 熨斗谷充孝 / 清水明

编剧:岸本齐史 / 隅泽克之 / 武上纯希 / 大和屋晓 / 横手美智子 / 宫田由佳 / 西园悟 / 吉田伸 / 铃木康之

主演:竹内顺子 / 杉山纪彰 / 中村千绘 / 井上和彦 / 关俊彦 / 松本和香子 / 大塚芳忠 / 胜生真沙子 / 柴田秀胜 / 森久保祥太郎 / 伊藤健太郎 / 柚木凉香 / 小杉十郎太 / 增川洋一 / 远近孝一 / 田村由香里 / 江原正士 / 水树奈奈 / 鸟海浩辅 / 川田绅司 / 落合露美 / 大谷育江 / 重松朋 / 下屋则子 / 飞田展男 / 石冢运升 / 浅野真由美 / 石田彰 / 加濑康之 / 朴璐美 / 中田让治 / 保志总一朗 / 神奈延年 / 三木真一郎 / 中村大树 / 家中宏 / 福田信昭 / 楠大典 / 本田贵子 / 平田广明 / 津田健次郎 / 坪井智浩 / 河野智之 / 根本圭子 / 铃木琢磨 / 小林由美子 / 津田英三 / 伊藤和晃 / 浅井清己 / 佐佐木望 / 宫田光 / 翠准子 / 石川英郎 / 檀臣幸 / 菅生隆之 / 堀内贤雄 / 田中正彦 / 三宅健太 / 千叶进步 / 咲野俊介 / 渡边明乃 / 森川智之 / 青野武 / 石川静 / 滨田贤二 / 渡部猛 / 天田益男 / 能登麻美子 / 辻亲八 / 津村真琴 / 菅沼久义 / 山本泰辅





Naruto Uzumaki, a mischievous adolescent ninja, struggles as he searches for recognition and dreams of becoming the Hokage, the village's leader and strongest ninja.
伊达勇登 Hayato Date
村田雅彦 Masahiko Murata
小坂春女 Kosaka Harume
川口敬一郎 Keiichirou Kawaguchi
松本佳久 Matsumoto Yoshihisa
浅见松雄 Asami Matsuo
佐藤真二 Satou Shinji
熨斗谷充孝 Noshitani Mitsutaka
竹内顺子 Junko Takeuchi
配 漩涡鸣人
杉山纪彰 Noriaki Sugiyama
配 宇智波佐助
中村千绘 Chie Nakamura
配 春野樱
井上和彦 Kazuhiko Inoue
配 旗木卡卡西
第 1 季 共 52 集

第 1 集 Enter: Naruto Uzumaki!
Welcome to the Village Hidden in the Leaves, where deadly serious Ninja roam the landscape and the seriously mischievous Naruto Uzumaki causes trouble everywhere he goes. But when he steals the ancient scroll of sealing, he unleashes a rare power rarely seen in a 12-year-old boy!

第 2 集 My Name is Konohamaru!
Naruto finally graduates from the Ninja Academy and claims to know it all. Well, at least that what he tells Konohamaru, the Village elder's pint-size grandson. Much to the dismay of Ebisu, Konohamaru's teacher and mentor, Naruto teaches him the hormonally lethal "Sexy Jutsu!"

第 3 集 Sasuke and Sakura: Friends or Foes?
Naruto is preparing himself for the Genin orientation. It's all a happy story until Sensei picks a team for all the ninjas. Naruto was teamed up with his crush, Sakura, and his worst enemy, Sasuke. Can Naruto learn to work together with two people whom despise him?

第 4 集 Pass or Fail: Survival Test
Naruto finally meets his new sensei. His name is Kakashi Hatake. He tells the group that before they could become Genin, they will have to pass his survival test. The problem is, the test has a 66% chance of failure, and if they fail they'll be sent back to the academy. To make matters even worse, one of them will fail no matter what. Can the three pass Kakashi's test?

第 5 集 You Failed! Kakashi's Final Decision
Time is running out for Naruto and his group. With Sasuke the only one left, he tries to succeed where the others failed. Will they be able to get the bells before time runs out?

第 6 集 A Dangerous Mission! Journey to the Land of Waves!
Tired of doing lame missions, Naruto asks the Hokage to give them something challenging. The Hokage caves and gives them a C-rank mission. They will be bodyguards for a bridge builder. It appears to be a simple mission, until the group is attacked by something more than common thugs...other ninja!

第 7 集 The Assassin of the Mist!
Team Kakashi and Tazuna are on their way to his home. On the way there they run across a ninja named, Zabuza Momochi. Is the Sharingan enough to defeat this new enemy, or is team Kakashi's first mission over before its even begun?

第 8 集 The Oath of Pain
With Kakashi captured, Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura must defend against Zabuza's attacks. Naruto realizes that working together with Sasuke may be the only way to save Kakashi. Will the combined effort of the two be enough to free Kakashi and defeat Zabuza?

第 9 集 Kakashi: Sharingan Warrior
With Kakashi free, the fight between him and Zabuza resumes. Kakashi decides to show Zabuza what the Sharingan is really capable of. Can Kakashi's Sharingan defeat Zabuza? And who is the mysterious person watching the fight?

第 10 集 The Forest of Chakra
With Zabuza gone things are now settling and Tazuna can go and build the bridge without fear. Or so everyone thinks. Kakashi believes something is wrong with Zabuza's death and teaches Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke a way to train so they could better use their chakra. Is Zabuza really dead?

第 11 集 The Land Where a Hero Once Lived
While Naruto and Sasuke train, Sakura watches over Tazuna. During a nice dinner, Sakura notices a man's face torn from a picture. The man's name was Kaiza, and he was what the country called...a "hero". What happened to cause Inari so much pain?

第 12 集 Battle on the Bridge! Zabuza Returns!
Naruto has a dangerous encounter with Haku in the forest, but is Haku there to cause trouble? Naruto and Sasuke better complete their training, as Zabuza is alive and has returned for round 2. Will Kakashi, Sasuke, and Sakura be able to defeat the Demon of the Mist? And, can Naruto arrive in time to help out?

第 13 集 Haku's Secret Jutsu: Crystal Ice Mirrors
Round two with Zabuza has started, but this time...Zabuza has Haku fighting along side him. Haku and Sasuke go at it with Sasuke falling behind until he manages to get a kick in. Meanwhile Naruto deals with some of Gato's henchmen. Back at the bridge Haku uses his secret jutsu, Demonic Ice Mirrors. What does this jutsu hold in store for Sasuke? Will Naruto make it to the bridge in time and save Tsunami and Inari as well?

第 14 集 The Number One Hyperactive, Knucklehead Ninja Joins the Fight!
Naruto finally joins the battle on the bridge. But when Naruto stupidly gets caught in the middle of Haku's jutsu as well, he and Sasuke must work together to escape. Kakashi is unable to help them, as he must deal with Zabuza to protect Sakura and Tazuna. How will the two escape from the ice mirrors without any help?

第 15 集 Zero Visibility: The Sharingan Shatters
Naruto and Sasuke continue to fight Haku and are getting beaten bad. After having Naruto try and escape a few times, Sasuke begins to see a pattern. Meanwhile, outside Kakashi and Zabuza begin their fight. Can Naruto and Sasuke escape from Haku's jutsu? What plan does Zabuza have to defeat the Sharingan?

第 16 集 The Broken Seal
Naruto and Sasuke continue their rigorous battle against Haku. When Haku targets a vulnerable Naruto, Sasuke risks everything to save him. Seeing his friend lie before him, a powerful force awakens inside Naruto. Has Kyubi been set free. If so, can anyone stop him?

第 17 集 White Past: Hidden Ambition
Naruto takes out his rage on Haku, who doesn't stand a chance. However, Naruto realises that Haku is the boy he met back at the forest. Haku tells Naruto the story of his past and asks for Naruto to do him one favour..... Will Naruto do the one thing he could never do just as Haku wishes?

第 18 集 The Weapons Known as Shinobi
Kakashi prepares to stop Zabuza once and for all, but Haku has other plans. Zabuza's employer shows up and he's decided to take matters into his own hands...

第 19 集 The Demon in the Snow
Zabuza is no longer Kakashi's enemy, and thanks to a little speech by Naruto about how ninja are, Zabuza takes on Gato's men single handedly. The Demon of the Hidden Mist takes his vengeance on Gato and all of those dumb enough to follow him, and apologizes to Haku for what he did to the kind little boy. After the group takes care of the rest of Gato's men, Zabuza asks Kakashi one final request, to see Haku one final time. This is Zabuza's requiem.

第 20 集 A New Chapter Begins: The Chūnin Exam!
With their latest mission complete, it's time once again for the group to go back to mediocre missions. After all are done, Konohamaru and his friends pay a visit to Naruto. All which result in being chased by Sakura. Everyone is soon over though, as two mysterious ninja block their way, and one of them isn't too happy with Konohamaru. Sasuke arrives to save the day, but the leader of the group shows up, with stealth skills that surprise even Sasuke. Meanwhile, the Third Hokage announces that it's time once again for the Chuunin selection exams.

第 21 集 Identify Yourself: Powerful New Rivals
After the three ninjas take their leave, Sasuke realizes he has a powerful rival out there. The next day, Kakashi announces that he has recommended all of them for the Chuunin Exams. While Naruto and Sasuke are pleased, Sakura is afraid of letting everyone down. Also, someone decides they aren't ready and decides to test their abilities.

第 22 集 Chūnin Challenge: Rock Lee vs. Sasuke!
Rock Lee challenges Sasuke to a one-on-one fight. Naruto grows angry and attacks him, only to be beaten in one attack. Sasuke realizes the challenge and eagerly accepts. But will Sasuke be defeated just as easily by this mysterious ninja? Sasuke's only advantage seems to be his Sharingan, but what happens when not even that will work?

第 23 集 Genin Takedown! All Nine Rookies Face Off!
A reunion of all the rookies isn't a very happy one, as all of them prepare to take the Chuunin Exam. With so many rivals around, Naruto's team will need help from a fellow ninja named Kabuto to know what they're up against. Will the group be able to last through the exam?

第 24 集 Start Your Engines: The Chūnin Exam Begins!
The first test of the Chuunin Exam is just that, a written test. When Ibiki issues a strict set of rules, Naruto fails to realize that the objective of the test is to cheat without getting caught. Can Naruto realize the truth before time runs out? And what about the tenth question?

第 25 集 The Tenth Question: All or Nothing
As time ticks away, Naruto's only hope of passing the test lies in the final question. However, there is a requirement to answering the final question. If you choose not to answer it, you fail the test and can try again next time. But, if you choose to answer it and get it wrong, you can never take the test again and must stay a Genin forever! What will Naruto's choice be?

第 26 集 Special Report: Live from the Forest of Death!
Before the second exam can begin, Konohamaru and his friends pull the members of Team 7 aside for interviews, where they retell the storyline to this point.

第 27 集 The Chunin Exam Stage 2: The Forest of Death
The second exam is about to begin, and every ninja must sign a form so that their team can get either the Heaven or Earth Scroll. The goal is to get one of each scroll and make it to the tower in five days. The groups get their scrolls and the exam begins. Naruto is ambushed by a ninja who poses as him. This ninja doesn't fool Sasuke, who immediately figures it out. Meanwhile, a new foe seeks them out, but who is this foe?

第 28 集 Eat or Be Eaten: Panic In the Forest
To prevent further problems, Sasuke thinks up a password to determine friend from foe, but will it be that simple? Meanwhile Naruto has his hands full with a giant snake. Can he handle this on his own and what about Sasuke and Sakura, can they survive the ordeal?

第 29 集 Naruto's Counterattack: Never Give In!
Sasuke is about to give up and give their scroll to the enemy, when Naruto stops him and accuses him of being a fake. Naruto then turns his attention to the Grass Ninja.... The battle is intense and when the Grass Ninja appears to get the upper hand, can Sasuke muster up the courage to fight?

第 30 集 The Sharingan Revived: Dragon Flame Jutsu!
Sasuke is still stuck in his trance and even Sakura's pleas can't get him back to normal. Meanwhile, Anko searches for the grass ninja fake. When the team appear to get the upper hand the question begs to be asked. Are the ninja truly defeated, or is there more to them than meets the eye?

第 31 集 Bushy Brow's Pledge: Undying Love and Protection
Since Sakura was the only one who did not get injured in the previous battle she must watch over and protect her teammates. Unknown to her though, there are enemies watching from the trees.... They attack, but a friend arrives to help. Will it be enough?

第 32 集 Sakura Blossoms!
Lee in his weakened state is having trouble defeating Dosu. Sakura realises everyone has been protecting her until now and that its her time to protect them! Can Sakura succeed where even Lee failed?

第 33 集 Battle Formation: Ino-Shika-Cho!
With Sakura defeated and facing certain death, more reinforcements step into the fray. However, they sense an even bigger level of power, and its not coming from the sound trio! Meanwhile Sasuke wakes up with an ominous dark aura surrounding him and the mysterious seal spreading over his body. He has but one goal....make his enemies pay!

第 34 集 Akamaru Trembles: Gaara's Cruel Strength!
Kiba, Shino, and Hinata decide to try and eliminate their opponents by taking more scrolls. They arrive upon a battlefield where three Rain ninjas are battling Gaara, Kankuro, and Temari. They remain hidden and observe the battle, thinking one of the Rain ninjas is a dangerous foe. After realizing Gaara's amazing abilities, they discover who is the really the dangerous one, and will be lucky if they can sneak away with their lives!

第 35 集 The Scroll's Secret: No Peeking Allowed
Team Kakashi still has only one scroll and there is only a day left before the test ends. Naruto decides they need to make a fake scroll and goes to open their Earth scroll, when Kabuto shows up and stops him, explaining that the scroll will knock them out until after the exam ends. He then tells them he will help them find the scroll they need. They seem to be the ones on the hunt, but what happens when they fall into a trap set by the enemy?

第 36 集 Clone vs. Clone: Mine are Better than Yours!
Naruto and the gang realise they have been caught in an illusionary technique and then they are attacked! Can the four defeat the ninja when they can't even see them and what are Kabuto's true reasons for helping out the group?

第 37 集 Surviving the Cut! The Rookie Nine Together Again!
The exam is over, but did they truly pass? An old friend arrives to explain and show his concern. Meanwhile, Anko informs the ANBU about Orochimaru, the S-Class criminal who even they cannot stop. Later the Third Hokage explains to everyone what the third exam truly means....

第 38 集 Narrowing the Field: Sudden Death Elimination!
With so many participants still left, the groups are told that they will be pitted against each other in preliminary matches. Kabuto leaves, then Sasuke is told he has to fight. They know that Sasuke was given the cursed seal and if it takes over they will stop him. Can Sasuke stop the seal from taking over again and still win?

第 39 集 Bushy Brow's Jealousy - Lions Barrage Unleashed!
Unable to use his chakra against Akado, Sasuke has to rely on good old-fashioned taijutsu to defeat him. Kakashi senses something is wrong with Sasuke and takes him away after the match.

第 40 集 Kakashi and Orochimaru: Face-to-Face!
While Shino and Zaku finish their fight, Kakashi works on Sasuke's cursed seal. However, someone sinister shows up to ruin things, will Kakashi be able to protect Sasuke from this skilled foe?

第 41 集 Kunoichi Rumble: The Rivals Get Serious!
Kankuro takes on Kabuto's teammate, Misumi, in a quick battle, proving how tough the Sand ninja really are. However, the real match comes when Sakura and Ino are pitted against one another!

第 42 集 The Ultimate Battle: Cha!
Sakura and Ino prepare to settle the score once and for all! However, when Sakura becomes the victim of Ino's Mind-Body Switch Justu, will she be forced to give up the match?

第 43 集 Killer Kunoichi and a Shaky Shikamaru
Temari of the Sand Village battles against Tenten from the Leaf Village. After the battle its Shikamaru's turn, but can he defeat an opponent who has already seen his moves once before?

第 44 集 Akamaru Unleashed! Who's Top Dog Now?
The match between Kiba and Naruto kicks off, with Kiba immediately proving he has the upper hand in the battle. Everyone still believes Naruto is the weak ninja he's always been, everyone except for Hinata, Kakashi, and Sakura. Now it's Naruto's time to shine, and this time...everyone will be watching him!

第 45 集 Surprise Attack! Naruto's Secret Weapon!
The battle between Naruto and Kiba draws to a close, with each of them giving it everything they've got. After being tricked by Naruto, Kiba can no longer rely on Akamaru's help. Naruto decides now is the time to release his new jutsu, only Kiba won't give him time to prepare it!

第 46 集 Byakugan Battle: Hinata Grows Bold!
Kiba alerts Hinata, as he's being taken away, that there are only a few fighters left. He warns her that if she fights Gaara, she has to give up immediately or she could be killed. He also tells her to give up if paired against Neji, because Neji already has issues with her. Just then, the board shows the next fight...Hinata vs. Neji. Just how far will Hinata go to prove herself?

第 47 集 A Failure Stands Tall!
Hinata will not give up so easily, especially with Naruto watching her. Will Hinata be willing to give up her own life in order to prove herself, or will the match be stopped before Neji can connect a killing move?

第 48 集 Gaara vs. Rock Lee: The Power of Youth Explodes!
The second-to-last match finally arrives! Rock Lee must face down the mysterious and dangerous Gaara, a ninja who is said to have never been truly injured in a fight before.

第 49 集 Lee's Hidden Strength: Forbidden Secret Jutsu!
As the battle between Lee and Gaara continues, Gai remembers how hard Lee used to train and how Lee has pretty much no ninjutsu or genjutsu skills. Lee is also a dropout, like Naruto. In order to defeat Gaara, Lee will have to use the move Gai forbade him to use.

第 50 集 The Fifth Gate: A Splendid Ninja is Born
The match between Gaara and Lee draws to an end as Lee unleashes his ultimate move. But will even this be enough to defeat Gaara? Even if Lee does make it out in one piece, even more shocking news awaits him.

第 51 集 A Shadow in the Darkness: Danger Approaches Sasuke
As Chouji faces off against Dosu, Orochimaru gives an order for Kabuto to abduct Sasuke. He also tells Kabuto that if he wants to stop him, he'll have to kill Sasuke. As Kabuto approaches Sasuke, he hesitates on what to do. His spy cover is soon blown though, as Kakashi appears on the scene. Will Kakashi save Sasuke from Kabuto's grasp?

第 52 集 Ebisu Returns: Naruto's Toughest Training Yet!
Naruto wants Kakashi to train him, but Kakashi has other plans. Ebisu arrives to an unhappy Naruto and makes a deal with him. If Naruto can get away from Ebisu, he'll make Kakashi train him. Naruto decides to accept Ebisu's challenge, but can he win?
日语 / 英语
狐忍 / Naruto

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