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豪斯医生 第一季

House M.D. (2004)

电视 美国 英语 剧情 悬疑
在普林斯顿大学附属医院内,坐镇一位大名鼎鼎的内科医师——格雷戈·豪斯(休·劳瑞 Hugh Laurie 饰),他穿着邋遢随便,手拄拐杖,刚愎自用,锋芒毕露,全然没有人们印象中那类谦和严谨的专业医师的影子。可是在这副令人咋舌的外表之下,却藏着令同行和病患佩服得五体投地的高超医术和丰富学识。豪斯医生治病的手法也独树一帜,他不当面问诊,也绝对不相信病患的道白感受,而完全凭借自己卓越的学识和高超的推理能力.. 查看全部
在普林斯顿大学附属医院内,坐镇一位大名鼎鼎的内科医师——格雷戈·豪斯(休·劳瑞 Hugh Laurie 饰),他穿着邋遢随便,手拄拐杖,刚愎自用,锋芒毕露,全然没有人们印象中那类谦和严谨的专业医师的影子。可是在这副令人咋舌的外表之下,却藏着令同行和病患佩服得五体投地的高超医术和丰富学识。豪斯医生治病的手法也独树一帜,他不当面问诊,也绝对不相信病患的道白感受,而完全凭借自己卓越的学识和高超的推理能力解决了诸多疑难杂症。 在神经科医师泰勒·埃瑞克·弗曼(奥尔马·伊普斯 Omar Epps 饰)、免疫学专家阿丽森·卡梅隆(珍妮弗·莫里森 Jennifer Morrison 饰)、心脏与急诊科医师罗伯特·蔡斯(杰西·斯宾塞 Jesse Spencer 饰)的协助下,豪斯团队绽放出耀眼夺目的光芒,也创造了一个又一个医学奇迹……

导演:Ann Donahue / Carol Mendelsohn / Anthony Zuiker


主演:休·劳瑞 / 丽莎·艾德尔斯汀 / 欧玛·艾普斯 / 罗伯特·肖恩·莱纳德 / 詹妮弗·莫里森 / 杰西·斯宾塞





An antisocial maverick doctor who specializes in diagnostic medicine does whatever it takes to solve puzzling cases that come his way using his crack team of doctors and his wits.
Ann Donahue
布莱恩·辛格 Bryan Singer
休·劳瑞 Hugh Laurie
兰迪·齐斯克 Randy Zisk
桑福德·布克斯塔弗 Sanford Bookstaver
格雷格·艾坦尼斯 Greg Yaitanes
彼得·梅达克 Peter Medak
费利克斯·恩里克斯·阿尔科拉 Félix Enríquez Alcalá
杰斯·亚历山大 Jace Alexander
德兰·萨拉菲安 Deran Sarafian
保罗·麦克兰尼 Paul McCrane
马特·沙克曼 Matt Shakman
第 1 季 共 22 集

第 1 集 Pilot
Dr. Gregory House, a brilliant diagnostician but devoid of bedside manner, and his elite team of young medical experts rush to save the life of a kindergarten teacher who started speaking gibberish and passed out in front of her class.

第 2 集 Paternity
When a teenage lacrosse player is stricken with an unidentifiable brain disease, Dr. House and the team hustle to give his parents answers. Chase breaks the bad news, the kid has MS, but the boy's night-terror hallucinations disprove the diagnosis and send House and his team back to square one. As the boy's health deteriorates. House's side-bet on the paternity of the patient infuriates Dr. Cuddy and the teenager's parents, but may just pay off in spades.

第 3 集 Occam's Razor
When a college student collapses after a bout of raucous sex with his girlfriend, Dr. House and his team scramble to figure out why. He's got too many symptoms to add up to just one disease and soon his immune system is so perilously compromised a simple cold could kill him. As his condition deteriorates quickly, House needs to think - and get more Vicodin. But when Wilson nags House about his nasty pill habit it proves extremely useful to House, just not in the way Wilson intended.

第 4 集 Maternity
Dr. House exasperates his boss, Dr. Lisa Cuddy, when he suggests that two sick newborn babies in one hospital add up to an epidemic. Even more frightening is the fact he may be right. As more babies are quarantined and the maternity ward is shut down, Cuddy power-scrubs the hospital and House spars with Dr. Cameron and his team of specialists over his plan to possibly sacrifice one sick baby for the good of the others.

第 5 集 Damned If You Do
When a nun comes into the clinic with swollen arms, rash and bleeding in her palms, Dr. House's diagnosis is a bad allergy, not stigmata. However, when he gives her a shot of medication, she has a heart attack, and whether he gave her the correct amount of medicine comes into question. As the the nun's case unfolds, the team has to deal with questions regarding their own calling, faith and whether or not they can trust the direction in which their mentor is leading them.

第 6 集 The Socratic Method
When it appears that Lucy Palermo, a schizophrenic mom with deadly deep vein thrombosis, is lying about her alcohol intake, Dr. House is the lone voice of reason. Under the scrutiny of her hyper-vigilant teenage son, House takes Lucy off all her medication and secretly sends Foreman and Chase to search her apartment for clues. An anonymous call to Social Services makes House question whether Lucy is really schizophrenic, and causes Lucy's son, Lucas, to blame Dr. House for making the call. Wading through Lucy's altered reality to get to the truth and save her life, House discovers it isn't mom who's keeping the secrets and reality isn't always what it seems.

第 7 集 Fidelity
When young wife Elyse falls ill with a rare disease she can't possibly have, Dr. Cameron is very interested in the case - so much so that her interest convinces House to take the case, and the team struggles to save her and appease her very attentive husband, Ed. After Dr. House and Dr. Wilson treat a woman at the clinic with new breast implants, the idea that House's new patient Elyse may have breast cancer is raised as a possible diagnosis. But that diagnosis fails to be the answer when Elyse lapses into a coma after starting treatment. House starts to suspect Elyse has contracted a rare sexually transmitted disease, but when Ed and Elyse are questioned individually, they each deny having an affair. To save their patient's life, the team has to acknowledge that House is right: everybody lies.

第 8 集 Poison
When a high school student falls victim to a mysterious but lethal poisoning, House and his team jump in to find out what is killing the teen. Given a low heart rate and a clean tox screen, House sends Cameron and Chase to the teen's home to find the hot new drug House is sure he's taking. They don't find any drugs, but think they've come up with the answers, until a second unrelated student is admitted with identical symptoms. With the boys' lives hanging in the balance, House and the team have to connect the dots - fast. Meanwhile, an 82-year-old patient has become enamored with House while he helps her figure out the basis of her renewed fascination with her sexual feelings.

第 9 集 DNR
Legendary jazz musician John Henry Giles is checked into the hospital and when he's told he's dying from ALS, he signs a DNR to avoid a slow death. House disagrees with the diagnosis and goes against everyone's wishes when he violates the DNR to save Giles' life. The decision lands House in court, drives Foreman to consider taking another job, and results in Giles' paralysis worsening. But when the patient inexplicably starts getting better, the team has to figure out the mystery in reverse and find out why his condition is improving.

第 10 集 Histories
Dr. Foreman believes an uncooperative homeless woman is faking seizures to get a meal ticket at the teaching hospital. But her homelessness strikes a personal chord with Dr. Wilson and he grows determined to keep her from falling between the cracks. Her worsening symptoms prove to be a complex mystery for House and his team, but the mystery of her identity and medical history may hold the answers to saving her life. Just as the team suspects she has contagious meningitis, the woman goes missing, only to be Tasered by the police, who bring her back. But House deduces the Taser may have proven yet another diagnosis, with dire results.

第 11 集 Detox
While trying to figure out why a young patient won't stop bleeding, House takes Cuddy's challenge and goes off Vicodin for a week in exchange for no clinic duty for a month. If House and his team can't determine the source of his patient's blood loss, the 16-year-old car accident victim will die in a matter of days. As House's withdrawal symptoms become more and more severe, his directives for his patient are more harsh and risky than usual, forcing Foreman and Cameron to fear he may not be thinking clearly enough to save the patient's life.

第 12 集 Sports Medicine
A severely broken arm reveals a bizarre case of bone loss and ends the comeback plans of major league pitcher Hank Wiggen. House suspects Hank - with a history of drug abuse - is lying about using steroids, as his condition worsens. When Hank's kidneys start to fail, his wife offers to donate hers, but she would have to abort her early pregnancy. Forced into an impossible solution, and admitting failure as an addict, Hank tries to take his own life. House and his team must isolate and fix the problem soon if this pitcher's life, as well his career, can be saved.

第 13 集 Cursed
A 12-year-old boy believes he's cursed after a Ouija board tells him he's going to die. His father, a major financial supporter of the hospital, makes escalating demands of House and the team as they try to diagnose the boy's pneumonia-like symptoms and incongruous rash. Tension intensifies when House invites Chase's estranged father, a renowned doctor visiting from Australia, into their circle of diagnosticians - much to Chase's discomfort - and House is intrigued by Chase's lack of relationship with his father. When the boy's diagnosis becomes more evident, the young patient is forced to face the idea that his father may not be everything he believes.

第 14 集 Control
Princeton-Plainsboro Teaching Hospital is turned upside-down when billionaire entrepreneur Edward Vogler buys his way into becoming Chairman of the Board. Vogler intends to use the hospital as a new biotech venture, meaning they no longer require the financially draining services of one Dr. Gregory House.<br /> <br /> Meanwhile, a powerful young woman who seemingly has it all - perfect life, perfect body, perfect job - becomes inexplicably paralyzed. Upon discovering her deadly secret, House finds himself fighting for her life even though it means risking his job and his medical license.

第 15 集 Mob Rules
Just before mobster Joey Arnello spills the beans in federal court and enters witness protection, he collapses. Is he faking? A court order instructs House to find out - and fast. House and his team struggle to diagnose and cure Joey while Joey's brother Bill tries to slow things down and keep Joey from testifying.<br /> <br /> Meanwhile, Cuddy struggles to convince Vogler that House is an essential part of the hospital. With Joey mysteriously slipping in and out of a coma, and House's job on the line, House makes an exception to his own policy and gets to know his patient.

第 16 集 Heavy
When an obese 10-year-old girl presents with a heart attack, House and his team investigate. At first thinking it's an adverse reaction to diet pills, they ultimately uncover a much more deadly source of her illness.<br /> <br /> Meanwhile, under pressure from hospital management, House tries to figure out which of his team to fire. But once he makes a decision, Vogler doesn't accept it and demands he pick someone else, leading House to suspect one of his team members is giving inside information to Vogler.

第 17 集 Role Model
At a high-level campaign fundraiser, up-and-coming Senator Tom Wright becomes violently ill. Vogler pushes House to take Wright's case and also dangles a new incentive in front of him: deliver a speech on behalf of Vogler's pharmaceutical company, and save his whole team. While the Senator's symptoms and tests point to AIDS, a condition which would squash his White House dreams forever, House and the team dig for different answers.<br /> <br /> Meanwhile, House gives the speech, but it's not exactly what Vogler had in mind.

第 18 集 Babies & Bathwater
While House and his team scramble to discover what's causing brain and kidney dysfunction in a pregnant woman, Vogler is on the warpath to get House fired. House diagnoses his pregnant patient's illness, but now she and her husband struggle with an emotional and heartbreaking choice: to save her life, or that of her unborn child.<br /> <br /> Meanwhile, Vogler sets up a board meeting to get rid of House, but when Wilson objects, Vogler lashes out against him and shocks Cuddy and the rest of the board with his decision. Finally, Cuddy takes a stand against Vogler (will she be next?).

第 19 集 Kids
While a meningitis scare overwhelms the resources and staff of Princeton-Plainsboro Teaching Hospital, House zeros in on a single patient: a 12-year-old whose symptoms are similar to, but not quite right for, meningitis. Cuddy gives them an hour to crack the case before pulling their medical manpower to treat the countless patients taking over the waiting rooms, but when they discover something quite unexpected, House, Foreman and Chase must devise ingenious ways and locations to treat the girl's delicate condition amid the chaos.<br /> <br /> Meanwhile, House asks Cameron to come back to her job now that Vogler is gone, but she's got a surprising requirement.

第 20 集 Love Hurts
While Princeton-Plainsboro Hospital is rife with rumor and speculation about House's imminent date with Cameron, House apparently scares a meek clinic patient into having a stroke. The team must navigate their way through the patient's odd proclivities, overbearing "friend" and reluctant parents in order to stop the strokes and try to save the guy's life.<br /> <br /> All the while, Wilson, Cuddy and the team offer House dating advice and lay odds on the outcome.

第 21 集 Three Stories
House's ex-girlfriend Stacy Warner returns - not to be with House, but to get his help for her ailing husband. While House decides whether or not to take the case, Cuddy instructs him to substitute for a sick professor and present a lecture to a class of medical students. As he weaves the stories of three patients who all present with a similar symptom, House gives a lecture the students will never forget. In the end, they come out with a broader understanding of diagnostics and House's team comes out with a greater understanding of him.

第 22 集 Honeymoon
House insists he can handle things when Stacy, the woman he once loved, asks him to diagnose Mark, the man she married. When Mark's tests come back normal yet symptoms show that his brain is dying, the puzzle may be one that even House can't solve.<br /> <br /> While Wilson worries about House's emotional well-being, the team is blown away by his over-the-top demands. As House struggles to put his emotions aside and solve the case, Cuddy adds to his dilemma and offers Stacy a reason to stay.
医神 / 流氓医生 / 怪杰医生豪斯 / 怪医豪斯 / Dr. House Season 1

6.8 6.0
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