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戦闘妖精雪風 (2002)

电视 日本 日语 剧情 动作 科幻 动画 冒险
在未来,南极的上空出现了被称为“通路”的蘑菇云般的时空通路,外星生物“迦姆”利用它发动了对地球的攻击。经过33年惨烈的战斗,人类终于将“迦姆”封印于道路的彼端——菲雅利星球。然后,随着迦姆的消失,人们开始渐渐淡忘了这件事,但战斗仍然在菲雅利星球继续着…… .. 查看全部
在未来,南极的上空出现了被称为“通路”的蘑菇云般的时空通路,外星生物“迦姆”利用它发动了对地球的攻击。经过33年惨烈的战斗,人类终于将“迦姆”封印于道路的彼端——菲雅利星球。然后,随着迦姆的消失,人们开始渐渐淡忘了这件事,但战斗仍然在菲雅利星球继续着…… 原作《战斗妖精雪风》为荣获日本科幻大会星云赏的神林长平小说代表作,由精于3D动画以《青之六号》《Last Exile》为代表作的Gonzo小组改编为OVA,另有著名的Production.I.G和航空自卫队的协助,打造了这部史上最真实的硬科幻空战动画。所有空战用语均极为专业,为体验速度感,小组成员还亲自乘坐F15战机以求得灵感。总共花了五年时间,打造出这部金字塔级的硬科幻作品。故事与画面的张力,让其他任何一部空战类作品望尘莫及。

导演:大仓雅彦 / 高桥幸雄 / 羽生尚靖

编剧:山口宏 / 十川诚志 / 神林长平

主演:堺雅人 / 中田让治 / 池田昌子 / 麻上洋子 / 田中敦子 / 山田美穗 / 矢尾一树 / 杉山纪彰 / 土师孝也 / 大塚芳忠 / 石森达幸 / 长克巳 / 卷岛直树 / 松本大 / 桐本拓哉 / 水内清光 / 梅津秀行 / 增谷康纪 / 广濑正志 / 细井治 / 天田真人 / 川田绅司 / 柿原彻也 / 杉田智和





Thirty-three years ago, an alien force known as the JAM invaded Earth through a dimensional portal over Antarctica. Earth's forces managed to drive the JAM away to a distant planet designated as Fairy. While the majority of Earth's population is unaware of the JAM's presence, the war continues on Fairy, where Rei Fukai is an SAF (Special Air Force) pilot assigned to pilot Yukikaze-an advanced reconnaissance fighter plane equipped with a near-sentient A.I. that detects the presence of the JAM within its path.
第 1 季 共 5 集

第 1 集 Operation 1
The story begins with footage of the 30 year war, and all the hardships mankind has had with the alien prescense known as "the Jam." We are now shown a group of jets engaging the Jam in a ariel battle. Enter Rei Fukai, a young pilot who gets the honor of flying Yukikaze. On their way back to base, Rei and his co-pilot encounter another jet fighter, it appears to be one of their own, but Yukikaze gives the order that it’s an enemy. Rei shoots it down. Upon his arrival, he is scolded by his superior, and friend, James. He is brought before the commanding officiers and he explains to them how Yukikaze recvealed it to be a Jam. On their way home, James tries to comfort Rei. The next day James takes Rei out for a little relaxation. He tells him stories about how far along Rei has come. Rei seems to be a little cheered up now. The next morning James discusses Yukikaze with his general, Lynn. Later that day Rei and his co-pilot are sent off on a mission…

第 2 集 Operation 2
James and an injured Rei watch as the rebuilt Yukikaze takes off for a test run. James informs the general about the successful test flight of the new Yukikaze, but at the same time the entire control tower team seems to be dissapointed in Rei’s previous actions. Elsewhere a dog fight with the Jam is taking place. The auto-piloted Yukikaze destroys the Jam fighter. Unknowingly, Rei is controlling Yukikaze with his mind. He sub-consciously makes Yukikaze attack the landing field back at the base. Later that night, James and the general discuss how Rei doesn’t remember a thing and thought it was just a bad dream. They also discuss how Yukikaze could possibly be linked with him like this. Later Rei meets with a doctor who is against him ever piloting Yukikaze again.. Enraged Rei walks out on her. The next day James goes over the improvements made on Yukikaze with Rei. He informs Rei on his mission for the next day. A team goes out the next morning with Rei piloting the Yukikaze…

第 3 集 Operation 3
The flying fortess Banshee has been taken over by the JAM. Rei is sent to investigate and try to regain control, but it may prove to be too much for him to handle.

第 4 集 Operation 4
Rei and James head to Earth for a field test of an engine model, but are interrupted by 3 JAM planes that followed them. Seeing the ineptness of the Japanese Navy, Rei and James must deal with them. While meeting with the navy officials, they meet the writer Lynn Jackson. Their return trip is interrupted as well…but by whom?

第 5 集 Operation 5
It’s time for pest control. As the end draws near, the SAF go about exterminating all the JAM Human Clones. However, there way back home is blocked by the entire JAM fleet. Can they find the strenght needed to push thru and make it home, or will sacrifices be made?

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