This story follows a young man named Makoto who lives in Ikebukuro West Gate Park, an area known for youth delinquency and gangs. In fact, one of Makoto's best friends from high school, Takeshi, is the king or leader, of one such gang, called the G-Boys. Makoto is known for being tough and smart, and while trying to solve the mystery of a friend's death, he finds himself a somewhat unwilling helper in many mysteries and problems of IWGP inhabitants. All the while, gang tension is mounting between his best friend's gang (which Makoto refuses to join) and a new gang, the Black Angels.
第 1 季 共 11 集
第 1 集 Strawberry Episode
The carefree Makoto enjoys taking wagers at a bowling alley and getting into mischief with friends in Ikebukuro, where someone evil is on the prowl.
第 2 集 Carrot Episode
Finally free from police custody, Makoto hears about Rika’s part-time job dating men for money and the suspicious figure who stopped by her funeral.
第 3 集 Mandarin Orange Episode
After an unexpected reunion with an old friend, Makoto must find the missing daughter of a desperate yakuza boss — or else lose a finger.
第 4 集 Shiitake Mushroom Episode
Unable to turn to the police, Chiaki enlists Makoto’s help in protecting her boyfriend from the yakuza after he angers a dangerous drug dealer.
第 5 集 Gorilla Episode
A former classmate requests that Makoto help hunt down a creepy stalker who is relentlessly harassing a woman from an amateur voyeur website.
第 6 集 6th Channel Episode
When a precocious boy Makoto knows from the streets of Ikebukuro is kidnapped, the boy’s mother asks Makoto to help both her son and his abductor.
第 7 集 Yōshichi Episode
When Makoto hears about his mother selling some strange tea, he and Shun sneak into a pyramid scheme seminar in disguise to investigate the situation.
第 8 集 Yōhachi Episode
A group of aggrieved high school girls accosts Masa at the bowling alley, threatening him and demanding cash for a classmate who needs an abortion.
第 9 集 Kyūshū Island Episode
Suspicions turn toward the G-Boys after Kana is stabbed by someone dressed in yellow. Meanwhile, the Black Angels declare war in Ikebukuro.
第 10 集 Jutte Episode
Takashi takes more dramatic action in the aftermath of Shun’s tragedy, causing the battle between the G-Boys and the Black Angels to intensify.
第 11 集 Samurai Episode
Makoto hides himself away at home as the showdown between Takashi and Kyoichi approaches — until a new development sends him running to the police.