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Around the World in 80 Days (1989)

电视 英国 英语 纪录片
BBC王牌主持人,英国名喜剧演员Micheal Palin带您展开了另一次绚丽的80天旅途,一起周游世界。 与世界名著“环游世界八十天”相同旅程!环游世界旅行者必备的经典参考指南!!你曾梦想环游世界吗?八十天内绕完地球一周,会是怎么样的奇幻刺激冒险?麦克尔·帕林.. 查看全部
BBC王牌主持人,英国名喜剧演员Micheal Palin带您展开了另一次绚丽的80天旅途,一起周游世界。 与世界名著“环游世界八十天”相同旅程!环游世界旅行者必备的经典参考指南!!你曾梦想环游世界吗?八十天内绕完地球一周,会是怎么样的奇幻刺激冒险?麦克尔·帕林自告奋勇要完成这一部纪录片(这辈子在这之前只有一次经验),跟时间赛跑,在全无剧本的情况下,踏上这段路程,所有的变化,毫无预警。这是前所未有的尝试』---麦可帕林威尼斯的垃圾船、在埃及被撞坏的计程车、横渡波斯湾的简陋小船、中国的蒸汽船、越过换日线的货柜船…… 麦克尔·帕林环绕世界一週的壮举,除了坐不完的船、上吐下泄,飢不择食的鸚鵡之外,更有著目不暇给的惊喜!! 第1集 艰巨挑战: 按照作著朱勒凡尔纳的路径,从伦敦由海路及陆路展开… 第2集 阿拉伯恐慌: 从苏伊士港到沙乌地港,这一切都得看阿拉的旨意了… 第3集 古代水手: 古加拉特水手带领航行到印度孟买,但引擎却突然故障.. 第4集 惊险刮鬍: 在印度第一大城孟买当街刮鬍后,转辗前往马德拉斯… 第5集 东方快车: 从新加坡港出发到香港之前在南中国海遇到三个颱风… 第6集 深入远东: 航行到上海、横滨,在东京稍为休息后面对广大的太平洋.. 第7集 从换日线到最后期限: 时间渐逼但他们得通过美国和太西洋回到起点…

导演:Roger Mills

编剧:迈克尔·帕林 / 儒勒·凡尔纳

主演:迈克尔·帕林 / 特瑞·吉列姆





Michael Palin attempts to copy the exploits of fictional character Phileas Fogg, by trying to travel around the world (without flying) in 80 days.
迈克尔·帕林 Michael Palin
特瑞·吉列姆 Terry Gilliam
迈克尔·帕林 Michael Palin
儒勒·凡尔纳 Jules Verne
第 1 季 共 7 集

第 1 集 The Challenge
Palin accepts the offer from the BBC to attempt going around the world in 80 days. After boarding the Orient Express at Victoria Station in London, he reminisces on his rigorous preparations for this extraordinary circumnavigation. He rode across Europe before being stopped by an Italian train strike in Innsbruck. Arriving in Venice by coach, he helps out the local sanitation department clean up the city. After that, it was on to the Corinth Canal and Athens, where he saw the world-renowned evzones, as well as a die-hard Python fan. After that, and a brief stopover in Crete, Alexandria beckoned. Palin mentions that two of his referees are fellow Pythons, Terry Jones and Terry Gilliam.

第 2 集 Arabian Frights
Palin arrives in Egypt, only to find difficulty getting a train to Cairo. When in the capital, he attends a local soccer match and appears in a cameo role in an Egyptian film. After seeing the Pyramids in Giza and riding a camel sharing his name, Palin runs into trouble when a ship he was supposed to board develops engine issues and cannot run. Even though he is able to board a ferry getting out of the city of Suez, he misses a key connection that would have taken him to Muscat. As a last ditch effort to save the journey, Palin (however, only he) is allowed to drive across Saudi Arabia to Dubai.

第 3 集 Ancient Mariners
In Dubai, the crew finds a good dhow to take to Mumbai. Along the way, Palin bonds with the dhow's crew, lets one listen to a Bruce Springsteen song, and develops a bad case of diarrhea.<br /> <br /> Palin mentions he drove the distance from London to the Black Sea in one weekend.<br /> <br /> Palin has said in interviews that he wants to meet up with the dhow's crew and thank them again for their gracious hospitality.

第 4 集 A Close Shave
In Mumbai, Palin finds himself a week behind Phileas Fogg. He is able to find a train from there to Chennai in the south. Before leaving Mumbai, he runs into an astrologist who, after giving him a chart for a baby to be born to one of his referees, tells him he will complete the journey on time. He finds himself in trouble, however, trying to get a connecting boat to Singapore. Eventually, an "...Anglo-German-Indo-Yugoslav agreement the UN would have been proud of" was reached and Palin was on his way, albeit eleven days behind. This agreement meant that only Palin and the cameraman Nigel could travel aboard the ship, meaning that Palin had to take a "crash course in sound testing" so they could film aboard the ship.<br /> <br /> One of the train stops on his way from Mumbai to Chennai is Poona, where Palin talks about his father winning two rowing cups there in the 1920s.

第 5 集 Oriental Express
Palin takes a boat from Singapore on to Hong Kong, where he wins big in a horse race, is attacked by a cockatoo and meets up with his friend Basil Pao. He attends a party thrown in his honor at the halfway point in the journey. Then, it is on to Guangzhou for a dinner of shredded cobra and then a train to Shanghai. On the train, he is asked by a Chinese businesswoman if he carries an umbrella all the time. Palin states, "I just get wet." As well, he collects a roofing tile requested by Terry Gilliam.

第 6 集 Far East Farther East
In Shanghai, he gets some herbal remedies to help him on the rest of his trip. He and Basil take in a Chinese jazz band. After parting with Basil the next day, he takes a ferry to Japan, where he rides the world-famous shinkansen train. Meeting up with David Powers, a fellow Brit, he is taken to a sushi bar and then a karaoke bar, where he does a duet singing You Are My Sunshine. After spending the night in a capsule hotel, he is off on to the Pacific Ocean for eleven days, one of which includes crossing the International Date Line.

第 7 集 Dateline to Deadline
Arriving in the United States only two days back of Fogg, Palin spends night one in America onboard the embedded Queen Mary. After a few days, he boards an Amtrak and travels to Glenwood Springs, Colorado. He takes a balloon ride there and a dogsled trip in Aspen. Realizing he probably should have stayed on the Chicago-bound train, he leaves the Rockies frantically. Eventually arriving in New York, he boards the final ship of his journey dead-even with Phileas Fogg on Day 71. After eight days, he arrives in Felixstowe, touching foot on British soil for the first time in two and a half months. A few train connections later, he arrives at his starting point, the Reform Club, Pall Mall, London, yet is not allowed in. The journey ends 79 days and 7 hours after it began.

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