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草原小屋 第一季

Little House on the Prairie (1974)

电视 美国 英语 剧情 爱情 家庭
《草原小屋》是美国女作家劳拉·英格尔斯·怀尔德的杰作,是其九卷一辑“小屋”丛书中的一本。“小屋”丛书描写主人公劳拉在威斯康星的小木屋时,到她在达科他地区结婚所渡过的美好时光,在美国久享盛名,尽人皆知。作者以充满诗意的笔调描述了他们纯朴的生活,善良的人性,平凡而动人,吸引了成千上万的读者。 .. 查看全部
《草原小屋》是美国女作家劳拉·英格尔斯·怀尔德的杰作,是其九卷一辑“小屋”丛书中的一本。“小屋”丛书描写主人公劳拉在威斯康星的小木屋时,到她在达科他地区结婚所渡过的美好时光,在美国久享盛名,尽人皆知。作者以充满诗意的笔调描述了他们纯朴的生活,善良的人性,平凡而动人,吸引了成千上万的读者。 “小屋”丛书拍成的电视剧更是深受广大观众的喜爱,本剧共有10季207集。八十年代中后期中央电视台放过。 而且美国电视连续剧《草原小屋》曾荣获1988年最佳译制片“飞天奖”金奖。中国引进了第一季24集。 “小木屋”系列作品,可以说就是罗兰前半生的自传,书中的主角罗兰也就是真实罗兰的化身。罗兰从她的出生地——威斯康星大森林写起,以《大森林里的小木屋》作为这套作品的序曲。这本书里,罗兰以小女孩天其无邪的眼光观察生活中的点点滴滴。大森林里的梅花鹿、大懒熊、冬天的白雪、春天树上的绿芽、还有小木屋里温暖的火光、妈做的可口点心、爸的悠扬琴声,都是罗兰最甜蜜的童年回忆。 第二部《草原上的小木屋》是这套作品中最有名且最具代表性的一部。书中描述罗兰一家离开威斯康星大森林,坐着篷车迁徙到堪萨斯大草原的经过,这正是当时美国国西部垦荒者的典型写照。这次搬家,罗兰一家惊险万分地渡过涨水的河流,到了大草原以后,他们也曾遇到印第安人,并遭受狼群包围、草原大火以及热病的侵袭,但最后他们还是住进了爸亲手所盖的小木屋中,在草原上度过了一段靠打猎维生的甜美时光。 第三部《农庄男孩》,卡角是罗兰的丈夫阿曼乐·怀德。阿曼乐是来自纽约州的农庄男孩。在书中,罗兰生动地描述了阿曼乐第一天上学的情形,也描述了他获得第一匹属于自己、也由自己来驯服的的小马时那种骄傲的心情。另外,岁兰也通过对阿曼乐成长过程的记述,提出了对金钱价值的看法——对阿曼乐而言,五毛钱等于在马铃薯田里工作许多小时。 第四部《在梅溪边》,描述罗兰一家离开大草原,走过密苏里州、艾奥瓦州,到明尼苏达州,居住在梅溪边的情形在梅溪边这段日子,罗兰一家住往土洞里,爸所有的收成被蝗虫吃个精光,全家人的生活陷入困境,最后爸只好离家到东部去做工。这时罗兰已经八岁,所以全书的叙事观点随罗兰的成长而改变。生活的挑战与家庭的力量在罗兰眼中更加具体。另外,罗兰和玛莉开始上学,她们的人际关系也由家庭向外拓展。 第五部《在银湖岸》,描写的是罗兰一家从离开梅溪边到达科他区银湖岸的故事。从梅溪边到达他区,罗兰坐的不是篷车,而是火车,这是她第一次坐火车。当时罗兰快十三岁了,由于玛莉失明。罗兰的个性有了明显的改变。她不再有姐姐可以依靠,不再有任性不懂事的权利,于是罗兰更深刻地体会了成长,也学会面对自己虽不喜欢、却必须做的事。另外,对他们全家而言,在银湖岸的生活给他们带来了新希望——爸可以在这里申请一块一百六十英亩的土地。 第六部《好长的冬天》。就在罗兰的爸申请到银湖岸的一块地,并盖好小木屋之后,一场可怕的暴风雪来了。当时罗兰一家住在离银湖岸不远的小镇,暴风雪将小镇封住,小镇的对外交通中断了七个月之久。在这七个月之中,罗兰一家没有食物,只能靠一点麦粒糊口;他们没有木柴,只能烧乾草取暖。他们每天为活下去而努力奋斗,爸更因为扭乾草棒而冻裂了双手,无法拉小提琴。这一次,解决困难的是小镇里的两个男孩,他们冒着被冻死与迷路的危险,骑马出镇,带回食物。其中一个男孩就是阿曼乐。

导演:迈克尔·兰登 / 威廉·F·克拉克斯顿 / 维克托·弗伦奇 / 利奥·潘

编剧:劳拉·英格尔斯·怀德 / 小迈克尔·兰登 / Don Balluck

主演:迈克尔·兰登 / 凯伦·格拉斯尔 / 梅丽莎·吉尔伯特 / Lindsay Greenbush





The life and adventures of the Ingalls family in the nineteenth century American Midwest.
第 1 季 共 24 集

第 1 集 A Harvest of Friends
The Ingalls settle on the banks of Plum Creek in Walnut Grove. To get the farm set up, Charles must take on several jobs at once. He promises one person that if he didn't get the job done in the specified time, the person could have his oxen.

第 2 集 Country Girls
Laura and Mary start school for the first time. That is where they meet Nellie Oleson. Since Laura hasn't been to school before, she tries especially hard with her schoolwork. The students have to write an essay to present in front of the class. Laura recites what she would have written on the paper if she could have, instead of what was actually written on it.

第 3 集 100 Mile Walk
In the beginning, things look very good for the Ingalls until a bad hailstorm ruins their crops. Charles and some other farmers must leave to look for work. They end up working in a quarry. While Charles is away, Caroline is able to get the women of Walnut Grove to join together to harvest the remaining crops.

第 4 集 Mr. Edwards' Homecoming
While Charles is in Mankato, he runs into Mr. Edwards and invites him to come to Walnut Grove. Caroline tries to match Mr. Edwards up with Grace Snider, but instead she just ends up in the way since Mr. Edwards is able to charm Grace all by himself. Although there are a couple problems that must be overcome, things turn out for the best in the end.

第 5 集 The Love of Johnny Johnson
Laura falls in love with a new student, Johnny Johnson. Johnny, who is a lot older than Laura, is interested in Mary instead. Although Mary is not interested in Johnny, Laura's actions cause tension between the sisters. When Charles finds this out, he is appalled that either of his girls is involved with Johnny.

第 6 集 If I Should Wake Before I Die
After her friend dies, Miss Amy, an old lady, convinces the Ingalls and Doc Baker to help her stage her own death. Amy thought this was the only way to get her family to come and see her.

第 7 集 Town Party, Country Party
Laura connects with a sweet, shy classmate named Olga Nordstrom, who happens to have been born with a short leg. Charles has an idea that can change Olga’s entire life, but the challenge will be convincing the child’s stubborn widowed father.

第 8 集 Ma's Holiday
Charles and Caroline decide to go on a second honeymoon and leave Mr. Edwards in charge of the children. The honeymoon doesn't turn out very well because Caroline keeps worrying about the children. Back at home, Mr. Edwards has his hands full with Carrie.

第 9 集 School Mom
After Ms. Beadle sprains her ankle, Caroline becomes the substitute teacher. Caroline takes a special interest in helping an older student, Abel, learn to read. One day Mrs. Oleson shows up and causes Abel to quit school. Because of this Caroline quits, but returns after she convinces Abel to give school another chance.

第 10 集 The Raccoon
Charles allows Laura to adopt a baby raccoon, Jasper. After being caged, the raccoon bites Laura and Jack and runs away. The family fears that Laura and Jack might have rabies until a healthy Jasper returns.

第 11 集 The Voice of Tinker Jones
The town becomes divided when Mrs. Oleson offers to buy a bell for the church, but only if she can put up a plaque. The differences and arguing begin to affect the school children. A mute craftsman, Tinker Jones, steps in and with the help of the school children, is able to make a bell.

第 12 集 The Award
While studying for an optional history exam in the barn, Mary accidentally knocks over a reading lamp and starts a fire. Caroline punishes Mary by telling her she couldn't take the exam. Mary doesn't tell Ms. Beadle this until the day of the exam.

第 13 集 The Lord is My Shepherd (1)
Caroline becomes pregnant. Shortly after the baby is born, he becomes ill.

第 14 集 The Lord is My Shepherd (2)
Believing that her jealousy was responsible for her infant brother's death and that her parents would rather have a son than a spare daughter, Laura climbs the highest hill she can find, hoping to get as close to God as possible to ask Him to take her instead and return the baby boy to the family. While Charles and Mr. Edwards desperately search for her, Laura meets Jonathan, a mystical mountain man who seems to have been sent purposely to guide her through this life-changing experience.

第 15 集 Christmas At Plum Creek
The Christmas holiday is approaching and the members of the Ingalls family go about their holiday shopping in secrecy. Laura is able to buy her mom a stove that she wanted after she sells her horse to Mr. Oleson.

第 16 集 Family Quarrel
After a major disagreement, Nels and Harriet go their separate ways. Many people in town try to get the two back together.

第 17 集 Doctor's Lady
Dr. Baker and Harriet's niece, Kate, fall in love with each other. Then their age difference becomes an issue.

第 18 集 Plague
Several people in Walnut Grove get very sick. A quarantine is set up in the church while the source of the illness is being sought.

第 19 集 Circus Man
A traveling circusman, O'Hara, comes to Walnut Grove and tries to get everyone to believe he has magic healing powders. However, he is really found out when Mrs. Oleson almost loses her life when she tries his healing powders instead of having an operation.

第 20 集 Child of Pain
When it is found out that a young boy, Graham, is being beaten by his alcoholic father, John, Caroline takes care of the boy while Charles stays with John to try to get him to stay sober.

第 21 集 Money Crop
A college-educated farmer named Joe moves to Walnut Grove with his pregnant wife. He tells the Walnut Grove-area farmers of a new hybrid of corn that would produce good crops, to which the farmers are very enthused. They decide to buy some of this new seed. While on the way back to Walnut Grove with the seed, Joe gets into an accident, as the farmers wait for his return.

第 22 集 Survival
The Ingallses have to seek shelter when a blizzard hits. There they meet an Indian who helps them out. A marshall, looking for the Indian, comes by...

第 23 集 To See The World
Johnny Johnson leaves to ""see the world"" and Mr. Edwards goes along with him to keep him out of trouble. Johnny meets up with a girl who is able to trick him out of a lot of money. Mr. Edwards talks to this girl to try to have her convince Johnny to go back home.

第 24 集 Founder's Day
Walnut Grove celebrates this great day with several different competitions. There are very competitive spirits between the Olesons and the Ingallses.

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