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あずまんが大王 (2002)

电视 日本 日语 喜剧 动画
这一天,班上转来了两个学生,一个是跳级生美滨千代(金田朋子 配音),她拥有着和可爱外表完全不匹配的天才级智商,以及同智商完全不匹配的情商。另一个叫春日步(松冈由贵 配音),她倒是表里如一的迟钝和呆萌。很快,她们便和同学们打成了一片。泷野智(樋口智惠子 配音)人称阿智,争强好斗的同时,却有着意外的单纯和天真。外表冷静成熟的榊(浅川悠 配音)对世上一切可爱的东西抵抗力为零。水原历(田中理惠 配音)是阿.. 查看全部
这一天,班上转来了两个学生,一个是跳级生美滨千代(金田朋子 配音),她拥有着和可爱外表完全不匹配的天才级智商,以及同智商完全不匹配的情商。另一个叫春日步(松冈由贵 配音),她倒是表里如一的迟钝和呆萌。很快,她们便和同学们打成了一片。泷野智(樋口智惠子 配音)人称阿智,争强好斗的同时,却有着意外的单纯和天真。外表冷静成熟的榊(浅川悠 配音)对世上一切可爱的东西抵抗力为零。水原历(田中理惠 配音)是阿智的童年玩伴,成绩优秀的她毫无疑问的成为了阿智的挑战对象。再加上一个活宝班主任谷崎由佳里(平松晶子 配音),这三年的高中生活一定会多姿多彩的。 动画片由漫画家东清彦的同名四格漫画改编,用过描绘女子高中生的日常,展现了一个可爱温暖,妙趣横生的世界。

导演:锦织博 / 舛成孝二 / 大畑清隆 / 高田耕一 / 池端隆史 / 石堂宏之 / 长尾肃 / 高桥亨

编剧:东清彦 / 大河内一楼 / 吉永亚矢 / 玉井豪 / 小黑祐一郎 / 大久保智康

主演:田中理惠 / 浅川悠 / 樋口智惠子 / 平松晶子 / 久川绫 / 石井康晴 / 金田朋子





A humorous and highly unpredictable animated series following a group of high school girls and their teachers.
锦织博 Hiroshi Nishikiori
舛成孝二 Kouji Masunari
大畑清隆 Oohata Kiyotaka
池端隆史 Ikehata Takashi
高桥亨 Takahashi Tooru
田中理惠 Rie Tanaka
浅川悠 Yu Asakawa
樋口智惠子 Chieko Higuchi
平松晶子 Akiko Hiramatsu
久川绫 Aya Hisakawa
石井康晴 Yasuharu Ishii
金田朋子 Tomoko Kaneda
第 1 季 共 26 集

第 1 集 A Child High School Student
1, "A Child High School Student"<br /> <br /> We first meet 10-year-old prodigy Chiyo Mihama on her first day of high school. Meanwhile, English teacher Yukari-sensei is also on her way to school, and nothing seems to be going her way.<br /> <br /> 2, "A Genius"<br /> <br /> We learn that, in spite of being very smart for her age, Chiyo is far from perfect. Nonetheless, Chiyo quickly becomes a featured member of the class.<br /> <br /> 3, "Scary, maybe?"<br /> <br /> Chiyo is helping out in class when she meets Miss Sakaki, the tall quiet girl that everyone idolizes. But, upon reviewing Sakaki's pick of career choices, Chiyo wonders if their might be more to Miss Sakaki than meets the eye.<br /> <br /> 4, "The Rampaging Tomo-chan!"<br /> <br /> We meet Tomo, the hyperactive girl, as she challenges both Sakaki and Chiyo and generally gets herself into trouble.<br /> <br /> 5, "An Osakan Girl"<br /> <br /> A new transfer student, Ayumu, arrives from Osaka. Now, poor Ayumu must try to deal with her classmates' preconceived notions about Osaka natives.

第 2 集 Osaka's Day
6, "Osaka Today As Well"<br /> <br /> We learn more about Ayumu (now known as "Osaka") and her unfortunate habit of spacing out at inopportune moments.<br /> <br /> 7, "P.E. - Volleyball"<br /> <br /> During Kurosawa-sensei's gym class, we see how athletic (and unathletic) the girls can be.<br /> <br /> 8, "Hiccups"<br /> <br /> After sampling some of Yomi's spicy lunch, Osaka gets a bad case of the hiccups.<br /> <br /> 9, "The Brain..."<br /> <br /> Hours have passed, school is over, and Osaka's hiccups still have not gone away! The girls do everything they can to help her, but can the cure be worse than the disease?<br /> <br /> 10, "Brand New"<br /> <br /> We get a small glimpse into Osaka's imagination, where anything can happen, and reality as we know it ceases to exist.

第 3 集 Yukari and Nyamo
11, "Nyamo"<br /> <br /> We get to see more of P.E. teacher Minamo Kurosawa, a.k.a. "Nyamo," esp. her relationship with Yukari.<br /> <br /> 12, "Factional Rivalry"<br /> <br /> Envious over Nyamo's unmatched popularity with the students, Yukari shanghais the girls into basketball game. Only, Yukari doesn't play fair...<br /> <br /> 13, "Yukari's Here"<br /> <br /> When Yukari visits Nyamo at home, we get to see just how dysfunctional their relationship can be.<br /> <br /> 14, "Not My Fault"<br /> <br /> Yukari and Nyamo go out for a drink and end up running into *gasp* a foreigner! Meanwhile, Tomo, Yomi, and Osaka end up sharing in a little philosophy.<br /> <br /> 15, "Forever And Ever"<br /> <br /> Yukari shows her wild(er) side while knocking back glasses of sake, much to Nyamo's shagrin.

第 4 集 Pool, Pool, Pool!
16, "A Fun Profession"<br /> <br /> We meet Kimura-sensei, the girls' creepy Classical Lit. teacher.<br /> <br /> 17, "Pool, Pool, Pool"<br /> <br /> As the girls gather at the school pool for gym class, we get to see more of their physical limitations, as well as a few personality quirks.<br /> <br /> 18, "Ribbon"<br /> <br /> Nyamo is trying to teach swimming technique to her class at the pool, when Yukari (naturally) rudely interrupts.<br /> <br /> 19, "Just the Two of Them"<br /> <br /> At Yukari's insistence, she and Nyamo face off in a pool relay race.<br /> <br /> 20, "A Good Person?"<br /> <br /> The aftermath of the class relay race. Also, the girls spot Kimura in the park after school and start wondering what kind of person he really is.

第 5 集 Summer Break
21, "Summer Break"<br /> <br /> Summer Break arrives. Nyamo visits Yukari at home to instill some motivation in her.<br /> <br /> 22, "Welcome to Chiyo's Room"<br /> <br /> Yomi, Tomo, and Osaka go to visit Chiyo at her home... and are surprised by what they find!<br /> <br /> 23, "Invitation"<br /> <br /> The girls head to Chiyo's Family's summer home to enjoy their vacation together at the beach. Also, Chiyo and Osaka learn the true meaning of horror, courtesy of... the Yukari-mobile!!! O_o<br /> <br /> 24, "Someone With Experience, Speak"<br /> <br /> The group tries to pass the evening with scary stories and fireworks, with mixed results.<br /> <br /> 25, "Done For"<br /> <br /> The group returns home as Summer Break comes to an end. Also, Kaorin gets the shock of her life!

第 6 集 Sports Fest
26, "Equation for Victory"<br /> <br /> The upcoming school Sports Fest has everyone excited, especially Yukari.<br /> <br /> 27, "Sakaki of Class 3, Kagura of Class 5"<br /> <br /> The Sports Fest begins. However, Chiyo doubts whether or not she will able to help her classmates win.<br /> <br /> 28, "Runaway Victory"<br /> <br /> The games continue as the girls participate in the 400 meter race, the scavenger hunt, and the tug-of-war.<br /> <br /> 29, "Yay!"<br /> <br /> The final decisive event of the day: the class relay race! Also, Chiyo gets her moment to shine.<br /> <br /> 30, "Dancing the Grand Finale"<br /> <br /> The Sports Fest ends with a traditional dance, where Kaorin's greatest fanasy and her worst nightmare both come true!

第 7 集 Culture Fest
31, "Fairyland Class"<br /> <br /> With the school Culture Fest coming up, the class tries to come up with a theme. One anonymous (and cute) entry seems particularly promising...<br /> <br /> 32, "Man of Character"<br /> <br /> The girls gather at Chiyo's house to work on getting ready for the Culture Fest. Also, Sakaki gets to pet an animal for the first time!<br /> <br /> 33, "Go With Enthusiasm!"<br /> <br /> The Culture fest begins, and everyone is getting into it... especially Tomo!<br /> <br /> 34, "The Mascot"<br /> <br /> A large cat suit gets exchanged between several wearers as the Culture Fest wears on.<br /> <br /> 35, "Enemy?"<br /> <br /> The Culture Fest draws to a close, and the girls get to celebrate their success.

第 8 集 New Year's Dream Special
36 - Osaka's New Years Dream<br /> <br /> Osaka dreams about Chiyo and her supposedly magical pigtails.<br /> <br /> 37 - In Tomo-chan's case...<br /> <br /> Tomo dreams of herself as a superhero high school girl; fighting crime, saving lives, and winning all the competitions.<br /> <br /> 38 - In Sakaki's Case...<br /> <br /> Sakaki dreams of meeting a yellow cat that calls itself "Chiyo's Father."<br /> <br /> 39 - Welcome<br /> <br /> Sakaki's dream takes a turn for the truly bizarre.<br /> <br /> 40 - In Kaorin's Case...<br /> <br /> Kaorin dreams about Sakaki coming to her rescue.

第 9 集 Chiyo-chan's Birthday
41 - If I Can't Pet One...<br /> <br /> When Kaorin shows off pictures of her cats at school, Sakaki gets an idea.<br /> <br /> 42 - 11 Years Old<br /> <br /> Chiyo announces that she will soon be turning eleven.<br /> <br /> 43 - Mr. Kitty Cat<br /> <br /> With Chiyo's birthday coming up, Sakaki searches for the perfect gift.<br /> <br /> 44 - Premise<br /> <br /> The girls gather at Chiyo's house for a birthday party.<br /> <br /> 45 - Why?<br /> <br /> After the party, the girls go for a walk together.

第 10 集 We're Second Year Students!
46 - Draft Picks<br /> <br /> The girls move on to their second year of high school. But with classes being reshuffled, will the girls friendship be able to hold up?<br /> <br /> 47 - Class Shuffle<br /> <br /> The girls find out which class they will be in for second year. Plus, the return of Sakaki's "rival," Kagura...!<br /> <br /> 48 - Wolf<br /> <br /> Kagura walks home with Sakaki, but the two girls are not as well-matched as Kagura believes.<br /> <br /> 49 - Putting on Senior Airs<br /> <br /> When some freshman girls accost Chiyo for being so cute, Chiyo feels it's time to start standing up for herself.<br /> <br /> 50 - Marco<br /> <br /> Kagura witnesses Sakaki's true nature when Yukari brings an abandoned kitten to class.

第 11 集 Kagura And Sakaki
51 - Cosmopolitan City<br /> <br /> Kagura tries to converse with a foreigner using English. Plus, "what does IT stand for?"<br /> <br /> 52 - Showdown<br /> <br /> Kagura challenges Sakaki to a series of contests.<br /> <br /> 53 - You Didn't Have To Hit Him<br /> <br /> The girls get their measurements taken. Plus, Kamineko attacks!<br /> <br /> 54 - Covered in Cats<br /> <br /> Sakaki takes time out to fantasize, then goes in search of an alley where wild cats meet.<br /> <br /> 55 - Don't Run Away<br /> <br /> Kagura tries to help Sakaki by scaring away the cats that could bite her... much to Sakaki's dismay.

第 12 集 Chiyo-chan's Day
56 - Chiyo-chan's Day<br /> <br /> A day in the life of a child prodigy begins.<br /> <br /> 57 - High School Friends<br /> <br /> We meet Chiyo's friends from elementary school. Also, we get Chiyo's perspective on her teachers and classmates.<br /> <br /> 58 - Lunch<br /> <br /> The girls go up to the school roof to have lunch.<br /> <br /> 59 - Afternoon<br /> <br /> Chiyo's day continues as she fights for her life in P.E. class.<br /> <br /> 60 - Jump Rope<br /> <br /> Chiyo gets to show off her rope jumping skills to her friends.

第 13 集 Midterm Exams
61 - No Guard Strategy<br /> <br /> Midterm exams are coming up, and even Tomo is getting worried.<br /> <br /> 62 - S<br /> <br /> The formation of the Knuckleheads.<br /> <br /> 63 - Exams<br /> <br /> Everyone is doing last minute studying for the exams, even the Knuckleheads.<br /> <br /> 64 - Formation<br /> <br /> The test scores are in! And the winner is... the Knuckleheads!?!<br /> <br /> 65 - Abilities<br /> <br /> Tomo and Kagura exchange insults. Plus, we find out what really motivates Tomo.

第 14 集 The Ocean, Summer Kimonos, And A Party!
66 - Shopping<br /> <br /> Chiyo invites the girls back to her family's beach house. Also, Chiyo, Osaka, and Tomo go shopping.<br /> <br /> 67 - Meeting Up<br /> <br /> The girls gather at Chiyo's house before heading to the beach.<br /> <br /> 68 - The Ocean!<br /> <br /> Chiyo only has one key to get into the beach house. If something happened to it, it would be a disaster...<br /> <br /> 69 - Capture Operation<br /> <br /> The girls attend a local summer festival for some summer evening fun.<br /> <br /> 70 - The Adult World<br /> <br /> As the night wears on and the sake flows, Nyamo gives the girls a life lesson... sort of.

第 15 集 Sports Fest, Second Year
71 - Members of the Kimura Family<br /> <br /> Kimura... a husband and father?<br /> <br /> 72 - Did You See? Did You See?<br /> <br /> The Sports Fest begins. Plus, Osaka vs. the obstacle course.<br /> <br /> 73 - Unidentified Wife<br /> <br /> Kimura's wife! She's real!<br /> <br /> 74 - Nervous Wreck<br /> <br /> Chiyo in the scavenger hunt, Kaorin and Sakaki in the three-legged race, and the 10K run.<br /> <br /> 75 - The Numbers Are In<br /> <br /> And finally, Yomi vs. the scale.

第 16 集 Culture Fest, Second Year
76 - Combination<br /> <br /> It's time for the Culture Fest again. But, with last year's theme being such a big hit, how are the girls going to top it?<br /> <br /> 77 - Epiphany<br /> <br /> The girls finally decide on a theme. Plus, Chiyo feels the pressure!<br /> <br /> 78 - Cute<br /> <br /> The Culture Fest begins. Plus, Chiyo suits up!<br /> <br /> 79 - Ordering<br /> <br /> Nyamo drops in for some coffee. Kimura drops in for something else entirely.<br /> <br /> 80 - Advertising Reach<br /> <br /> Chiyo and Osaka take a break to enjoy the Culture Fest.

第 17 集 End of Second Term and Christmas
81 - Osaka's Horror Story<br /> <br /> Chiyo and Osaka talk about pandas. Plus, Osaka describes a different kind of horror.<br /> <br /> 82 - Change of Pace<br /> <br /> Yukari gets bored with teaching English, so she decides to try something different.<br /> <br /> 83 - Yule<br /> <br /> Christmas is coming and everyone's getting merry! Plus, Tomo and Kagura discuss the mystery of Santa Claus.<br /> <br /> 84 - Amazing Santa<br /> <br /> Christmas wishes, reindeer... fact or fiction, and the year of the adder.<br /> <br /> 85 - Christmas Party<br /> <br /> The girls go out for a little fun and karaoke.

第 18 集 Yomi's Ordeals
86 - Yomi's Exposure to the World<br /> <br /> When Yomi returns from a New Years trip, she learns that bragging can have dire consequences.<br /> <br /> 87 - Betrayal<br /> <br /> Tomo has seemingly made it her mission in life to give Yomi a hard time.<br /> <br /> 88 - Excited, Excited, Excited, Excited<br /> <br /> Even Yomi is getting excited when the girls plan a trip to a new theme park.<br /> <br /> 89 - Left Out<br /> <br /> Yomi comes down with a fever on the day of the trip.<br /> <br /> 90 - Go!<br /> <br /> SNOWBALL FIGHT!!!

第 19 集 One Spring Night
91 - Yawn Master<br /> <br /> Osaka... the yawn master? Plus, Nyamo worries that she's getting old.<br /> <br /> 92 - Vaguely Youth<br /> <br /> Library research, the Go-Home Club, and freedom.<br /> <br /> 93 - Adults' Flower Gazing<br /> <br /> Yukari and Nyamo meet an old friend for dinner. Also, Chiyo ventures out after dark.<br /> <br /> 94 - Children's Flower Gazing<br /> <br /> Chiyo and Kagura discuss growing up, Yukari and Nyamo go on a double blind date, and Tomo and Yomi hang out.<br /> <br /> 95 - Cherry Blossoms<br /> <br /> Yomi's dirty little secret is revealed as everyone's night draws to a close.

第 20 集 Third Year
96 - Separation<br /> <br /> The girls move on to their third year of high school. However, not all the girls are present and accounted for.<br /> <br /> 97 - Yukari's Birthday<br /> <br /> When Nyamo's class gets her a birthday gift, Yukari gets insane with jealousy.<br /> <br /> 98 - Flap Your Wings, Chiyo<br /> <br /> The girls discuss their future plans.<br /> <br /> 99 - Child President<br /> <br /> Chiyo wants to study abroad after she graduates. Of course, the others have something to say about that.<br /> <br /> 100 - Please Be Strong<br /> <br /> Kaorin has ended up in Kimura's class, and now she's hating life.

第 21 集 School Trip
101 - Anticipation<br /> <br /> The class is going on a trip to Okinawa, and everyone's excited, especially Chiyo!<br /> <br /> 102 - Can't Stand Still<br /> <br /> The girls take in the sights on Okinawa, then head to the hotel buffet to chow down on some champloo(pl.).<br /> <br /> 103 - Watery Grave<br /> <br /> Yukari and the girls go scuba diving together.<br /> <br /> 104 - Island of Dreams<br /> <br /> The girls head to Iriomote Island, home of the famous iriomote wild cats...<br /> <br /> 105 - Sakaki finally gets the cat she's always wanted... The question is, will she be able to say "goodbye?"

第 22 集 Entrance Exams Study Camp!
106 - It's Nice<br /> <br /> Osaka admires Kagura's summer tan. Also, the girls plan another trip to Chiyo's beach house. Plus, Sakaki and Kaorin risk death as the Yukari-mobile returns!<br /> <br /> 107 - Fooled<br /> <br /> The girls have some fun on the beach before getting down to studying.<br /> <br /> 108 - Miss Kurosawa<br /> <br /> Night falls, and the girls hit the books, sort of. Plus, Nyamo faces her bete noire, much to Yukari's delight.<br /> <br /> 109 - An Attempt<br /> <br /> Kaorin tries to capture the elusive Sakaki-chan on camera. Plus, Osaka wakes Yukari.<br /> <br /> 110 - It's Not Over Yet<br /> <br /> School is back in session. The girls' minds? Not so much.

第 23 集 Last Sports Fest In High School
111 - Got a Bite<br /> <br /> The Sports Fest returns! ...But why is Osaka so excited?<br /> <br /> 112 - Motivator<br /> <br /> Her and Tomo's rough-housing leads to a crisis for Kagura.<br /> <br /> 113 - Hadn't Thought of That<br /> <br /> Osaka is pumped up and ready, but there is one possibility she hadn't considered...<br /> <br /> 114 - We'll All Run Together<br /> <br /> Kaorin gets to see Sakaki in a way she's never seen her before. Plus, the relay race begins.<br /> <br /> 115 - United<br /> <br /> It all comes down to this... In the relay race, the girls are going to have to work together if they're going to win.

第 24 集 Yamamayaa
116 - Career Paths<br /> <br /> When Sakaki reads that a Yamamaya (or Iriomote wild cat) was killed by a car, she has a horrible feeling.<br /> <br /> 117 - Showdown<br /> <br /> Sakaki decides that she wants to go away to veterinary school. Plus, Sakaki and Chiyo face a group of angry cats, when they are saved by an old friend of Sakaki's.<br /> <br /> 118 - Let's Go Quickly<br /> <br /> Apparently weakened after his battle with Kamineko, Sakaki and Chiyo rush the Yamamayaa to the vet.<br /> <br /> 119 - Popularity<br /> <br /> The girls visit Chiyo's house to see Mayaa (Sakaki's Iriomote cat), when Tomo finally gets what's coming to her.<br /> <br /> 120 - Together with Mayaa<br /> <br /> Sakaki stays at Chiyo's house overnight to be with Mayaa. Meanwhile, on their way home, the other girls encounter a mean looking grey cat.

第 25 集 Onwards, Entrance Exams!
121 - Career Path Discussion<br /> <br /> The Entrance Exams are fast approaching, but Tomo still has time to ask riddles. Plus, Osaka-sensei...!?!<br /> <br /> 122 - Prayers for Acceptance<br /> <br /> The girls head to a holy shrine to pray for success on their exams.<br /> <br /> 123 - Fight<br /> <br /> The time for exams is nigh...<br /> <br /> 124 - Study Group<br /> <br /> The girls discuss how quickly three years of high school went by.<br /> <br /> 125 - Tomo and Osaka, the Fateful Day<br /> <br /> Kagura gets accepted, but is there any hope for her fellow Knuckleheads, Tomo and Osaka?

第 26 集 Graduation Ceremony
126 - First Graduation Ever<br /> <br /> The last day of school begins, Sakaki faces Kamineko, and Osaka vs. hay fever.<br /> <br /> 127 - A Thousand Emotions<br /> <br /> At the graduation ceremony, Chiyo gets a surprise, then gets overwhelmed.<br /> <br /> 128 - Sorrow<br /> <br /> Why is Miss Yukari crying?<br /> <br /> 129 - Alma Mater<br /> <br /> The girls say "goodbye" to high school.<br /> <br /> 130 - Everyone<br /> <br /> For Yomi, this is the moment of truth. Will she be accepted like the others, or will she be left out yet again?
Azumanga daiô

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