"Nadja a Paris," a short film from Eric Rohmer, tells the story of a Yugoslavian-born girl (who was adopted by an American family, who goes to study at the Cite Universitaire in Paris. The character d..
"Nadja a Paris," a short film from Eric Rohmer, tells the story of a Yugoslavian-born girl (who was adopted by an American family, who goes to study at the Cite Universitaire in Paris. The character development, considering the brevity of the film, is pretty good, but overall, the film doesn't pack much of a punch at all. Rohmer's other films tend to have an overlying meaning (or "point"), often in a moral lesson. This short is basically a love letter to Paris. "We'll always have Paris." We've all heard that before, and we accept it. Hearing a student experiencing the joy of Paris for the first time isn't exactly exhilarating
Nadja is a guest student, who stays at Cité Universitaire and visits the Sorbonne, while preparing a thesis on Proust. Besides her student life she likes to stroll about Paris, to explore the variety of this wide and open city.