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とある科学の超電磁砲S (2013)

电视 日本 日语 科幻 动画
面积占东京都西部1/3、人口超过230万、八成以上由学生组成的学园都市,尖端科技发展迅速,超能力开发已经深入到城市的各个角落。超能力水平高达Level 5的御坂美琴(佐藤利奈 配音)如往常一样和初春饰利(丰崎爱生 配音)、白井黑子(新井里美 配音)等好友过着平凡的日子,间或热血爆发挫败各种扰乱城市的阴谋。某天,在调查一起现今卡事件时她邂逅了长点上机学园的布束砥信(叶山郁美 配音),从而得知用美琴的.. 查看全部
面积占东京都西部1/3、人口超过230万、八成以上由学生组成的学园都市,尖端科技发展迅速,超能力开发已经深入到城市的各个角落。超能力水平高达Level 5的御坂美琴(佐藤利奈 配音)如往常一样和初春饰利(丰崎爱生 配音)、白井黑子(新井里美 配音)等好友过着平凡的日子,间或热血爆发挫败各种扰乱城市的阴谋。某天,在调查一起现今卡事件时她邂逅了长点上机学园的布束砥信(叶山郁美 配音),从而得知用美琴的DNA大批量复制超能力者的“量产型能力者计划”。不安定的气氛在都市角落肆意蔓延…… 本片为镰池和马(原作)、冬川基(作画)的原作《魔法禁书目录》的外传漫画第二季TV动画。

导演:长井龙雪 / 笠井贤一 / 后藤圭二 / 樱美胜志 / 铃木洋平 / 绀野直幸 / 石川健介 / 石井和彦 / 高岛大辅 / 园田雅裕 / 池端隆史 / 羽多野浩平

编剧:水上清资 / 土屋理敬 / 吉野弘幸 / 山田靖智 / 花田十辉 / 砂山藏澄 / 冬川基 / 镰池和马

主演:佐藤利奈 / 新井里美 / 丰崎爱生 / 伊藤加奈惠 / 阿部敦 / 冈本信彦 / 佐佐木望 / 野水伊织 / 寿美菜子 / 户松遥 / 南条爱乃 / 植田佳奈 / 福圆美里 / 柚木凉香 / 浅仓杏美 / 津田美波 / 花泽香菜 / 佐藤聪美 / 竹达彩奈 / 麻仓桃 / 木户衣吹 / 山崎遥 / 川原庆久 / 川田绅司 / 仲野裕 / 生天目仁美 / 甲斐田裕子 / 远藤绫 / 林和良 / 铃木达央 / 沼仓爱美 / 金元寿子 / 叶山郁美 / 间岛淳司 / 小清水亚美 / 内田真礼 / 洲崎绫 / 赤崎千夏 / 村川梨衣 / 井口裕香 / 青山穰 / 高冈瓶瓶 / 石川界人 / 岛崎信长 / 松冈祯丞 / 花江夏树 / 村田太志 / 田丸笃志 / 竹内荣治 / 岩泽俊树 / 柳田淳一 / 金本凉辅 / 潘惠美 / 雨宫天 / 内山夕实 / 种田梨沙 / 诹访彩花 / 大西沙织 / 藤井雪代 / 村中知 / 夏川椎菜 / 持月玲依





In Toaru Kagaku no Railgun T Mikoto Misaka and her friends prepare for the Daihasei Festival, a seven-day sports competition between different Esper schools, which, of course, also include the Tokiwadai middle school. Misaka and all other students of Tokiwadai are highly motivated and ready to do their best in the upcoming competition. However, all the fun ends, when another dark secret of the Academy City of Science and Technology is uncovered.
长井龙雪 Tatsuyuki Nagai
笠井贤一 Kenichi Kasai
后藤圭二 Keiji Gotoh
樱美胜志 Katsushi Sakurabi
铃木洋平 Suzuki Youhei
高岛大辅 Takashima Daisuke
园田雅裕 Masahiro Sonoda
池端隆史 Ikehata Takashi
羽多野浩平 Hatano Kouhei
佐藤利奈 Rina Satou
新井里美 Satomi Arai
配 白井黑子
丰崎爱生 Aki Toyosaki
第 2 季 共 24 集

第 1 集 Railgun
Ruiko is chased by some thugs in an alleyway until she is rescued by Mikoto who deals with them. The next day, as she waits for her friends to arrive at Tokiwadai, Mikoto has an uncomfortable run in with Tokiwadai's other Level 5 esper, Misaki Shokuhou, who warns Mikoto that she and her friends should not mess with her clique. Later Mikoto, Kuroko, Kazari, Ruiko and Erii visits Banri in the hospital who is undergoing physiotherapy. While Erii rekindles with Banri, Mikoto reveals to the others she brought a present for Banri and wants to give to her with a surprise but realizes she left her bag containing the present in Banri's ward. Just then, a criminal patient that was under watch by AntiSkill is broken free by some of his companions and takes Erii as a hostage. Upon learning of the situation from Yomikawa and Tsuzuri, Mikoto heads to the rooftop to try and prevent the culprits escaping via helicopter.

第 2 集 Critical
Mikoto recalls in a dream of how, when she was younger, she was approached by scientists wanting to use her DNA map to help cure Duchenne muscular dystrophy. The next day, Kuroko tries to take Mikoto through an alleyway to get to the mall, only to find it filled with people. They discover this is due to someone hiding envelopes containing money cards within the alleyways, piquing people's curiosity to search for them. After running into Ruiko, who is also on the hunt for the money cards, Mikoto overhears some SkillOuts who have managed to locate the source of the envelopes and decides to follow them. Meanwhile, Ruiko grows curious as she allegedly seen Mikoto at the mall, despite Mikoto never actually getting there, with Mii explaining to Kazari about a rumor of there being clones of her. The SkillOuts eventually trace the envelopes back to a Nagatenjouki Academy student named Shinobu Nunotaba, demanding she hand over the other envelopes.

第 3 集 Project Radio Noise
Mikoto is reminded of rumors about there being a clone of her and attempts to question the girl, who was distributing the envelopes in order to fill the alleyways that security cameras can't reach with human eyes, but she leaves after inadvertently setting the building on fire whilst burning the evidence, simply stating Mikoto would be unable to stop what was happening with her power. After saving the Skillouts and curious about what the girl said, Mikoto looks up for information on her, whose name is Shinobu Nunotaba. Mikoto learns Shinobu worked at the medical facility where she had given the scientists her DNA. Mikoto decides to infiltrate this facility by disguising herself and using her electricity to get past the security. Reaching a room that is separate from the rest of the building's network, Mikoto hacks into database and is shocked to learn that the scientists did tricked her into giving them her DNA for Project Radio Noise, which aimed to create clones of her.

第 4 集 Sisters
Three months earlier, in an unknown facility, a pair of scientists mentor the birth of a clone of Mikoto, labelled Misaka 9982, installing memory functions via Testament. Back in the present, Mikoto, who is feeling cheerful with the clone rumors being seemingly debunked, goes shopping with Kuroko and the others at the mall, helping Kazari and Erii buy a rice cooker whilst also picking out things for an upcoming school trip. The next day, as Mikoto ends up having nothing to do, some young children, including the girl whose bag she previously found, pick up on this and have her play with them. Noticing one of the kids wearing a Gekota badge, Mikoto frantically goes through a whole bunch of gumball machines in order to try and win one for herself. As the day comes to an end, Mikoto suddenly senses a power identical to her own and, upon chasing after its source, comes across Misaka 9982.

第 5 集 Project Level 6 Shift
After unwillingingly helping her rescue a kitten from a tree, Mikoto tries to question Misaka 9982, but is unable to learn much due to being unable to decipher a codeword. She instead decides to follow her around in case she returns to her base of operations, where they end up doing some surprisingly sisterly activities. Later that evening, as Misaka 9982 points out that she isn't returning to her point of origin, Mikoto takes her leave after inadvertently giving her the badge she won earlier. After receiving some help from Kazari in deciphering the code she was told about, Mikoto is horrified to learn of the Level 6 Shift Project, in which 20,000 Sisters are to be killed in 20,000 battles in order to evolve Academy City's most powerful Level 5 esper, Accelerator, into a Level 6 esper. Whilst learning of this, Misaka 9982 engages in her assigned battle with the aforementioned Accelerator, finding herself helpless against his reflective abilities.

第 6 集 I... Can See All Of You
Mikoto unleashes her anger at Accelerator, who quickly deduces she is the original, becoming further enraged upon seeing Misaka 9982's torn leg and hearing Accelerator's selfish reasons for participating in the experiment. However, even her most powerful attacks are simply reflected back at her. Just then, the fight is halted by the arrival of dozens of other Sisters, who request that Accelerator stop fighting Mikoto to avoid throwing off the experiment's calculations. As Accelerator takes his leave, Mikoto feels no comfort in hearing the Sisters acknowledge themselves as nothing more than guinea pigs. After a restless night, Mikoto is approached by Shinobu, who explains why she chose to oppose the experiment. Having been called back from the Radio Noise Project to assist in the Level 6 Shift Project, Shinobu got to see the sensitive side of one of the Sisters and become unable to see them as anything other than human.

第 7 集 I... I Want To Be Of Help To You, Sissy
As Mikoto secretly lays waste to each of the labs involved in the Level 6 Shift project, Kuroko continues to cover for her disappearances, but she grows increasingly concerned and starts to miss her friend. While on patrol she encounters a child called Minori searching for Shinobu's cash cards along with some friends, acting on an urban legend that the cards with certain serial numbers are lucky. Kuroko scolds them and confiscates the card they found, but later finds Minori continuing the search alone and saves her from getting hit by a car. Minori reveals that she is looking for the cards as a special gift for a close friend who is moving away, and so reminded of her partner, Kuroko decides to supervise her search along with Kazari and Ruiko, even while knowing that as members of Judgement they could not let Minori keep the card. Mii comes across them and offers a more 'analogue' suggestion- that they search for a four-leaf clover instead.

第 8 集 ITEM
With only two facilities remaining, the higher ups behind the Level 6 Shift project call upon the services of the underground group, ITEM. As Mikoto infiltrates one of these facilities, she finds herself against one of its members, Frenda Seivelun, who causes trouble for her using flammable tape and stuffed toys containing bombs. Meanwhile, Shinobu arrives at the other remaining facility, where they are attempting to transport the data whilst the other facility is being attacked. Mikoto chases down Frenda who, after a series of failed attacks, fills the room up with nitrogen, bluffing that it is an explosive gas, preventing Mikoto from using her electricity and putting her at a huge disadvantage. However, Mikoto, refusing to simply give up and be killed, manages to fight back against Frenda, leading to her bluff becoming exposed and a prompt electrical payback.

第 9 集 AIM Stalker
Mikoto attempts to escape from Shizuri's attacks, which proves difficult due to ITEM's third member, Rikō Takitsubo, using her AIM Stalker ability to help Shizuri and Frenda home their attacks on her position. Meanwhile, Shinobu, who felt Mikoto shouldn't have to carry her burden alone, sneaks into the basement of her facility where the incubated Sisters are being held. There, she intends to install emotions into all of the remaining Sisters via the Misaka Network in the hopes it may move the organizers to suspend the experiments. However, she is apprehended by ITEM's fourth member, Saiai Kinuhata, who was guarding the facility in case a second party was involved in the attacks. Shinobu somehow manages to get the program installing, but it is suddenly blocked by an unforeseen error code, labelled "Breach code no. 20001". She attempts to use violence to save herself, but her attack proves futile against Saiai's Offense Armor ability and she is taken into custody.

第 10 集 Meltdowner
As Mikoto eventually comes face to face with Shizuri, she manages to use some of Frenda's leftover doll bombs to compensate for her weakened powers. Shizuri fights off these dolls by using shards of prism glass to divide her lasers, but Mikoto manages to use her with to knock her out with one of the remaining dolls. After finding and destroying the facility's data bank, Mikoto finds herself on the run from an angered Shizuri. Fleeing to a bridge, Mikoto manages to get the best of Shizuri by using Frenda's ignitive tape to collapse the walkway underneath her and cause her to fall down. As Mikoto makes her escape, Shizuri manages to learn about the Level 6 Shift project and decides it would be more amusing to let Mikoto suffer. The next day, Mikoto investigates the remaining facility, only to find it abandoned, allegedly having gone bankrupt. As Mikoto believes this to be the end of the experiments, she comes across Tōma by the vending machines.

第 11 集 The Vending Machine
Mikoto runs into Touma, who, unbeknownst to her, has lost his memories of her, and ends up vandalising a vending machine to spit out drinks to compensate for some money it stole from Touma. Kuroko arrives on the scene and, despite not being pleased over the presence of a supposed 'boyfriend', feels relieved that Mikoto appears to be back to her cheerful self and takes her leave. However, Mikoto's joy is shortlived when another Sister, Misaka 10031, appears before her, telling her in private that the experiments are still ongoing. Horrified to learn more Sisters have died bacause of her, Mikoto ends up yelling at Misaka 10031 for reminding her of Misaka 9982. After learning countless other facilities have picked up the experiment, Mikoto comes to realise that her enemy is Academy City itself. Meanwhile, Accelerator recalls how he was first approached about the Level 6 Shift project.

第 12 集 Tree Diagram
Mikoto resolves to destroy the Tree Diagram, the supercomputer responsible for the experiment's calculations, in the hope she may be able to stop them. Meanwhile, Touma encounters Misaka 10032, who coerces him into helping her look after an abandoned kitten she had found. As Touma goes into a book store to look for a book to help him with his own cat, Misaka 10032 goes off to observe Accelerator as he begins his scheduled battle with Misaka 10031. Arriving at Tree Diagram's control center, hoping to hack into Tree Diagram to order a halt to the experiment, Mikoto is confused to find it not only heavily low on security, but completely abandoned as well. Hacking into the system, she is horrified to learn the truth; Tree Diagram had been destroyed for months, with the experiments continueing regardless.

第 13 集 Accelerator
Mikoto falls in despair, realising that with the Tree Diagram destroyed, she has no way of stopping the experiments. She tries to cling onto her cause by mercilessly destroying another facility, but loses all hope when she sees a feed of Misaka 10031 being killed by Accelerator. As Accelerator reminisces about his first experiment and his first time killing a Sister, Tōma discovers Misaka 10031's corpse and calls AntiSkill to investigate it, only to find it gone when they arrive, with no evidence it ever occurred. After the AntiSkill leaves, Misaka 10032 appears before Tōma, who comes to learn the true nature of the Sisters. Upon learning this, Tōma heads for the Tokiwadai dorms to try and get some answers from Mikoto, who at the same time is contemplating her last resort.

第 14 集 The Promise
Tōma arrives at the Tokiwadai dorms, where he is reluctantly greeted by Kuroko, who decides to let him wait for Mikoto return. When the Dorm Supervisor comes by for an inspection, Kuroko is forced to hide Tōma under Mikoto's bed due to his powers negating her teleportation. There, he finds the details concerning the Level 6 Shift project stuffed inside her teddy bear, learning that Misaka 10032's experiment is next. Tōma follows a trail of windmills to a bridge where he eventually finds Mikoto and confronts her about the experiments. With all her other efforts failed, Mikoto feels convinced that the only way to stop the experiments now is to prove she doesn't live up to Tree Diagram's expectations of her power by letting herself be killed by Accelerator in a single move. However, Tōma, feeling her way won't save anyone, decides to stand in her way, refusing to fight back or even defend himself from Mikoto's lightning.

第 15 集 Kamijo Toma
Despite the injuries he received from Mikoto, Tōma goes off at full speed and arrives at the site where Accelerator and Misaka 10032 are fighting. Tōma states his firm desire to rescue Misaka 10032, saying that even if she is a clone, there's only one of her in the world. As their fight begins, Tōma intially struggles against Accelerator as he launches projectiles at him and sets off a dust explosion. However, Accelerator is shocked when Tōma is able to punch him with his right hand, also coming as a surprise to Mikoto, who had also rushed to the scene. Angered, Accelerator starts using his ability to manipulate the wind, creating a huge hurricane that deals a lot of damage to Tōma. Mikoto attempts to go with her original plan in order to save Tōma, only to realise it would be futile upon witnessing Accelerator using his power to create a large ball of plasma that would wipe out everything in the area.

第 16 集 Sisterhood
Accelerator demands to know why Mikoto is protecting Misaka 10032 and is surprised to hear her answer that she is her sister. Before Accelerator tries to kill them, Tōma manages to regain his footing and uses the remainder of his strength to beat Accelerator with one final punch. As he is knocked out, Accelerator comes to the realization that the reason he wanted to become a Level 6 in the first place was so that he wouldn't have to hurt anyone anymore. After the experiments are cancelled as a result, Mikoto visits Tōma in hospital, who assures her that even though many Sisters died, it's thanks to Mikoto that they got to be born in the first place. Afterwards, Mikoto takes a walk with Misaka 10032, where they play with another pair of sisters and think about the future that lies ahead. The next day, Ruiko and Kazari discuss about Mikoto using Ruiko's kitchen to make some handmade cookies which are for Tōma as thanks for his help.

第 17 集 Study Group
When asked by the Dorm Supervisor to explain her absences, Mikoto bluffs that she was having study sessions with her friends. As Ruiko arranges a get together so she can hear who Mikoto was making cookies for the other day, Kuroko comes across Minori again before being dragged along by Mitsuko to a pet shop. Meanwhile, Mikoto visits Heaven Canceller to hear about the status of the Sisters, learning they are being reconfigured so they may live longer than their originally intended two year lifespan. Whilst arriving at the family restaurant to meet up with Kuroko, Mikoto comes across Shizuri and Frenda, leading to an awkward argument between Kuroko and Frenda over their respective partners. But when Kuroko and Frenda starts revealing perverted facts about theirs partners, both Mikoto and Shizuri angrily punish them. Later, Mikoto, Kuroko, Kazari and Ruiko have a nabe party, with Erii joining them.

第 18 集 Moving
A curious organisation oversees ITEM as they fight against a group of mechs. The next day, Mikoto and the gang visit Banri, who is due to be discharged from hospital soon and will be moving into an apartment with Erii, who will be moving out of Kazari's apartment as a result. Meanwhile, Mitsuko uses her power to stop a purse thief, but her victory is short-lived when a curious man berates her for her actions. As the group get together to celebrate Banri's dischargement, Kuroko and Kazari are called off for Judgment duties when the traffic signals suddenly go out. After finishing her duties, Kazari gives a box of taiyaki to Erii, and the two have a tearful farewell as roommates. As the group take a detour home, they come across a curious white-haired girl named Febri, who appears to know Mikoto.

第 19 集 Academic Reach Assembly
The girls are unable to find out any more information from Febri, as she appears to be a bit cautious around Mikoto and takes a liking with Ruiko. Kazari invites Ruiko and Febri to her apartment to spend the night. The next day, the group fails to find any background information on Febri, believing her to be a Child Error, so they make arrangements for her to be moved to the orphanage in Asunaro Park. As the gang heads out where the Academic Assembly Exhibit will be held, Ruiko sets up some time for Mikoto to get along with Febri on their own. However, Febri gets lost when she wanders off and follows a Gekota mascot who is actually Pierce Aogami whilst Mikoto wasn't looking. Aritomi spots her and sends some security bots after her, but Mikoto manages to save her in time. Afterwards, Ruiko has Febri apologize to Mikoto for worrying her which young girl finally accepts Mikoto. With Mikoto now involved, Aritomi and his colleagues decide to experiment on her as well.

第 20 集 Febri
As AntiSkill become curious over how the security bots functioned without any batteries, Mii treats the others by taking them to the public baths, where Mikoto starts to see Febri as something of a little sister, letting her have one of her rare Gekota finger puppets. Whilst heading home, the girls are led on a detour to a warehouse, where they are attacked by a mech. As Mikoto fights against the mech, which seems resiliant to her electricity, the mech suddenly stops functioning when it comes close to attacking Febri, allowing Mitsuko to defeat it with her Aero Hand ability. After Mikoto discovers the mech to be curiously unmanned, Febri comes down with a fever and is admitted into hospital. Meanwhile, it is shown that Shinobu is working with Artiomi's group. Back at the hospital, Mitsuko informs the others about how she, Wannai and Atsuki came to learn that Aritomi was attempting to 'reclaim' Febri.

第 21 集 Darkness
Heaven Canceler goes on to explain to Mikoto that Febri's body is poisoned, requiring her to suck special lollipops to keep herself alive, leaving her angry that another dark organization is performing twisted experiments. Whilst keeping this a secret from the others, Mikoto runs into Misaka 10032, who tells her that Febri had been wanting to meet her own big sister, also believing Febri to have a link to Testament, leading Mikoto to believe Shinobu is involved. After receiving a call from Mitsuko about the importance of friendship, Mikoto realises she shouldn't have to do this alone and decides to inform Kuroko and the others about Febri's condition, becoming surprised and relieved to find them more than willing to help. Upon analysing a strange object that Yomikawa found in the mech suit, which is revealed by Heaven Canceler deduces it to be a strand of hair similar to Febri's, possibly belonging to her sister, before revealing to Mikoto that Febri's life may be coming to an end.

第 22 集 STUDY
With Mikoto refusing to leave until she gets information about Febri, Therestina points her towards an organisation called Chemicaloid, hinting that they are planning something for the Academic Assembly. As Mikoto relays this to the others, also informing them about the severity of Febri's condition, Mitsuko helps them to finger the man from before, identifying him as Haruki Aritomi. Kazari's research leads them to a group known as the Study Corporation, which they suspect may have the factory where Febri and her lollipops were produced. Mikoto heads to the factory, where they discover ITEM already facing up against a group of mechs, overhearing they are powered by some form of esper ability. After ITEM leaves, Mikoto infiltrates the factory and finds Shinobu, who gives her data on the lollipops. However, Aritomi arrives, revealing the data to be fake, ordering Shinobu to inject Mikoto with a serum that renders her immobile.

第 23 集 Silent Party
Aritomi explains how he started the Chemicaloid Project out of jealousy towards espers, hoping to bring forth a revolution. Forced to recuperate elsewhere, Shinobu reveals to Mikoto how she was roped into STUDY following her failed attempt to stop the Level 6 Shift experiment, explaining how the hair strands utilise Janie's ability, Diffusion Ghost, as an alternate power source. Noticing the guilt she feels, Mikoto assures Shinobu that the Sisters bare no ill will towards her, using her electricity to counter the paralysis in her body. Thanks to a nanodevice injects into her by Heaven Canceler, Mikoto manages to bring Kuroko to her location, with Shinobu choosing to stay behind to do her part. After Mikoto explains the situation to the others, the group unanimously decides to try and find Janie. After a night of planning, Mikoto and Febri set off to find Janie whilst the others prepare to fight off against STUDY's mechs.

第 24 集 Eternal Party
Shirai, Konori, Kongou and friends, and Uiharu and Saten confront the powered suits at the four Assembly sites, where they soon receive backup. Misaka and Febrie move to take on Aritomi directly, but he has one final surprise up his sleeve for them.
某科学的超电磁炮 第二季 / 科学超电磁炮S / To Aru Kagaku no Railgun S

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