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ひだまり スケッチ (2007)

电视 日本 日语 动画
今天,是少女由乃(阿澄佳奈 配音)离开父母,独自来到大城市念书的日子,虽然考入了梦寐以求的山吹高中艺术科,但是面对未知的生活,由乃的心中尚且留有几分忐忑。在学校旁边有一间名为向阳庄的公寓,在这里,由乃即将度过三年的学习时光。 在向阳庄里,由乃结识了许多有趣的朋友.. 查看全部
今天,是少女由乃(阿澄佳奈 配音)离开父母,独自来到大城市念书的日子,虽然考入了梦寐以求的山吹高中艺术科,但是面对未知的生活,由乃的心中尚且留有几分忐忑。在学校旁边有一间名为向阳庄的公寓,在这里,由乃即将度过三年的学习时光。 在向阳庄里,由乃结识了许多有趣的朋友们。活泼好动开朗乐观的宫子(水桥香织 配音)一直都因为其大大咧咧的性格扮演着麻烦制造机的角色;每天都在减肥中的温顺少女寻(后藤邑子 配音)在发起怒来的时候不亚于阎王再世,此外,还有个性直率的沙英(新谷良子 配音),一口关西腔的乃莉(原田瞳 配音),略微有些自卑的小荠(小见川千明 配音),这些女孩子在向阳庄里,在笑声中,努力着奋斗着,一步一步向各自的梦想迈进。

导演:新房昭之 / 上坪亮树 / 尾石达也 / 石仓贤一 / 森义博

编剧:木泽理麻 / 苍树梅

主演:阿澄佳奈 / 水桥香织 / 后藤邑子 / 新谷良子 / 松来未祐 / 长岛雄一 / 福圆美里 / 泽城美雪 / 钉宫理惠





An anime shows life of four students of artistic separation of school of Yamabuki taking off an accommodation in Hidamari.
新房昭之 Akiyuki Shinbo
尾石达也 Tatsuya Oishi
石仓贤一 Kenichi Ishikura
森义博 Mori Yoshihiro
八濑祐树 Yase Yuuki
阿澄佳奈 Kana Asumi
水桥香织 Kaori Mizuhashi
后藤邑子 Yuko Goto
新谷良子 Ryôko Shintani
松来未祐 Miyu Matsuki
长岛雄一 Yûichi Nagashima
福圆美里 Misato Fukuen
第 1 季 共 12 集

第 1 集 January 11th: A Winter Collage
Yuno had forgotten to do her homework in time for Yoshinoya's class and has to finish it during lunch break. After school, Yuno and Miyako play in the snow for a while and later visit Hiro's apartment so Yuno can thank her for the rice ball Hiro gave her for lunch.

第 2 集 August 21th: Japan's Summer
Yuno and her friends have been given the task to create a new sign for the Hidamari Apartments, and they set to divide the work equally. Afterwards it is discovered that Miyako's rent is much lower than the others have to pay, and Sae goes to the landlord to discover why. That night, the summer festival starts and Yuno and her friends go and have fun.

第 3 集 June 17th: ...or an Indian
Yoshinoya starts her class with her trying to get her students to sketch her in various outfits, but after some intervention from the principal, they settle on sketching a bust of Brutus. Later that day, the four main characters get together in Miyako's leaky apartment.

第 4 集 May 18th: The Singing Shortcake
Today at school, Yuno and Miyako get to go outside during class to sketch something due to the weather being nice that day. Later, Yuno and her friends go to a karaoke bar where Hiro is determined to lose some weight while singing.

第 5 集 February 13th: Heart and Body
Yuno comes down with a cold and has to stay home for the day. While asleep in her apartment, Yuno has several odd dreams of school and of her friends. Meanwhile, Yuno's friends do all they can to help her get better.

第 6 集 July 14th: Cool and Comfy
Summer has arrived, and once final exams are over, Yuno and her friends enjoy the beginning of their summer vacation. Due to Yuno not knowing how to swim, Miyako gets out an inflatable pool that Yuno and her friends play in, though they eventually go to the beach.

第 7 集 October 12th: Stormy Drying Agent
A typhoon hits during the say of the Sports Festival and has to be called off until the next day when the typhoon has already blown over. Later on, Yuno and her friends are in Miyako's room worried that if the drying agents under her floor get wet they will ignite and catch the building on fire. Miyako gets the idea to remove them all, and throws one into the rain outside, but it does not catch fire.

第 8 集 March 13th: 3% of Hope
Yuno and her friends have a day off from school today, and after waking up, Yuno starts to draw. Miyako arrives soon after and sits down with Yuno as they draw various things together. Yuno gets a text message from Sae to come to her apartment from the back way; Miyako jumps off the second story to get there, followed by a terrified Yuno. They find out that Sae is hiding from her editor as she tries to finish her next novel before the deadline.

第 9 集 September 4th: The Wolf of the Shinjuku Back Streets
Yuno and Miyako wake up early in the morning and as they are leaving the apartment building, Yuno spots an envelope on the ground. She notices a man not too far away and it turns out he had dropped it. To show his thanks, he gives Yuno four lottery tickets which were in the envelope. At school, a former student of Yoshinoya comes in to talk to Yuno's class, and Yuno starts wondering about her future dreams as an artist. Near the end of the day, Sae buys the evening paper to check the numbers on the lottery tickets, but no one is a winner.

第 10 集 November 3rd: Her Highness Yuno
The cultural festival is going on at Yuno's school, but the night before, Yuno had tried to finish a piece for the art gallery but ended up falling asleep before it was finished; Miyako took the painting and put it in the gallery by the time Yuno woke up. At school, Yuno gets praise for her unfinished painting even though she did not intend it to be this way and Yuno's friends all have parts in plays. Later, Yuno and her friends go to a public bathhouse and talk about the festival.

第 11 集 April 28th: A Round Cabbage
Yuno and her friends go to the zoo for a school assignment to sketch some of the animals. Yoshinoya dresses up like a tour guide and acts like one on the way to the zoo by pointing things outside the window to the students, but soon becomes very carsick and has to stop. At the zoo, Yuno and her friends go around and see many of the animals. Later, Yoshinoya ends up in front of the Hidamari Apartments, and Yuno and her friends take her to Hiro's apartment when she rests for a time. After she leaves, they discuss some of the rumors they have heard about Yoshinoya.

第 12 集 December 25th: Goodbye Ume-Sensei
On Christmas Eve, Sae's younger sister Chika comes to visit and gets to meet Yuno, Miyako, and Hiro too. They show Chika around Yuno's school, and they run into Yoshinoya there who later swings by in a Santa outfit and wishes them Merry Christmas. Chika later comes to Yuno's apartment in the middle of the night after Sae refused to give Chika her autograph. Sae, Miyako, and Hiro come by too and they stay up late into the night. On Christmas day, Chika oversleeps and leaves quickly to meet someone in a neighboring town. Yuno and her friends spend the rest of the day together.
日向素描 / Hidamari Sketch

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