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美国历史 第八季

The American Experience (1995)

电视 美国 英语 纪录片 历史
美国建筑师怀特是一个已婚男人,却在曼哈顿一间装饰着天鹅绒秋千的神秘公寓里过着声名狼藉的私生活。在他的众多情人中,有一位名叫Evelyn Nesbit的16岁合唱团少女。与怀特分手后,她嫁给了拥有铁路和煤矿的大亨Harry Thaw。当Thaw听说了他年轻的妻子和怀特的绯闻后,怒火中烧。1906年6月25日的夜晚,他枪杀了这位“秋千建筑师”,就在麦迪逊广场花园怀特自己设计的一所建筑中。 .. 查看全部
美国建筑师怀特是一个已婚男人,却在曼哈顿一间装饰着天鹅绒秋千的神秘公寓里过着声名狼藉的私生活。在他的众多情人中,有一位名叫Evelyn Nesbit的16岁合唱团少女。与怀特分手后,她嫁给了拥有铁路和煤矿的大亨Harry Thaw。当Thaw听说了他年轻的妻子和怀特的绯闻后,怒火中烧。1906年6月25日的夜晚,他枪杀了这位“秋千建筑师”,就在麦迪逊广场花园怀特自己设计的一所建筑中。 斯坦福·怀特 被认为是天才卓越的建筑师。他设计过超过五十座大厦,多数被人称道, 其中包括麦迪逊方形庭院和华盛顿方形曲拱。他极其花心和好色,其拥有的豪宅有不同的女主人, 爱巢分布藏匿在纽约这个城市中。在其中的一座豪崽里,一只红色天鹅绒秋千架从天花板垂悬下来, 他最喜欢让他的年轻情人们, 穿戴象小女孩, 在秋千架子上荡秋千。 伊芙琳·内斯比特 出生于宾夕法尼亚,家境贫寒,生得极其秀美.父亲是一名律师.其父去世后,伊芙琳放弃学业开始工作以养家糊口. 15岁时,她来到纽约,给一个艺术家当模特儿,并且是个有抱负的演员。偶然的一次机会,年轻貌美的她吸引了当时的大建筑师,年长她将近30岁的斯坦福·怀特的注意力.斯坦福·怀特把她请到麦迪逊广场花园的塔楼上他的寓所里,给她斟了一杯香槟,杯中放了蒙药... 着名的红色丝绒秋千架子被安放在斯坦福的豪宅麦迪逊广场花园的2楼的一个特别高且空旷的天花板上,斯坦福最喜令少女裸体在架子上打秋千.自从他疯狂的爱上了伊芙琳后,他解散了他的太太军团,秋千架子似乎只是为了伊芙琳而设.(这是一段怎样的时光,我不得而知.他们有4年在一起的时间,从后面的发展看来他们不是没有感情的,可能是这种近乎疯狂变态的爱让伊芙琳窒息) 在与斯坦福在一起的日子里,伊芙琳不甘心的一次又一次寻找新的目标和精神寄托,想离开斯坦福,期间一男演员曾向她求婚,但是遭到斯坦福反对和阻挠,并强迫她堕胎2次.后伊芙琳认识了百万富翁哈里·凯·索刺,后者对其一见钟情,在他俩一次欧洲旅行回来后,伊芙琳最终于1905年4月4日答应了哈里的求婚. 哈里·凯·索其人专横跋扈,占有欲强烈,嫉妒成性。对于妻子与其前夫的关系常常大吃其醋,而且他是个残暴的性虐待者.婚前就以对女孩鞭打强暴为乐.伊芙琳不堪忍受毒打和性虐待,常常去斯坦福处寻求安慰,哈里·凯·索刺则越来越嫉妒,久积的怒火终于在1906 年6月25日爆发,用一把左轮手枪,枪杀斯坦福·怀特于麦迪逊广场花园,当时宅内屋顶剧院上演一出戏剧,一派歌舞升平.哈里·凯·索刺被当场逮捕. 这个女孩后来过得也很惨,离婚,事业失败,自杀未遂。不过最终她还是以82岁高龄善终。临终前她声称斯坦福·怀特是一生中唯一爱过的男人。其实这两个自私残暴的男人谁也不是真爱她,都不过是被她的美色迷惑而已,她的前夫为她杀人,也不过是觉得自尊受辱,并不是出于爱的嫉妒,这点从审判后对她的冷漠态度就可以看的出来。不过她也不是善人,为了前夫承诺的一百万美元,居然在法庭上做伪证说White虐待她,她的丈夫只是气愤杀人,使杀人的前夫居然以精神病理由无罪释放。当然,最后她并没有拿到许诺的那一百万。



主演:David McCullough / David Ogden Stiers / Michael Murphy





A series showcasing documentaries on American history.
第 8 季 共 9 集

第 1 集 Murder of the Century
In 1906, the murder of Stanford White, New York architect and man-about-town, by Harry K. Thaw, heir to a Pittsburgh railroad fortune, was reported "to the ends of the civilized globe;" much of the focus however was on Evelyn Nesbit, the beautiful showgirl in the center of the love triangle. A sensational murder story that had everything: money, power, class, love, rage, lust and revenge.

第 2 集 Edison's Miracle of Light
In 1878, Thomas Edison announced his intention to harness Niagara Falls and produce a safe, electric light system. He said he could do it in six weeks. Almost three years later, all the components -- bulbs, sockets, switches, wires, junction boxes -- were finally ready. The "Wizard of Menlo Park" may have revolutionized the world, but he was caught in a web of personal, patent and corporate battles, eventually losing control of the industry he founded.

第 3 集 Chicago 1968
While America was reeling from the assassinations of Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King and public outcry against the Vietnam War, the Democrats held their convention in Chicago. Yippie and anti-war protesters were determined to be heard; Mayor Daley was just as determined to stop them. A clash of political visions would be fought in the back rooms, on the convention floor and in the streets of Chicago.

第 4 集 The Orphan Trains
In the mid 19th century, thousands of children roamed the streets of New York in search of money, food and shelter. In an ambitious and controversial effort to rescue them, between 1854 and 1929 more than 100,000 of these so-called "street Arabs" were sent by train to the Midwest to begin new lives in foster families. Poignant and powerful are the memories of living "Orphan Train" riders who vividly recount their experiences.

第 5 集 Freedom on My Mind
Richard J. Daley was born on a street he would never leave and christened in the small church in which he would be buried. His climb up the political ladder to become Mayor was slow and methodical; in a job he coveted, he built a political machine that changed the nature of urban politics, but he was ill-equipped to cope with two great 20th century challenges: race and the war in Vietnam.

第 6 集 Daley: The Last Boss
A thinly-veiled portrait of the immensely powerful newspaper magnate William Randolph Hearst, the movie created a buzz long before it was released. Most people thought it the work of a genius, but Hearst set out to destroy the director, Orson Welles, and suppress the movie. Just a year earlier Welles had terrorized the east coast with a radio broadcast simulating an alien invasion. But now the 24-year-old boy-genius had taken on one of the most powerful men in America.

第 7 集 The Battle Over Citizen Kane
Theirs is a quintessential American story of two midwestern boys who believed they could break the barrier of the air, succeeding where others with government grants and engineering educations had failed. Their remarkable breakthroughs in design and engineering shaped the course of the twentieth century.

第 8 集 The Wright Stuff
In the spring of 1960, Francis Gary Powers' U-2 spy plane was shot down over the Soviet Union. Overnight, this top-secret plane became the most famous aircraft in the world. Behind the incident was a team of engineers and pilots who had raced against the clock to design, perfect and deploy a plane which could provide a high-tech peek behind the Iron Curtain.

第 9 集 Spy in the Sky
In the spring of 1960, Francis Gary Powers' U-2 spy plane was shot down over the Soviet Union. Overnight, this top-secret plane became the most famous aircraft in the world. Behind the incident was a team of engineers and pilots who had raced against the clock to design, perfect and deploy a plane which could provide a high-tech peek behind the Iron Curtain.

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