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Birds of Prey (2002)

电视 美国 英语 科幻
【内容介绍】: 纽约市的守护神、传奇英雄"蝙蝠侠"与他的挚爱、罪恶地下世界的女王"猫女"结合之后,生下了一个不同凡响的女儿,一个女猎手。她有一半是超人类,继承了父亲的禀赋,在黑夜的笼罩下为正义而战。Oracle,蝙蝠侠曾经拯救过的一个姑娘,也加入了这个团队,她自.. 查看全部
【内容介绍】: 纽约市的守护神、传奇英雄"蝙蝠侠"与他的挚爱、罪恶地下世界的女王"猫女"结合之后,生下了一个不同凡响的女儿,一个女猎手。她有一半是超人类,继承了父亲的禀赋,在黑夜的笼罩下为正义而战。Oracle,蝙蝠侠曾经拯救过的一个姑娘,也加入了这个团队,她自称蝙蝠女(Batgirl)。在协助蝙蝠侠与小丑的战斗中,Oracle腿部中弹,导致瘫痪。现在她改换了与邪恶作斗争的方式,她成为了一名计算机领域的专家,并且肩负着指导和训练英雄们的重任。年轻姑娘Dinah也是这个团队的重要成员,她是个超人类,拥有神秘的心灵力量,但她还不能充分掌握自己的能力。这三位美人成了新纽约城的保护者,她们自称为"天堂猎鹰"。 "天堂猎鹰"是一部幻想电视剧,播出于动作频道(Action Channel),并受到许多观众的追捧。但不幸的是,这部电视剧和许多其他优秀科幻电视剧一样遭到了不公正待遇(最同命相连的就是《Firefly》和《Surface》),好像这种悲剧总是发生在科幻剧身上?这部电视剧拥有非常高的品质:有趣的故事情节,有吸引力的角色,优美的主题歌曲(美剧中很罕见,如The 4400),强大的演职人员阵容,但这部电视剧最终只播出了13集。 背景资料: 曾几何时,孤胆英雄蝙蝠侠曾是新纽约市的保护神,他在高高的屋顶上俯瞰大地,监视着黑暗角落里的每一个邪恶幽灵。为了和蝙蝠侠一较高下,来自世界各地的犯罪高手纷纷云集这座城市,联合对抗蝙蝠侠。 现在,蝙蝠侠已经消失无踪,但是新纽约市仍然充满各种犯罪。对城中的善良百姓来说,新的希望来自于一个冰山美女三人组:天堂之鹰。尽管这三位冷美人外表看起来和蝙蝠侠那种三头六臂的大英雄大相径庭,并不能给人以安全感,但她们却用自己的方式延续了蝙蝠侠的传奇。 故事开始于七年前那个可怕的夜晚,小丑袭击了蝙蝠侠生命中最重要的两个女人:猫女和Barbara Gordon。Barbara Gordon一直以蝙蝠女(Batgirl)的名义与蝙蝠侠并肩作战。猫女死了,蝙蝠侠也从此神秘失踪。蝙蝠女在大战中双腿中弹,现在只能生活在轮椅上,把自己隐藏在双重身份之中。在白天,她是计算机教师Barbara Gordon,但是到了夜晚,她就成了Oracle,一位战略战术大师和武器设计专家,她从城市钟楼的秘密藏身地监视着新纽约市的一切违法犯罪活动。 Barbara小心翼翼地替蝙蝠侠和猫女保守着秘密,保护着他们的女儿Helena Kyle。Helena继承了父亲蝙蝠侠超强的正义感和母亲猫女的超人类能力。虽然她也渴望过普通的生活,但命运使美貌的她还是成为了勇猛无惧的"女猎手"。她体内的善与恶同样强烈,因此Barbara很清楚自己必须小心仔细地教导她。 在这两个不平凡女人的生活中,很快闯进了一个天真无邪的少女Dinah。Dinah追踪着自己的幻象,却被神秘力量吸引到了钟楼。Babara和Helena并不了解Dinah的背景,但却被她萌动的超人类能力所震惊,于是她们邀请她加入"天堂之鹰",三人小组正式成型。 在这个充满了罪恶与腐败的城市里,有一个正直善良的警察:侦探Jesse Reese。但他也有痛苦的黑暗面,他是新纽约市最冷血的犯罪头目之子。为了弥补父亲所犯下的罪恶,Reese以个人名义挑战他所见的一切罪恶,并且和神秘的Helena总是纠缠不清。 英雄们要对付的主要恶棍是曾经当过小丑情妇的Harley Quinn,一个聪明绝顶的疯狂女人。她一直幻想着完成小丑的梦想,建立一个罪恶帝国。在白天,Harley用临床医学家的身份进行着不可告人的疯狂计划:从精神病院释放所有疯子,利用造成的混乱来控制新纽约市。尽管Harley和Barbara、Henlena常常打照面,但她们彼此谁也不知道谁的真实身份。 作为"天堂之鹰"的领导者和蝙蝠侠的得意弟子,Barbara带领着新一代坚定地延续着蝙蝠侠缔造的辉煌传奇。但她自己也惊讶地发现,她的肩上多了一份家庭责任,尽管这个"家"是她自己"创造"的,但是比起拯救世界的任务来,"家"的重要性是第一位的。(以上介绍转自飞翔科幻网和天涯小筑) Legend tells of a caped crusader, Batman, guardian of New Gotham, and his one true love, Catwoman, the queen of the criminal underworld. Their passion left behind something extraordinary, a daughter, Huntress. Half metahuman, she has taken up her father's mantle and under cover of the night, fights to protect the innocent and helpless. Joining her in this struggle, Oracle, who was once Batman's protégé, Batgirl. She was caught in the crossfire of the war between Batman and Joker, now she fights crime a different way, a master of the cyber-realms and mentor and trainer to heroes. Together, they have taken in a young runaway, Dinah, a metahuman herself with powers to open hidden doors to the mind, powers that she is only beginning to explore. Together, these three are the protectors of New Gotham - the Birds of Prey.


编剧:亚当·霍罗威茨 / Adam Armus

主演:艾什丽·斯科特 / 迪娜·迈耶 / 瑞秋·斯盖顿 / 谢默·摩尔 / 伊安·艾伯克龙比 / 米娅·萨拉 / 肖恩·克里斯汀





In the future, long after the Batman has driven himself into exile, his legacy lives on in the form of the Birds of Prey--Black Canary, Oracle, and the Huntress.
肖恩·利维 Shawn Levy
克雷格·齐斯克 Craig Zisk
布莱恩·罗宾斯 Brian Robbins
艾什丽·斯科特 Ashley Scott
迪娜·迈耶 Dina Meyer
瑞秋·斯盖顿 Rachel Skarsten
谢默·摩尔 Shemar Moore
伊安·艾伯克龙比 Ian Abercrombie
米娅·萨拉 Mia Sara
肖恩·克里斯汀 Shawn Christian
布伦特·塞克斯顿 Brent Sexton
尼尔·霍普金斯 Neil Hopkins
第 1 季 共 13 集

第 1 集 Pilot
The Batman legend takes an unexpected turn when the Caped Crusader vanishes from the crime-ridden city of New Gotham and his legacy is taken over by a trio of beautiful and relentless heroines - the Birds of Prey. Barbara Gordon started out as Batman's protege, Batgirl, but an attack by The Joker left her confined to a wheelchair. Reinventing herself as Oracle, she takes under her wing Helena Kyle, the secret daughter of Batman and Catwoman, who quickly grows into the fierce and beautiful "Huntress", and Dinah, a teenage runaway who is drawn to the city by meta-human visions. With the help of the only honest cop in New Gotham, Detective Jesse Reese, the Birds of Prey fight their first battle against a mysterious madwoman who is bent on their destruction.

第 2 集 Slick
Slick, an evil meta-human who can turn from solid to liquid, is hired by Dr. Quinzel to kill the honest cops who stand in her way. When Reese is the next intended victim, Helena comes to his aid and their mutual attraction continues to grow. Meanwhile, Barbara believes Dinah's story that she's just a runaway, but Helena remains suspicious.

第 3 集 Prey for the Hunter
Helena and Detective Reese clash again when they both try to track down a serial killer who destroys metahumans by taking on their powers. Meanwhile, Dinah ditches school when she learns from Helena there is a metahuman-only bar, and Barbara meets Wade's parents who think she is not normal enough for their son.

第 4 集 Three Birds and a Baby
When Helena rescues an abandoned baby boy and brings him back to the Clocktower, Barbara and Dinah try to help, but to everyone's surprise, the baby, Guy, is only happy when Helena is holding him. Even more surprising is the fact that Guy wakes up from his nap as a walking, talking 5-year-old and is soon a teenager. Now in a race against time, the Birds of Prey discover that Guy is programmed to live his entire life in three days, and to kill the first person he attaches to, putting Helena in grave danger.

第 5 集 Sins of the Mother
Barbara and Helena learn the truth about Dinah and Dinah learns the truth about her own past when her mother, Carolyn Lance, comes to New Gotham in search of the daughter she abandoned years before. Dinah is shocked to learn that Carolyn was once Batman's protege, Black Canary. Meanwhile, Helena learns that Detective Reese has family issues of his own when he becomes secretive about a ruthless gangster.

第 6 集 Primal Scream
At the request of Det. Reese, Helena goes undercover to help bring down a gang of thieves terrorizing New Gotham and quickly discovers that the gang is part of a larger infrastructure. Helena goes after the big boss until her cover is blown, putting her in grave danger. Meanwhile, Barbara has to deal with her fear of intimacy when her relationship with Wade takes a serious turn.

第 7 集 Split
Already frustrated with her difficult relationship with Reese, Helena is intrigued when she meets Darkstrike, a metahuman who has come to New Gotham on the trail of a serial killer. Meanwhile, Barbara and Dinah discover that Darkstrike has a dangerous alter ego.

第 8 集 Lady Shiva
Helena is thrilled when her best friend from high school, Sandra, returns to New Gotham, but the Birds are troubled by a series of murders with the unmistakable mark of Batgirl's nemesis, Lady Shiva. Determined to fight Lady Shiva as an equal, Barbara dusts off her Batgirl costume and experiments with technology that allows her to leave the wheelchair.

第 9 集 Nature of the Beast
When a hit is put out on the life of legendary mob boss, Al Hawke, the only person he trusts to protect him is his son, Detective Reese. Reese turns to Helena for help, but when she learns that Reese's father is the same man who killed Dinah's mother, Black Canary, her loyalties are tested.

第 10 集 Gladiatrix
When young metahuman women are abducted in New Gotham, Helena's investigation leads her to uncover a secret club where the captive women are drugged and forced to fight each other in an arena. When Helena is also abducted, it is up to Dinah to rescue her.

第 11 集 Reunion
When Helena's former classmates descend upon New Gotham for their fifth class reunion, two of the alums are brutally murdered. While Helena tries to find the killer, she fears that Reese's investigation will lead him to learn too much about her true identity.

第 12 集 Feat of Clay
Citizens of New Gotham are being turned into clay by a villain whose crimes are similar to those of Clayface, the master of shape-shifting who has been in Arkham Asylum for many years. Helena confronts Clayface and learns that his son, Chris, is responsible for the new rash of crimes. She also finds out who was responsible for her mother's murder.

第 13 集 Devil's Eyes
Harley Quinn acquires the power to hypnotize others with her eyes, and persuades Helena to reveal the secrets of the Clocktower, along with Barbara's and Dinah's true identities. She soon has all the ammunition she needs to wreak havoc on The Birds as well as the rest of New Gotham.
天堂猎鹰 / 蝙蝠侠的女儿 / 夜行天使

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