8/ 《植物园的狂欢》(Slavnost V Botanickej Zahrade/The Gala in the Botanical Garden,1969),87分钟,黑白+彩色,导演:Elo Havetta
8/ 《植物园的狂欢》(Slavnost V Botanickej Zahrade/The Gala in the Botanical Garden,1969),87分钟,黑白+彩色,导演:Elo Havetta
六十年代最具创造力的斯洛伐克电影之一,依我的看法这部影片代表了东欧魔幻现实主义电影的最高水准。哈维塔的首部影片,用荒诞夸张的情节来表现斯洛伐克人民的悲欢离合,其中黑白与彩色交织的影像来自著名的斯洛伐克摄影师斯蒙西奇(Dodo Simoncic)。
This colorful fairy-tale is about the need of miracles in life and of letting the charms of nature, where every single particle is in constant motion, take over as if in an impressionist painting. It is a mosaic built of multiple stories like Pierre's. His arrival disturbs the peace of the wine-growing village of Bábindol but at the same time he shows its inhabitants how to really enjoy life.