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遗失的世界 第二季

The Lost World (2000)

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二部曲:丛林历险/未来客与屠龙王 The Lost World Season 2 分集简介 ●第一集:全部或全不 在深谷中的.. 查看全部
二部曲:丛林历险/未来客与屠龙王 The Lost World Season 2 分集简介 ●第一集:全部或全不 在深谷中的吊桥上,众人与Drakul及其手下展开一场混战。玛格丽特和 维罗妮卡眼睁睁看见Summerlee中箭后掉入深渊。蜥蜴人Tribune为了报复背叛他的Drakul,扔出炸药炸毁了吊桥,所有人都掉入河中。维罗妮卡坚信朋友们都活着,与玛格丽特反复搜寻河岸。很快她们和查林杰、马龙重聚了,但是罗斯顿却被Tribune发现并救起,Tribune因此而索取回报。几人需要一条船渡河回家,只好跟随Tribune来到一个渔村,但是Tribune却失踪了。美貌的妓女Raina告诉他们,Memak统治着这个地方。众人与Nemak起了冲突,被Nemak抓住并投入大牢。 ●第二集:亚马逊女战士 罗斯顿, 马龙和查林杰受到翼手龙的攻击,几位亚马逊女战士救下他们,并邀请他们回到营地--这是一个没有男人的世界,但罗斯顿三人还是受到了热烈欢迎。入夜,亚马逊女战士部落举行"月圆"庆典,随即是"育种时间",几个人乐坏了--因为他们可以和这群美女共度春宵。但礼成之后,他们将被处死,这可是他们还不知道的…… ●第三集:旅游季节 S02EP03 Tourist Season 查林杰计划用风车收集能量,突然一道巨大的闪电撕破天空,风车附近都被烧焦。所幸的是,并没有人受伤。蕾声过后沉寂了一小会,随后有机器声从远方的天空传来,越来越近,最后一架直升飞机坠落在丛林里。机上的人员全都生还了,他们是四个来自现代的观光客:一对夫妻和他们的儿子,还有一位驾驶员。一个不怀好意的部落袭击了他们并抓走了父亲和儿子。查林杰和马龙在惊讶之余,决定帮助维修这种他们从没见过的"飞机"。而罗斯顿和维罗妮卡则赶去营救被抓走的两人。 ●第四集:冷石 罗斯顿和玛格丽特在一个从未去过的山谷中勘查,突然听到一声年轻女人的惊叫。两人赶过去时,那个穿着古代晚装的女人说了一些他们听不懂的话,然后死了。罗斯顿, 玛格丽特 和 马龙 被暴雨中出现的邪恶精灵逼到了一座阴森恐怖的城堡里。城堡中某种神秘力量影响了几个人,把他们引入不同的房间,每间房里都放着一套华丽的晚装,款式和一开始遇到的神秘女人所穿的属于同一时期。换上衣服之后,三人就像受到控制一样,开始再现一场古代宫廷三角斗争,玛格丽特诱惑两个男人爱上自己,却又暗地里挑拨他们争斗。与此同时,查林杰和维罗妮卡也来到了同一座城堡,穿着"精灵服装"的三个同伴似乎已不认识他们,而且并不友好…… ●第五集:神圣权力 一匹无人骑乘的骏马突然向罗斯顿等人疾驰而来,似乎有什么紧急情况。当罗斯顿试着骑上它,它驼着他来到山上的一个小部落,当地人将他奉为君王。罗斯顿想解释自己不是他们要找的人,但是王室顾问Balar告诉他,如果他承认自己是冒名顶替者,将被处死。罗斯顿无奈勉为其难。罗斯顿用这匹神马警告了自己的朋友们,几人赶来营救,却被Balar抓住。部落有一个习俗:要祭祀一名处女来平抚可能毁灭村庄的巨龙。罗斯顿挺身救下这名年轻姑娘,却正好落入Balar的圈套。现在阻止巨龙的唯一方法就是让真正的国王去猎杀它。 ●第六集:表面之下 一向尖利刻薄、自私自利的 玛格丽特 突然变得和蔼好心,众人大惑不解,决定要找出真相。在丛林里,罗斯顿和维罗妮卡路遇一条暴龙,暴龙怪异的行为让两人轻松逃脱。原来一种外星细菌占据了暴龙的身体,玛格丽特 也是如此。这些外星细菌最后竟然变成了……骷髅! ●第七集:伦敦的呼唤 几个人发现了一张古代地图,上面记录了离开迷失高原的线路。在走之前,为了给那些怀疑论者好好开开眼界,查林杰和马龙收集了一枚霸王龙蛋。面对分离,维罗妮卡是最不高兴的人了,但她不能离开,她还要继续找寻她失踪的父母。马龙梦想终于实现了,他可以风风光光地回到伦敦去和美貌的未婚妻(注:果真是美貌无比啊……)重聚,但这真是他想要的吗? ●第八集:囚徒 一个"变形人"化成一个神秘的老妇人出现在维罗妮卡面前,告诉她父母正安然无恙地住在El Dorado。老妇人给她指明了一条路:入口在一座石墙上。她还警告说,维罗妮卡不能告诉任何人,而且不能再回头。殊不知,维罗妮卡找到的不是自己的父母,而是一个被囚禁数百年的野蛮巨人。为了捉住他,玛格丽特和其他人使出了混身解数。 ●第九集:游戏 蜥蜴人女王Centuria命令手下人猎杀Tribune,Tribune无路可逃,来到树屋求助。蜥蜴人寻迹而至,抓住了Tribune。在家的马龙、玛格丽特和罗斯顿也一并成了囚徒,被带往Centuria统治的蜥蜴人城。马龙不得不假冒查林杰博士,Centuria命他制造火药。而此时罗斯顿和Tribune则被带到角斗场。 ●第十集:源泉 迷失高原笼罩在干旱中,大家外出寻找水源,却遭到一群迅猛龙的围攻。一个漂亮的年轻姑娘(注:又一个漂亮得让人说不出话的……)在千钧一发之际救出众人,请求他们护送她返回家乡。她说自己是早期殖民探险队中的幸存者,并宣称自己发现了"青春之泉"。她带的"补给品"已经快没有了,她必须回到有泉水的洞中,否则就会死去。幻想拥有永恒青春和财富的玛格丽特说动查林杰和罗斯顿一同前往…… ●第十一集:战利品 迷失高原的宁静被一阵枪声打破,一群猎人想要捕获一只类人猿幼子。维罗妮卡荡出丛林想救他,立刻成为猎人的新目标。她逃回树屋警告其他人。其中一个猎人宣称自己奉命前来寻找查林杰的探险队,并协助他们返回英国。尽管维罗妮卡并不相信他们,而玛格丽特也心存疑虑,这些猎人们还是受到了欢迎,并在树屋附近扎营过夜…… ●第十二集:巫毒女王 神秘的鼓声传遍了丛林,罗斯顿前去查探,遇见了美貌女子Danielle。Danielle不仅勾引罗斯顿与其发生了关系,还向其讲起了一个悲惨的故事:一群野人袭击并占领了她的村落。罗斯顿将她带回树屋暂住,她迷住了所有的男人,但是却引起两位女士的怀疑。当众人发现Danielle背着他们偷偷做了一个形似罗斯顿的巫毒娃娃,怀疑被证实了。这时Danielle已将罗斯顿诱骗到她的村落。事实上,她正是控制野人的巫毒女王,手里还掌握着一支僵尸军队。看到罗斯顿已经成了她的奴隶,于是其他人订下计划,打算先渗透进村落,然后再伺机解救罗斯顿。 ●第十三集:守卫者 在山上寻找药草的时候,查林杰误入一个捕捉野猪的陷阱,昏死过去。设下陷阱的三个年轻猎手不忍心见死不救,只好将其拖回他们的秘密村庄。维罗妮卡和玛格丽特顺着猎人们的踪迹穿越丛林屏障,也来到村子里,村里住的大多是年轻的孤儿。随后,村里人告诉他们,一株巨大的植物守护着村庄,如果有人胆敢擅自进出,它就会释放出致命的毒气。但更可怕的是,它每天都需要食用新鲜的肉。当查林杰等三人努力想挖地道离开村庄时,村里人抓住了查林杰,准备用他来活祭食人植物。Challener和他的同伴该怎么办呢? ●第十四集:重压之下 众人在树屋外发现了一个奇怪的来客,他对地质学的了解让查林杰很是吃惊。此时,不知什么东西攻击了Challener放在空地上的蓄电池,导致线圈毁坏。在随后的调查中,他们遇到一群来自地下世界的居民,他们的那位"客人"也是其中之一。这些地下人刀枪不入,众人很快被抓获。很快,查林杰见到了一位同样来自伦敦科学界的"老朋友",原来他是这些地下人的幕后主使。更令查林杰震惊的是,地下人需要利用自己的科技专长来统治地表世界。 ●第十五集:叛逆者 罗斯顿和玛格丽特外出寻找离开迷失高原的路,却意外发现了一处通道。穿过通道,他们看到了一个充满英式风格的古老村庄,并遇到了一个戴着面具并刚刚抢劫本地酒吧的女人。女人慌乱中将抢来的钱袋遗落在地上,骑着马逃进了密林深处。罗斯顿和玛格丽特带着捡来的钱袋走进酒吧,偏偏碰上了这些财产的真正主人--警长。警长立即将两人逮捕,并判他们绞刑。当罗斯顿想逃跑时,警长卑鄙地开枪将其打伤! ●第十六集:人性本善 维罗妮卡和马龙被一群愤怒的歹徒抓住,并被强迫到他们的采石场干活。随后,他们很快发现其他那些"囚徒"并不是真正的人类,他们是外星人制造的机器人,目的是修复外星人受损的太空船。那些外星人会发现混迹其中的维罗妮卡和马龙是人类吗?那些渴望自由的机器人,能够如愿以偿吗?(好漂亮的金发机器美女……想不到这帮外星人也挺色,把个机器工人都造得这么性感惹火,Extreme Hot!) ●第十七集:野兽的图案 罗斯顿和玛格丽特回到树屋后发现,一只猴子把屋里闹了个天翻地覆--最重要的是,它偷走了玛格丽特心爱的珠宝。他们跟随猴子来到一个山洞,发现了一个奇怪的护身符。任何人只要用手抓过这个护身符,就会在手心留下一个很像恐龙头骨的奇怪图案,无论如何都无法擦去。那些图案开始让众人发生意想不到的变化…… ●第十八集:幸存者 查林杰和玛格丽特发现了一座古老的神庙,入口的墙上雕刻着三个武士,像是某种守卫。玛格丽特失足跌入一个满是长刺的深坑,侥幸不死。为了救她,查林杰只好去找其他人帮忙。当他离开后,洞口的三座石像"活了"。流血过多的玛格丽特觉得自己产生了幻觉。当查林杰和其他人赶来时,力量惊人的石像守卫对他们发起了攻击。马龙被刺伤倒地,胸口流出了鲜血。很奇怪,当这些石像守卫一看到血,立即停止了攻击。维罗妮卡带着马龙返回树屋进行治疗,查林杰和罗斯顿则赶到神庙救玛格丽特。当他们见到玛格丽特时,惊讶地发现她的身边多了一位美貌高雅的女士--Adrienne。更为惊讶的是玛格丽特,她一直以为已死去多年的Adrienne的出现不过是她的幻觉。Adrienne说神庙中有一条路可以直接离开迷失高原,查林杰跟随她的地图来到神庙祭坛,竟发现自己死去两年的同事William Maple White活生生站在那里--正是这个人的手记引导查林杰来到了迷失的世界(参见第一季第一集)。 ●第十九集:海盗之诅咒 玛格丽特和罗斯顿正在丛林里打情骂俏,突然地面颤动了起来,他们一起掉进了一个大坑!坑中埋葬着一具海盗的尸骨,还有他被诅咒的藏宝箱,里面装满了他抢来的金银珠宝。贪财好利的玛格丽特根本不在乎那个"小小的诅咒",把藏宝箱拖回了树屋。查林杰和马龙在里面找到了海盗的日记,决定将他的故事搞个明白。他们根据日记所述找到了"陆上之海",却落入海盗后裔Pappin的圈套。Pappin抢走了日记,派他的人去寻宝,把查林杰绑在自己的海边小屋里,并把马龙铐在一个正被潮汐淹没的洞穴里。罗斯顿和维罗妮卡赶来,一场混战开始了。 ●第二十集:访客 马龙在丛林里被某种野兽抓伤了,他立即开枪还击。当寻找被他击中的野兽时,他和维罗妮卡却发现受伤的是Danu--维罗妮卡从小青梅竹马的恋人。Danu警告他们,这种野兽很危险。入夜,野兽的嚎叫声让树屋里的人胆战心惊,他们发现Danu已经不见了,而马龙发起了严重的高烧。玛格丽特留下来照看马龙,其他人则出去寻找Danu,希望能从他那里了解更多情况以治疗马龙。维罗妮卡带着查林杰和罗斯顿来到Danu的村庄,那里只剩下一位巫医和几个手握银矛的武士,其他人不是死了,就是躲了起来。巫医告诉他们,Danu已经成了那些野兽的一员--狼人。他们只能被银或者火杀死,并且无药可医。她将一瓶可以延缓马龙变形的药水交给维罗妮卡,并指引查林杰和罗斯顿去狼人居住的暗影谷。Danu一直想将维罗妮卡变成和他一样的狼人,他或明或暗地驱策着维罗妮卡,让她也逐渐靠近暗影谷…… ●第二十一集:梦中人 一场雷暴突如其来地袭击了迷失高原,罗斯顿等五人都经历了相同而且奇怪的梦境--他们梦到了失踪已久的同伴Summerlee。此前,他们一直认为掉进万丈瀑布的Summerlee必死无疑。马龙在树屋里看到了Summerlee的"鬼魂",立即追了出去。查林杰、罗斯顿和玛格丽特紧随其后,却遭到食人族的埋伏,一网成擒。食人族打算切下玛格丽特的手臂当作"开胃菜",罗斯顿和查林杰在紧要关头挣脱捆绑救下她。三人继续寻找马龙,却又成了一只饥饿的霸王龙的猎食对象。此时,马龙绊倒在地上,昏了过去。当他醒来之后,感到既虚弱又口渴。跟随Summerlee的"鬼魂",他来到一处干涸的河床。Summerlee的影像浮现在万丈深渊之下--那里也是他最后出现的地方。马龙一失足,竟跌落下去…… ●第二十二集:坠入火坑 一艘英国皇家海军的飞艇超低空飞近迷失高原,让罗斯顿等五人大为吃惊。正在开阔地带独自干活的马龙离飞艇最近,他想都没想就冲过去抓住绳梯,爬进船舱里。飞船已经损坏了,而且没有一个船员。但是当他打开船长日记时,船长Askwith突然出现在他背后,将他打晕。当飞艇远离视线之后,罗斯顿等人突然听到霸王龙的孵卵巢内传出呼救声。他们设法引开母龙,救出了困在其中的人--他不是马龙,而是Askwith!他声称自己没有见过马龙。玛格丽特完全被他说动了心,答应带他回树屋疗伤。罗斯顿带着三分醋意和七分怀疑,紧随两人左右,而查林杰和维罗妮卡则返回丛林寻找飞艇的下落。他们很快在一座小丘附近找到了飞艇,并发现损伤不是太严重。船上还有三天的燃料,足够他们飞离迷失高原,至少可以到达海岸。飞船启动了。他们才真正发现Askwith的真正阴谋。但为时已晚,马龙与船长拼斗过程中不幸一起坠下飞船,朋友们试图将飞船降下寻找马龙,不幸飞船撞上悬崖,船身爆炸……

导演:Colin Budds / Richard Franklin / Ian Gilmour / Catherine Millar / Michael Offer

编剧:Charles Lazer

主演:彼得·麦考利 / 瑞秋·布莱克利 / 大卫·奥斯 / 詹妮弗·奥黛尔 / 威尔·斯诺





The adventures of a band of explorers stranded in a mysterious land inhabited by dinosaurs and other dangers.
迈克尔·奥佛尔 Michael Offer
彼得·麦考利 Peter McCauley
第 2 季 共 22 集

第 1 集 All or Nothing
On a bridge spanning a deep gorge, a fierce battle unfolds with Drakul's raiders. Marguerite and Veronica watch as Summerlee is hit. Tribune, betrayed by Drakul, hurls a bomb that destroys the bridge...throwing the men into the river far below. Veronica clings to the hope that her friends have survived and searches for them with Marguerite. Once reunited, they discover that Tribune has saved Roxton's life and demands a favor in return. Since they need a boat to return home, they follow Tribune to a run-down fishing village - where he disappears. A beautiful prostitute named Raina informs them that Nemak has enslaved the town. When our gang clashes with Nemak and his goons, they are thrown into jail.

第 2 集 Amazons
While looking for a way off the plateau, Roxton, Malone, and Challenger are saved by three Amazon women from an attack by a vicious flock of pterodactyls. Invited back to their camp, they find there are no men or boys, yet they are welcomed with open arms. While the Amazons celebrate by the light of a full moon, the men happily learn that it's breeding time -- and they have been chosen as studs. By the time they realize they will die as soon as they have served their purpose, it's too late to save themselves.

第 3 集 Tourist Season
Challenger is trying to harness the energy of lightning when a gigantic bolt splits the sky. In a blinding flash, the ground is scorched, and by some miracle, no one is injured. In the silence after the thunder, the sputtering sound of a small engine is heard, and a small plane appears in the distant sky. It drops from view, crashing into the jungle. All survive: four modern day tourists - a couple, a middle-aged man and a gorgeous young woman. The group are set upon by a hostile tribe and taken prisoner. Our explorers arrive to find only the disabled plane, which Challenger and Malone set about trying to repair. Kenner, the leader of the hostile tribe, is fascinated by his captives but keeps them in a dungeon. Roxton and Veronica devise a plan to save them.

第 4 集 Stone Cold
While mapping an unexplored valley, Roxton is surprised by a terrified young woman, who after uttering an enigmatic warning, dies in Marguerite's arms. Roxton, Marguerite, and Malone head toward an ominous castle when a sudden rainstorm forces them to seek shelter. There, under a mysterious influence, the three are led to separate rooms where they each find opulent evening wear of the same vintage as that worn by the young woman. Marguerite and the two men begin to take on new personalities, eerily re-enacting a romantic triangle of intrigue, with Marguerite playing Roxton against Malone as both men compete for her attention. Meanwhile Challenger and Veronica similarly find themselves at the castle, where they are welcomed by Roxton, Marguerite, and Malone, all strangely possessed by the spirit-wearers.

第 5 集 Divine Right
A riderless horse approaches our explorers, as if on a mission. When Roxton saddles up, the horse carries him to a mountain tribe, who welcome him as their king. Roxton tries to decline, but when the royal advisor, Balar, tells him that if he's an imposter; he shall die, Roxton reconsiders. Using the horse, Roxton tries to warn his friends. Balar has the horse followed and they are captured. One of the customs of the tribe is to sacrifice a virgin to appease a monstrous dragon, but Roxton saves the young woman and steps right into Balar's trap. The only way to stop the dragon now is for the rightful king to hunt it down and kill it.

第 6 集 Skin Deep
When Marguerite starts being nice to everyone, they wonder what she's up to. Even when pushed to find out why she's acting this way, she maintains her uncharacteristic serenity. In the jungle, Roxton and Veronica are attacked by a dinosaur that after giving them a huge scare, starts to move very clumsily, giving them a chance to escape. We learn that an alien invader, who could not control the dinosaur's huge body, occupied it. We also learn that Marguerite's body has been possessed when she drops her spoon into a vat of boiling water and plunges her arm in to retrieve it - with no ill effect. We discover that the Alien Invaders are skeletons that our heroes have to fight.

第 7 集 London Calling
Our adventurers recover an ancient map showing the escape route from the Lost World. Knowing they will face sceptics in the scientific world to which they shall return, Challenger and Malone capture a T-Rex egg to take with them. Veronica cannot share their joy, however, for she must continue her search for her long lost parents. Malone's dreams of successfully returning to his beautiful fiancée in London appear to come true. But is this what he really wants?

第 8 集 The Prisoner
A mysterious old woman, a shape-shifter, appears to Veronica, convincing her that her lost parents are safe in El Dorado. The woman gives her the directions to its entrance in a rock wall, and warns that she must tell no one and can never return. When Veronica unwittingly releases a savage giant from captivity, Marguerite and the others must use all their talents to subdue him again.

第 9 集 The Games
Empress Centuria has ordered her Lizardmen to hunt and kill Tribune, who flees to the treehouse for help. They track him there and overwhelm our heroes. Malone, Marguerite and Roxton are taken prisoner along with Tribune and brought back to Centuria's city. Malone, posing as Professor Challenger, is ordered to make gunpowder, while Roxton and Tribune are sent to the gladiators' dungeon.

第 10 集 The Source
The Lost World is in the grip of a crippling drought. Our adventurers are saved from a pack of thirsty Raptors by a magnificent young woman who begs them to escort her to her pueblo. She confesses that she is a survivor of the original colony, which had discovered the Fountain of Youth. Her supply is diminishing, however, and she must return to the Fountain cave--or die. Marguerite, with visions of eternal youth and wealth, leads the others after Ana.

第 11 集 Trophies
The Lost World is shattered by gunfire as trophy hunters try to capture a Troglodyte child. Veronica swings through the jungle to save him, and becomes the hunters' new target. She escapes to the Treehouse to warn her friends just ahead of the hunters. One of the hunters declares that he has been commissioned to locate the Challenger expedition and help them return to England. Despite Veronica's warnings, and Marguerite's suspicions, the hunters are welcomed and set up camp nearby.

第 12 集 Voodoo Queen
As mysterious drums sound through the jungle, Roxton is stalked and seduced by a beautiful woman, Danielle, who tells a harrowing tale of Trogs attacking and taking over her village. Seeking refuge at the Treehouse, she manages to charm the men but arouses the women's suspicions. Their mistrust is justified when Danielle makes a voodoo doll in Roxton's image and lures him back to her village, where it turns out, she is the one who controls the Trogs and an army of zombies. When the others discover that Roxton has been enslaved, they quickly devise a plan to infiltrate the village and rescue him.

第 13 集 The Guardian
Challenger is knocked unconscious by a falling pig trap while searching for medicinal herbs. The three young hunters who set the trap drag him back to their hidden village. Veronica and Marguerite follow the hunters' tracks and make their way past the jungle defense into the village, populated by a group of young orphans. They learn that the village is protected by an enormous plant that emits a deadly gas when disturbed and must be fed fresh meat daily. While the trio attempt to find a way out of the village, the tribe seizes Challenger and pushes him toward the plant's jaws. Will Challenger be the plant's next meal?

第 14 集 Under Pressure
The explorers have a strange guest at the Treehouse who impresses Challenger with his knowledge of geology. Meanwhile something attacks Challenger's electrostatic accumulator. The explorers chase after a group of underground dwellers whom they believe to be the culprits. Their guest turns out to be one of them, and the explorers are soon taken hostage. It turns out that the underground dwellers need Challenger's scientific expertise to help them evolve above ground.

第 15 集 The Outlaw
Roxton and Marguerite are out looking for a way off the plateau when they discover a promising looking crevice. Once through, they discover an old English village where they meet a masked woman who has just robbed the local pub. She drops her bag of spoils in front of the two explorers and vanishes. Roxton and Marguerite enter the pub in an effort to find the rightful owners of the loot, when they are promptly arrested by the local prosecutor. When Roxton tries to escape, he is shot!

第 16 集 Quality of Mercy
Veronica and Malone are captured by an angry mob who need slaves to mine their quarry. They soon discover that their fellow prisoners are not human; they are machines who are helping aliens repair their spaceship. Will the aliens discover that our heroes are human?!

第 17 集 Mark of the Beast
Roxton and Marguerite return to the treehouse to find it raided by a monkey. They follow the monkey to a cave where they find an amulet that leaves a mark of a dinosaur skull on their hands. Those infected with the mark soon begin to morph into their "animal" selves

第 18 集 Survivors
Challenger and Marguerite discover an ancient Temple whose entrance is guarded by a carving of three armed warriors. When Marguerite falls into a pit of spikes, Challenger must leave her, to get help. As he leaves, the Guardians come to life. While Marguerite lies bleeding, she hallucinates. As Challenger is returning with the others, the Guardians attack them with invincible strength, but stop suddenly when they see Malone bleeding from a chest wound. While Veronica takes Malone home, the others hurry to the temple. When Roxton and Challenger reach her, Marguerite is baffled when they can see her hallucination, Adrienne. Following Adrienne's claims there is an exit from the plateau via the Temple, Challenger follows her map to the Temple's altar where he is confronted by William Maple White, a dead colleague whose journals had led him to the Lost World.

第 19 集 The Pirate's Curse
Marguerite and Roxton are enjoying an intimate moment, when suddenly the earth moves! They find themselves sprawled in the bottom of a pit, with a pirate's skeleton and his cursed treasure chest filled with a fortune in booty. Unimpressed by a little curse, Marguerite takes it to the Treehouse. Challenger and Malone find the pirate's journal, and decide to unravel his story. Traveling to the described inland sea, they are ambushed by pirate descendant Pappin, who seizes the journal. He sends his men to find the treasure, then shackles Malone in a tidal cave, leaving Challenger tied up in his shack

第 20 集 The Visitor
When Malone is slashed by a beast in the jungle, he shoots wildly. While looking for the animal, he and Veronica come across Danu, her childhood sweetheart, wounded, and warning them of the danger from this beast. Later that night, the team is disturbed by a howling animal, and discovers Danu gone and Malone feverish. Marguerite stays to nurse Malone, the others search for Danu, hoping to learn more about Malone's condition. Veronica leads them to his village, where only a witchdoctor and a few warriors armed with silver-tipped weapons, remain. The witchdoctor tells them that Danu has become a werewolf and must be killed by silver or fire, there is no cure. She gives Veronica a potion to delay the onset of Malone's transformation, then sends Challenger and Roxton to the Valley of Shadows where the werewolves live. Danu, wanting to transform Veronica to a werewolf like him, drives her towards the Valley of Shadows.

第 21 集 A Man of Vision
During a powerful thunderstorm on the plateau, all five of our heroes experience dreams and visions of their ""lost"" colleague, Summerlee, who had disappeared into a raging waterfall and presumed dead. Malone sets off after this ghost, and Challenger Marguerite and Roxton follow Ned. The three are ambushed by cannibals who fancy Marguerite's arm for an aperitif. Roxton and Challenger break free and save her, and then the three resume their hunt for Malone, only to be trapped by a hungry T-Rex.<br /> <br /> Ned meanwhile, has fallen and knocked himself out. He regains consciousness, concussed and thirsty, and follows Summerlee's ghost along a dry riverbed. He stumbles and twists his ankle, but still hobbles on. Summerlee appears to be leading him to the now dry waterfall where he was last seen.

第 22 集 Into the Fire
Our heroes are astonished to see a British Navy dirigible flying low over their plateau. Malone, working away from the rest, is close enough to catch the last rung of its boarding ladder and clambers aboard. He finds the airship damaged and without crew, but as he opens a logbook, Capt. Askwith appears, and knocks Malone unconscious. As the airship flies beyond view, the others hear screams from a T-Rex hatchery. Luring the dinosaur away, they rescue, not Malone, as they expected, but Askwith!He claims not to have seen Malone. Marguerite is quite taken by him, and offers to bring him back to the Treehouse to recover. Roxton, a little jealous, and very suspicious, accompanies them, as Challenger and Veronica follow the airship. They locate it in foothills nearby, and discover that the damage is not too serious, and enough fuel for three days flight off the plateau.
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