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魔法科高校の劣等生 (2014)

电视 日本 日语 剧情 动画
故事发生在二十一世纪末,彼时,魔法早就已经不再仅存与神话和传说之中,而是同科学与超能力融合,成为了人尽皆知的存在。国家甚至成立了魔法大学附属第一高校,专门培养此方面的人才,以便更好的为国家效力。 司波达也(中村悠一 配音)和妹妹司波深雪(早见沙织 配音)是魔法高.. 查看全部
故事发生在二十一世纪末,彼时,魔法早就已经不再仅存与神话和传说之中,而是同科学与超能力融合,成为了人尽皆知的存在。国家甚至成立了魔法大学附属第一高校,专门培养此方面的人才,以便更好的为国家效力。 司波达也(中村悠一 配音)和妹妹司波深雪(早见沙织 配音)是魔法高校的新生,深雪是能力优秀的“花冠”,而达也则是作为其替补的二科生“杂草”。在学园中,兄妹两人结识了许多有趣的同伴们——个性大大咧咧不拘小节的千叶艾丽卡(内山夕实 配音)、文静胆小的柴田美月(佐藤聪美 配音)、正直勇敢的西城雷欧哈鲁特(寺岛拓笃 配音)、认真努力的吉田干比古(田丸笃志 配音),在学习的过程中,存在于学园之中的秘密也在逐渐揭晓。

导演:小野学 / 熊泽祐嗣 / 川村贤一 / 宫崎修治 / 仓谷凉一 / 福多润 / 松村政辉 / 白石道太 / 中津环 / 吉田理纱子 / 关大 / 横田一平 / 久保山英一

编剧:佐岛勤 / 中本宗应 / 木泽行人 / 菅原雪绘

主演:中村悠一 / 早见沙织 / 内山夕实 / 寺岛拓笃 / 佐藤聪美 / 田丸笃志 / 雨宫天 / 巽悠衣子 / 井上麻里奈 / 木村良平 / 诹访部顺一 / 花泽香菜 / 中原麻衣 / 户松遥 / 杉田智和 / 松冈祯丞 / 村濑步 / 山下大辉 / 田边留依 / 西明日香 / 齐藤佑圭 / 大西沙织 / 齐藤壮马 / 滨田贤二 / 加藤将之 / 斋藤千和 / 井上喜久子 / 子安武人 / 丰口惠美 / 日笠阳子 / 远藤绫 / 丹下樱 / 东山奈央 / 中博史 / 清川元梦 / 大川透 / 新垣樽助 / 川原庆久 / 伊藤静 / 木内秀信 / 千叶进步 / 丹沢晃之 / 藤原贵弘 / 斧笃 / 田中完 / 冲佳苗 / 久野美咲 / 浅仓杏美 / 饭田友子 / 诹访彩花 / 柚木凉香 / 远藤大智 / 荻野晴朗 / 泷知史 / 佐藤晴男 / 柳田淳一 / 佐藤友启 / 林大地 / 山本格 / 谷内健 / 永冢拓马 / 千叶一伸 / 置鲇龙太郎 / 游佐浩二 / 天崎滉平 / Lynn / 小笠原早纪 / 大山镐则 / 四宫豪 / 大原崇





Siblings Miyuki and Tatsuya Shiba are turning the National Magic University Affiliated First High School campus upside down.
小野学 Manabu Ono
川村贤一 Kawamura Kenichi
仓谷凉一 Kuraya Ryouichi
福多润 Fukuta Jun
松村政辉 Matsumura Masaki
中津环 Nakatsu Tamaki
吉田理纱子 Yoshida Risako
中村悠一 Yuuichi Nakamura
早见沙织 Saori Hayami
内山夕实 Yumi Uchiyama
配 千叶艾莉卡
寺岛拓笃 Takuma Terashima
配 西城雷欧哈鲁特
佐藤聪美 Satomi Sato
配 柴田美月
第 1 季 共 26 集

第 1 集 Enrollment Part I
A brother and a sister enroll at the Magic High School. In this school, the students are divided into two distinct groups as "Weeds" and "Blooms." Tatsuya, the brother, has a secret…

第 2 集 Enrollment Part II
The President of the Student Council invites Miyuki and Tatsuya to lunch. During lunch, she asks Miyuki to join the Student Council. Miyuki says that her brother should also join them. Will he have to prove himself?

第 3 集 Enrollment Part III
Everyone is surprised at how quick Tatsuya defeated Hattori in the duel. Tatsuya begins his work as part of the Disciplinary Commitee. Meanwhile, Miyuki starts showing more mixed emotions towards her big brother.

第 4 集 Enrollment Part IV
Mibu meets with Tatsuya at a cafe. She thanks him for defusing the brawl between her and Kirihara peacefully. She asks Tatsuya to join their kendo team. He suspects that she has an ulterior motive…

第 5 集 Enrollment Part V
Mibu tells Tatsuya that they are planning to let the school know of their thoughts about the discrimination among the students. An open forum is held at the school regarding the treatment of Course 1 and Course 2 students. However, there is an intrusion…

第 6 集 Enrollment Part VI
Tatsuya and the others go after the intruders. They are informed that the intruders are in the library, and Mibu is with them. Will they be able to stop them and find out what is going on?

第 7 集 Enrollment Part VII
Tatsuya has a plan to go after the people from Blance and take them on in battle. He leads the team to an abandoned factory where the people from Blance are. Will they be able to defeat them?

第 8 集 Nine Schools Competition Part I
Nine Magic University Affiliated High Schools around the country are preparing for the upcoming Nine Schools Competition. The Student Council needs to select engineers. Since Tatsuya knows how to fine-tune CADs, will he take on the role of an engineer?

第 9 集 Nine Schools Competition Part II
Tatsuya and Miyuki visit FLT where a Flying Spell experiment is taking place. They run into members of the Yotsuba family there. Tatsuya sees Mikihiko practicing Spirit Magic. Since Tatsuya seems to be interested, Mikihiko tells him about Crystal Eyes.

第 10 集 Nine Schools Competition Part III
The bus that is carrying the students to the Nine Schools Competition is attacked by unknown forces. Tatsuya suspects that it is the work of an insider. At the banquet before the competition, students meet Kudou, the chairman of the Magic Association.

第 11 集 Nine Schools Competition Part IV
Nine Schools Competition has finally started, and all eyes are on First High School. Tatsuya learns that the intruders from previous night are with the No-Head Dragons. Will the competition continue without any more interruption?

第 12 集 Nine Schools Competition Part V
During Women's Battle Board, Mari Watanabe has an accident and is taken to the Susono Base Hospital. Tatsuya helps her recover with magic. Still, she has to withdraw from Mirage Bat. Tatsuya suspects that the accident wasn't just an accident at all!

第 13 集 Nine Schools Competition Part VI
Thanks to Tatsuya's engineering skills, First High School players finish on the podium. Third High School students know that the success of First High is due to Tatsuya's skills. What will they do to beat First High School?

第 14 集 Nine Schools Competition Part VII
Tatsuya meets Masaki Ichijo and Shinkuro Kichijoji. It takes them by surprise that Tatsuya already knows about their background. Another accident happens at the Nine Schools Competition. First High students think that it was another act of sabotage.

第 15 集 Nine Schools Competition Part VIII
Tatsuya is asked to compete in Monolith Code. He picks Leonhard and Mikihiko to be his team members. Kichijoji advises Ichijo to figure out a way to force Tatsuya into head-to-head combat to win Monolith Code. Will Tatsuya take the bait as expected?

第 16 集 Nine Schools Competition Part IX
Finally, the day has arrived for Monolith Code. Tatsuya and his teammates have a strategy against Cardinal George and the Crimson Prince. Miyuki is confident that her brother will be the winner. However, is there a bad surprise in store for First High?

第 17 集 Nine Schools Competition Part X
Tatsuya has a feeling that an incident might occur during Mirage Bat. He assures Miyuki that he’ll protect her no matter what. Meanwhile, the No-Head Dragons decide to take even harsher actions to make sure that the Nine Schools Competition is called off.

第 18 集 Nine Schools Competition Part XI
First High School students celebrate their victories in the Nine Schools Competition. Enraged by the actions of No-Head Dragon, Tatsuya pays them a visit. Since Tatsuya is not a member of the Ten Master Clans, Jumonji has a very interesting offer for him.

第 19 集 Yokohama Disturbance Part I
Lately, Tatsuya has been reading about creating the Philosopher's Stone, thinking that it might have the capability to store Magic Sequences. Surprisingly, he is asked to participate in the Thesis Competition as a member of the First High School team.

第 20 集 Yokohama Disturbance Part II
Tatsuya's computer is hacked. He starts investigating the identity of the attackers and suspects that it has to do with the upcoming Thesis Competition. First High students sense that they are being watched. Will they be able to find out what is going on?

第 21 集 Yokohama Disturbance Part III
During the preparations for the Thesis Competition, a girl is seen carrying a wireless password breaker. Erika offers to teach Leo a move that would be lethal against his enemies. Since they are taking the day off together, rumors start flying about them!

第 22 集 Yokohama Disturbance Part IV
Tatsuya has brought the Relic to FLT. The lab is hacked by the Great Asian Alliance. An insider attempts to go through the personal belongings of Tatsuya at the Robot Research Club. Will the Relic be safe?

第 23 集 Yokohama Disturbance Part V
The Thesis Competition is underway and everyone is worried about the security for the event.

第 24 集 Yokohama Disturbance Part VI
After terrorists attack the Thesis Competition, the students have to fight to survive.

第 25 集 Yokohama Disturbance Part VII
The battle rages on after the attack on the Yokohama Convention Center. Students fight to make it safely to the shelter while forces duke it on the streets.

第 26 集 Yokohama Disturbance Part VIII
Miyuki reveals the price her brother has to pay in order to use his extraordinary power. Tatsuya, meanwhile, makes use of a destructive weapon. All battles come to a head.
魔法科高中的劣等生 / Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei / The Irregular at Magic High

Tochigi TV / Gunma TV / BS11 / AT-X / Tokyo MX
6.7 6.1
7.7 8.0
6.6 6.7
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