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Selector infected WIXOSS (2014)

电视 日本 日语 剧情 动画
内向老实的初中二年级学生小凑露子(加隈亚衣 配音)转学来到新的学校,性格使然让她无法和新同学自然交流,没有手机更成了阻碍沟通的一大鸿沟。为了帮助妹妹顺利迈出这一步,露子的哥哥步买了时下正流行的卡牌桌游《WIXOSS》。玩家可用游戏提供的卡片战斗,据说胜利后有资格实现自己的愿望,而一旦连输三次不但无法实现愿望,还会和游戏中的“LRIG”交换身份。露子就这样邂逅了“LRIG”小玉(久野美咲 配音),借.. 查看全部
内向老实的初中二年级学生小凑露子(加隈亚衣 配音)转学来到新的学校,性格使然让她无法和新同学自然交流,没有手机更成了阻碍沟通的一大鸿沟。为了帮助妹妹顺利迈出这一步,露子的哥哥步买了时下正流行的卡牌桌游《WIXOSS》。玩家可用游戏提供的卡片战斗,据说胜利后有资格实现自己的愿望,而一旦连输三次不但无法实现愿望,还会和游戏中的“LRIG”交换身份。露子就这样邂逅了“LRIG”小玉(久野美咲 配音),借助WIXOSS她也结识了红林游月(佐仓绫音 配音)、植村一衣(茅野爱衣 配音)、苍井晶(赤崎千夏 配音)等人。 属于少女的战斗游戏,火力全开……

导演:佐藤卓哉 / 樱美胜志 / 则座诚 / 桥本敏一 / 高岛大辅 / 小野田雄亮 / 铃木洋平 / 吉田理纱子

编剧:冈田麿里 / 根元岁三

主演:加隈亚衣 / 久野美咲 / 佐仓绫音 / 川澄绫子 / 茅野爱衣 / 高桥未奈美 / 赤崎千夏 / 大西沙织 / 濑户麻沙美 / 钉宫理惠 / 杜野真子 / 新井里美 / 石谷春贵 / 久保田民绘 / 小林裕介 / 巽悠衣子 / 种田梨沙





It's hard being the new girl, and Ruuko Kominato knows this better than anyone. She has yet to make any new friends after moving to a new town. Her brother sees her struggling and gives her a deck for the popular trading card game WIXOSS, hoping that it would help Ruuko connect with other people and forge new friendships. In Selector Infected WIXOSS, each WIXOSS deck comes equipped with a LRIG card, which serves as a player's avatar during matches. It all seems pretty straightforward, except for one thing. The girl drawn on Ruuko's card moves and talks! Is that normal? She soon finds out when a fellow student at her school approaches her and challenges her to a WIXOSS battle. Over the course of their match, Ruuko learns a few things. First of all, she is a Selector, a special girl who is gifted with a living LRIG. Secondly, Selectors have the opportunity to make a wish come true. But, finally, if they lose three matches, they forfeit their chance to realize a wish and instead become cursed. Ruuko's fight for her heart's desire begins now.
佐藤卓哉 Satou Takuya
樱美胜志 Katsushi Sakurabi
则座诚 Sokuza Makoto
桥本敏一 Hashimoto Toshikazu
高岛大辅 Takashima Daisuke
小野田雄亮 Onoda Yuusuke
铃木洋平 Suzuki Youhei
吉田理纱子 Yoshida Risako
加隈亚衣 Ai Kakuma
配 小凑露子
久野美咲 Misaki Kuno
佐仓绫音 Ayane Sakura
川澄绫子 Ayako Kawasumi
第 1 季 共 12 集

第 1 集 This Miracle Trembles
Rūko Kominato has lived for a while after she transferred, and she is yet to make friends. Just there, her brother managed to give her a deck of WIXOSS cards and found out that she could hear the Lrig card she had, and that the Lrig inside asked her to make a battle. The next day, she met a schoolmate of her named Yuzuki Kurebayashi who challenged her for a battle, regardless of her being out of idea about the rules. Then Kazuki Kurebayashi, Yuzuki's brother, guided her for the rules and then Rūko managed to name her Lrig as "Tama." Just before their battle got intruded by the teacher, Yuzuki's Lrig, Hanayo, called out Yuzuki's wish but fortunately none of Rūko and Tama heard it. Rūko also learnt that she is a Selector, a WIXOSS card battler who has been chosen for certain purpose, that she could grant her wish if she won.

第 2 集 Their Meeting Was Toxic
Ruko, along with her new friend, Yuzuki, come across a battle of Selectors, Akira versus Hitoe. Yuzuki must now prepare to fight the winner, Akira.

第 3 集 This Peace Is Nonsensical
Ruko finds herself in battle against Hitoe, and taps into a desire she has never felt before. Meanwhile, Yuzuki's battle ensues against Akira.

第 4 集 That Wish Is Blasphemy
Ruko and Yuzuki become friends with Hitoe, with hope for a lasting friendship. Akira, wanting to battle Ruko, faces her, but then Iona appears...

第 5 集 That Vow Is Illicit
As Ruko, Yuzuki, and Hitoe decide to enter a WIXOSS party, Midoriko tells Hitoe that she should get rid of her in case something happens to her, but Hitoe refuses, as she considers Midoriko her friend too. Meanwhile, Ruko continues to be troubled by Iona's words. The next day, as Hitoe waits for the others, she is forced into a battle by a strong opponent. When Ruko and Yuzuki find Hitoe, they discover that she not only doesn't recognize them, but also receives pain from Ruko's touch. It is here that Hanayo reveals to Ruko and Yuzuki that Selectors who lose three times not only lose the chance to have their wish granted, but their wish becomes tainted, resulting in a curse opposite to that wish becoming inflicted upon them. In Hitoe's case, as her wish was to make friends, she has permanently lost the ability to make any friends, along with her memories of being a Selector. As Yuzuki feels angered towards Hanayo for keeping this a secret from her, Ruko is approached by Akira, who explains how she witnessed what happened to a losing Selector after she was defeated by Iona. Angered by Akari's insults towards Hitoe, Ruko agrees to battle against her.

第 6 集 This Heart Is Pure White
Ruko battles Akira with a resolve unlike before. Meanwhile, Yuzuki comes to a resolve on her own after a meeting with a new Selector.

第 7 集 That Girl Is Desire
As Ruko seeks answers, she comes in contact with Iona who soon senses affinity towards Ruko. Later, Ruko and Yuzuki is contacted by Akira...

第 8 集 That Oath Is Falsehood
After Yuzuki parts ways with Ruko, Yuzuki wins to become an Eternal Girl, but... Later, Hitoe gets a new deck of WIXOSS and finds a new LRIG...

第 9 集 That Truth Is Cruel
As rumors about Yuzuki and Kazuki spreads around school, Yuzuki straight up tells Kazuki that she has always loved him, revealing her wish was to become his girlfriend. Unable to take all of this in, Kazuki runs away from school. Meanwhile, Ruko is approached by Hitoe, who has once again become a Selector, and discovers that the real Yuzuki has become her LRIG. As Ruko reluctantly agrees to battle against Hitoe, Yuzuki explains the cruel truth behind the Selector battles. When a Selector becomes an Eternal Girl, their LRIG takes over their body and receives their wish instead, whilst the Selector themselves becomes an LRIG. As such, Yuzuki ended up as an LRIG whilst Hanayo took over her body, receiving Kazuki's feelings as he confesses back to her.

第 10 集 That Emotion Is Stranded
Upon hearing Yuzuki's explanation, Hitoe feels a rush of memories and collapses under the strain, causing the battle to end. After Hitoe is rushed to hospital, Yuzuki recalls what happened after she became an LRIG, waking up in a white room where she learned the truth about everything from a woman named Mayu, who also told her that LRIGs who tell their chosen Selectors in order to keep them from battling will remain trapped in their cards forever. Yuzuki had initially planned to deceive Hitoe in order to have a chance at escaping, but upon seeing Hitoe still desire friends despite the pain her curse inflicts upon her, Yuzuki made the decision to tell the truth in front of her during her battle against Ruko, as she didn't want to sacrifice Hitoe's happiness for her own freedom. After Hitoe's mother arrives, Ruko and Yuzuki follow Hanayo as she goes out with Kazuki, seeing the effects of Yuzuki's wish in motion. Later that night, Tama laments that she knows nothing about her past life or anything concerning the Selector battles. The next day at school, Ruko learns of an event Iona is holding to lure out Selectors.

第 11 集 That Summer Is Longing
Upon scouting out the location of Iona's event, Ruko states that her wish is to free Yuzuki, Tama, and all the LRIGs and return them to their normal lives. Whilst Yuzuki states it would be not be able to be granted, Tama feels she may know a way to return LRIGs to normal, with Yuzuki remembering Mayu stating that some LRIGs may possess special powers. As Yuzuki warns Ruko that going through with such a wish would mean never being able to see her family again, Hitoe appears and retrieves Yuzuki, stating that she will participate in Iona's event. Upon arriving home, Ruko overhears her grandmother, Hatsu, speaking on the phone with her mother, before asking about her wish. On the day of the event, Tama voices her objection to Ruko going to battle, as she is uncertain on whether her wish will be properly granted. Arriving at the event, Ruko, Hitoe, and the other Selectors are greeted by Iona, who announces the event will take the form of a tournament, with the winner getting the chance to battle against Iona. As Ruko fights her way through the tournament, she soon comes up against Hitoe. Upon hearing how Ruko wants to battle for fun like they used to, Yuzuki tries to get Hitoe to recall her memories.

第 12 集 That Selection Is...
Hitoe reveals she had managed to regain her memories of her friends, having kept quiet about them as she wanted to win in order to free Yuzuki, even if it meant losing her body. Resolving her wish to free all the girls who were sealed into LRIGs, Ruko wins her battle and moves on to the rooftop to face off against Iona, with Hitoe and Yuzuki joining her to spectate. As the battle begins, Tama hears a voice calling her and soon comes across Mayu, who tries to turn her against Ruko, saying she will only know the truth if she wins her battle. With the battle nearing its climax, Tama realizes from Ruko's look that she intends to become an LRIG for the sake of her friends and becomes defiant, resulting in their ritual failing. As Ruko falls into distress about not having her wish granted, Iona and Ulith use the opportunity to undergo their own ritual, which Iona had been waiting for the right moment to undergo. Following the blast of the ritual, Ulith takes over Iona's body whilst Ruko is shocked to discover Tama has disappeared from her card, with Iona appearing in her place.

MBS / Tokyo MX
8.1 6.8
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