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Justice (2009)

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这是关于道德与政治哲学的一个入门系列课程,主要是围绕哈佛大学迈克尔·桑德尔教授法学系列课程《公正:该如何做是好?》展开评议。 本课程共12部分,旨在引导观众一起评判性思考关于公正、平等、民主与公民权利的一些基本问题。每周,超过1000位学生来听哈佛教授兼作家迈克.. 查看全部
这是关于道德与政治哲学的一个入门系列课程,主要是围绕哈佛大学迈克尔·桑德尔教授法学系列课程《公正:该如何做是好?》展开评议。 本课程共12部分,旨在引导观众一起评判性思考关于公正、平等、民主与公民权利的一些基本问题。每周,超过1000位学生来听哈佛教授兼作家迈克尔·桑德尔的课,以拓展他们对于政治与道德哲学的认知理解,探究固有观念是与非。学生们同时还将接触过去一些伟大哲学家——亚里士多德、康德、密尔、洛克。然后,应用课程去分析复杂多变的现代问题:赞助性措施、同性婚姻、爱国主义、忠诚度与人权等。 桑德尔在教学中通过一些假设或真实案例的描述,置学生于伦理两难困境中,然后要他们做出决定:“该如何做是好?”他鼓励学生站出来为自己的观点辩护,这通常激发生动而幽默的课堂辩论。桑德尔然后围绕伦理问题展开,更深层次地触及不同道德选择背后的假设。这种教学法通常会揭示道德推论的矛盾本质。 这一系列课程被评为哈佛新生最欢迎的公开课,并不是因为它只适合涉世未深的年轻人,又或者是它只适合哈佛学生那样的高智商人群。我推荐的它的理由在于: 1、大家可以看到什么是真正的“学习”。课程没有任何内容需要你强背记忆,也不会要求你去做笔记,但是我相信你能够在很久之后还会记得课程所要讲授的内容,而且愿意在自己的Blog里主动做课堂笔记。对于真正有价值的知识传授,你没有道理会去错过,或者遗忘。 2、大家可以看到什么是真正的“教学”,许多网友反应,看这套课程需要时常暂停。这是因为每一小节里,迈克尔.桑德尔都会从平实简单的例子出发,让 你不由自主地去思考他提出的命题。他并非回答问题,或者是解答问题,更不是灌输你观点,而是自始至终激发你的脑力震荡,对习见提出挑战,换从多个角度思考 看似最为简单的事情。 3、大家可以看到什么是真正的“政治学”。《公正:该如何做是好?》是为法学院学生开设的课程,出发点是谈公正和正义,一共分为12堂课。如果你看 过第一堂课,你就会知道,在愚蠢的国内大学教育中,政治学被庸俗化和弱智化到了什么程度,以至于大家会觉得只有乏味已极且心存卑鄙之辈才应该学习,人文学 科也只是纸面上的功夫。通过迈克尔.桑德尔的讲授,你可以看到任意一结论的导出,后面都有论证的严谨和思考的精深。明白《政治学》并非只是教材上看到的那 套阶级分析的蠢话,而是切实地关心我们的处境,我们的生活,并致力于实现真正的公正。单是看西方思想家的思辨过程,就已经足够。


编剧:Michael J. Sandel

主演:Michael J. Sandel





第 1 季 共 12 集

第 1 集 The Moral Side of Murder/The Case for Cannibalism
If you had to choose between killing one person to save the lives of five others and doing nothing, even though you knew that five people would die right before your eyes if you did nothing—what would you do? What would be the right thing to do?

第 2 集 Putting a Price Tag on Life/How to Measure Pleasure
Sandel presents some contemporary cases in which cost-benefit analysis was used to put a dollar value on human life. The cases give rise to several objections to the utilitarian logic of seeking “the greatest good for the greatest number.” Is it possible to sum up and compare all values using a common measure like money?

第 3 集 Free to Choose/Who Owns Me?
Sandel introduces the libertarian notion that redistributive taxation—taxing the rich to give to the poor—is akin to forced labor. If you live in a society that has a system of progressive taxation, aren’t you obligated to pay your taxes? Don’t many rich people often acquire their wealth through sheer luck or family fortune?

第 4 集 The Land is My Land/Consenting Adults
The philosopher John Locke believes that individuals have certain rights—to life, liberty, and property—which were given to us as human beings in the “the state of nature,” a time before government and laws were created. According to Locke, our natural rights are governed by the law of nature, known by reason, which says that we can neither give them up nor take them away from anyone else.

第 5 集 Hired Guns?/For Sale: Motherhood
During the Civil War, men drafted into war had the option of hiring substitutes to fight in their place. Many students say they find that policy unjust, arguing that it is unfair to allow the affluent to avoid serving and risking their lives by paying less privileged citizens to fight in their place. Is today’s voluntary army open to the same objection?<br /> <br /> Professor Sandel examines the principle of free-market exchange as it relates to reproductive rights. Students debate the nature of informed consent, the morality of selling a human life, and the meaning of maternal rights.

第 6 集 Mind Your Motive/The Supreme Principle of Morality
Professor Sandel introduces Immanuel Kant, a challenging but influential philosopher. Kant rejects the notion that morality is about calculating consequences. When we act out of duty—doing something simply because it is right—only then do our actions have moral worth.

第 7 集 A Lesson In Lying/A Deal Is A Deal
Immanuel Kant believed that telling a lie, even a white lie, is a violation of one’s own dignity. Sandel introduces the modern philosopher, John Rawls, who argues that a fair set of principles would be those principles we would all agree to if we had to choose rules for our society and no one had any unfair bargaining power. <br /> <br />

第 8 集 What's A Fair Start?/What Do We Deserve?
Rawls argues that even meritocracy—a distributive system that rewards effort—doesn’t go far enough in leveling the playing field because those who are naturally gifted will always get ahead. Furthermore, says Rawls, the naturally gifted can’t claim much credit because their success often depends on factors as arbitrary as birth order. <br /> <br /> Sandel discusses the fairness of pay differentials in modern society.

第 9 集 Arguing Affirmative Action/What's The Purpose?
Students discuss the pros and cons of affirmative action. Should we try to correct for inequality in educational backgrounds by taking race into consideration? Should we compensate for historical injustices such as slavery and segregation? Is the argument in favor of promoting diversity a valid one? How does it size up against the argument that a student’s efforts and achievements should carry more weight than factors that are out of his or her control and therefore arbitrary? When a university’s stated mission is to increase diversity, is it a violation of rights to deny a white person admission?<br /> <br /> Sandel introduces Aristotle and his theory of justice. He believes that justice is about giving people their due, what they deserve.

第 10 集 The Good Citizen/ Freedom Vs. Fit
Aristotle believes the purpose of politics is to promote and cultivate the virtue of its citizens. The telos or goal of the state and political community is the “good life”. And those citizens who contribute most to the purpose of the community are the ones who should be most rewarded. But how do we know the purpose of a community or a practice?<br /> <br /> How does Aristotle address the issue of individual rights and the freedom to choose? If our place in society is determined by where we best fit, doesn’t that eliminate personal choice? What if I am best suited to do one kind of work, but I want to do another?

第 11 集 The Claims Of Community/Where Our Loyaty Lies
Communitarians argue that, in addition to voluntary and universal duties, we also have obligations of membership, solidarity, and loyalty. These obligations are not necessarily based on consent. We inherit our past, and our identities, from our family, city, or country. But what happens if our obligations to our family or community come into conflict with our universal obligations to humanity?<br /> <br /> Do we owe more to our fellow citizens that to citizens of other countries? Is patriotism a virtue, or a prejudice for one’s own kind? If our identities are defined by the particular communities we inhabit, what becomes of universal human rights?

第 12 集 Debating Same-Sex Marriage/The Good Life
If principles of justice depend on the moral or intrinsic worth of the ends that rights serve, how should we deal with the fact that people hold different ideas and conceptions of what is good? Can we settle the matter without discussing the moral permissibility of homosexuality or the purpose of marriage?<br /> <br /> Sandel believes government can’t be neutral on difficult moral questions, such as same-sex marriage and abortion, and asks why we shouldn’t deliberate all issues—including economic and civic concerns—with that same moral and spiritual aspiration.

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