Celebrated as the most popular comedian in South Africa, Trevor Noah takes the stage in African American to explore his often-bewildering journey of arriving in America and simply wanting to be black...
Celebrated as the most popular comedian in South Africa, Trevor Noah takes the stage in African American to explore his often-bewildering journey of arriving in America and simply wanting to be black. Noah shares his perspective of growing up a mixed-race child under Apartheid, and fearlessly breaks down racial stereotypes on all sides by becoming what Newsweek calls a cultural chameleon.
Celebrated as the most popular comedian in South Africa, Trevor Noah takes the stage in African American to explore his often-bewildering journey of arriving in America and simply wanting to be black. Noah shares his perspective of growing up a mixed-race child under Apartheid, and fearlessly breaks down racial stereotypes on all sides by becoming what Newsweek calls a cultural chameleon.