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Sunrise Earth (2008)

电视 美国 无对白 Documentary
Sunrise Earth是Discovery HDT即高清影院计划的一部分,几年来陆续播出了世界各地大量的美丽日出影片,这些影片没有字幕,全篇只有美丽风景,画面很清晰,连配乐都没有,你听到的 只是来自大自然的声音:鸟鸣、风声、流水声,还有海浪拍打礁石的声音,的确是一种享受。Discovery并与Google Earth合作,打开“图片库”图层你可以看到很多Discovery的信息包括Sunris.. 查看全部
Sunrise Earth是Discovery HDT即高清影院计划的一部分,几年来陆续播出了世界各地大量的美丽日出影片,这些影片没有字幕,全篇只有美丽风景,画面很清晰,连配乐都没有,你听到的 只是来自大自然的声音:鸟鸣、风声、流水声,还有海浪拍打礁石的声音,的确是一种享受。Discovery并与Google Earth合作,打开“图片库”图层你可以看到很多Discovery的信息包括Sunrise Earth。 S01x01 Moose in the Morning《驼鹿的上午》 美國, 緬因州 S01x02 Yellowstone Geysers《黄石间歇泉》 美國, 懷俄明州 S01x03 Gator Hole S01x04 Bison Before Breakfast《早餐前的野牛》 美國, 懷俄明州 S01x05 Sea of Terns S01x06 Vermont Balloons 美国,佛蒙特州 S01x07 Alewive Eternal Return S01x08 Tropical Palms S01x09 Swallow Sea Cave S01x10 Yosemite Dawn《黎明时的约塞米蒂》 美國, 懷俄明州 S01x11 Cribworks Kayak《惬意的单人小木筏》 美國, 緬因州 S01x12 Sequoia Light《杉之红》 美國, 加利弗尼亞州 S01x13 Sunrise Seal Colony《日出海豹聚居地》 美國, 懷俄明州 S01x14 Lobster Village S01x15 Western Ranch S01x16 Everglades River of Grass《河畔的沼泽草地》 美國, 佛羅里達州 S01x17 Wildflower Elk S01x18 Edge of Atlantic S01x19 Milk Cows in the Morning S01x20 San Francisco Tai Chi 美国,旧金山 S01x21 Teton Beaver《大提顿海狸》 S01x22 Manatee Spring《海牛的暖泉》 美國, 加利弗尼亞州 S01x23 Island First Light《小岛第一缕光》 美國, 緬因州 S01x24 Sunrise East S01x25 Greatest Hits West《西部奇观》 美國 S02x01 Katmai Bears《卡特迈棕熊》 美國, 阿拉斯加州 S02x02 Volcano Lagoon《火山湖》 美國, 阿拉斯加州 S02x03 Homer Takeoff 美國, 阿拉斯加州 S02x04 Ninagiak Island《尼那杰克岛》 美國, 阿拉斯加州 S02x05 Glacier of Kenai Fjords S03x01 Mayan Pyramid S03x02 Birds of Palo Verde《帕罗维德的鸟》 哥斯达黎加, S03x03 Cloudforest Waterfall《云雾林的瀑布》 哥斯达黎加, 维拉布兰卡 S03x04 Playa Grande Moonset《大海滩的月落》 哥斯达黎加, 瓜那卡斯特保育区 S03x05 Dawn of Cerro De La Muerte《慕耶德山的黎明》 哥斯达黎加 S03x06 Angkor Temples of Khmer Kings 柬埔寨,吴哥窟 S03x07 Li River Cormorants S03x08 PingAn Rice Paddies《平安水稻梯田》 中国, 广西 S03x09 Bhuddists of Wat Svay《佛教柴桢寺》 柬埔寨 S03x10 Elephant Trunk Park S03x11 Scandinavian Waterfall《斯堪的纳维亚大瀑布》 S03x12 Foothills Of Turkey《土耳奇的山麓》 土耳奇, 阿斯本德斯城 S03x13 Stonehenge Dawn《史前巨石阵》 S03x14 Mediterranean Port《地中海港口》 地中海 S03x15 Icelandic Geysir 冰岛 S03x16 Argentinean Seal Pups《阿根廷小海豹》 阿根廷 S03x17 Peruvian Rainforest Canopy《秘鲁热带雨林》 秘魯 S03x18 Andean Dawn at Machu Picchu《黄昏安第斯山下的马丘比丘》 秘魯, 马丘比丘 S03x19 Amazon Parakeets《亚马逊河的长尾鹦鹉》 秘鲁, 马德雷德迪奥斯河 S03x20 Patagonian Penguins 巴塔哥尼亚 S03x21 Christmas Lights S03x22 Solar Eclipse S03x23 Polar Bears S03x24 Secrets of the Sun S04x01 The Skelligs of Ireland 爱尔兰 S04x02 Great Barrier Reef《大堡礁》 澳洲, 大堡礁 S04x03 Haleakala Crater S04x04 Society Island Sunrise《西赛特岛拂晓》 西赛特岛 S04x05 New Zealand Frost 新西兰 S05x01 Japanese Garden 日本 S05x02 High Desert Arches S05x03 Midnight Sun of Svalbard S05x04 Vancouver Inside Passage 加拿大,温哥华 S05x05 Venetian Canals 意大利,威尼斯 [DHDT.地球日出].DHDT.Discovery.Channel.Sunrise.Earth.International.Mayan.Pyramid [Discovery.地球日出.国际版.冰岛盖锡尔间歇喷泉].Discovery.Sunrise.Earth.International.Icelandic.Geysir



主演:Nikos Papatheodorou





Sunrise Earth: Portraits of our Planet takes you around the world at dawn. Wake up with the creatures that inhabit some of the planet's most beautiful places: Siam, China, Venice, New Zealand, and Peru. See morning like you've never seen it before!
第 1 季 共 65 集

第 1 集 Moose in the Morning
The sun rises as moose graze in Kidney Pond in Maine, under the shadow of the 4,000 ft. peak of Katahdin Mountain

第 2 集 Yellowstone Geysers
Sunrise in Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming. Locations include Black Sands Basin, Firehole River, Midway Geyser Basin, Lower Geyser Basin, and Riverside Geyser

第 3 集 Gator Hole
Alligators, egrets, wood storks and ravens enjoy the first rays of sunshine from a gator hole in the Everglades National Park.

第 4 集 Bison Before Breakfast
Bison awaken and graze in Yellowstone National Park.

第 5 集 Sea of Terns
A colony of terns watches the sun rise in the Monomoy National Wildlife Refuge in Chatham, Massachusetts. This is the second-largest colony of terns on the Atlantic coast, with over 17,000 birds

第 6 集 Vermont Balloons
Hot air balloons fly over Vermont's Green Mountains.

第 7 集 Alewive Eternal Return
Alewives make the dangerous trek from the freshwater lakes of New England to the Atlantic Ocean.

第 8 集 Tropical Palms
Fisherman enjoy daybreak off the coast of Florida.

第 9 集 Swallow Sea Cave
Sunrise over a sea cave full of young anemones and coralline algae.

第 10 集 Yosemite Dawn
Dawn in Yosemite National Park.

第 11 集 Cribsworks Kayak
Early morning on the Penobscot River in Maine.

第 12 集 Sequoia Light
Giant sequoias welcome the sun in Sequoia National Park in California

第 13 集 Sunrise Seal Colony
Elephant seals crawl up the beach at California's Point Reyes National Seashore to soak up the first drops of sunshine at this seal colony at Chimney Point, California. Elephant seals play in the water after a hunt, and tule elk wander in a meadow.

第 14 集 Lobster Village
Lobster fishermen begin their day in New Harbor, Maine

第 15 集 Western Ranch
The Triangle X Ranch in Moose, Wyoming welcomes the new day as horses graze in the pasture and geese pass overhead.

第 16 集 Everglades River of Grass
Pahayokee, Everglade National Park, Florida. Savannah-like open sawgrass prairie stretches as far as the eye can see, punctuated by the occasional cypress tree. Beneath the apparent prairie, however, is a wide river flowing at a speed of more than one mile per hour. It's Marjorie Stoneham Douglas' famous "River of Grass." In fact this exact Pahayokee platform was this writer's most frequented Everglade destination. To better observe the workings of the underwater world, we submerge a camera and peer directly into the lives of mosquito fish and the enriching mat-like algae known as periphyton. Insects traverse the razor sharp strands of grass as the weather changes.

第 17 集 Wildflower Elk
Watch Tule elk at sunrise in the Tule Elk Preserve in California.

第 18 集 Edge of the Atlantic
The sun rises over the incoming waves on the Atlantic coast at Coast Guard Beach at the Cape Cod National Seashore in Massachusetts.

第 19 集 Milk Cows in the Morning

第 20 集 San Francisco Tai Chi

第 21 集 Teton Beaver
Schwabacher's Landing, Moose, Wyoming — The nocturnal beavers have settled into a small tributary under the sheer cirque walls, rugged ridges and jagged peaks of the Teton Range. Their engineering skill has produced an 8-foot high dam and a new pond for those creatures of the day: a great blue heron fishing in the morning mist, ducks with their ducklings, trout, and a goldfinch feeding her chick. We witness these two communities as they pass each other during the crossroad of dawn.

第 22 集 Manatee Spring
The Homosassa Spring on the Gulf coast of Florida is home to West Indian manatees.

第 23 集 Island First Light
Cadillac Mountain, Acadia National Park, Maine — At 1,532 feet, this is the highest vantage point along the North Atlantic seaboard. During certain times of year, the summit receives the rays of the first rising sun within the United States. The pea, composed of pink granite, is perched above a forest of spruce and pitch pine. Among the granite slabs are tiny sub-alpine plants such as cinquefoil, squat, gnarled trees, wild blueberries and various sized boulders. The view of the Maine archipelago is unsurpassed, with the Cranberry Islands foremost in the southwest.

第 24 集 Sunrise East
Eastern U.S. — The sun hits the Atlantic seaboard five hours after the western coast of Europe, and a wide range of habitats begin the shift from the nocturnal to the heat and light of day. We observe the changes, as naturalists, from the sub-tropical ecosystem of the Everglades to the northern lakes of New England, from the very first light atop Cadillac Mountain in Maine to the sabal palms of the Gulf of Mexico. These are great sunrise moments in nearly a dozen morning ecosystems of the East.

第 25 集 Sunrise West
Western U.S. — Crossing the North American continent in a scant four hours, dawn settles on the Great Plains, the Rocky Mountains, and the coastal ranges and beaches of California before departing the western shore. We witness the geo-dramas of Yellowstone geysers, herds of horses and bison on the open range, the spectacular lighting of the Teton Range. Then in California, we see the massive sequoia, tule elk, a rainbow of wildflowers, the Yosemite Valley, and elephant seals on the beach. These are the great sunrise moments in nearly a dozen morning ecosystems of the west.

第 26 集 Katmai Bears
After seven months of hibernation, the world's largest population of brown bears is ready for some sun in the Katmai National Park and Preserve, Alaska. They begin the morning in the meadow, but as the sun rises and the tide goes out, the bears dig for clams in the flats.

第 28 集 Homer Takeoff
Fog envelopes Beluga Lake in Homer, Alaska, but dissipates as the sun rises and seaplanes take to the sky.

第 29 集 Ninagiak Island

第 30 集 Glacier of Kenai Fjords
Perched in the dawn hours along the terminal moraine of Kenai Fjords National Park's largest tidewater glacier are blue icebergs flowing toward the sea. Scattered on the jet-black beach are other bergs broken under the pressure of a four-mile river of ice.

第 31 集 Mayan Pyramid
The National Park of Tikal in Guatemala is home to Mayan Pyramids, where howler monkeys, parrots, and toucans welcome the new day.

第 32 集 Birds of Palo Verde
A wide variety of birds mingle in the Tempisque Basin of Costa Rica's Palo Verde National Park.

第 33 集 Cloudforest Waterfall
La Paz River, Vara Blanca, Costa Rica — The crater lake of the Poas Volcano drains from 9,000 feet into this high altitude cloudforest ravine. Stepping downward through a series of five waterfalls, we descend as the sun rises. Rays of light catch suspended water particles from the falling water, as green threads of life cling to sodden cliff walls. From within its pupa, an owl butterfly emerges with the increasing warmth of day, pumping fluid into its silken wings. Through the last rock opening, the water and sun burst out and down towards a restful pool, the famous La Paz waterfall.

第 34 集 Playa Grande Moonset
The moon sinks into the ocean in the Marino Las Baulas National Park in Guanacaste, Costa Rica.

第 35 集 Dawn of Cerro de la Muerte

第 36 集 Angkor Temples of Khmer Kings
The temples of Angkor in Cambodia are lit by the rising sun.

第 37 集 Li River Cormorants
Trained Cormorants catch fish for fishermen on the Li River near Xingping, China.

第 38 集 PingAn Rice Paddies
Frogs, spiders, and birds wake to the morning sun on a terraced farm near PingAn, China. Take in the morning activities of the Dragon's Backbone, a stunning sixty-six square kilometers of crop terraces hand-cultivated by 800 farmers that snake up over a thousand feet of vertical altitude. These are marks of the Zhuang people.

第 39 集 Buddhists of Wat Svay
Siem Reap, China Every culture has its own connection to the natural world at dawn. In Siem Reap, Cambodia, the chants of monks echo from within a Theravada Buddhist monastery, called a "wat." These chants help start the day by focusing the monks' attention. Potential distractions are many. Unlike the cloistered monastic retreats of the west, the Wat Svay compound is at the community hub, at its central cross-road. Yet despite busy human activity, the peaceful influence and presence of the natural world remains near for the focused mind. A vibrant pigeon roost is found on the pagoda's rooftop, amidst ornamental carvings that depict serpent figures called "nagas," protectors from the earth. School children wander among the votive "stupas," maintaining the grounds. And as the monks honor their lineage of spiritual teachers, a spectacular rainbow reveals itself high over the temple. One last little know fact…a rainbow at sunrise will always have a steeper arc than any rainbow that happens near mid-day.

第 40 集 Elephant Trunk Park
Morning exercises similar to Tai Chi in Elephant Trunk Park in Guilin, China.

第 41 集 Scandinavian Waterfall
A new day comes to Gullfoss, Iceland.<br /> <br /> Sunrise: Nature's alarm clock for the land, the sea, and the myriad of creatures who call our planet home. Accompany us on a tranquil journey into the landscape itself as we enjoy the sights and the ambient sounds associated with the first light of a new day.

第 42 集 Foothills of Turkey
The sun casts its light on a farming village in Aspendos, Turkey.

第 43 集 Stonehenge Dawn
The Salisbury Plain in the United Kingdom is the site of one of the most recognizable structures in the world. Stonehenge is thought to be a sun-based calendar, so it's only fitting for a sunrise to be recorded here.

第 44 集 Mediterranean Port
The sun rises on a port in Antalya, Turkey and the lighthouse in Alexandria, Egypt.

第 45 集 Icelandic Geysir
A geyser in Iceland is shown in the first morning sunlight.

第 46 集 Argentinean Seal Pups
Day breaks in a slice of red over the Southern Atlantic Ocean Península Valdés, Argentina and a colony of southern elephant seals and its new pups.

第 47 集 Peruvian Rainforest Canopy
Tambopata, Peru Two hundred feet high in the canopy of Peruvian rainforest, a pink and distant light encroaches. The dense forest holds the dawn air. Birds sing alone, together - a purple-throated cotinga, then a distant flycatcher. Butterflies gather nectar. The high canopy teems with insects - oblivious as the sun ascends. Rosy light splashes the sky. The sun pushes its way into the forest. A blue-headed parrot busies herself collecting twigs for her nest. A cobalt-winged parakeet pulls at the white seed masses of a kapok tree - feeding and pollinating at the same time. As the sun rises overhead, we slowly descend into the tangled under story. Orchids and epiphytes bob in the moist air. Complex partnerships between insects, birds and plants play out amongst an eden of species. Aricaris - brown mandibled and curl-crested toucans - chase insects. Descending farther, we land on the forest floor amongst broad-leaved plants and a nation of insects - lines of foraging ants, wandering ground beetles, a jumping spider. The fervent life of the rainforest is revealed in a slow drift downwards to the forest floor.

第 48 集 Andrean Dawn at Machu Picchu
The center of the Incan empire, Machu Picchu in Peru, is shown as the sun rises on this city high in the Andes Mountains

第 49 集 Amazon Parakeets

第 50 集 Patagonian Penguins
The largest colony of Magellanic penguins in the world welcomes a new day near Punta Tomba, Argentina.

第 51 集 Christmas Lights
A holiday-themed show featuring the last hours of sunlight, instead of the first. Locations across the United States are highlighted, from New York to Alaska.

第 52 集 Total Eclipse
The life-cycle of a solar eclipse and how it affects the world below.

第 53 集 Polar Bears
Polar bears congregate in Cape Churchill, Manitoba in Canada.

第 54 集 Secrets of the Sun
Scientists are interviewed as an examination of the sun and its impact on the Earth and its inhabitants.

第 55 集 Haleakala Crater
Hakeakala volcano, though large and potentially deadly, is one of the most peaceful places on earth.

第 56 集 Society Island Sunrise
Sunrise over Huahine includes a rainbow.

第 57 集 New Zealand Frost
Dawn pierces a lavender sky on the South Island of New Zealand. We are alongside a serene glacial lake in the Southern Alps, called Lake Wakatipu, and are entirely ringed by looming mountains. These high ranges betray the story of the collision of continental plates as schist "tors" border spires of metamorphic rock. It is a storybook vista. In fact, the beech forests along the lake were filmed for "The Lord of the Rings." At lake level, delicate hoarfrost nightly coats grasses and plants. As the sun ascends, light sparks in a fairyland of ice crystals. The indigo sky blooms into yellow dawn. Warmth invades the braided river system of shallow sandbars and flats, as paradise shelducks graze on clover and weed seeds. The shy dunnock or hedge sparrow pecks among the pebbles. Hoarfrost melts in the rising sun - a winter's day begins, at the bottom of the world - in "Middle Earth."

第 58 集 Japanese Garden
The Ritsurin Garden in Takamatsu City.

第 59 集 High Desert Arches
The Arches National Park in Utah

第 60 集 Midnight Sun of Svalbard
The Svalbard group of islands in the Arctic Ocean about midway between Norway and the North Pole.

第 61 集 Vancouver Inside Passage
The dawn activities of wildlife in northern Vancouver.

第 62 集 Venetian Canals
Venice, Italy Many have called this Old World maritime center the most beautiful city on earth. Millions visit each year, attracted by the image of a romantic sunset serenade on a gondola while dreamily floating down on the Grand Canal. Dawn offers its own distinctive window into this city's character, long before the gondolas awake. This episode departs from the fixed vantage points of past Sunrise Earth shows. For the first time, we take a voyage by slow-moving boat. We do our best to get lost within the 28 miles of the Venetian canal system. A mesmerizing passage into the Cannaregio district reveals the lesser-known beauty behind the city's famous glitz. Workboats slip under low bridges and their even lower hanging verdant plants. Cool yellows and pinks catch the morning sun and betray the Santa Maria dei Miracoli and some of the world's finest marble stonework. Window shutters are opened by sleepy-eyed Italians, startling the pigeons, which roost along the narrow waterways at night. We silently pass the sites where famous Venetians once awoke each day; such as the great Renaissance painter Tintoretto and the Orient explorer Marco Polo. Fishermen motor by, on their way to the open air market in the Rialto, with over 100 varieties of fish. Caught amidst the tension of the moving and the still, the beauty of Venice is sustained for another day.

第 63 集 The Skelligs of Ireland
Seven miles off the Irish coast stands a pair of imposing rocks known as Little Skellig and Skillig Michael, where early morning light sihouettes stone huts called "beehives" built by monks.

第 64 集 Great Barrier Reef
The sun jumps directly into the sky at the Tropic of Capricorn.

第 65 集 Total Solar Eclipse
This program records the events of one total solar eclipse, that of March 29th, 2006 as it happens in two locations on the planet. We travel to Natel, Brazil (at the beginning of the eclipse) and observe a group of fishermen and wild native species along an open stretch of beach. We then shift to Antalya, Turkey (for the mid-point of the eclipse) and observe a peaceful village as the moon makes it's way across the sun.<br /> <br /> ** Possible duplicate of 1x52 **

第 66 集 Angkor Temples of Khmer Kings

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