"Max and Helene", a television film, loosely based on the novel by Simon Wiesenthal, which tells the true story of an absolute love for what tortured between Max, a promising student Jew and Hélène, t..
"Max and Helene", a television film, loosely based on the novel by Simon Wiesenthal, which tells the true story of an absolute love for what tortured between Max, a promising student Jew and Hélène, the young daughter of a staunch anti-Semitic. But it is also the story of a tough hunt for a sadistic criminal.
Max and Helene, a television film, loosely based on the novel by Simon Wiesenthal, which tells the true story of an absolute love for what tortured between Max, a promising student Jew and Hélène, the young daughter of a staunch anti-Semitic. But it is also the story of a tough hunt for a sadistic criminal.