这是一部完美的、感人颇深的现实主义佳作,是瑞典电影新阶段的一把火炬。本片介绍了瑞典下层社会贫困状况.揭示了三十年代人们的思想状况及人与人之间关系的实质。影片放映后,曾在瑞典引起轰动。它完全摆脱了传统的电影结构方式,经过自己填密的构思,展现了新的风格。编导者善于细腻深刻地揣摩人物身份、个性和所处环境、将人物刻画得淋漓尽致。影片是在马尔默一个拆毁了的住宅区拍摄的,使影片具有真实感,能较好地表现出自然美。导演维德贝格获1964 年卓别林奖。
A very touching film!!!!!!!!!!!!, 19 November 2001
Author: anton-6 from sweden
This film must have inspired many film makers,it´s perfect in every ways,the cinematography,acting,direction........ It´s not so famous in other countries then Sweden.But in Sweden this was actually picked in a newspaper as the best Swedish film ever made including all Bergman films.I think that it has done better films in Sweden but it´s still a perfect film.
Anders is 18 years old and lives with his parents in a poor section of the city.The acting is superb by Keve Hjelm as the alcoholic Father and the acting is great by the rest of the cast to.I am almost sure that I give this film 5/5 but it´s not the best Swedish film ever.