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人人都恨克里斯 第二季

Everybody Hates Chris (2006)

电视 美国 英语 喜剧 家庭
官方网站: Genre: Comedy Tagline: Inspired by C.. 查看全部
官方网站: Genre: Comedy Tagline: Inspired by Chris Rock's a kid. (more) 埃米奖得主,演员,喜剧演员克里斯里克小时候生活的启发 Status Updated: 2 April 2005 开播日期 Credited cast: Terry Crews .... Julius 他饰演爸爸,曾经在小姐好白,天王战警,最长的一码等片子中出现 Tichina Arnold .... Rochelle Tequan Richmond .... Drew 这个小男生在Ray中出现过 Imani Hakim .... Tanya Vincent Martella .... Greg Tyler James Williams .... Chris Chris Rock .... Himself - Narrator (voice) (more) 一看到这个名字就会联想到Everybody loves Raymond人人都爱雷蒙德。我开始还有点忿忿不平,虽然雷蒙德结束了,你就这么糟蹋那个名字 感觉像侵犯版权 抱着好奇的心情下了一集,看看竟然是全黑人演的,又有点不习惯了--虽然电视电影里的黑人很多,但是这样完全黑人的也没见过啊。结果觉得这个戏真的很不错。 Chris--原来以为完全是虚构的人物名,查了一下才知道还有原型,就是生于1965年的Chris Rock克里斯里克,他曾经出演过很多的经典电影,致命武器4,护士贝蒂,马达加斯加1还有没完成的2,和亚当桑德乐合作的最长的一码虽然一半就死了,不过总是个金牌配角阿。而且印象深刻。 现在他演而优则导,成了这部电视剧的执行制片人并且负责旁白 Chris的故事发生在美国80年代初,一个天真可爱的小男孩,名字叫克里斯,他有一个弟弟,长得比他高,比他帅,也比他混得开,甚至女孩子们都围着他转。他有一个妹妹,可以说是他的克星,不仅所有的错事都推到他头上,还经常出坏点子整他还向妈妈打小报告。尤其他们吵架的时候妹妹就发出可怕的尖叫,妈妈会马上赶来教训克里斯。这样的大哥当然是没什么权威的,家里的杂务倒是整天落在他头上。他们家搬家了,从政府的廉租屋搬到了黑人聚居区,虽然环境依然很差,但是他的父母已经尽力了。 他的母亲是个非常厉害的女人,她的尖叫能够震撼整个社区,她爱自己的孩子,但是对女儿很偏心,对这个大儿子就不怎么上心了。她总是很容易就找到工作,因为很能干,但都没几天就辞职了。因为自尊心太强,而且她有坚强的后盾chris的父亲---她每次都会扔下这句话:我的丈夫做两份工作养活家里。 父亲是是我最喜欢的人物,他是这条街上为数不多的四个爸爸之一,其他的单身母亲看到这么英俊强壮的好男人不禁都抛来了媚眼,不过他还是始终如一爱着自己的家庭,做自己的好丈夫好父亲,不分黑夜白天打着两份工。他最大的优点是能把任何东西量化为数字,比如收拾桌子,他会说这是几美分的面包,这个是几美分的果酱,这个又是几美分的剩汽水,这半个鸡翅又值几美分。。。当然都把这些剩菜吃下去了,每次看到这样的镜头我就忍不住好笑。不过这可不仅是小气,他们家确实不宽裕。 说完了那些家人就说我们的chris,他母亲认为孩子在黑人学校读书没前途,找了间白人学校让他读书,克里斯去学校要换乘好几辆车不说,白人堆里的黑人还受欺负,黑人社区的那些人都不认得他,把他当外来人欺负,提起了弟弟的名字,别人才放过他。他看上了邻居sheila,可她对chris的弟弟有意思。被自己弟弟比下去就算了,妹妹更是骑在他头上,诬陷他欺负他。 他在一个全白人的小学里,唯一一次受到重视就是体育老师那次,学校篮球差劲透了,众所周知篮球是黑人的天下,体育老师看到他,自然把他当成篮球队的救星,千方百计求他入队,老师也让他考试及格,别人的态度也立马好转,只是chris是不会篮球的黑人,他加入的篮球比赛只能用灾难来形容......圣诞节到了,chris用各种方式来提醒他妈妈今年的圣诞礼物要walkman随身听做礼物,他把广告放在妈妈的发卷里,放在妈妈的杂志里,放在......最后热水器坏了,父母决定把chris的礼物钱买热水器,当然全家的态度也由此转变,父母因为愧疚对他呵护备至,吃炸鸡给他最大的,连妹妹欺负他都不再护着妹妹了......正当chris觉得这个圣诞虽然没有礼物,却是他度过的最好的圣诞的时候,他的老师给贫困家庭送温暖来了,最要面子的母亲看到电视上被称为贫穷的需要帮助的家庭就是自己家时,就大喊 chris........灾难再一次降临到可怜的克里斯头上 电视作品里面家庭的故事,一般都是社会精英,中上层家庭,如英冠庄园,钻石王朝,"Beverly Hills, 90210" ,成长的烦恼,everybody loves raymond等,这样描写中底层甚至贫困人口的片子实在不多。 片子很短都是十几二十分钟一集,而且每集的名字都是everybody hates......每集的内容都不一样,但相同的是片子中浓浓的亲情。无论父亲多么在乎那几美分,母亲多么声嘶力竭的骂人,克里斯多么倒霉他们都是相亲相爱的一家子,普普通通,有争吵也有快乐的一家....


编剧:克里斯·洛克 Chris Rock

主演:泰勒·詹姆斯·威廉姆 Tyler James Williams / 泰瑞·克鲁斯 / 蒂琪娜·阿诺 / 特昆·里奇蒙德 / Imani Hakim / 文森特·马特拉 Vincent Martella





A young African-American teen attempts to survive with his dysfunctional family and his all-white school in the 1980s.
泰瑞·克鲁斯 Terry Crews
蒂琪娜·阿诺 Tichina Arnold
特昆·里奇蒙德 Tequan Richmond
史蒂夫·佩默 Steve Paymer
克里斯·洛克 Chris Rock
克里斯·塔克 Chris Tucker
Chuck Sklar
Devon Shepard
Frank Sebastiano
Michael Rotenberg
第 2 季 共 22 集

第 1 集 Everybody Hates Rejection
After Julius' truck is stolen Rochelle decides to get involved with a neighborhood watch group, but instead ends up in a competition with new neighbor Louise (Whoopi Goldberg). Chris asks out a new girl in the neighborhood hoping not to get rejected again. Drew has the girls all over him when he volunteers to be a crossing guard.

第 2 集 Everybody Hates the Class President
Chris runs for class president, with his friend Greg as running mate. When a poll reveals that Chris has no chance of winning, he drops Greg for someone more popular. Julius is diagnosed with high blood pressure, and Rochelle decides he must reduce the stress in his life.

第 3 集 Everybody Hates Elections
Chris knows the only way to win the election is by giving the best speech ever but when his speech is stolen by Caruso, he knows he has to do something drastic. Rochelle rents the upstairs apartment to Mr. Omar, the local funeral director. Drew finds and spends the ten dollars that Rochelle lost.

第 4 集 Everybody Hates a Liar
Chris gets the everyone in the neighborhood to believe that he is dating Tasha. That doesn't set well with Tasha's grandmother Louise and she makes sure that Rochelle knows about it. Julius must redeem all of the trading stamps he's been saving. Drew thinks that Rochelle is paying more attention to Chris and Tonya than to him.

第 5 集 Everybody Hates Malvo
Chris loses his job when he refuses to tell Doc who robbed the store while Chris was in charge of the cash register. Julius brings home an old Betamax machine.

第 6 集 Everybody Hates The Buddy System
The new principal, Mr. Edwards, decides that the best way to solve the issues between Chris and Caruso is to have them become buddies on a school field trip. When Rochelle's favorite earrings are missing Tanya is the prime suspect. Julius tries to find a Wayne Gretzky jersey for Drew.

第 7 集 Everybody Hates Promises
Chris faces an impeachment hearing. Rochelle's brother moves in after being kicked out by their mother, but it's more than Julius can take. Tonya asks Drew to show her how to "Double Dutch."

第 8 集 Everybody Hates Thanksgiving
Guest star Wayne Brady play Julius' succesful younger brother. Julius tries to impress him with the perfect Thanksgiving dinner, but things don't go smoothly.

第 9 集 Everybody Hates Superstition
Everything goes right for Chris when Julius loans him his lucky socks. Drew and Tonya play Julius and Rochelle against each other to get what they want. Drew enters the talent show at school, but nobody wants to tell him he can't sing.

第 10 集 Everybody Hates Kris
In order to make some extra money, Julius and Chris take a job at a department store as Santa and an elf. Things don't go well when Julius is fired and Chris ends up in the hospital.

第 11 集 Everybody Hates Eggs
For a lesson on parenting skills Chris is given an egg to take care of as if it were his child. When the electricity bill is over budget, Julius decides to figure out why. Drew a werewolf? That's what Tanya thinks so she's afraid to sleep.

第 12 集 Everybody Hates Hall Monitors
Chris gets no respect when he has hall monitor duty. Greg tells him to "step up his game" but the power goes to Chris' head and he could lose Greg as his friend. Tonya finds out her popularity is because the girls want to get close to Drew.

第 13 集 Everybody Hates Snow Day
When school is closed for a snow day, Chris is the only one that shows up, so he has to spend the day with Principal Edwards until they get get in touch with his parents. When Julius realizes that Chris isn't around he goes to find him, and Rochelle is a robbed on the subway.

第 14 集 Everybody Hates The Substitute
The substitute teacher expects more from Chris which is making things very hard for him. Tanya figures out if she accuses Drew of hitting her things go her way.

第 15 集 Everybody Hates Cutting School
When Ms. Morello is off of school for the day, Chris and Greg cut school to go see Ghostbusters. Drew and Tonya aren't happy that Rochelle is going to help out at their school. Julius renews his license at DMV.

第 16 集 Everybody Hates Chain Snatching
When Chris ruins Malvo's plans to steal Vanessa's gold chain, he must figure out a way to replace it or pay the price to Malvo. <br /> <br /> Rochelle finds out that Julius has kept a credit card secret from her for over 15 years. Tonya tries to win Billy Ocean concert tickets from a radio station.

第 17 集 Everybody Hates DJs
Chris is a hit as a DJ after the neighborhood DJ gets arrested during a party. Chris has a problem when he scratches Rochelle's James Brown album. Julius passes out when he sees a rabbit at a magic show he takes Drew to.

第 18 集 Everybody Hates Baseball
Chris must decide between going to a baseball game with his Dad and brother, or going to the movies with Tasha. Rochelle forgets to mail Tonya's letter to the Billy Ocean fan club. Rochelle's brother asks her hairdresser out on a date.

第 19 集 Everybody Hates Gambling
Doc discovers that Chris is a natural at picking the game winners, making Chris everyone's favorite odds-maker. Things change when Paulie the local bookie shows up to see Chris. Tonya tries to beat Drew at checkers.

第 20 集 Everybody Hates Dirty Jokes
When Chris secretly listens to his parents' comedy albums, he discovers that telling dirty jokes to his classmates is the key to popularity. Drew has to deal with an unwanted admirer in the neighborhood; and Rochelle decides to find her mother a man.

第 21 集 Everybody Hates Math
Rochelle decides to help tutor Chris for a math competition in algebra, when Chris doesn't think she's helping he turns to his grandmother Maxine for help. Tonya blackmails Drew when she takes the blame for breaking Julius' favorite chair for Drew.

第 22 集 Everybody Hates the Last Day
Chris plays a prank on Caruso on the last day of school.

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