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転スラ日記 転生したらスライムだった件 (2021)

电视 日本 日语 喜剧 动画 奇幻
美妙的史莱姆人生,开始了! “由于得到了珍贵的纸,我决定将自己至今为止的经历以日记的形式记录下来。日记标题的话……就写《我转生后变成了史莱姆》。自那之后我的冒险就开始了——冒险要写的东西也长了吧?! .. 查看全部
美妙的史莱姆人生,开始了! “由于得到了珍贵的纸,我决定将自己至今为止的经历以日记的形式记录下来。日记标题的话……就写《我转生后变成了史莱姆》。自那之后我的冒险就开始了——冒险要写的东西也长了吧?! 描述了爱开玩笑且幽默的利姆鲁与特恩佩斯特的同伴们之间的日常故事的“史莱姆生活系”转生物语,现在开幕!

导演:生原雄次 / 葛西励


主演:冈咲美保 / 古川慎 / 千本木彩花 / 市道真央 / 江口拓也 / 大塚芳忠 / 柳田淳一 / 山本兼平 / 泊明日菜 / 小林亲弘 / 山口太郎 / 福岛润 / 大久保瑠美 / 田中理惠





Dear diary - I got reincarnated as a slime. Even in another world, lives aren't always on the line. There's plenty of work to be done, from feeding the community and forging the items the community needs; as well as plenty of play and hijinks throughout. Join Rimuru and friends as they kick back and enjoy their daily lives.
冈咲美保 Miho Okasaki
古川慎 Makoto Furukawa
千本木彩花 Sayaka Senbongi
市道真央 Mao Ichimichi
江口拓也 Takuya Eguchi
大塚芳忠 Hôchû Ôtsuka
柳田淳一 Yanagita Junichi
山本兼平 Kanehira Yamamoto
泊明日菜 Tomari Asuna
小林亲弘 Chikahiro Kobayashi
山口太郎 Taro Yamaguchi
福岛润 Jun Fukushima
第 1 季 共 12 集

第 1 集 The Residents of the City of Monsters
As he’s living out his amazing slime life, Rimuru decides to record his experiences in a diary… but there are so many, he doesn’t know where to start. That’s just how life in Tempest goes.

第 2 集 The Air in Spring and…
Peace has come at last following the battle against the Orc Lord. In the midst of the duties that keep him busy, Rimuru finds himself with a day off. But when he tries to enjoy the break, he can’t even figure out what to do and just ends up bored. He heads into town with Gobta to eat some food from the street stalls as they walk around, but in the end, he only feels more motivated to work the fields.

第 3 集 Summer in Jura
Summer has come to Tempest. When he learns that summers here weren’t always this hot, Rimuru begins to fear that the change was his fault. Shuna and Shion have their own unique way to keep cool, and Rimuru tries to think up some fun summer activities… but bug-catching turns into bug-hunting when the bug he’s after turns out to be enormous, and a game of shooting water pistols gets out of hand when Rimuru himself becomes a water cannon. With everything on a completely different scale in Jura, every activity he tries turns into pure chaos! And Rimuru has no idea that he himself is the ideal cold pack…

第 4 集 A Day in a Swimsuit
Extreme summer heat is ravaging Tempest. Rimuru and crew visit a lake they’ve been told lies beyond the forest, and they change into swimsuits to start having fun… but Shion and Shuna seem dissatisfied with Rimuru’s swimsuit. Veldora watches the gang from inside Rimuru’s body as he plays a game of shogi with Ifrit. As the Storm Dragon, one who has never experienced swimsuits or water play, he struggles to understand what all the excitement is about…

第 5 集 Return of the Summer Festival
Rimuru decides to throw a summer festival resembling the ones held in Japan. The monsters have never experienced a summer festival, but when they hear that it's a party, they go all-in to prepare. All the monsters of Tempest work together and eventually come up with masks, paper lanterns, and even festival floats. On the day of the festival, everyone in the town enjoys piping hot takoyaki, cold shaved ice, yukata, and a Bon dance. In the end, they fill the skies with fireworks as the festival reaches its climax...

第 6 集 Changes
As the seasons turn, Rimuru plans a Bon Festival celebration. Each race has its own history, and the festival is a time to show gratitude and reaffirm their bonds among their own families and clans, and to strengthen friendships by telling others all about their own histories. And with this Bon Festival, Shizu-san returns to Tempest as a spirit...

第 7 集 Here Comes the Demon Lord!
In Great Sage's recollection, all seems to be smooth sailing for Tempest... but then the oldest of the Demon Lords, Milim Nava, arrives! Rimuru, as Milim's bestie, is appointed by the majority to be in charge of keeping an eye on her. With no knowledge of this, Milim explores Tempest and interacts more with the residents of the city of monsters... and Rigurd keeps track of all the damage she causes along the way in a report for Rimuru. "Rigurd... are you angry?"

第 8 集 A Fruitful Autumn
It's autumn, and time for the harvest. Under the orders of Ririna, the Goblina in charge of the harvest, Gobta and his buddies get to work in the fields. Meanwhile, Shion and Milim make a contest out of digging up the sweet potatoes. With everyone working together, the harvest is over in practically no time, and Rimuru and the rest of the gang finally get to enjoy some delicious roasted sweet potatoes.

第 9 集 The Arrival of Winter
Most buildings in the monster city of Jura are made of wood, so in winter, a combination of dryness and heating mechanisms can lead to fires. So Rimuru starts up a good old-fashioned fire awareness campaign. Benimaru is selected as the mascot, but he seems troubled by the assignment... And in the midst of all these, the human Youm and his friends arrive in Tempest.

第 10 集 Snow Blankets the City of Monsters
Winter has arrived in Tempest, and so much snow has fallen that its residents can't open their doors until it's shoveled away. But there are at least three like minds there who are finding it hard to resist their childlike urges to dive into the fresh snow: Rimuru, Milim, and Shion. Thus the work begins all around town to shovel Tempest out of the deep snow. Youm objects to being asked to help since he isn't even a citizen, but when he's given the choice between shoveling snow and training with Hakuro, he eagerly grabs the shovel and gets to work.

第 11 集 Where Is Santa Claus?
If you use Shadow Movement to sneak into houses and a pegasus team to pull the flying sleigh... yes, in this world, it's possible to become Santa Claus! But... the Christmas tradition doesn't even exist in this world. When Rimuru tries to explain it in detail to the people of Tempest, they end up summarizing it as a "party." The Christmas cake and presents are ready, and most importantly, Kaijin and the other Dwarves create gorgeous decorations that bring the Christmas mood to Tempest. On top of that, Eren and the children treat everyone in town with their heavenly singing.

第 12 集 Enjoying New Year's to the Fullest
Rimuru said he wanted to do a first shrine visit of the new year, so the citizens of Tempest built a shrine. But what deity is housed at this brand new shrine? Rimuru thought it must be Veldora, the guardian of the Forest of Jura, but everyone else says it's a shrine to Great Rimuru, so he ends up enshrined there... Thus their fun New Year's comes to an end, and Rimuru closes his diary. What will this new year bring? Tomorrow is sure to be packed with enough events to fill a new page...
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