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Dan Cruickshank Adventures in Architecture (2008)

电视 英国 英语 纪录片
主持人丹·克鲁克山克周游世界,遍访各式建筑,展示这些建筑是如何体现我们人类的意愿、天赋和信念。在每期节目中,世界各地的建筑物被戏剧性的罗列在一起,观众将发现,尽管建筑风格迥异,它们之间竟有着意想不到的联系。从俄罗斯西北边陲的基日岛的木结构教堂,到埃及西奈的圣凯瑟琳修道院,本系列是一段汇聚了众多不朽建筑、具有里程碑意义的旅程。《漫游世界建筑群》不仅能丰富观众的建筑学知识,更为观众讲述了世界建筑的动人.. 查看全部
主持人丹·克鲁克山克周游世界,遍访各式建筑,展示这些建筑是如何体现我们人类的意愿、天赋和信念。在每期节目中,世界各地的建筑物被戏剧性的罗列在一起,观众将发现,尽管建筑风格迥异,它们之间竟有着意想不到的联系。从俄罗斯西北边陲的基日岛的木结构教堂,到埃及西奈的圣凯瑟琳修道院,本系列是一段汇聚了众多不朽建筑、具有里程碑意义的旅程。《漫游世界建筑群》不仅能丰富观众的建筑学知识,更为观众讲述了世界建筑的动人故事。 What do the buildings we construct say about us as people? Dan Cruickshank travels across the world, celebrating different types of architecture and showing how our buildings reveal our aspirations, our ingenuity and our beliefs. In each program buildings from all over the world are dramatically juxtaposed, revealing unexpected connections between very different types of architecture. From the Kizhi Cathedral in remote north west Russia to the convent of St Catherine in Sinai, Egypt, and the themes that range from beauty, to power, paradise and pleasure, this series is a monumental journey that takes in some monumental structures, gradually building an architectural knowledge so that through the series a story of world architecture is told.








Historian and writer Dan Cruickshank celebrates architecture as a creative force as he explores the world's greatest cities, buildings and monuments.
丹·克鲁克山 Dan Cruickshank
第 1 季 共 8 集

第 1 集 Beauty
Historian and writer Dan Cruickshank celebrates architecture as a creative force as he explores the world's greatest cities, buildings and monuments. In the first episode, Cruickshank explores how humanity has created beauty through architecture. He travels to Greenland to build an igloo, creating an architectural form that is under threat due to climate change. In China he scales the world's biggest Buddha and deciphers a temple in India rich with erotic images. He visits the Catherine Palace, a hot-blooded baroque masterpiece in the middle of snowy Russia. Finally, he uncovers the dark tale of Albi Cathedral, a building originally designed to suppress the local population but now an object of beauty and wonder.

第 2 集 Death
Historian and writer Dan Cruickshank celebrates the creative force of architecture as he explores the world's greatest cities, buildings and monuments. Dan travels to the Czech Republic, revealing the macabre tale of a chapel decorated with human bones. In Guatemala he encounters the Yaxha Mayan pyramids, sites of brutal human sacrifice, before finally coming face-to-face with death itself in Varanasi in India, a sacred Hindu town where people come to die.

第 3 集 Paradise
Historian and writer Dan Cruickshank celebrates the creative force of architecture as he explores the world's greatest cities, buildings and monuments. Dan looks at buildings that evoke the image of heaven across religions and cultures, travelling to Egypt's Sinai desert, China's Hanging Temple, and Turkey's Suleymaniye Mosque, a building that evokes the gates of paradise. Finally Dan loses himself in the boisterous holy town of Sri Ranganthaswamy, a place sacred to the Hindu religion.

第 4 集 Disaster
Historian and writer Dan Cruickshank celebrates the creative force of architecture as he explores the world's greatest cities, buildings and monuments. Dan explores buildings shaped and threatened by disaster. He risks his life to visit the Minaret of Jam in Afghanistan, a monument to peace and tolerance in the midst of a war zone. San Francisco is preparing for a cataclysmic earthquake - what role can architecture play in saving lives? And Dan reveals the tragic tale of Palmyra in Syria.

第 5 集 Connections
Historian and writer Dan Cruickshank celebrates architecture as a creative force as he explores the world's greatest cities, buildings and monuments. Dan sets out to reveal how architecture enables people to live together across the world. He finds vibrant communities in extraordinary buildings - but why do some places succeed and others fail? To find out, Dan visits Brasilia, an ideal city built by communists, the Rockefeller Centre in New York and Dharavi in Mumbai, the biggest slum in India.

第 6 集 Power
Historian and writer Dan Cruickshank celebrates architecture as a creative force as he explores the world's greatest cities, buildings and monuments. Dan examines buildings as gigantic statements of power. The fantasies of dictators, kings, sultans, warriors and the ruling classes are all exposed as Dan explores the world's palaces of power in Romania, the Middle East, the American South, Turkey and Kazakhstan.

第 7 集 Dreams
Historian and writer Dan Cruickshank celebrates architecture as a creative force as he explores the world's greatest cities, buildings and monuments. Since building began, architects have tried to build the future, create fantasy worlds, and even change humanity through new inventions. Dan travels to Yemen to reveal an ancient city of skyscrapers made of mud and explores the Eastern State Penitentiary in Philadelphia, where society dreamt of reforming criminals into decent men.

第 8 集 Pleasure
Historian and writer Dan Cruickshank celebrates architecture as a creative force as he explores the world's greatest cities, buildings and monuments. Dan explores how architecture gives us pleasure, visiting the luxurious Taj hotel in India, a fantasy castle in Germany, and the hedonist surrounds of an ancient Pompeii brothel. Finally, Dan explores the Villa Barbaro, one of the world's most beautiful country houses where pleasure was deemed to be created by perfect architecture.
BBC 漫游世界建筑群

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