第 1 季 共 8 集
第 1 集 Pilot
After learning that the mystical Swami Bhajan holds the secret to the “ultimate high,” Franklin, Phineas, Freddy, & Kitty go to Woodstock to find him.
第 2 集 Squatters' Rights
The Freaks attempt to regrow the same strain of dope that transported them to 2020 by incubating a small seed stuck inside Freddy’s ass.
第 3 集 The Expendables
Kitty tricks the Freaks into taking a sweet gig as astronauts for Jeff Bezos’ manned expedition to Mars.
第 4 集 Son of a Freak
While attending a UFC fight, Phineas discovers one of the fighters is his long-lost-now-fully-adult son. Elsewhere, Freddy pretends to be a cat.
第 5 集 Bo-Freakian Rap-Sody
After Freddy crashes ScHoolboy Q’s golden golf cart, Q demands the Freaks pay him back by any means necessary.
第 6 集 Gender No-Binary
Phineas falls in love with the girl of his dreams, only to learn she is a robot sex doll.
第 7 集 The Candidate
When Harper’s billionaire tech bro boss runs for Mayor of San Francisco, Phineas is determined to challenge the man’s pro-data-mining policy agenda.
第 8 集 Freakchella
When Phineas and Freddy discover that Jim Morrison is alive and masquerading as a hologram at a music festival, Jim offers to share his secrets.