Animated series inspired by Norse Mythology. The Twilight of the Gods refers events that led to the destruction of Midgard and Asgard, then the death of most of the Æsir and Vanir gods in an ultimate battle against evil, the forces of nature and the Giants
第 1 季 共 8 集
第 1 集 The Bride-Price
The wedding of Sigrid and King Leif ends in tragedy when Thor unleashes his wrath upon the ceremony, sparking a vow of vengeance from the bride-to-be.
第 2 集 Heretic Spear
In the underworld, Loki sets a plan in motion. Sigrid and Leif recruit a band of warriors and launch a quest for weapons made of god-killing iron.
第 3 集 You Will Gladden His Ravens
Odin's huntsmen attack Sigrid's crusaders on their treacherous journey to Vanaheim. Thor and his mortal enemy come face to face in combat.
第 4 集 The Worm
To obtain a bushel of enchanted apples for the Vanir gods, the warriors must bloody their swords in a fight against the beast guarding the orchard.
第 5 集 The Scapegoat God
Leif and Loki find themselves trapped in a cursed realm. A pack of First Wolves aids the warriors. Sigrid's story attracts surprising new allies.
第 6 集 Now Hear Of...
On the eve of war, Sigrid and her companions share fantastic tales of magic and honor. Passions ignite around camp, and Odin issues a dire warning.
第 7 集 If I Had a Hammer
The epic battle begins as mortals, giants and Vanir deities clash swords with Thor and his Aesir soldiers. A risky secret mission ends in bloodshed.
第 8 集 Song of Sigrid
With the reign of the gods hanging in the balance, legends rise, heroes fall and hidden motives come to light. Odin experiences a shocking revelation.