The Helicopter Heist is a reality-based and character-driven suspense series in eight parts about the drama behind one of the most spectacular heists in history, a grand and fast paced Icarus tale about winning or losing it all.
第 1 季 共 8 集
第 1 集 Best Friends
Rami has turned his back on a life of crime to be a good husband and father, but a business investment gets him tangled up with the wrong crowd.
第 2 集 The White Whale
Michel and Rami start building their team, while Detective Chief Inspector Leonie Hamsik gets into trouble at work.
第 3 集 The Devil Is in the Details
Michel goes looking for funds. Leonie takes a trip to Belgrade to learn more, while Rami gets an unexpected visitor.
第 4 集 Cat and Mouse
Rami struggles to keep things together at home. The search for a helicopter intensifies. Leonie runs into an old acquaintance.
第 5 集 Making Tsunami
Leonie's investigation comes to a halt. Things heat up as the big day draws near, and the newest member of the crew must follow the line.
第 6 集 Showtime
Everything must go to plan as Rami, Michel and their team land on the high-security cash depot with 15 minutes to get in and out.
第 7 集 The Hunt
The police are slowed down by a confusion of jurisdiction. Axel improvises when the pressure is at its highest.
第 8 集 Too Close to the Sun
Rami thinks through the consequences of his actions, while Leonie works tirelessly to solve the case.