The series follows a single mother named Claudia who lacks a close relationship with her son and is desperate for some connection. When a local child goes missing, she sees her opportunity to get invo..
The series follows a single mother named Claudia who lacks a close relationship with her son and is desperate for some connection. When a local child goes missing, she sees her opportunity to get involved.
编剧:Giula Sandler
主演:雪莉·亨德森 / 克雷格·帕金森 / 伊恩·劳埃德·安德森 / 丽莎·霍姬 / 莎拉·鲍威尔 / 罗南·莱希 / 卢克·格瑞芬 / Calum Jess / Kirin Ali / Myah Mason / Caleb Wilson
The series follows a single mother named Claudia who lacks a close relationship with her son and is desperate for some connection. When a local child goes missing, she sees her opportunity to get involved.
Claudia, recovering from cancer and sharing custody of her son, struggles to find meaning.
第 2 集 Episode 2
Claudia gets suspicious of her neighbours when the search becomes a murder investigation.
第 3 集 Episode 3
Claudia refuses to believe that George could be innocent and desperately starts digging into his past, choosing to ignore her increasing unease about her son's strange behaviour.
第 4 集 Episode 4
As the community turns on the Winters, Claudia is convinced that the police have made a mistake. Claudia, desperate to do something truly good with her life, takes drastic action.