The series centers around Delilah Connolly, a headstrong, highly principled lawyer in Charlotte, North Carolina who left a demanding white-shoe law firm a decade ago and hung up her own shingle so she..
The series centers around Delilah Connolly, a headstrong, highly principled lawyer in Charlotte, North Carolina who left a demanding white-shoe law firm a decade ago and hung up her own shingle so she could make raising her kids her #1 priority.
The series centers around Delilah Connolly, a headstrong, highly principled lawyer in Charlotte, North Carolina who left a demanding white-shoe law firm a decade ago and hung up her own shingle so she could make raising her kids her #1 priority.
Delilah left a demanding white-shoe law firm a decade ago and hung up her own shingle so she could make raising her kids her number one priority. Now she takes on cases the big firms ignore and finds herself, more often than not, going head-to-head with the powerful and privileged as she fights for the disenfranchised.
第 2 集 Toldja
第 3 集 Sometimes Apart
第 4 集 Andre
第 5 集 No Good Deed
第 6 集 Not Waving But Drowning
第 7 集 The Purple Empress
第 8 集 The Long Game
Leah settles her case against Fred Osbourne despite Delilah’s urging, but Delilah later uses newly uncovered information to win her quest for justice. Just as she breathes a sigh of relief, Delilah learns shocking information about Mace.